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//===- Block.h - MLIR Block and BlockList Classes ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// This file defines Block and BlockList classes.
#include "mlir/IR/Instruction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
namespace mlir {
class IfInst;
class BlockList;
class BlockAndValueMapping;
template <typename BlockType> class PredecessorIterator;
template <typename BlockType> class SuccessorIterator;
/// `Block` represents an ordered list of `Instruction`s.
class Block : public IRObjectWithUseList,
public llvm::ilist_node_with_parent<Block, BlockList> {
explicit Block() {}
void clear() {
// Drop all references from within this block.
// Clear instructions in the reverse order so that uses are destroyed
// before their defs.
while (!empty())
/// Blocks are maintained in a list of BlockList type.
BlockList *getParent() const { return parentValidInstOrderPair.getPointer(); }
/// Returns the closest surrounding instruction that contains this block or
/// nullptr if this is a top-level block.
Instruction *getContainingInst();
const Instruction *getContainingInst() const {
return const_cast<Block *>(this)->getContainingInst();
/// Returns the function that this block is part of, even if the block is
/// nested under an IfInst or ForInst.
Function *getFunction();
const Function *getFunction() const {
return const_cast<Block *>(this)->getFunction();
/// Insert this block (which must not already be in a function) right before
/// the specified block.
void insertBefore(Block *block);
/// Unlink this Block from its Function and delete it.
void eraseFromFunction();
// Block argument management
// This is the list of arguments to the block.
using BlockArgListType = ArrayRef<BlockArgument *>;
// FIXME: Not const correct.
BlockArgListType getArguments() const { return arguments; }
using args_iterator = BlockArgListType::iterator;
using reverse_args_iterator = BlockArgListType::reverse_iterator;
args_iterator args_begin() const { return getArguments().begin(); }
args_iterator args_end() const { return getArguments().end(); }
reverse_args_iterator args_rbegin() const { return getArguments().rbegin(); }
reverse_args_iterator args_rend() const { return getArguments().rend(); }
bool args_empty() const { return arguments.empty(); }
/// Add one value to the argument list.
BlockArgument *addArgument(Type type);
/// Add one argument to the argument list for each type specified in the list.
llvm::iterator_range<args_iterator> addArguments(ArrayRef<Type> types);
/// Erase the argument at 'index' and remove it from the argument list.
void eraseArgument(unsigned index);
unsigned getNumArguments() const { return arguments.size(); }
BlockArgument *getArgument(unsigned i) { return arguments[i]; }
const BlockArgument *getArgument(unsigned i) const { return arguments[i]; }
// Instruction list management
/// This is the list of instructions in the block.
using InstListType = llvm::iplist<Instruction>;
InstListType &getInstructions() { return instructions; }
const InstListType &getInstructions() const { return instructions; }
// Iteration over the instructions in the block.
using iterator = InstListType::iterator;
using const_iterator = InstListType::const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = InstListType::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = InstListType::const_reverse_iterator;
iterator begin() { return instructions.begin(); }
iterator end() { return instructions.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return instructions.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return instructions.end(); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return instructions.rbegin(); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return instructions.rend(); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return instructions.rbegin(); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return instructions.rend(); }
bool empty() const { return instructions.empty(); }
void push_back(Instruction *inst) { instructions.push_back(inst); }
void push_front(Instruction *inst) { instructions.push_front(inst); }
Instruction &back() { return instructions.back(); }
const Instruction &back() const { return const_cast<Block *>(this)->back(); }
Instruction &front() { return instructions.front(); }
const Instruction &front() const {
return const_cast<Block *>(this)->front();
/// Returns the instructions's position in this block or -1 if the instruction
/// is not present.
/// TODO: This is needlessly inefficient, and should not be API on Block.
int64_t findInstPositionInBlock(const Instruction &inst) const {
int64_t j = 0;
for (const auto &s : instructions) {
if (&s == &inst)
return j;
return -1;
/// Returns 'inst' if 'inst' lies in this block, or otherwise finds the
/// ancestor instruction of 'inst' that lies in this block. Returns nullptr if
/// the latter fails.
/// TODO: This is very specific functionality that should live somewhere else,
/// probably in Dominance.cpp.
Instruction *findAncestorInstInBlock(Instruction *inst);
const Instruction *findAncestorInstInBlock(const Instruction &inst) const {
return const_cast<Block *>(this)->findAncestorInstInBlock(
const_cast<Instruction *>(&inst));
/// This drops all operand uses from instructions within this block, which is
/// an essential step in breaking cyclic dependences between references when
/// they are to be deleted.
void dropAllReferences();
/// Returns true if the ordering of the child instructions is valid, false
/// otherwise.
bool isInstOrderValid() const { return parentValidInstOrderPair.getInt(); }
/// Invalidates the current ordering of instructions.
void invalidateInstOrder() {
// Validate the current ordering.
/// Verifies the current ordering of child instructions matches the
/// validInstOrder flag. Returns false if the order is valid, true otherwise.
bool verifyInstOrder() const;
/// Recomputes the ordering of child instructions within the block.
void recomputeInstOrder();
// Terminator management
/// Get the terminator instruction of this block, or null if the block is
/// malformed.
OperationInst *getTerminator();
const OperationInst *getTerminator() const {
return const_cast<Block *>(this)->getTerminator();
// Predecessors and successors.
// Predecessor iteration.
using const_pred_iterator = PredecessorIterator<const Block>;
const_pred_iterator pred_begin() const;
const_pred_iterator pred_end() const;
llvm::iterator_range<const_pred_iterator> getPredecessors() const;
using pred_iterator = PredecessorIterator<Block>;
pred_iterator pred_begin();
pred_iterator pred_end();
llvm::iterator_range<pred_iterator> getPredecessors();
/// Return true if this block has no predecessors.
bool hasNoPredecessors() const;
/// If this block has exactly one predecessor, return it. Otherwise, return
/// null.
/// Note that if a block has duplicate predecessors from a single block (e.g.
/// if you have a conditional branch with the same block as the true/false
/// destinations) is not considered to be a single predecessor.
Block *getSinglePredecessor();
const Block *getSinglePredecessor() const {
return const_cast<Block *>(this)->getSinglePredecessor();
// Indexed successor access.
unsigned getNumSuccessors() const;
const Block *getSuccessor(unsigned i) const {
return const_cast<Block *>(this)->getSuccessor(i);
Block *getSuccessor(unsigned i);
// Successor iteration.
using const_succ_iterator = SuccessorIterator<const Block>;
const_succ_iterator succ_begin() const;
const_succ_iterator succ_end() const;
llvm::iterator_range<const_succ_iterator> getSuccessors() const;
using succ_iterator = SuccessorIterator<Block>;
succ_iterator succ_begin();
succ_iterator succ_end();
llvm::iterator_range<succ_iterator> getSuccessors();
// Other
/// Split the block into two blocks before the specified instruction or
/// iterator.
/// Note that all instructions BEFORE the specified iterator stay as part of
/// the original basic block, and the rest of the instructions in the original
/// block are moved to the new block, including the old terminator. The
/// original block is left without a terminator.
/// The newly formed Block is returned, and the specified iterator is
/// invalidated.
Block *splitBlock(iterator splitBefore);
Block *splitBlock(Instruction *splitBeforeInst) {
return splitBlock(iterator(splitBeforeInst));
/// Returns pointer to member of instruction list.
static InstListType Block::*getSublistAccess(Instruction *) {
return &Block::instructions;
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
void dump() const;
/// Print out the name of the block without printing its body.
/// NOTE: The printType argument is ignored. We keep it for compatibility
/// with LLVM dominator machinery that expects it to exist.
void printAsOperand(raw_ostream &os, bool printType = true);
/// Pair of the parent object that owns this block and a bit that signifies if
/// the instructions within this block have a valid ordering.
llvm::PointerIntPair<BlockList *, /*IntBits=*/1, bool>
/// This is the list of instructions in the block.
InstListType instructions;
/// This is the list of arguments to the block.
std::vector<BlockArgument *> arguments;
Block(const Block &) = delete;
void operator=(const Block &) = delete;
friend struct llvm::ilist_traits<Block>;
} // end namespace mlir
// ilist_traits for Block
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct ilist_traits<::mlir::Block> : public ilist_alloc_traits<::mlir::Block> {
using Block = ::mlir::Block;
using block_iterator = simple_ilist<::mlir::Block>::iterator;
void addNodeToList(Block *block);
void removeNodeFromList(Block *block);
void transferNodesFromList(ilist_traits<Block> &otherList,
block_iterator first, block_iterator last);
mlir::BlockList *getContainingBlockList();
} // end namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
/// This class contains a list of basic blocks and has a notion of the object it
/// is part of - a Function or IfInst or ForInst.
class BlockList {
explicit BlockList(Function *container);
explicit BlockList(Instruction *container);
using BlockListType = llvm::iplist<Block>;
BlockListType &getBlocks() { return blocks; }
const BlockListType &getBlocks() const { return blocks; }
// Iteration over the block in the function.
using iterator = BlockListType::iterator;
using const_iterator = BlockListType::const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = BlockListType::reverse_iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = BlockListType::const_reverse_iterator;
iterator begin() { return blocks.begin(); }
iterator end() { return blocks.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return blocks.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return blocks.end(); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return blocks.rbegin(); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return blocks.rend(); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return blocks.rbegin(); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return blocks.rend(); }
bool empty() const { return blocks.empty(); }
void push_back(Block *block) { blocks.push_back(block); }
void push_front(Block *block) { blocks.push_front(block); }
Block &back() { return blocks.back(); }
const Block &back() const { return const_cast<BlockList *>(this)->back(); }
Block &front() { return blocks.front(); }
const Block &front() const { return const_cast<BlockList *>(this)->front(); }
/// getSublistAccess() - Returns pointer to member of block list.
static BlockListType BlockList::*getSublistAccess(Block *) {
return &BlockList::blocks;
/// A BlockList is part of a Function or and IfInst/ForInst. If it is
/// part of an IfInst/ForInst, then return it, otherwise return null.
Instruction *getContainingInst();
const Instruction *getContainingInst() const {
return const_cast<BlockList *>(this)->getContainingInst();
/// A BlockList is part of a Function or and IfInst/ForInst. If it is
/// part of a Function, then return it, otherwise return null.
Function *getContainingFunction();
const Function *getContainingFunction() const {
return const_cast<BlockList *>(this)->getContainingFunction();
/// Clone the internal blocks from this block list into dest. Any
/// cloned blocks are appended to the back of dest. If the mapper
/// contains entries for block arguments, these arguments are not included
/// in the respective cloned block.
void cloneInto(BlockList *dest, BlockAndValueMapping &mapper,
MLIRContext *context) const;
BlockListType blocks;
/// This is the object we are part of.
llvm::PointerUnion<Function *, Instruction *> container;
// Predecessors
/// Implement a predecessor iterator as a forward iterator. This works by
/// walking the use lists of the blocks. The entries on this list are the
/// BlockOperands that are embedded into terminator instructions. From the
/// operand, we can get the terminator that contains it, and it's parent block
/// is the predecessor.
template <typename BlockType>
class PredecessorIterator
: public llvm::iterator_facade_base<PredecessorIterator<BlockType>,
BlockType *> {
PredecessorIterator(BlockOperand *firstOperand)
: bbUseIterator(firstOperand) {}
PredecessorIterator &operator=(const PredecessorIterator &rhs) {
bbUseIterator = rhs.bbUseIterator;
bool operator==(const PredecessorIterator &rhs) const {
return bbUseIterator == rhs.bbUseIterator;
BlockType *operator*() const {
// The use iterator points to an operand of a terminator. The predecessor
// we return is the block that the terminator is embedded into.
return bbUseIterator.getUser()->getBlock();
PredecessorIterator &operator++() {
return *this;
/// Get the successor number in the predecessor terminator.
unsigned getSuccessorIndex() const {
return bbUseIterator->getOperandNumber();
using BBUseIterator = ValueUseIterator<BlockOperand, OperationInst>;
BBUseIterator bbUseIterator;
inline auto Block::pred_begin() const -> const_pred_iterator {
return const_pred_iterator((BlockOperand *)getFirstUse());
inline auto Block::pred_end() const -> const_pred_iterator {
return const_pred_iterator(nullptr);
inline auto Block::getPredecessors() const
-> llvm::iterator_range<const_pred_iterator> {
return {pred_begin(), pred_end()};
inline auto Block::pred_begin() -> pred_iterator {
return pred_iterator((BlockOperand *)getFirstUse());
inline auto Block::pred_end() -> pred_iterator {
return pred_iterator(nullptr);
inline auto Block::getPredecessors() -> llvm::iterator_range<pred_iterator> {
return {pred_begin(), pred_end()};
// Successors
/// This template implements the successor iterators for Block.
template <typename BlockType>
class SuccessorIterator final
: public IndexedAccessorIterator<SuccessorIterator<BlockType>, BlockType,
BlockType> {
/// Initializes the result iterator to the specified index.
SuccessorIterator(BlockType *object, unsigned index)
: IndexedAccessorIterator<SuccessorIterator<BlockType>, BlockType,
BlockType>(object, index) {}
SuccessorIterator(const SuccessorIterator &other)
: SuccessorIterator(other.object, other.index) {}
/// Support converting to the const variant. This will be a no-op for const
/// variant.
operator SuccessorIterator<const BlockType>() const {
return SuccessorIterator<const BlockType>(this->object, this->index);
BlockType *operator*() const {
return this->object->getSuccessor(this->index);
/// Get the successor number in the terminator.
unsigned getSuccessorIndex() const { return this->index; }
inline auto Block::succ_begin() const -> const_succ_iterator {
return const_succ_iterator(this, 0);
inline auto Block::succ_end() const -> const_succ_iterator {
return const_succ_iterator(this, getNumSuccessors());
inline auto Block::getSuccessors() const
-> llvm::iterator_range<const_succ_iterator> {
return {succ_begin(), succ_end()};
inline auto Block::succ_begin() -> succ_iterator {
return succ_iterator(this, 0);
inline auto Block::succ_end() -> succ_iterator {
return succ_iterator(this, getNumSuccessors());
inline auto Block::getSuccessors() -> llvm::iterator_range<succ_iterator> {
return {succ_begin(), succ_end()};
} // end namespace mlir
#endif // MLIR_IR_BLOCK_H