blob: 6749f824943a825dd13e7c0145965696dd52512c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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// This header file defines common utils used by TFLite transformation
// passes to work with op attributes.
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/Value.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/ir/tfl_ops.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace TFL {
constexpr char kTFImplements[] = "tf._implements";
constexpr char kLstmCellSimple[] = "LSTMCellSimple";
constexpr char kLayerNormalizedLstmCellSimple[] =
constexpr char kCoupleInputForgetGates[] = "CoupleInputForgetGates";
// A utility class that enables the conversion of the LSTMCellSimple composite
// op into a fused TFL LSTM op. The fused op is contained within a FuncOp
// that also contains other supporting ops needed to construct the operands for
// the fused op. The caller provides the containing FuncOp as input with
// arguments specifying the input, weight, projection and bias.
// The weight, projection, bias and layer norm scale all need to be
// RankedTensorType.
// This class sets the layer norm coefficients to NoneType.
class ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM {
explicit ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM(mlir::func::FuncOp fused_func_op)
: fused_func_op_(fused_func_op),
builder_(fused_func_op.getBody()) {}
// not copyable.
ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM(const ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM&) =
ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM& operator=(
const ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM&) = delete;
virtual ~ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM() {}
virtual llvm::StringRef GetCompositeOpName() { return kLstmCellSimple; }
// Rewrite the func body with constructed fused lstm.
LogicalResult RewriteFunc();
int GetNumInputs() { return n_input_; }
// verify input func op arguments/attributes and initialize internal state.
virtual LogicalResult InitializeFromFuncAttributes();
virtual LogicalResult Initialize();
void UpdateFuncSignature();
void GenerateFusedOpOperands();
void SetWeightForInputToCellGate();
void SetWeightForInputToInputGate();
void SetWeightForInputToForgetGate();
void SetWeightForInputToOutputGate();
void SetWeightForRecurrentToCellGate();
void SetWeightForRecurrentToInputGate();
void SetWeightForRecurrentToForgetGate();
void SetWeightForRecurrentToOutputGate();
void SetBiasToCellGate();
void SetBiasToInputGate();
void SetBiasToForgetGate();
void SetBiasToOutputGate();
void SetProjection();
void SetProjectionBias();
void SetInputActivationState();
void SetInputCellState();
virtual void SetCellLayerNormCoefficients();
virtual void SetInputLayerNormCoefficients();
virtual void SetForgetLayerNormCoefficients();
virtual void SetOutputLayerNormCoefficients();
// specified state
func::FuncOp fused_func_op_;
Value input_;
Value weight_;
Value bias_;
Value projection_;
bool couple_input_forget_gates_;
// internal state
Value weight_transposed_;
Value projection_transposed_;
RankedTensorType weight_type_;
RankedTensorType projection_type_;
int num_gates_;
int n_cell_;
int n_output_;
int n_input_;
int num_cols_weight_transposed_;
int num_cols_projection_transposed_;
// input -> cifg
Value input2input_;
Value input2forget_;
Value input2cell_;
Value input2output_;
// recurrent -> cifg
Value rec2input_;
Value rec2forget_;
Value rec2cell_;
Value rec2output_;
// bias -> cifg
Value bias2input_;
Value bias2forget_;
Value bias2cell_;
Value bias2output_;
// projection
Value proj_weight_;
Value proj_bias_;
// state
Value input_activation_state_;
Value input_cell_state_;
// layer norm coefficients
Value input_layer_norm_coefficients_;
Value forget_layer_norm_coefficients_;
Value cell_layer_norm_coefficients_;
Value output_layer_norm_coefficients_;
mlir::TFL::LSTMOp lstm_;
Value none_;
SmallVector<int64_t, 1> bias_slice_shape_;
SmallVector<int64_t, 1> bias_size_values_;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> weight_slice_shape_;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> weight_slice_size_input_values_;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> weight_slice_size_recurrent_values_;
OpBuilder builder_;
// A utility class that enables the conversion of the
// LayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimple composite op into a fused TFL LSTM op. The
// fused op is contained within a FuncOp that also contains other supporting ops
// needed to construct the operands for the fused op. The caller provides the
// containing FuncOp as input with arguments specifying the input, weight,
// projection, bias and layer norm scale. The weight, projection, bias and
// layer norm scale all need to be RankedTensorType.
// This class overrides the layer norm coefficient setters from the base class.
class ConvertLayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM
: public ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM {
explicit ConvertLayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM(
mlir::func::FuncOp fused_func_op)
: ConvertLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM(fused_func_op) {}
// not copyable.
const ConvertLayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM&) = delete;
ConvertLayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM& operator=(
const ConvertLayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM&) = delete;
~ConvertLayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimpleToFusedLSTM() override {}
llvm::StringRef GetCompositeOpName() override {
return kLayerNormalizedLstmCellSimple;
LogicalResult Initialize() override;
void SetCellLayerNormCoefficients() override;
void SetInputLayerNormCoefficients() override;
void SetForgetLayerNormCoefficients() override;
void SetOutputLayerNormCoefficients() override;
// specified state
Value layer_norm_scale_;
// internal state
RankedTensorType layer_norm_scale_type_;
SmallVector<int64_t, 1> layer_norm_slice_shape_;
SmallVector<int64_t, 1> layer_norm_size_values_;
LogicalResult ConvertKerasLSTMLayer(mlir::func::FuncOp func_op,
OpBuilder* builder);
} // end namespace TFL
} // end namespace mlir