Introduce python bindings for MLIR EDSCs

This CL also introduces a set of python bindings using pybind11. The bindings
are exercised using a `` test suite that works for both
python 2 and 3.

`` on the other hand uses the more idiomatic,
python 3 only "PEP 3132 -- Extended Iterable Unpacking" to implement a rank
and type-agnostic copy with transposition.

Because python assignment is by reference, we cannot easily make the
assignment operator use the same type of sugaring as in C++; i.e. the

Stmt block = edsc::Block({
  For(ivs, zeros, shapeA, ones, {
    C[ivs] = IA[ivs] + IB[ivs]

has no equivalent in the native Python EDSCs at this time.

However, the sugaring can be built as a simple DSL in python and is left as
future work.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 231337667
diff --git a/bindings/python/pybind.cpp b/bindings/python/pybind.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99694b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/pybind.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/include/llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/include/llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/include/llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir-c/Core.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/EDSC/MLIREmitter.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/EDSC/Types.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/IR/Module.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/Pass.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/Target/LLVMIR.h"
+#include "third_party/llvm/llvm/projects/google_mlir/include/mlir/Transforms/Passes.h"
+#include "pybind11/pybind11.h"
+#include "pybind11/pytypes.h"
+#include "pybind11/stl.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Function.h"
+#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
+static bool inited = [] {
+  llvm::InitializeNativeTarget();
+  llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter();
+  return true;
+namespace mlir {
+namespace edsc {
+namespace python {
+static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass>> getDefaultPasses(
+    const std::vector<const mlir::PassInfo *> &mlirPassInfoList = {}) {
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass>> passList;
+  passList.reserve(mlirPassInfoList.size() + 4);
+  // Run each of the passes that were selected.
+  for (const auto *passInfo : mlirPassInfoList) {
+    passList.emplace_back(passInfo->createPass());
+  }
+  // Append the extra passes for lowering to MLIR.
+  passList.emplace_back(mlir::createConstantFoldPass());
+  passList.emplace_back(mlir::createCSEPass());
+  passList.emplace_back(mlir::createCanonicalizerPass());
+  passList.emplace_back(mlir::createLowerAffinePass());
+  return passList;
+// Run the passes sequentially on the given module.
+// Return `nullptr` immediately if any of the passes fails.
+static bool runPasses(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass>> &passes,
+                      Module *module) {
+  for (const auto &pass : passes) {
+    mlir::PassResult result = pass->runOnModule(module);
+    if (result == mlir::PassResult::Failure || module->verify()) {
+      llvm::errs() << "Pass failed\n";
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+namespace py = pybind11;
+struct PythonBindable;
+struct PythonExpr;
+struct PythonStmt;
+struct PythonFunction {
+  PythonFunction() : function{nullptr} {}
+  PythonFunction(mlir_func_t f) : function{f} {}
+  PythonFunction(mlir::Function *f) : function{f} {}
+  operator mlir_func_t() { return function; }
+  std::string str() {
+    mlir::Function *f = reinterpret_cast<mlir::Function *>(function);
+    std::string res;
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res);
+    f->print(os);
+    return res;
+  }
+  mlir_func_t function;
+struct PythonType {
+  PythonType() : type{nullptr} {}
+  PythonType(mlir_type_t t) : type{t} {}
+  operator mlir_type_t() { return type; }
+  std::string str() {
+    mlir::Type f = mlir::Type::getFromOpaquePointer(type);
+    std::string res;
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res);
+    f.print(os);
+    return res;
+  }
+  mlir_type_t type;
+/// Trivial C++ wrappers make use of the EDSC C API.
+struct PythonMLIRModule {
+  PythonMLIRModule() : mlirContext(), module(new mlir::Module(&mlirContext)) {}
+  PythonType makeScalarType(const std::string &mlirElemType,
+                            unsigned bitwidth) {
+    return ::makeScalarType(mlir_context_t{&mlirContext}, mlirElemType.c_str(),
+                            bitwidth);
+  }
+  PythonType makeMemRefType(PythonType elemType, std::vector<int64_t> sizes) {
+    return ::makeMemRefType(mlir_context_t{&mlirContext}, elemType,
+                            int64_list_t{, sizes.size()});
+  }
+  PythonFunction makeFunction(const std::string &name,
+                              std::vector<PythonType> &inputTypes,
+                              std::vector<PythonType> &outputTypes) {
+    std::vector<mlir_type_t> ins(inputTypes.begin(), inputTypes.end());
+    std::vector<mlir_type_t> outs(outputTypes.begin(), outputTypes.end());
+    auto funcType = ::makeFunctionType(
+        mlir_context_t{&mlirContext}, mlir_type_list_t{, ins.size()},
+        mlir_type_list_t{, outs.size()});
+    auto *func = new mlir::Function(
+        UnknownLoc::get(&mlirContext), name,
+        mlir::Type::getFromOpaquePointer(funcType).cast<FunctionType>());
+    func->addEntryBlock();
+    module->getFunctions().push_back(func);
+    return mlir_func_t{func};
+  }
+  void compile() {
+    auto created = mlir::ExecutionEngine::create(module.get());
+    llvm::handleAllErrors(created.takeError(),
+                          [](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &b) {
+                            b.log(llvm::errs());
+                            assert(false);
+                          });
+    engine = std::move(*created);
+  }
+  std::string getIR() {
+    std::string res;
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream os(res);
+    module->print(os);
+    return res;
+  }
+  uint64_t getEngineAddress() {
+    assert(engine && "module must be compiled into engine first");
+    return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<void *>(engine.get()));
+  }
+  mlir::MLIRContext mlirContext;
+  // One single module in a python-exposed MLIRContext for now.
+  std::unique_ptr<mlir::Module> module;
+  std::unique_ptr<mlir::ExecutionEngine> engine;
+struct ContextManager {
+  void enter() { context = new ScopedEDSCContext(); }
+  void exit(py::object, py::object, py::object) {
+    delete context;
+    context = nullptr;
+  }
+  mlir::edsc::ScopedEDSCContext *context;
+struct PythonExpr {
+  PythonExpr() : expr{nullptr} {}
+  PythonExpr(const PythonBindable &bindable);
+  PythonExpr(const edsc_expr_t &expr) : expr{expr} {}
+  operator edsc_expr_t() { return expr; }
+  std::string str() {
+    assert(expr && "unexpected empty expr");
+    return Expr(*this).str();
+  }
+  edsc_expr_t expr;
+struct PythonBindable : public PythonExpr {
+  PythonBindable() : PythonExpr(edsc_expr_t{makeBindable()}) {}
+  PythonBindable(PythonExpr expr) : PythonExpr(expr) {
+    assert(Expr(expr).isa<Bindable>() && "Expected Bindable");
+  }
+  std::string str() {
+    assert(expr && "unexpected empty expr");
+    return Expr(expr).str();
+  }
+struct PythonStmt {
+  PythonStmt() : stmt{nullptr} {}
+  PythonStmt(const edsc_stmt_t &stmt) : stmt{stmt} {}
+  PythonStmt(const PythonExpr &e) : stmt{makeStmt(e.expr)} {}
+  operator edsc_stmt_t() { return stmt; }
+  std::string str() {
+    assert(stmt && "unexpected empty stmt");
+    return Stmt(stmt).str();
+  }
+  edsc_stmt_t stmt;
+struct PythonIndexed : public edsc_indexed_t {
+  PythonIndexed() : edsc_indexed_t{makeIndexed(PythonBindable())} {}
+  PythonIndexed(PythonExpr e) : edsc_indexed_t{makeIndexed(e)} {}
+  PythonIndexed(PythonBindable b) : edsc_indexed_t{makeIndexed(b)} {}
+  operator PythonExpr() { return PythonExpr(base); }
+struct MLIRFunctionEmitter {
+  MLIRFunctionEmitter(PythonFunction f)
+      : currentFunction(reinterpret_cast<mlir::Function *>(f.function)),
+        currentBuilder(currentFunction),
+        emitter(&currentBuilder, currentFunction->getLoc()) {}
+  PythonExpr bindConstantBF16(double value);
+  PythonExpr bindConstantF16(float value);
+  PythonExpr bindConstantF32(float value);
+  PythonExpr bindConstantF64(double value);
+  PythonExpr bindConstantInt(int64_t value, unsigned bitwidth);
+  PythonExpr bindConstantIndex(int64_t value);
+  PythonExpr bindFunctionArgument(unsigned pos);
+  py::list bindFunctionArguments();
+  py::list bindFunctionArgumentView(unsigned pos);
+  py::list bindMemRefShape(PythonExpr boundMemRef);
+  py::list bindIndexedMemRefShape(PythonIndexed boundMemRef) {
+    return bindMemRefShape(boundMemRef.base);
+  }
+  py::list bindMemRefView(PythonExpr boundMemRef);
+  py::list bindIndexedMemRefView(PythonIndexed boundMemRef) {
+    return bindMemRefView(boundMemRef.base);
+  }
+  void emit(PythonStmt stmt);
+  mlir::Function *currentFunction;
+  mlir::FuncBuilder currentBuilder;
+  mlir::edsc::MLIREmitter emitter;
+  edsc_mlir_emitter_t c_emitter;
+static edsc_stmt_list_t makeCStmts(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<edsc_stmt_t> &owning,
+                                   const py::list &stmts) {
+  for (auto &inp : stmts) {
+    owning.push_back(edsc_stmt_t{inp.cast<PythonStmt>()});
+  }
+  return edsc_stmt_list_t{, owning.size()};
+static edsc_expr_list_t makeCExprs(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<edsc_expr_t> &owning,
+                                   const py::list &exprs) {
+  for (auto &inp : exprs) {
+    owning.push_back(edsc_expr_t{inp.cast<PythonExpr>()});
+  }
+  return edsc_expr_list_t{, owning.size()};
+PythonExpr::PythonExpr(const PythonBindable &bindable) : expr{bindable.expr} {}
+PythonExpr MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantBF16(double value) {
+  return ::bindConstantBF16(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, value);
+PythonExpr MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantF16(float value) {
+  return ::bindConstantF16(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, value);
+PythonExpr MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantF32(float value) {
+  return ::bindConstantF32(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, value);
+PythonExpr MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantF64(double value) {
+  return ::bindConstantF64(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, value);
+PythonExpr MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantInt(int64_t value,
+                                                unsigned bitwidth) {
+  return ::bindConstantInt(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, value, bitwidth);
+PythonExpr MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantIndex(int64_t value) {
+  return ::bindConstantIndex(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, value);
+PythonExpr MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindFunctionArgument(unsigned pos) {
+  return ::bindFunctionArgument(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter},
+                                mlir_func_t{currentFunction}, pos);
+PythonExpr getPythonType(edsc_expr_t e) { return PythonExpr(e); }
+template <typename T> py::list makePyList(llvm::ArrayRef<T> owningResults) {
+  py::list res;
+  for (auto e : owningResults) {
+    res.append(getPythonType(e));
+  }
+  return res;
+py::list MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindFunctionArguments() {
+  auto arity = getFunctionArity(mlir_func_t{currentFunction});
+  llvm::SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningResults(arity);
+  edsc_expr_list_t results{, owningResults.size()};
+  ::bindFunctionArguments(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter},
+                          mlir_func_t{currentFunction}, &results);
+  return makePyList(ArrayRef<edsc_expr_t>{owningResults});
+py::list MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindMemRefShape(PythonExpr boundMemRef) {
+  auto rank = getBoundMemRefRank(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, boundMemRef);
+  llvm::SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningShapes(rank);
+  edsc_expr_list_t resultShapes{, owningShapes.size()};
+  ::bindMemRefShape(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, boundMemRef, &resultShapes);
+  return makePyList(ArrayRef<edsc_expr_t>{owningShapes});
+py::list MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindMemRefView(PythonExpr boundMemRef) {
+  auto rank = getBoundMemRefRank(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, boundMemRef);
+  // Own the PythonExpr for the arg as well as all its dims.
+  llvm::SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningLbs(rank);
+  llvm::SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningUbs(rank);
+  llvm::SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningSteps(rank);
+  edsc_expr_list_t resultLbs{, owningLbs.size()};
+  edsc_expr_list_t resultUbs{, owningUbs.size()};
+  edsc_expr_list_t resultSteps{, owningSteps.size()};
+  ::bindMemRefView(edsc_mlir_emitter_t{&emitter}, boundMemRef, &resultLbs,
+                   &resultUbs, &resultSteps);
+  py::list res;
+  res.append(makePyList(ArrayRef<edsc_expr_t>{owningLbs}));
+  res.append(makePyList(ArrayRef<edsc_expr_t>{owningUbs}));
+  res.append(makePyList(ArrayRef<edsc_expr_t>{owningSteps}));
+  return res;
+void MLIRFunctionEmitter::emit(PythonStmt stmt) {
+  emitter.emitStmt(Stmt(stmt));
+PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind, m) {
+  m.doc() =
+      "Python bindings for MLIR Embedded Domain-Specific Components (EDSCs)";
+  m.def("version", []() { return "EDSC Python extensions v0.0"; });
+  m.def("initContext",
+        []() { return static_cast<void *>(new ScopedEDSCContext()); });
+  m.def("deleteContext",
+        [](void *ctx) { delete reinterpret_cast<ScopedEDSCContext *>(ctx); });
+  m.def("Block", [](const py::list &stmts) {
+    SmallVector<edsc_stmt_t, 8> owning;
+    return PythonStmt(::Block(makeCStmts(owning, stmts)));
+  });
+  m.def("For", [](const py::list &ivs, const py::list &lbs, const py::list &ubs,
+                  const py::list &steps, const py::list &stmts) {
+    SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningIVs;
+    SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningLBs;
+    SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningUBs;
+    SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningSteps;
+    SmallVector<edsc_stmt_t, 8> owningStmts;
+    return PythonStmt(
+        ::ForNest(makeCExprs(owningIVs, ivs), makeCExprs(owningLBs, lbs),
+                  makeCExprs(owningUBs, ubs), makeCExprs(owningSteps, steps),
+                  makeCStmts(owningStmts, stmts)));
+  });
+  m.def("For", [](PythonExpr iv, PythonExpr lb, PythonExpr ub, PythonExpr step,
+                  const py::list &stmts) {
+    SmallVector<edsc_stmt_t, 8> owning;
+    return PythonStmt(::For(iv, lb, ub, step, makeCStmts(owning, stmts)));
+  });
+  m.def("Select", [](PythonExpr cond, PythonExpr e1, PythonExpr e2) {
+    return PythonExpr(::Select(cond, e1, e2));
+  });
+  m.def("Return", []() {
+    return PythonStmt(::Return(edsc_expr_list_t{nullptr, 0}));
+  });
+  m.def("Return", [](const py::list &returns) {
+    SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owningExprs;
+    return PythonStmt(::Return(makeCExprs(owningExprs, returns)));
+  });
+#define DEFINE_PYBIND_BINARY_OP(PYTHON_NAME, C_NAME)                           \
+  m.def(PYTHON_NAME, [](PythonExpr e1, PythonExpr e2) {                        \
+    return PythonExpr(::C_NAME(e1, e2));                                       \
+  });
+  py::class_<PythonFunction>(m, "Function",
+                             "Wrapping class for mlir::Function.")
+      .def(py::init<PythonFunction>())
+      .def("__str__", &PythonFunction::str);
+  py::class_<PythonType>(m, "Type", "Wrapping class for mlir::Type.")
+      .def(py::init<PythonType>())
+      .def("__str__", &PythonType::str);
+  py::class_<PythonMLIRModule>(
+      m, "MLIRModule",
+      "An MLIRModule is the abstraction that owns the allocations to support "
+      "compilation of a single mlir::Module into an ExecutionEngine backed by "
+      "the LLVM ORC JIT. A typical flow consists in creating an MLIRModule, "
+      "adding functions, compiling the module to obtain an ExecutionEngine on "
+      "which named functions may be called. For now the only means to retrieve "
+      "the ExecutionEngine is by calling `get_engine_address`. This mode of "
+      "execution is limited to passing the pointer to C++ where the function "
+      "is called. Extending the API to allow calling JIT compiled functions "
+      "directly require integration with a tensor library (e.g. numpy). This "
+      "is left as the prerogative of libraries and frameworks for now.")
+      .def(py::init<>())
+      .def("make_function", &PythonMLIRModule::makeFunction,
+           "Creates a new mlir::Function in the current mlir::Module.")
+      .def(
+          "make_scalar_type",
+          [](PythonMLIRModule &instance, const std::string &type,
+             unsigned bitwidth) {
+            return instance.makeScalarType(type, bitwidth);
+          },
+          py::arg("type"), py::arg("bitwidth") = 0,
+          "Returns a scalar mlir::Type using the following convention:\n"
+          "  - makeScalarType(c, \"bf16\") return an `mlir::Type::getBF16`\n"
+          "  - makeScalarType(c, \"f16\") return an `mlir::Type::getF16`\n"
+          "  - makeScalarType(c, \"f32\") return an `mlir::Type::getF32`\n"
+          "  - makeScalarType(c, \"f64\") return an `mlir::Type::getF64`\n"
+          "  - makeScalarType(c, \"index\") return an `mlir::Type::getIndex`\n"
+          "  - makeScalarType(c, \"i\", bitwidth) return an "
+          "`mlir::Type::getInteger(bitwidth)`\n\n"
+          " No other combinations are currently supported.")
+      .def("make_memref_type", &PythonMLIRModule::makeMemRefType,
+           "Returns an mlir::MemRefType of an elemental scalar. -1 is used to "
+           "denote symbolic dimensions in the resulting memref shape.")
+      .def("compile", &PythonMLIRModule::compile,
+           "Compiles the mlir::Module to LLVMIR a creates new opaque "
+           "ExecutionEngine backed by the ORC JIT.")
+      .def("get_ir", &PythonMLIRModule::getIR,
+           "Returns a dump of the MLIR representation of the module. This is "
+           "used for serde to support out-of-process execution as well as "
+           "debugging purposes.")
+      .def("get_engine_address", &PythonMLIRModule::getEngineAddress,
+           "Returns the address of the compiled ExecutionEngine. This is used "
+           "for in-process execution.");
+  py::class_<ContextManager>(
+      m, "ContextManager",
+      "An EDSC context manager is the memory arena containing all the EDSC "
+      "allocations.\nUsage:\n\n"
+      "with E.ContextManager() as _:\n  i = E.Expr(E.Bindable())\n  ...")
+      .def(py::init<>())
+      .def("__enter__", &ContextManager::enter)
+      .def("__exit__", &ContextManager::exit);
+  py::class_<MLIRFunctionEmitter>(
+      m, "MLIRFunctionEmitter",
+      "An MLIRFunctionEmitter is used to fill an empty function body. This is "
+      "a staged process:\n"
+      "  1. create or retrieve an mlir::Function `f` with an empty body;\n"
+      "  2. make an `MLIRFunctionEmitter(f)` to build the current function;\n"
+      "  3. create leaf Expr that are either Bindable or already Expr that are"
+      "     bound to constants and function arguments by using methods of "
+      "     `MLIRFunctionEmitter`;\n"
+      "  4. build the function body using Expr, Indexed and Stmt;\n"
+      "  5. emit the MLIR to implement the function body.")
+      .def(py::init<PythonFunction>())
+      .def("bind_constant_bf16", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantBF16)
+      .def("bind_constant_f16", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantF16)
+      .def("bind_constant_f32", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantF32)
+      .def("bind_constant_f64", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantF64)
+      .def("bind_constant_int", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantInt)
+      .def("bind_constant_index", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindConstantIndex)
+      .def("bind_function_argument", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindFunctionArgument,
+           "Returns an Expr that has been bound to a positional argument in "
+           "the current Function.")
+      .def("bind_function_arguments",
+           &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindFunctionArguments,
+           "Returns a list of Expr where each Expr has been bound to the "
+           "corresponding positional argument in the current Function.")
+      .def("bind_memref_shape", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindMemRefShape,
+           "Returns a list of Expr where each Expr has been bound to the "
+           "corresponding dimension of the memref.")
+      .def("bind_memref_view", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindMemRefView,
+           "Returns three lists (lower bound, upper bound and step) of Expr "
+           "where each triplet of Expr has been bound to the minimal offset, "
+           "extent and stride of the corresponding dimension of the memref.")
+      .def("bind_indexed_shape", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindIndexedMemRefShape,
+           "Same as bind_memref_shape but returns a list of `Indexed` that "
+           "support load and store operations")
+      .def("bind_indexed_view", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::bindIndexedMemRefView,
+           "Same as bind_memref_view but returns lists of `Indexed` that "
+           "support load and store operations")
+      .def("emit", &MLIRFunctionEmitter::emit,
+           "Emits the MLIR for the EDSC expressions and statements in the "
+           "current function body.");
+  py::class_<PythonExpr>(m, "Expr", "Wrapping class for mlir::edsc::Expr")
+      .def(py::init<PythonBindable>())
+      .def("__add__", [](PythonExpr e1,
+                         PythonExpr e2) { return PythonExpr(::Add(e1, e2)); })
+      .def("__sub__", [](PythonExpr e1,
+                         PythonExpr e2) { return PythonExpr(::Sub(e1, e2)); })
+      .def("__mul__", [](PythonExpr e1,
+                         PythonExpr e2) { return PythonExpr(::Mul(e1, e2)); })
+      // .def("__div__", [](PythonExpr e1, PythonExpr e2) { return
+      // PythonExpr(::Div(e1, e2)); })
+      .def("__lt__", [](PythonExpr e1,
+                        PythonExpr e2) { return PythonExpr(::LT(e1, e2)); })
+      .def("__le__", [](PythonExpr e1,
+                        PythonExpr e2) { return PythonExpr(::LE(e1, e2)); })
+      .def("__gt__", [](PythonExpr e1,
+                        PythonExpr e2) { return PythonExpr(::GT(e1, e2)); })
+      .def("__ge__", [](PythonExpr e1,
+                        PythonExpr e2) { return PythonExpr(::GE(e1, e2)); })
+      .def("__str__", &PythonExpr::str,
+           R"DOC(Returns the string value for the Expr)DOC");
+  py::class_<PythonBindable>(
+      m, "Bindable",
+      "Wrapping class for mlir::edsc::Bindable.\nA Bindable is a special Expr "
+      "that can be bound manually to specific MLIR SSA Values.")
+      .def(py::init<>())
+      .def("__str__", &PythonBindable::str);
+  py::class_<PythonStmt>(m, "Stmt", "Wrapping class for mlir::edsc::Stmt.")
+      .def(py::init<PythonExpr>())
+      .def("__str__", &PythonStmt::str,
+           R"DOC(Returns the string value for the Expr)DOC");
+  py::class_<PythonIndexed>(
+      m, "Indexed",
+      "Wrapping class for mlir::edsc::Indexed.\nAn Indexed is a wrapper class "
+      "that support load and store operations.")
+      .def(py::init<>(), R"DOC(Build from fresh Bindable)DOC")
+      .def(py::init<PythonExpr>(), R"DOC(Build from existing Expr)DOC")
+      .def(py::init<PythonBindable>(), R"DOC(Build from existing Bindable)DOC")
+      .def(
+          "load",
+          [](PythonIndexed &instance, const py::list &indices) {
+            SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owning;
+            return PythonExpr(Load(instance, makeCExprs(owning, indices)));
+          },
+          R"DOC(Returns an Expr that loads from an Indexed)DOC")
+      .def(
+          "store",
+          [](PythonIndexed &instance, const py::list &indices,
+             PythonExpr value) {
+            SmallVector<edsc_expr_t, 8> owning;
+            return PythonStmt(
+                Store(value, instance, makeCExprs(owning, indices)));
+          },
+          R"DOC(Returns the Stmt that stores into an Indexed)DOC");
+} // namespace python
+} // namespace edsc
+} // namespace mlir
diff --git a/bindings/python/test/ b/bindings/python/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7779849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+"""Python2 and 3 test for the MLIR EDSC C API and Python bindings"""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+import google_mlir.bindings.python.pybind as E
+class EdscTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testBindables(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i = E.Expr(E.Bindable())
+      self.assertIn("$1", i.__str__())
+  def testOneExpr(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, lb, ub = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      expr = E.Mul(i, E.Add(lb, ub))
+      str = expr.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("($1 * ($2 + $3))", str)
+  def testOneLoop(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, lb, ub, step = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      loop = E.For(i, lb, ub, step, [E.Stmt(E.Add(lb, ub))])
+      str = loop.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("for($1 = $2 to $3 step $4) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("$5 = ($2 + $3)", str)
+  def testTwoLoops(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, lb, ub, step = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      loop = E.For(i, lb, ub, step, [E.For(i, lb, ub, step, [E.Stmt(i)])])
+      str = loop.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("for($1 = $2 to $3 step $4) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("for($1 = $2 to $3 step $4) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("$5 = $1;", str)
+  def testNestedLoops(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, lb, ub, step = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      ivs = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      lbs = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      ubs = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      steps = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      loop = E.For(ivs, lbs, ubs, steps, [
+          E.For(i, lb, ub, step, [E.Stmt(ub * step - lb)]),
+      ])
+      str = loop.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("for($5 = $9 to $13 step $17) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("for($6 = $10 to $14 step $18) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("for($7 = $11 to $15 step $19) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("for($8 = $12 to $16 step $20) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("for($1 = $2 to $3 step $4) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("= (($3 * $4) - $2);", str)
+  def testIndexed(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, j, k = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      A, B, C = list(map(E.Indexed, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      stmt =[i, j], A.load([i, k]) * B.load([k, j]))
+      str = stmt.__str__()
+      self.assertIn(" = store( ... )", str)
+  def testMatmul(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      ivs = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      lbs = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      ubs = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      steps = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      i, j, k = ivs[0], ivs[1], ivs[2]
+      A, B, C = list(map(E.Indexed, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      loop = E.For(
+          ivs, lbs, ubs, steps,
+          [[i, j],
+                   C.load([i, j]) + A.load([i, k]) * B.load([k, j]))])
+      str = loop.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("for($1 = $4 to $7 step $10) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("for($2 = $5 to $8 step $11) {", str)
+      self.assertIn("for($3 = $6 to $9 step $12) {", str)
+      self.assertIn(" = store( ... )", str)
+  def testArithmetic(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, j, k, l = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(4)]))
+      stmt = i + j * k - l
+      str = stmt.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("(($1 + ($2 * $3)) - $4)", str)
+  def testSelect(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, j, k = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(3)]))
+      stmt = E.Select(i > j, i, j)
+      str = stmt.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("select(($1 > $2), $1, $2)", str)
+  def testBlock(self):
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      i, j = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(2)]))
+      stmt = E.Block([E.Stmt(i + j), E.Stmt(i - j)])
+      str = stmt.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("block {", str)
+      self.assertIn("$3 = ($1 + $2)", str)
+      self.assertIn("$4 = ($1 - $2)", str)
+      self.assertIn("}", str)
+  def testMLIRScalarTypes(self):
+    module = E.MLIRModule()
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("bf16")
+    self.assertIn("bf16", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("f16")
+    self.assertIn("f16", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("f32")
+    self.assertIn("f32", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("f64")
+    self.assertIn("f64", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("i", 1)
+    self.assertIn("i1", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("i", 8)
+    self.assertIn("i8", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("i", 32)
+    self.assertIn("i32", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("i", 123)
+    self.assertIn("i123", t.__str__())
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("index")
+    self.assertIn("index", t.__str__())
+  def testMLIRFunctionCreation(self):
+    module = E.MLIRModule()
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("f32")
+    self.assertIn("f32", t.__str__())
+    m = module.make_memref_type(t, [3, 4, -1, 5])
+    self.assertIn("memref<3x4x?x5xf32>", m.__str__())
+    f = module.make_function("copy", [m, m], [])
+    self.assertIn(
+        "func @copy(%arg0: memref<3x4x?x5xf32>, %arg1: memref<3x4x?x5xf32>) {",
+        f.__str__())
+  def testMLIRConstantEmission(self):
+    module = E.MLIRModule()
+    f = module.make_function("constants", [], [])
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      emitter = E.MLIRFunctionEmitter(f)
+      emitter.bind_constant_bf16(1.23)
+      emitter.bind_constant_f16(1.23)
+      emitter.bind_constant_f32(1.23)
+      emitter.bind_constant_f64(1.23)
+      emitter.bind_constant_int(1, 1)
+      emitter.bind_constant_int(123, 8)
+      emitter.bind_constant_int(123, 16)
+      emitter.bind_constant_int(123, 32)
+      emitter.bind_constant_index(123)
+      str = f.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("constant 1.230000e+00 : bf16", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 1.230470e+00 : f16", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 1.230000e+00 : f32", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 1.230000e+00 : f64", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 1 : i1", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 123 : i8", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 123 : i16", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 123 : i32", str)
+      self.assertIn("constant 123 : index", str)
+  # TODO(ntv): support symbolic For bounds with EDSCs
+  def testMLIREmission(self):
+    shape = [3, 4, 5]
+    module = E.MLIRModule()
+    index = module.make_scalar_type("index")
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("f32")
+    m = module.make_memref_type(t, shape)
+    f = module.make_function("copy", [m, m], [])
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      emitter = E.MLIRFunctionEmitter(f)
+      zero = emitter.bind_constant_index(0)
+      one = emitter.bind_constant_index(1)
+      input, output = list(map(E.Indexed, emitter.bind_function_arguments()))
+      M, N, O = emitter.bind_indexed_shape(input)
+      ivs = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(len(shape))]))
+      lbs = [zero, zero, zero]
+      ubs = [M, N, O]
+      steps = [one, one, one]
+      # TODO(ntv): emitter.assertEqual(M, oM) etc
+      loop = E.Block([
+          E.For(ivs, lbs, ubs, steps, [, input.load(ivs))]),
+          E.Return()
+      ])
+      emitter.emit(loop)
+      # print(f) # uncomment to see the emitted IR
+      str = f.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("""store %0, %arg1[%i0, %i1, %i2] : memref<3x4x5xf32>""",
+                    str)
+      module.compile()
+      self.assertNotEqual(module.get_engine_address(), 0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/bindings/python/test/ b/bindings/python/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..427add5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+"""Python3 test for the MLIR EDSC C API and Python bindings"""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+import google_mlir.bindings.python.pybind as E
+class EdscTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testSugaredMLIREmission(self):
+    shape = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
+    shape_t = [7, 4, 5, 6, 3]
+    module = E.MLIRModule()
+    t = module.make_scalar_type("f32")
+    m = module.make_memref_type(t, shape)
+    m_t = module.make_memref_type(t, shape_t)
+    f = module.make_function("copy", [m, m_t], [])
+    with E.ContextManager():
+      emitter = E.MLIRFunctionEmitter(f)
+      input, output = list(map(E.Indexed, emitter.bind_function_arguments()))
+      lbs, ubs, steps = emitter.bind_indexed_view(input)
+      i, *ivs, j = list(map(E.Expr, [E.Bindable() for _ in range(len(shape))]))
+      # n-D type and rank agnostic copy-transpose-first-last (where n >= 2).
+      loop = E.Block([
+          E.For([i, *ivs, j], lbs, ubs, steps,
+                [[i, *ivs, j], input.load([j, *ivs, i]))]),
+          E.Return()
+      ])
+      emitter.emit(loop)
+      # print(f) # uncomment to see the emitted IR
+      str = f.__str__()
+      self.assertIn("load %arg0[%i4, %i1, %i2, %i3, %i0]", str)
+      self.assertIn("store %0, %arg1[%i0, %i1, %i2, %i3, %i4]", str)
+      module.compile()
+      self.assertNotEqual(module.get_engine_address(), 0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  unittest.main()
diff --git a/lib/EDSC/MLIREmitter.cpp b/lib/EDSC/MLIREmitter.cpp
index f0efdb5..72d30ff 100644
--- a/lib/EDSC/MLIREmitter.cpp
+++ b/lib/EDSC/MLIREmitter.cpp
@@ -459,7 +459,8 @@
   auto *e = reinterpret_cast<mlir::edsc::MLIREmitter *>(emitter);
   Bindable b;
-      b, value, e->getBuilder()->getIntegerType(bitwidth));
+      b, // mlir::APInt(bitwidth, value),
+      value, e->getBuilder()->getIntegerType(bitwidth));
   return b;
diff --git a/lib/EDSC/Types.cpp b/lib/EDSC/Types.cpp
index e346093..e261cc8 100644
--- a/lib/EDSC/Types.cpp
+++ b/lib/EDSC/Types.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 #include "mlir/Support/STLExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
@@ -624,8 +623,9 @@
   return (*this)[llvm::ArrayRef<Expr>{indices.begin(), indices.end()}];
-// NOLINTNEXTLINE: unconventional-assign-operator
-Stmt mlir::edsc::Indexed::operator=(Expr expr) {
+// clang-format off
+Stmt mlir::edsc::Indexed::operator=(Expr expr) { // NOLINT: unconventional-assign-operator
+  // clang-format on
   assert(!indices.empty() && "Expected attached indices to Indexed");
   Stmt stmt(store(expr, base, indices));
@@ -644,23 +644,27 @@
 mlir_type_t makeScalarType(mlir_context_t context, const char *name,
                            unsigned bitwidth) {
   mlir::MLIRContext *c = reinterpret_cast<mlir::MLIRContext *>(context);
-  mlir_type_t res =
-      llvm::StringSwitch<mlir_type_t>(name)
-          .Case("bf16",
-                mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getBF16(c).getAsOpaquePointer()})
-          .Case("f16", mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getF16(c).getAsOpaquePointer()})
-          .Case("f32", mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getF32(c).getAsOpaquePointer()})
-          .Case("f64", mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getF64(c).getAsOpaquePointer()})
-          .Case("index",
-                mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getIndex(c).getAsOpaquePointer()})
-          .Case("i",
-                mlir_type_t{
-                    mlir::Type::getInteger(bitwidth, c).getAsOpaquePointer()})
-          .Default(mlir_type_t{nullptr});
-  if (!res) {
-    llvm_unreachable("Invalid type specifier");
+  if (llvm::StringRef(name) == "bf16") {
+    return mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getBF16(c).getAsOpaquePointer()};
-  return res;
+  if (llvm::StringRef(name) == "f16") {
+    return mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getF16(c).getAsOpaquePointer()};
+  }
+  if (llvm::StringRef(name) == "f32") {
+    return mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getF32(c).getAsOpaquePointer()};
+  }
+  if (llvm::StringRef(name) == "f64") {
+    return mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getF64(c).getAsOpaquePointer()};
+  }
+  if (llvm::StringRef(name) == "index") {
+    return mlir_type_t{mlir::Type::getIndex(c).getAsOpaquePointer()};
+  }
+  if (llvm::StringRef(name) == "i") {
+    return mlir_type_t{
+        mlir::Type::getInteger(bitwidth, c).getAsOpaquePointer()};
+  }
+  assert(false && "unknown scalar type");
+  return mlir_type_t{nullptr};
 mlir_type_t makeMemRefType(mlir_context_t context, mlir_type_t elemType,