blob: d814697f4b8216f8deb2f162f2639fb9d223935b [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#include "mlir-hlo/Analysis/userange_analysis.h"
#include "mlir-hlo/Dialect/lhlo/IR/lhlo_ops.h"
#include "mlir-hlo/Transforms/PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir-hlo/Transforms/passes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/BufferUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/CopyOpInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace {
class CopyRemoval : bufferization::BufferPlacementTransformationBase {
explicit CopyRemoval(Operation *op)
: BufferPlacementTransformationBase(op),
userange_(op, allocs, aliases),
dominators_(op) {}
void removeCopy() {
// A vector with the allocation value / copy operation pairs s to process.
llvm::SmallVector<CopyOpInterface> toProcess;
DenseMap<Value, UseInterval::Vector> updatedUserange;
DenseMap<Value, UserangeAnalysis::UsePositionList> updatedUsepositions;
// Lambda expression to update the userange interval.
auto lambdaUserangeUpdate = [&](Value v,
DenseMap<Value, UseInterval::Vector> &map)
-> UseInterval::Vector & { return insertUserangeInterval(v, map); };
// A set containing copy operations that can be erased.
SmallPtrSet<Operation *, 16> toErase;
while (!toProcess.empty()) {
CopyOpInterface copyOp = toProcess.pop_back_val();
// Cast the Operation and get the Source and Target.
Value copySource = copyOp.getSource();
Value copyTarget = copyOp.getTarget();
// Only remove copies if they do not affect maps.
if (copySource.getType().cast<MemRefType>().getLayout() !=
// Get the UserangeIntervals.
auto sourceAlloc = alias_to_alloc_map_[copySource];
UseInterval::Vector sourceInterval =
getOrInsert(sourceAlloc, updatedUserange, lambdaUserangeUpdate);
auto targetAlloc = alias_to_alloc_map_[copyTarget];
UseInterval::Vector targetInterval =
getOrInsert(targetAlloc, updatedUserange, lambdaUserangeUpdate);
UseInterval::Vector intersect = sourceInterval;
// Compute the intersection.
UseInterval::intervalIntersect(intersect, targetInterval);
// If the sourceInterval contains more than one UseInterval, there are
// multiple operations that intersect. The sourceInterval must have at
// least one UseInterval that contains the copyOp.
if (intersect.size() != 1) continue;
// Check if all operations inside the intersection are benign, part of the
// copyOp or a dealloc.
if (!usesInIntervalAreSafe(copyOp, copySource, *intersect.begin()))
// Check if the currentOp dominates all uses of the copyTarget.
if (!checkDominance(copyOp, copyTarget.getUsers(), toErase)) continue;
// The last op in the intersection of the use ranges needs to be a
// dealloc, as it ended the original source range. If we do the reuse,
// we have to remove that dealloc to extend the liferange of the original
// value.
auto lastOp = userange_.getOperation(intersect.back().end);
if (!isDeallocOperationFor(lastOp, copySource)) continue;
// Merge the Useranges.
UseInterval::intervalMerge(sourceInterval, targetInterval);
// Replace all uses of the target with the source.
// Erase the copy operations.
for (auto *eraseOp : toErase) eraseOp->erase();
// Erase all allocs without uses.
for (const bufferization::BufferPlacementAllocs::AllocEntry &entry :
allocs) {
Value alloc = std::get<0>(entry);
if (alloc.use_empty()) alloc.getDefiningOp()->erase();
/// Iterate over all allocs and their aliases and add their uses to the
/// process set that implement a CopyOpInterface, where the alloc or alias is
/// the source of the CopyOpInterface.
void fillProcessSetAndResolveAliases(
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CopyOpInterface> &toProcess) {
// A Set that contains the already processed aliases.
SmallPtrSet<Value, 16U> processedAliases;
// Iterate over the allocs.
for (const bufferization::BufferPlacementAllocs::AllocEntry &entry :
allocs) {
Value allocValue = std::get<0>(entry);
// Resolve the aliases of the current alloc and iterate over them.
// At the same time, merge the use ranges of aliases into the use range
// of the corresponding allocation.
const ValueSetT &aliasSet = aliases.resolve(allocValue);
for (Value alias : aliasSet) {
// If the alias is already processed, continue.
if (!processedAliases.insert(alias).second) continue;
// Union the use ranges.
userange_.unionRanges(allocValue, alias);
// Remember the alias.
alias_to_alloc_map_.insert({alias, allocValue});
// If any of the uses are a copy, we have a canidate.
for (auto user : alias.getUsers()) {
auto copyOp = dyn_cast<CopyOpInterface>(user);
if (!copyOp) continue;
if (copyOp.getSource() != alias) continue;
/// Find the given Value in the DenseMap and return the pointer. If the given
/// Value is not in the Map, insert a copy of the given original to the
/// DenseMap using the pased update function and return a pointer to that
/// element.
template <typename T, typename TFunc>
T &getOrInsert(Value v, DenseMap<Value, T> &updateMap,
const TFunc &updateFunc) {
auto iter = updateMap.find(v);
if (iter != updateMap.end()) return iter->second;
return updateFunc(v, updateMap);
/// Insert the original userange intervals of the operation in the map.
UseInterval::Vector &insertUserangeInterval(
Value v, DenseMap<Value, UseInterval::Vector> &updateMap) {
const auto *original = userange_.getUserangeInterval(v).getValue();
auto &entry = updateMap[v];
entry = *original;
return entry;
/// Check if all users in the given range are dominated by given operation.
/// Note: The target has always at least one use which is the copy operation.
bool checkDominance(Operation *operation, const Value::user_range &userRange,
SmallPtrSet<Operation *, 16> &ignoreSet) {
// Check if any use of the target is not dominated by the useOp. Erased
// operations are ignored as uses.
return llvm::all_of(userRange, [=](Operation *user) {
return ignoreSet.count(user) || dominators_.dominates(operation, user);
/// Checks whether op is a dealloction operation for value.
/// This helper is aware of aliasing via the alias_to_alloc_map_.
bool isDeallocOperationFor(Operation *op, Value value) {
auto effect = dyn_cast<MemoryEffectOpInterface>(op);
Value originalAlloc = alias_to_alloc_map_[value];
return effect && effect.hasEffect<MemoryEffects::Free>() &&
llvm::any_of(op->getOperands(), [&](Value operand) {
Value operandAlloc = alias_to_alloc_map_[operand];
return operandAlloc == originalAlloc;
/// Checks whether all uses within the given interval are safe, i.e., there
/// are no conflicts.
/// This currently means that the interval may only contain non-sideeffecting
/// operations or a dealloc of the given source value.
bool usesInIntervalAreSafe(Operation *op, Value source,
UseInterval &interval) {
// Divide the start and end by two to remove read/write properties.
for (int id = interval.start / 2, e = interval.end / 2; id <= e; ++id) {
// Get the operation from the id. Multiply the id by 2, because the
// userange operates on doubled ids. Return false if the operation is not
// an ancestor.
// TODO(herhut): This is a bit of a big hammer. Ideally this should only
// look at use positions. Refactor to use those here.
Operation *op_in_interval = userange_.getOperation(id * 2);
if (op->isAncestor(op_in_interval)) continue;
auto effect = dyn_cast<MemoryEffectOpInterface>(op_in_interval);
// If we do not know about effects, fail.
if (!effect) return false;
// If it has no effect we are safe. It is OK if it gets the operand as
// it does not use it.
if (effect.hasNoEffect()) continue;
if (isDeallocOperationFor(op_in_interval, source)) continue;
return false;
return true;
/// The current userange info.
UserangeAnalysis userange_;
/// A map from aliases to their allocation value.
DenseMap<Value, Value> alias_to_alloc_map_;
/// The current dominance info.
DominanceInfo dominators_;
struct CopyRemovalPass : public CopyRemovalBase<CopyRemovalPass> {
void runOnOperation() override {
Operation *funcOp = getOperation();
CopyRemoval removal(funcOp);
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<func::FuncOp>> createCopyRemovalPass() {
return std::make_unique<CopyRemovalPass>();
} // namespace mlir