blob: d725ce9d068c31a11400e5fff2d69707caafd1b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: tf-opt %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics -tf-outside-compiled-to-host-launch | FILECHECK_OPTS="" FileCheck %s
module attributes {tf.versions = {producer = 888 : i32}, tf.devices = ["/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0", "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0"]} {
// Tests that TPU cluster with no outside compilation does not generate launch op.
// CHECK-LABEL: func @no_outside_compilation
// CHECK-NOT: "tf_device.launch"
func.func @no_outside_compilation() -> tensor<?xi32> {
%0 = "tf_device.cluster"() ({
%1 = "tf.A"() : () -> tensor<?xi32>
%2 = "tf.B"(%1) : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
tf_device.return %2 : tensor<?xi32>
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> tensor<?xi32>
func.return %0 : tensor<?xi32>
// Tests the launch wrap of a single outside compiled cluster with no input or output dependencies.
// CHECK-LABEL: func @nodep_single_outside_compilation
func.func @nodep_single_outside_compilation() -> () {
// CHECK: "tf.A"
// CHECK: "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK-NEXT: "tf.B"
// CHECK-NOT: _xla_outside_compilation
// CHECK-NEXT: tf_device.return
// CHECK-NEXT: device = "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"
// CHECK: device_assignment = [], num_cores_per_replica = 1 : i64, topology = ""
"tf_device.cluster"() ({
"tf.A"() : () -> ()
"tf.B"() {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster1"} : () -> ()
"tf.C"() : () -> ()
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> ()
// Tests the launch wrap of a single outside compiled cluster with data parallelism.
// CHECK-LABEL: func @single_outside_compilation_with_replicate
func.func @single_outside_compilation_with_replicate(%arg0: tensor<?xi32>) -> () {
// CHECK: "tf.A"
// CHECK: tf_device.replicate
// CHECK-NEXT: "tf_device.cluster"
// CHECK-NEXT: "tf.B"
// CHECK-NEXT: "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK-NEXT: "tf.C"
// CHECK-NOT: _xla_outside_compilation
// CHECK: tf_device.return
// CHECK: device_assignment = [], num_cores_per_replica = 1 : i64, topology = ""
%0 = "tf.A"(%arg0) : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
tf_device.replicate([%0, %arg0] as %ri_0: tensor<?xi32>) {n = 2 : i32} {
"tf_device.cluster"() ({
"tf.B"() : () -> ()
"tf.C"(%ri_0) {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster1"} : (tensor<?xi32>) -> ()
"tf.D"() : () -> ()
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> ()
// Tests launch wrap of a single outside compiled cluster with input/output.
// CHECK-LABEL: func @single_outside_compilation_input_output
func.func @single_outside_compilation_input_output(%arg0: tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32> {
%0 = "tf.A"(%arg0) : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
// CHECK: %[[REPLICATE:[0-9]*]]:2 = tf_device.replicate
// CHECK: "tf_device.cluster"
// CHECK: %[[A_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf.A"
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK: %[[B_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf.B"(%[[A_OUTPUT]])
// CHECK: tf_device.return %[[B_OUTPUT]]
// CHECK: "tf.C"(%[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT]])
%1:2 = tf_device.replicate([%0, %arg0] as %ri_0: tensor<?xi32>) {n = 2 : i32} {
%2 = "tf_device.cluster"() ({
%3 = "tf.A"() : () -> (tensor<?xi32>)
%4 = "tf.B"(%3) {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster1"} : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
%5 = "tf.C"(%4) : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
tf_device.return %5 : tensor<?xi32>
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> tensor<?xi32>
tf_device.return %2 : tensor<?xi32>
func.return %1 : tensor<?xi32>
// Tests launch wrap of multiple outside compiled cluster with input/output.
// CHECK-LABEL: func @multiple_outside_compilation_input_output
func.func @multiple_outside_compilation_input_output(%arg0: tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32> {
%0 = "tf.A"(%arg0) : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
// CHECK: %[[REPLICATE:[0-9]*]]:2 = tf_device.replicate
// CHECK: "tf_device.cluster"
// CHECK: %[[A_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf.A"
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK: %[[B_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf.B"(%[[A_OUTPUT]])
// CHECK: tf_device.return %[[B_OUTPUT]]
// CHECK: %[[C_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf.C"(%[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT]])
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT2:[0-9]*]] = "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK: %[[D_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf.D"(%[[C_OUTPUT]])
// CHECK: tf_device.return %[[D_OUTPUT]]
// CHECK: %[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT3:[0-9]*]] = "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK: %[[E_OUTPUT:[0-9]*]] = "tf.E"(%[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT2]])
// CHECK: tf_device.return %[[E_OUTPUT]]
// CHECK: "tf.F"(%[[LAUNCH_OUTPUT3]])
%1:2 = tf_device.replicate([%0, %arg0] as %ri_0: tensor<?xi32>) {n = 2 : i32} {
%2 = "tf_device.cluster"() ({
%3 = "tf.A"() : () -> (tensor<?xi32>)
%4 = "tf.B"(%3) {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster1"} : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
%5 = "tf.C"(%4) : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
%6 = "tf.D"(%5) {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster2"} : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
%7 = "tf.E"(%6) {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster2"} : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
%8 = "tf.F"(%7) : (tensor<?xi32>) -> tensor<?xi32>
tf_device.return %8 : tensor<?xi32>
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> tensor<?xi32>
tf_device.return %2 : tensor<?xi32>
func.return %1 : tensor<?xi32>
// Tests the launch wrap of an outside compiled op that's called from a tf_device.cluster.
func.func @called_outside_compilation() -> () {
"tf_device.cluster"() ({
"tf.PartitionedCall"() {f = @called_outside_compilation_callee} : () -> ()
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: func @called_outside_compilation_callee
func.func @called_outside_compilation_callee() -> () {
// CHECK: "tf.A"
// CHECK: "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK-NEXT: "tf.B"
// CHECK-NOT: _xla_outside_compilation
// CHECK-NEXT: tf_device.return
// CHECK-NEXT: device = "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"
"tf.A"() : () -> ()
"tf.B"() {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster1"} : () -> ()
"tf.C"() : () -> ()
// Test that the same outside compiled function cannot be called from two
// different TPU clusters.
func.func @called_outside_compilation_bad() -> () {
"tf_device.cluster"() ({
"tf.PartitionedCall"() {f = @called_outside_compilation_bad_callee} : () -> ()
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> ()
"tf_device.cluster"() ({
"tf.PartitionedCall"() {f = @called_outside_compilation_bad_callee} : () -> ()
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 1, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> ()
// expected-error@+1 {{The same function is reachable from multiple TPU Clusters.}}
func.func @called_outside_compilation_bad_callee() -> () {
"tf.A"() : () -> ()
"tf.B"() {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster1"} : () -> ()
"tf.C"() : () -> ()
// -----
// Tests that model parallelism does not affect outside compilation.
module attributes {tf.versions = {producer = 888 : i32}, tf.devices = ["/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0", "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0"]} {
// CHECK-LABEL: func @outside_compilation_model_parallelism
func.func @outside_compilation_model_parallelism() -> () {
// CHECK: "tf.A"
// CHECK: "tf_device.launch"
// CHECK-NEXT: "tf.B"
// CHECK-NOT: _xla_outside_compilation
// CHECK-NEXT: tf_device.return
// CHECK-NEXT: device = "/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"
// CHECK: device_assignment = [], num_cores_per_replica = 2 : i64, topology = ""
%0 = "tf_device.cluster"() ({
"tf.A"() : () -> ()
"tf.B"() {_xla_outside_compilation = "cluster1"} : () -> ()
"tf.C"() : () -> ()
}) {num_cores_per_replica = 2, topology = "", device_assignment = []} : () -> tensor<2xi32>