blob: 60b2acd46b479666269ace7104ce35a874bf20be [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/transforms/"
include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/ir/"
def FalseBoolAttr : AttrConstraint<CPred<"!$_self.getValue()">>;
def HasNoUse: Constraint<
CPred<"$0->use_begin() == $0->use_end()">, "has no use">;
// Converts tf.FusedBatchNorm & tf.FusedBatchNormV3 into a sequence of more primitive arithmetic
// operations. Specifically, performs the following calculation:
// (x - mean) * scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + offset
// Let multiplier = scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon),
// to compute
// (x - mean) * scale / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + offset,
// is then to compute
// (x * multiplier) + (offset - mean * multiplier).
def : Pattern<
$x, $scale, $offset, $mean, $variance,
F32Attr:$epsilon, $data_format, FalseBoolAttr:$is_training),
(TF_AddOp $variance,
(TF_ConstOp $epsilon))))),
(TF_SubOp $offset, (TF_MulOp $mean, $multiplier))),
// We already guaranteed that the last four results has no use so it does
// not matter what value we provide here for replacement.
/*batch_mean=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*batch_variance=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_1=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_2=*/(replaceWithValue $x)],
[(HasNoUse $root__1), (HasNoUse $root__2),
(HasNoUse $root__3), (HasNoUse $root__4)]>;
def : Pattern<
$x, $scale, $offset, $mean, $variance,
F32Attr:$epsilon, $data_format, FalseBoolAttr:$is_training),
(TF_AddOp $variance,
(TF_ConstOp $epsilon))))),
(TF_SubOp $offset, (TF_MulOp $mean, $multiplier))),
// We already guaranteed that the last five results have no use so it does
// not matter what value we provide here for replacement.
/*batch_mean=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*batch_variance=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_1=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_2=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_3=*/(replaceWithValue $x)],
[(HasNoUse $root__1), (HasNoUse $root__2),
(HasNoUse $root__3), (HasNoUse $root__4),
(HasNoUse $root__5)]>;
// TODO(jpienaar): Move to opbase something more general.
def TFi32ElementsAttr : Attr<CPred<"$_self.isa<DenseIntElementsAttr>">,
"scalar int attribute"> {
let storageType = [{ DenseIntElementAttr }];
let constBuilderCall = "$_builder.getDenseElementsAttr("
"$_builder.getTensorType({}, $_builder.getIntegerType(32)), "
class TFi32<int v> : ConstantAttr<TFi32ElementsAttr, !cast<string>(v)>;
// Matmul without transpose on b to matmul with explicit transpose op and
// transposed b.
def : Pat<(TF_MatMulOp $a, $b, ConstBoolAttrFalse:$at, ConstBoolAttrFalse),
(TF_MatMulOp $a, (TF_TransposeOp $b, (TF_SubOp (TF_RangeOp
/*start=*/(TF_RankOp $b),
/*limit=*/(ConstantOp TFi32<0>),
/*delta=*/(ConstantOp TFi32<-1>)), (ConstantOp TFi32<1>))),
$at, ConstBoolAttrTrue)>;
// Matmul with transpose on a to matmul with explicit transpose op and a not
// transposed.
def : Pat<(TF_MatMulOp $a, $b, ConstBoolAttrTrue, $bt),
(TF_MatMulOp (TF_TransposeOp $a, (TF_SubOp (TF_RangeOp
/*start=*/(TF_RankOp $a),
/*limit=*/(ConstantOp TFi32<0>),
/*delta=*/(ConstantOp TFi32<-1>)), (ConstantOp TFi32<1>))), $b,
ConstBoolAttrFalse, $bt)>;
def : Pat<(TF_SnapshotOp $arg), (TF_IdentityOp $arg)>;
def : Pat<(TF_StopGradientOp $arg), (TF_IdentityOp $arg)>;
// Op removal patterns.
def : Pat<(TF_IdentityOp $arg), (replaceWithValue $arg)>;
// Op quantization pass-through patterns.
// TODO(fengliuai): Implement similar rule in the QuantizePass if the constant
// folding hook of tfl.transpose and tfl.reshape are implemented.
def : Pat<(TF_TransposeOp
$input, $min, $max, $num_bits, $narrow_range),
(TF_FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsOp (TF_TransposeOp $input, $perm),
$min, $max, $num_bits, $narrow_range)>;
def : Pat<(TF_ReshapeOp
$input, $min, $max, $num_bits, $narrow_range),
(TF_FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsOp (TF_ReshapeOp $input, $shape),
$min, $max, $num_bits, $narrow_range)>;
// Casts result type of $1 to a quantized type by using the quantization
// parameters from the type in $0.
def UpdateShape : NativeCodeCall<
"CastQuantizedTypeAttrFromExpressedType($_builder, $0, GetFirstResultType($1))">;
// When the op is passing-through, the output types of the quantized ops need
// to be updated as well. Since the quantize op manages its own type by the
// "qtype" attribute, we should update the type shape in this attribute.
def : Pat<(TF_TransposeOp:$op
(TFL_DequantizeOp (TFL_QuantizeOp $input, $qtype)), $perm),
(TFL_DequantizeOp (TFL_QuantizeOp (TF_TransposeOp $input, $perm),
(UpdateShape $qtype, $op)))>;
def : Pat<(TF_ReshapeOp:$op
(TFL_DequantizeOp (TFL_QuantizeOp $input, $qtype)), $shape),
(TFL_QuantizeOp (TF_ReshapeOp $input, $shape),
(UpdateShape $qtype, $op)))>;