Update the "absl c++" dependency from "LTS 2020 Fev 25" to "LTS 2020 Sep; Patch 3" (https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/releases/tag/20200923.3).

PiperOrigin-RevId: 359345876
Change-Id: I71b4aca59dea7ba1ef9f94fa00fec99e5d55e2c9
diff --git a/tensorflow/opensource_only.files b/tensorflow/opensource_only.files
index e473136..502023c 100644
--- a/tensorflow/opensource_only.files
+++ b/tensorflow/opensource_only.files
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
diff --git a/third_party/absl/com_google_absl.BUILD b/third_party/absl/com_google_absl.BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fca145..0000000
--- a/third_party/absl/com_google_absl.BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-licenses(["notice"])  # Apache
diff --git a/third_party/absl/com_google_absl_fix_mac_and_nvcc_build.patch b/third_party/absl/com_google_absl_fix_mac_and_nvcc_build.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6301119..0000000
--- a/third_party/absl/com_google_absl_fix_mac_and_nvcc_build.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h b/absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h
-index 4bfe92f..01db713 100644
---- a/absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h
-+++ b/absl/container/internal/compressed_tuple.h
-@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
--#include <initializer_list>
- #include <tuple>
- #include <type_traits>
- #include <utility>
-@@ -77,110 +76,61 @@ constexpr bool IsFinal() {
- #endif
- }
--// We can't use EBCO on other CompressedTuples because that would mean that we
--// derive from multiple Storage<> instantiations with the same I parameter,
--// and potentially from multiple identical Storage<> instantiations.  So anytime
--// we use type inheritance rather than encapsulation, we mark
--// CompressedTupleImpl, to make this easy to detect.
--struct uses_inheritance {};
- template <typename T>
- constexpr bool ShouldUseBase() {
--  return std::is_class<T>::value && std::is_empty<T>::value && !IsFinal<T>() &&
--         !std::is_base_of<uses_inheritance, T>::value;
-+  return std::is_class<T>::value && std::is_empty<T>::value && !IsFinal<T>();
- }
- // The storage class provides two specializations:
- //  - For empty classes, it stores T as a base class.
- //  - For everything else, it stores T as a member.
--template <typename T, size_t I,
--#if defined(_MSC_VER)
--          bool UseBase =
--              ShouldUseBase<typename std::enable_if<true, T>::type>()>
--          bool UseBase = ShouldUseBase<T>()>
-+template <typename D, size_t I, bool = ShouldUseBase<ElemT<D, I>>()>
- struct Storage {
-+  using T = ElemT<D, I>;
-   T value;
-   constexpr Storage() = default;
--  template <typename V>
--  explicit constexpr Storage(absl::in_place_t, V&& v)
--      : value(absl::forward<V>(v)) {}
-+  explicit constexpr Storage(T&& v) : value(absl::forward<T>(v)) {}
-   constexpr const T& get() const& { return value; }
-   T& get() & { return value; }
-   constexpr const T&& get() const&& { return absl::move(*this).value; }
-   T&& get() && { return std::move(*this).value; }
- };
--template <typename T, size_t I>
-+template <typename D, size_t I>
-+    : ElemT<D, I> {
-+  using T = internal_compressed_tuple::ElemT<D, I>;
-   constexpr Storage() = default;
--  template <typename V>
--  explicit constexpr Storage(absl::in_place_t, V&& v)
--      : T(absl::forward<V>(v)) {}
-+  explicit constexpr Storage(T&& v) : T(absl::forward<T>(v)) {}
-   constexpr const T& get() const& { return *this; }
-   T& get() & { return *this; }
-   constexpr const T&& get() const&& { return absl::move(*this); }
-   T&& get() && { return std::move(*this); }
- };
--template <typename D, typename I, bool ShouldAnyUseBase>
-+template <typename D, typename I>
--template <typename... Ts, size_t... I, bool ShouldAnyUseBase>
--    CompressedTuple<Ts...>, absl::index_sequence<I...>, ShouldAnyUseBase>
-+template <typename... Ts, size_t... I>
-+    CompressedTupleImpl<CompressedTuple<Ts...>, absl::index_sequence<I...>>
-     // We use the dummy identity function through std::integral_constant to
-     // convince MSVC of accepting and expanding I in that context. Without it
-     // you would get:
-     //   error C3548: 'I': parameter pack cannot be used in this context
--    : uses_inheritance,
--      Storage<Ts, std::integral_constant<size_t, I>::value>... {
--  constexpr CompressedTupleImpl() = default;
--  template <typename... Vs>
--  explicit constexpr CompressedTupleImpl(absl::in_place_t, Vs&&... args)
--      : Storage<Ts, I>(absl::in_place, absl::forward<Vs>(args))... {}
--  friend CompressedTuple<Ts...>;
--template <typename... Ts, size_t... I>
--    CompressedTuple<Ts...>, absl::index_sequence<I...>, false>
--    // We use the dummy identity function as above...
--    : Storage<Ts, std::integral_constant<size_t, I>::value, false>... {
-+    : Storage<CompressedTuple<Ts...>,
-+              std::integral_constant<size_t, I>::value>... {
-   constexpr CompressedTupleImpl() = default;
--  template <typename... Vs>
--  explicit constexpr CompressedTupleImpl(absl::in_place_t, Vs&&... args)
--      : Storage<Ts, I, false>(absl::in_place, absl::forward<Vs>(args))... {}
--  friend CompressedTuple<Ts...>;
-+  explicit constexpr CompressedTupleImpl(Ts&&... args)
-+      : Storage<CompressedTuple<Ts...>, I>(absl::forward<Ts>(args))... {}
- };
--std::false_type Or(std::initializer_list<std::false_type>);
--std::true_type Or(std::initializer_list<bool>);
--// MSVC requires this to be done separately rather than within the declaration
--// of CompressedTuple below.
--template <typename... Ts>
--constexpr bool ShouldAnyUseBase() {
--  return decltype(
--      Or({std::integral_constant<bool, ShouldUseBase<Ts>()>()...})){};
--template <typename T, typename V>
--using TupleMoveConstructible = typename std::conditional<
--      std::is_reference<T>::value, std::is_convertible<V, T>,
--      std::is_constructible<T, V&&>>::type;
- }  // namespace internal_compressed_tuple
- // Helper class to perform the Empty Base Class Optimization.
- // Ts can contain classes and non-classes, empty or not. For the ones that
- // are empty classes, we perform the CompressedTuple. If all types in Ts are
--// empty classes, then CompressedTuple<Ts...> is itself an empty class.  (This
--// does not apply when one or more of those empty classes is itself an empty
--// CompressedTuple.)
-+// empty classes, then CompressedTuple<Ts...> is itself an empty class.
- //
- // To access the members, use member .get<N>() function.
- //
-@@ -196,58 +146,36 @@ using TupleMoveConstructible = typename std::conditional<
- template <typename... Ts>
-     : private internal_compressed_tuple::CompressedTupleImpl<
--          CompressedTuple<Ts...>, absl::index_sequence_for<Ts...>,
--          internal_compressed_tuple::ShouldAnyUseBase<Ts...>()> {
-+          CompressedTuple<Ts...>, absl::index_sequence_for<Ts...>> {
-  private:
-   template <int I>
-   using ElemT = internal_compressed_tuple::ElemT<CompressedTuple, I>;
--  template <int I>
--  using StorageT = internal_compressed_tuple::Storage<ElemT<I>, I>;
-  public:
--  // There seems to be a bug in MSVC dealing in which using '=default' here will
--  // cause the compiler to ignore the body of other constructors. The work-
--  // around is to explicitly implement the default constructor.
--#if defined(_MSC_VER)
--  constexpr CompressedTuple() : CompressedTuple::CompressedTupleImpl() {}
-   constexpr CompressedTuple() = default;
--  explicit constexpr CompressedTuple(const Ts&... base)
--      : CompressedTuple::CompressedTupleImpl(absl::in_place, base...) {}
--  template <typename... Vs,
--            absl::enable_if_t<
--                absl::conjunction<
--                    // Ensure we are not hiding default copy/move constructors.
--                    absl::negation<std::is_same<void(CompressedTuple),
--                                                void(absl::decay_t<Vs>...)>>,
--                    internal_compressed_tuple::TupleMoveConstructible<
--                        Ts, Vs&&>...>::value,
--                bool> = true>
--  explicit constexpr CompressedTuple(Vs&&... base)
--      : CompressedTuple::CompressedTupleImpl(absl::in_place,
--                                             absl::forward<Vs>(base)...) {}
-+  explicit constexpr CompressedTuple(Ts... base)
-+      : CompressedTuple::CompressedTupleImpl(absl::forward<Ts>(base)...) {}
-   template <int I>
-   ElemT<I>& get() & {
--    return internal_compressed_tuple::Storage<ElemT<I>, I>::get();
-+    return internal_compressed_tuple::Storage<CompressedTuple, I>::get();
-   }
-   template <int I>
-   constexpr const ElemT<I>& get() const& {
--    return StorageT<I>::get();
-+    return internal_compressed_tuple::Storage<CompressedTuple, I>::get();
-   }
-   template <int I>
-   ElemT<I>&& get() && {
--    return std::move(*this).StorageT<I>::get();
-+    return std::move(*this)
-+        .internal_compressed_tuple::template Storage<CompressedTuple, I>::get();
-   }
-   template <int I>
-   constexpr const ElemT<I>&& get() const&& {
--    return absl::move(*this).StorageT<I>::get();
-+    return absl::move(*this)
-+        .internal_compressed_tuple::template Storage<CompressedTuple, I>::get();
-   }
- };
-diff --git a/absl/strings/string_view.h b/absl/strings/string_view.h
-index 1861ea6..c7a916b 100644
---- a/absl/strings/string_view.h
-+++ b/absl/strings/string_view.h
-@@ -283,7 +283,14 @@ class string_view {
-   // Returns the ith element of the `string_view` using the array operator.
-   // Note that this operator does not perform any bounds checking.
-   constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type i) const {
-+#if defined(__NVCC__) && (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ < 10 || (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ == 10 && __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ < 2))
-+    // An NVCC bug treats the original return expression as a non-constant,
-+    // which is not allowed in a constexpr function.  This will be fixed in the
-+    // CUDA 10.2 release.
-+    return ptr_[i];
-     return ABSL_ASSERT(i < size()), ptr_[i];
-   }
-   // string_view::at()
-@@ -292,25 +299,46 @@ class string_view {
-   // and an exception of type `std::out_of_range` will be thrown on invalid
-   // access.
-   constexpr const_reference at(size_type i) const {
-+#if defined(__NVCC__) && (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ < 10 || (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ == 10 && __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ < 2))
-+    // An NVCC bug treats the original return expression as a non-constant,
-+    // which is not allowed in a constexpr function.  This will be fixed in the
-+    // CUDA 10.2 release.
-+    return ptr_[i];
-     return ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(i < size())
-                ? ptr_[i]
-                : ((void)base_internal::ThrowStdOutOfRange(
-                       "absl::string_view::at"),
-                   ptr_[i]);
-   }
-   // string_view::front()
-   //
-   // Returns the first element of a `string_view`.
-   constexpr const_reference front() const {
-+#if defined(__NVCC__) && (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ < 10 || (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ == 10 && __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ < 2))
-+    // An NVCC bug treats the original return expression as a non-constant,
-+    // which is not allowed in a constexpr function.  This will be fixed in the
-+    // CUDA 10.2 release.
-+    return ptr_[0];
-     return ABSL_ASSERT(!empty()), ptr_[0];
-   }
-   // string_view::back()
-   //
-   // Returns the last element of a `string_view`.
-   constexpr const_reference back() const {
-+#if defined(__NVCC__) && (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ < 10 || (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ == 10 && __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ < 2))
-+    // An NVCC bug treats the original return expression as a non-constant,
-+    // which is not allowed in a constexpr function.  This will be fixed in the
-+    // CUDA 10.2 release.
-+    return ptr_[size() - 1];
-     return ABSL_ASSERT(!empty()), ptr_[size() - 1];
-   }
-   // string_view::data()
-@@ -519,7 +547,14 @@ class string_view {
-       (std::numeric_limits<difference_type>::max)();
-   static constexpr size_type CheckLengthInternal(size_type len) {
-+#if defined(__NVCC__) && (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ < 10 || (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ == 10 && __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ < 2))
-+    // An NVCC bug treats the original return expression as a non-constant,
-+    // which is not allowed in a constexpr function.  This will be fixed in the
-+    // CUDA 10.2 release.
-+    return len;
-     return (void)ABSL_ASSERT(len <= kMaxSize), len;
-   }
-   static constexpr size_type StrlenInternal(const char* str) {
-diff --git a/absl/time/internal/cctz/BUILD.bazel b/absl/time/internal/cctz/BUILD.bazel
-index 7a53c81..159b0f0 100644
---- a/absl/time/internal/cctz/BUILD.bazel
-+++ b/absl/time/internal/cctz/BUILD.bazel
-@@ -74,15 +74,6 @@ cc_library(
-         "include/cctz/time_zone.h",
-         "include/cctz/zone_info_source.h",
-     ],
--    linkopts = select({
--        ":osx": [
--            "-framework Foundation",
--        ],
--        ":ios": [
--            "-framework Foundation",
--        ],
--        "//conditions:default": [],
--    }),
-     visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-     deps = [
-         ":civil_time",
diff --git a/third_party/absl/workspace.bzl b/third_party/absl/workspace.bzl
index 9676c6d..b6ae936 100644
--- a/third_party/absl/workspace.bzl
+++ b/third_party/absl/workspace.bzl
@@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
 """Provides the repository macro to import absl."""
-load("//third_party:repo.bzl", "third_party_http_archive")
+load("//third_party:repo.bzl", "tf_http_archive")
 def repo(name):
     """Imports absl."""
+    # Abseil LTS branch, Sept 2020, Patch 3
     # Attention: tools parse and update these lines.
-    ABSL_COMMIT = "df3ea785d8c30a9503321a3d35ee7d35808f190d"
-    ABSL_SHA256 = "f368a8476f4e2e0eccf8a7318b98dafbe30b2600f4e3cf52636e5eb145aba06a"
+    ABSL_COMMIT = "6f9d96a1f41439ac172ee2ef7ccd8edf0e5d068c"
+    ABSL_SHA256 = "62c27e7a633e965a2f40ff16b487c3b778eae440bab64cad83b34ef1cbe3aa93"
-    third_party_http_archive(
+    tf_http_archive(
         name = name,
         sha256 = ABSL_SHA256,
-        build_file = "//third_party/absl:com_google_absl.BUILD",
-        # TODO: Remove the patch when https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/issues/326 is resolved
-        # and when TensorFlow is build against CUDA 10.2
-        patch_file = "//third_party/absl:com_google_absl_fix_mac_and_nvcc_build.patch",
         strip_prefix = "abseil-cpp-{commit}".format(commit = ABSL_COMMIT),
         urls = [
             "https://storage.googleapis.com/mirror.tensorflow.org/github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/archive/{commit}.tar.gz".format(commit = ABSL_COMMIT),