blob: 7a9793aac743490b9bcc124cd3317b0f12a233ad [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Tests for deterministic cuDNN functionality."""
import collections
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.python.eager import backprop
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops
from tensorflow.python.platform import test
# Notes:
# TensorFlow makes cuDNN run deterministically when op determinism is enabled
# via tf.config.experimental.enable_op_determinism(). Additionally, setting the
# environmental variable TF_CUDNN_DETERMINISTIC to 'true' or '1' makes cuDNN run
# deterministically, although this environemtnal variable is deprecated and will
# be removed in a future TensorFlow version. Unlike the enable_op_determinism()
# function, the environmental variable only makes ops using cuDNN deterministic,
# not all TensorFlow ops.
# Where both deterministic and non-deterministic cuDNN algorithms are available,
# selecting determinitic operation will lead to only the deterministic
# algorithms being chosen. Additionally, selecting deterministic operation will
# result in a deterministic, or reproducible, selection of algorithms (for any
# given layer configuration) for each of the forward and the two backward paths.
# These tests intend to confirm that deterministic algorithms are chosen (for
# the back-prop paths) when desterministic operation is selected. The tested
# configurations were first confirmed to produce non-deterministic results when
# the above-mentioned environment variables are not set.
# Even though selecting determinitic operation should ensure that the same
# algorithms, for a given layer configuration, are always used (i.e. that
# algorithm selection is deterministic / reproducible), this is not tested.
# TODO(duncanriach): Add test for deterministic cuDNN max-pooling
LayerShapeNHWC = collections.namedtuple('LayerShapeNHWC',
'batch, height, width, channels')
FilterShape2D = collections.namedtuple(
'FilterShape2D', 'height, width, in_channels, out_channels')
FilterShape2DTranspose = collections.namedtuple(
'FilterShape2DTranspose', 'height, width, out_channels, in_channels')
LayerShapeNCDHW = collections.namedtuple(
'LayerShapeNCDHW', 'batch, channels, depth, height, width')
FilterShape3D = collections.namedtuple(
'FilterShape3D', 'depth, height, width, in_channels, out_channels')
class ConvolutionTest(test.TestCase):
"""Tests for deterministic cuDNN functionality."""
def _random_data_op(self, shape):
# np.random.random_sample can properly interpret either tf.TensorShape or
# namedtuple as a list.
return constant_op.constant(
2 * np.random.random_sample(shape) - 1, dtype=dtypes.float32)
def _random_out_op(self, in_shape, filter_shape, strides, padding, dilations):
# Choosing not to use array_op.zeros() to prevent possible removal by
# optimization
in_op = self._random_data_op(in_shape)
filter_op = self._random_data_op(filter_shape)
# Use the forward op's shape-inference
conv_op = nn_ops.conv2d(
in_op, filter_op, strides=strides, padding=padding, dilations=dilations)
out_shape = conv_op.get_shape()
out_op = self._random_data_op(out_shape)
return out_op
def _assert_reproducible(self, operation):
with test_util.force_gpu():
result_1 = operation()
result_2 = operation()
self.assertAllEqual(result_1, result_2)
# The default forward algorithm choice, when using cuDNN 7, does not support
# the following layer configuration. This test case intends to confirm that
# an alternative algorithm is selected. Note that, in cuDNN 7, all forward
# algorithms are determnistic.
def testConvForwardDefaultAlgorithmChoice(self):
in_shape = LayerShapeNCDHW(batch=2, channels=3, depth=5, height=7, width=6)
filter_shape = FilterShape3D(
depth=3, height=3, width=3, in_channels=3, out_channels=2)
in_op = self._random_data_op(in_shape)
filter_op = self._random_data_op(filter_shape)
self._assert_reproducible(lambda: nn_ops.conv3d(
in_op, filter_op, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID',
data_format='NCDHW', dilations=[1, 1, 2, 2, 2]))
# This test is primarily testing XLA since cuDNN forward convolutions are
# always deterministic, even when determinism is not enabled. The convolution
# configuration tested is nondeterministic with XLA when determinism is not
# enabled.
def testConvForwardXLA(self):
in_shape = LayerShapeNCDHW(
batch=2, channels=8, depth=5, height=12, width=15)
filter_shape = FilterShape3D(
depth=3, height=3, width=3, in_channels=8, out_channels=1)
in_op = self._random_data_op(in_shape)
filter_op = self._random_data_op(filter_shape)
self._assert_reproducible(lambda: nn_ops.conv3d(
in_op, filter_op, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID',
data_format='NCDHW', dilations=[1, 1, 2, 2, 2]))
def testConvBackwardFilterGradient(self, rate=1):
in_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(batch=8, height=64, width=64, channels=8)
filter_shape = FilterShape2D(
height=3, width=3, in_channels=8, out_channels=8)
in_op = self._random_data_op(in_shape)
strides = [1, 1, 1, 1]
padding = 'SAME'
dilations = [1, rate, rate, 1]
out_op = self._random_out_op(
in_shape, filter_shape, strides, padding, dilations)
self._assert_reproducible(lambda: nn_ops.conv2d_backprop_filter(
in_op, filter_shape, out_op, strides=strides, padding=padding,
# A configuration for this test could not be found that exercises
# nondeterminism when using XLA with determinism not enabled.
def testConvBackwardFilterGradientWithDilations(self):
def testConvBackwardInputGradient(self, rate=1):
in_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(batch=1, height=16, width=16, channels=1)
filter_shape = FilterShape2D(
height=7, width=7, in_channels=1, out_channels=3)
filter_op = self._random_data_op(filter_shape)
strides = [1, 1, 1, 1]
padding = 'SAME'
dilations = [1, rate, rate, 1]
out_op = self._random_out_op(
in_shape, filter_shape, strides, padding, dilations)
self._assert_reproducible(lambda: nn_ops.conv2d_backprop_input(
in_shape, filter_op, out_op, strides=strides, padding=padding,
# A configuration for this test could not be found that exercises
# nondeterminism when using XLA with determinism not enabled.
def testConvBackwardInputGradientWithDilations(self):
def testConvTransposeForward(self, rate=1):
in_channels = 3; out_channels = 1
in_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(
batch=1, height=16, width=16, channels=in_channels)
filter_shape = FilterShape2DTranspose(
height=7, width=7, out_channels=out_channels, in_channels=in_channels)
in_op = self._random_data_op(in_shape)
filter_op = self._random_data_op(filter_shape)
out_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(
batch=in_shape.batch, height=in_shape.height, width=in_shape.width,
self._assert_reproducible(lambda: nn_ops.conv2d_transpose_v2(
in_op, filter_op, out_shape, strides=1, padding='SAME',
data_format='NHWC', dilations=[1, rate, rate, 1]))
# A configuration for this test could not be found that exercises
# nondeterminism when using XLA with determinism not enabled.
def testConvTransposeForwardWithDilations(self):
def testConvTransposeBackwardFilterGradient(self, rate=1):
in_channels = 8; out_channels = 8
in_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(
batch=8, height=64, width=64, channels=in_channels)
filter_shape = FilterShape2DTranspose(
height=3, width=3, out_channels=out_channels, in_channels=in_channels)
in_op = self._random_data_op(in_shape)
filter_op = self._random_data_op(filter_shape)
out_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(
batch=in_shape.batch, height=in_shape.height, width=in_shape.width,
upstream_gradients = self._random_data_op(out_shape)
def gradient():
with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
op_output = nn_ops.conv2d_transpose_v2(
in_op, filter_op, out_shape, strides=1, padding='SAME',
data_format='NHWC', dilations=[1, rate, rate, 1])
gradient_injector_output = op_output * upstream_gradients
return tape.gradient(gradient_injector_output, [filter_op])[0]
# A configuration for this test could not be found that exercises
# nondeterminism when using XLA with determinism not enabled.
def testConvTransposeBackwardFilterGradientWithDilations(self, rate=1):
# A configuration for this test could not be found that exercises
# nondeterminism when determinism is not enabled (for either XLA or non-XLA).
def testConvTransposeBackwardInputGradient(self, rate=1):
in_channels = 1; out_channels = 3
in_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(
batch=1, height=16, width=16, channels=in_channels)
filter_shape = FilterShape2DTranspose(
height=7, width=7, out_channels=out_channels, in_channels=in_channels)
in_op = self._random_data_op(in_shape)
filter_op = self._random_data_op(filter_shape)
out_shape = LayerShapeNHWC(
batch=in_shape.batch, height=in_shape.height, width=in_shape.width,
upstream_gradients = self._random_data_op(out_shape)
def gradient():
with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
op_output = nn_ops.conv2d_transpose_v2(
in_op, filter_op, out_shape, strides=1, padding='SAME',
data_format='NHWC', dilations=[1, rate, rate, 1])
gradient_injector_output = op_output * upstream_gradients
return tape.gradient(gradient_injector_output, [in_op])[0]
# A configuration for this test could not be found that exercises
# nondeterminism when determinism is not enabled (for either XLA or non-XLA).
def testConvTransposeBackwardInputGradientWithDilations(self, rate=1):