blob: b0d187b6d38355925310b005b333adee8e604f81 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#include <algorithm>
#include "mlir-hlo/Analysis/userange_analysis.h"
#include "mlir-hlo/Transforms/PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir-hlo/Transforms/passes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/Transforms/BufferUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Block.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/LoopLikeInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace {
/// Reuses already allocated buffer to save allocation operations.
class BufferReuse : bufferization::BufferPlacementTransformationBase {
using ValueSetMap = llvm::MapVector<Value, DenseSet<Value>>;
using ValueVectorMap = llvm::MapVector<Value, SmallVector<Value, 4>>;
explicit BufferReuse(Operation *op)
: BufferPlacementTransformationBase(op),
userange(op, allocs, aliases) {}
/// Reuses already allocated buffers to save allocation operations.
void reuse() {
// Create a list of values that can potentially be replaced for each value
// in the useRangeMap. The potentialReuseMap maps each value to the
// respective list.
ValueVectorMap potentialReuseMap;
for (bufferization::BufferPlacementAllocs::AllocEntry entry : allocs) {
Value itemA = std::get<0>(entry);
SmallVector<Value, 4> potReuseVector;
for (bufferization::BufferPlacementAllocs::AllocEntry entry : allocs) {
Value itemB = std::get<0>(entry);
// Do not compare an item to itself and make sure that the value of item
// B is not a BlockArgument. BlockArguments cannot be reused. Also
// perform a reuse compatibility check.
if (itemA == itemB || !checkReuseCompatibility(itemA, itemB)) continue;
// Check if itemA interferes with itemB. If this is the case no reuse is
// possible.
if (userange.rangesInterfere(itemA, itemB)) continue;
// The defining op of itemA has to dominate all uses of itemB.
if (!dominatesAllUses(itemA, itemB)) continue;
// Insert itemB into the right place of the potReuseVector. The order of
// the vector is defined via the program order of the first use of each
// item.
auto *insertionPoint = potReuseVector.begin();
while (insertionPoint != potReuseVector.end()) {
if (userange.getFirstUseIndex(itemB) <
potReuseVector.insert(insertionPoint, itemB);
potentialReuseMap.insert({itemA, potReuseVector});
// Replace all uses of the value that is replaced and
// delete the DefiningOp.
for (auto &reuse : computeActualReuse(potentialReuseMap)) {
for (Value reuseValue : reuse.second) {
/// Check if all uses of itemB are dominated by the definition of itemA.
bool dominatesAllUses(Value itemA, Value itemB) {
for (OpOperand &operand : itemB.getUses()) {
Operation *defOp = operand.getOwner();
if (!defOp || !dominators.properlyDominates(itemA, defOp)) return false;
return true;
/// Checks if there is a transitive interference between potReuseValue and the
/// value that may replace it, we call this value V. potReuses is the vector
/// of all values that can potentially be replaced by V. If potReuseValue
/// already replaces any other value that is not part of the potReuses vector
/// it cannot be replaced by V anymore.
bool transitiveInterference(Value potReuseValue,
SmallVector<Value, 4> &potReuses,
ValueSetMap &actualReuseMap) {
auto actualReuser = actualReuseMap.find(potReuseValue);
return actualReuser != actualReuseMap.end() &&
llvm::any_of(actualReuser->second, [&](Value vReuse) {
return std::find(potReuses.begin(), potReuses.end(), vReuse) ==
/// Checks if the types of the given values are compatible for a
/// replacement.
bool checkReuseCompatibility(Value a, Value b) {
auto shapedA = a.getType().cast<ShapedType>();
auto shapedB = b.getType().cast<ShapedType>();
// If both types are shaped we can check for equality.
if (shapedA.hasStaticShape() && shapedB.hasStaticShape())
return a.getType() == b.getType();
// If only one of the types is shaped we cannot detect compatibility since
// we do not know how the allocation operation behaves on its operands.
if (shapedA.hasStaticShape() != shapedB.hasStaticShape()) return false;
// Compare the element Types of both shapes.
if (shapedA.getElementType() != shapedB.getElementType()) return false;
// If the shapes have different ranks, we cannot reuse them.
if (shapedA.getRank() != shapedB.getRank()) return false;
// Compare each dimension. If the dimensions are not equal no reuse is
// possible.
for (unsigned idx = 0, e = shapedA.getRank(); idx < e; ++idx) {
if (shapedA.getDimSize(idx) != shapedB.getDimSize(idx)) return false;
// We need the actual alloc operation of both types. For aliases we need
// to check for the defining OP of the alias' origin.
Operation *defOpA = a.getDefiningOp();
Operation *defOpB = b.getDefiningOp();
// If the alloc method or the number of operands is not the same the types
// might not be compatible.
if (defOpA->getName() != defOpB->getName() ||
defOpA->getNumOperands() != defOpB->getNumOperands())
return false;
// If all operands are equal the types are compatible.
auto operandsA = defOpA->getOperands();
auto operandsB = defOpB->getOperands();
return std::equal(operandsA.begin(), operandsA.end(), operandsB.begin(),
/// A Fixpoint iteration over the potential reuses to compute the actual
/// reuses.
ValueSetMap computeActualReuse(ValueVectorMap &potentialReuseMap) {
// The replacedSet contains all values that are going to be replaced.
DenseSet<Value> replacedSet;
// The currentReuserSet contains all values that are replacing another
// value in the current iteration. Note: This is necessary because the
// replacing property is not transitive.
DenseSet<Value> currentReuserSet;
/// Maps a value to the set of values that it replaces.
ValueSetMap actualReuseMap;
for (;;) {
// Clear the currentReuserSet for this iteration.
// Step 1 of the fixpoint iteration: Choose a value to be replaced for
// each value in the potentialReuseMap.
choosePotentialReuses(replacedSet, currentReuserSet, potentialReuseMap,
// If the currentReuseSet is empty we can terminate the fixpoint
// iteration.
if (currentReuserSet.empty()) break;
// Step 2 of the fixpoint iteration: Update the potentialReuseVectors for
// each value in the potentialReuseMap. Due to the chosen replacements in
// step 1 some values might not be replaceable anymore. Also remove all
// replaced values from the potentialReuseMap.
updatePotentialReuses(replacedSet, potentialReuseMap, actualReuseMap);
return actualReuseMap;
/// For each value in the potentialReuseMap, check if another value tries to
/// reuse it or if it is already replaced by another value. If neither is the
/// case add the value and its reuses (if any) to the actualReuseMap.
void choosePotentialReuses(DenseSet<Value> &replacedSet,
DenseSet<Value> &currentReuserSet,
ValueVectorMap &potentialReuseMap,
ValueSetMap &actualReuseMap) {
for (auto &potReuser : potentialReuseMap) {
Value item = potReuser.first;
SmallVector<Value, 4> &potReuses = potReuser.second;
// If the current value is replaced already we have to skip it.
if (replacedSet.contains(item)) continue;
// Find a value that can be reused. If the value is already in the
// currentReuserSet then we have to break. Due to the order of the
// values we must not skip it, because it can potentially be replaced in
// the next iteration. However, we may skip the value if it is replaced
// by another value.
for (Value v : potReuses) {
if (currentReuserSet.contains(v)) break;
if (replacedSet.contains(v)) continue;
// Update the actualReuseMap.
// Check if the replaced value already replaces other values and also
// add them to the reused set.
auto alreadyReplaced = actualReuseMap.find(v);
if (alreadyReplaced != actualReuseMap.end()) {
// Merge the userange of v into the userange of item.
userange.unionRanges(item, v);
/// Update the potentialReuseVectors for each value in the potentialReuseMap.
void updatePotentialReuses(DenseSet<Value> &replacedSet,
ValueVectorMap &potentialReuseMap,
ValueSetMap &actualReuseMap) {
for (auto itReuseMap = potentialReuseMap.begin();
itReuseMap != potentialReuseMap.end();) {
Value item = itReuseMap->first;
SmallVector<Value, 4> &potReuses = itReuseMap->second;
// If the item is already reused, we can remove it from the
// potentialReuseMap.
if (replacedSet.contains(item)) {
// Remove all potential reuses that cannot be reused for this value.
std::remove_if(potReuses.begin(), potReuses.end(),
[&](Value potReuseValue) {
return replacedSet.contains(potReuseValue) ||
actualReuseMap) ||
userange.rangesInterfere(item, potReuseValue);
/// The current dominance info.
DominanceInfo dominators;
/// The current postdominance info.
PostDominanceInfo postDominators;
/// The current userange info.
UserangeAnalysis userange;
/// The buffer reuse pass that uses already allocated buffers if all critera
/// are met.
struct BufferReusePass : BufferReuseBase<BufferReusePass> {
void runOnOperation() override {
// Reuse allocated buffer instead of new allocation.
Operation *funcOp = getOperation();
BufferReuse optimizer(funcOp);
} // end namespace
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<func::FuncOp>> createBufferReusePass() {
return std::make_unique<BufferReusePass>();
} // end namespace mlir