blob: ee3c711e7f76e0b67be1b69e0c7caa7188705f67 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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// Native XLA implementations of simple binary Ops
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/kernels/cwise_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/lib/broadcast.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/mlir_xla_op_kernel.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/shape_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_helpers.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/xla_op_registry.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/client_library.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/constants.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/lib/math.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/client/xla_builder.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/primitive_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_data.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/kernel_def_builder.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace {
// A subclass of a XlaBinaryOp must build the computation that
// describes the (tensor,tensor)->tensor function to apply to each element of
// the input.
class NAME##Op : public XlaBinaryOp { \
public: \
explicit NAME##Op(OpKernelConstruction* ctx) : XlaBinaryOp(ctx) {} \
xla::XlaOp Computation( \
XlaOpKernelContext* ctx, const xla::XlaOp& lhs, \
const absl::Span<const int64>& lhs_shape, const xla::XlaOp& rhs, \
const absl::Span<const int64>& rhs_shape, \
const BCast& broadcast_helper, \
const std::vector<int64>& extend_dimensions) override { \
xla::XlaBuilder* b = ctx->builder(); \
(void)b; \
(void)lhs_shape; \
(void)rhs_shape; \
(void)extend_dimensions; \
return HLO; \
} \
}; \
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Add, xla::Add(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(AddV2, xla::Add(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Sub, xla::Sub(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Mul, xla::Mul(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
REGISTER_XLA_OP(Name("Div"), MlirXlaOpKernel);
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Atan2, xla::Atan2(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Complex, xla::Complex(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
// Implementation of DivNoNan. Pseudo-code:
// if (y == 0) {
// return 0
// } else {
// return x / y;
// }
static xla::XlaOp DivNoNanImpl(xla::XlaBuilder* b, DataType dtype, xla::XlaOp x,
xla::XlaOp y, const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
auto zero = XlaHelpers::Zero(b, dtype);
auto y_equals_0 = xla::Eq(y, zero);
auto zeros = xla::ZerosLike(x);
auto result = xla::Select(y_equals_0, zeros, xla::Div(x, y));
return result;
DivNoNanImpl(b, input_type(0), lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
// Implementation of MulNoNan. Pseudo-code:
// if (y == 0) {
// return 0
// } else {
// return x * y;
// }
static xla::XlaOp MulNoNanImpl(xla::XlaBuilder* b, DataType dtype, xla::XlaOp x,
xla::XlaOp y, const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
auto zero = XlaHelpers::Zero(b, dtype);
auto y_equals_0 = xla::Eq(y, zero);
auto zeros = xla::ZerosLike(x);
auto result = xla::Select(y_equals_0, zeros, xla::Mul(x, y));
return result;
MulNoNanImpl(b, input_type(0), lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
// Implementation of FloorDiv.
// For floating-point values, simply returns floor(x / y). For integers, does:
// if ((x < 0) != (y < 0)) {
// T abs_x = std::abs(x);
// T abs_y = std::abs(y);
// return -(abs_x + abs_y - 1) / abs_y;
// } else {
// return x / y;
// }
static xla::XlaOp FloorDivImpl(xla::XlaBuilder* b, DataType dtype, xla::XlaOp x,
xla::XlaOp y, const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
if (DataTypeIsFloating(dtype)) {
if (dtype == DataType::DT_BFLOAT16) {
// The result of a BF16 division may produce the Ceil of what was
// computed by F32 division, so avoid end user confusion by doing the
// intermediate divide in F32.
return xla::ConvertElementType(
xla::Floor(xla::Div(xla::ConvertElementType(x, xla::F32),
xla::ConvertElementType(y, xla::F32))),
} else {
return xla::Floor(xla::Div(x, y));
if (DataTypeIsUnsigned(dtype)) {
return xla::Div(x, y);
auto zero = XlaHelpers::Zero(b, dtype);
auto one = XlaHelpers::One(b, dtype);
auto different_sign = xla::Ne(xla::Lt(x, zero), xla::Lt(y, zero));
auto abs_x = xla::Abs(x);
auto abs_y = xla::Abs(y);
auto t = xla::Neg(xla::Sub(xla::Add(abs_x, abs_y), one));
return xla::Select(different_sign, xla::Div(t, abs_y), xla::Div(x, y));
FloorDivImpl(b, input_type(0), lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
REGISTER_XLA_OP(Name("Xlogy"), MlirXlaOpKernel);
xla::XlaOp Xlog1pyImpl(xla::XlaOp x, xla::XlaOp y,
const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
auto non_zero = xla::Mul(x, xla::Log1p(y));
auto zero = xla::ZerosLike(non_zero);
auto x_is_zero = xla::Eq(x, zero);
return xla::Select(x_is_zero, zero, non_zero);
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Xlog1py, Xlog1pyImpl(lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
xla::XlaOp XdivyImpl(xla::XlaOp x, xla::XlaOp y,
const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
auto zero = xla::ZerosLike(x);
auto is_zero = xla::Eq(x, zero);
return xla::Select(is_zero, zero, xla::Div(x, y));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Xdivy, XdivyImpl(lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
// Implementation of FloorMod. Pseudo-code:
// T trunc_mod = std::fmod(x, y);
// return trunc_mod != 0 && (y < 0 != trunc_mod < 0) ? trunc_mod + y
// : trunc_mod;
static xla::XlaOp FloorModImpl(xla::XlaBuilder* b, DataType dtype, xla::XlaOp x,
xla::XlaOp y, const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
auto zero = XlaHelpers::Zero(b, dtype);
auto trunc_mod = xla::Rem(x, y);
auto trunc_mod_not_zero = xla::Ne(trunc_mod, zero);
auto do_plus = xla::And(xla::Ne(xla::Lt(trunc_mod, zero), xla::Lt(y, zero)),
return xla::Select(do_plus, xla::Add(trunc_mod, y), trunc_mod);
FloorModImpl(b, input_type(0), lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(BitwiseAnd, xla::And(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(BitwiseOr, xla::Or(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(BitwiseXor, xla::Xor(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(LeftShift, xla::ShiftLeft(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
? xla::ShiftRightLogical(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions)
: xla::ShiftRightArithmetic(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions)));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(LogicalAnd, xla::And(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(LogicalOr, xla::Or(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Mod, xla::Rem(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Maximum, xla::Max(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Minimum, xla::Min(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(RealDiv, xla::Div(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(ReciprocalGrad, xla::Neg(xla::Mul(rhs, xla::Mul(lhs, lhs))));
xla::Mul((lhs * lhs) * lhs,
xla::Div(rhs, XlaHelpers::IntegerLiteral(b, input_type(0), -2)),
xla::Div(xla::Mul(rhs, XlaHelpers::FloatLiteral(b, input_type(0), 0.5)),
lhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(TruncateDiv, xla::Div(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(TruncateMod, xla::Rem(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
// Comparison ops
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Equal, xla::Eq(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(NotEqual, xla::Ne(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Greater, xla::Gt(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(GreaterEqual, xla::Ge(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Less, xla::Lt(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(LessEqual, xla::Le(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
// Non-linear ops
xla::Mul(xla::Mul(rhs, lhs),
xla::Sub(XlaHelpers::One(b, input_type(0)), lhs)));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(SoftplusGrad, xla::Mul(lhs, xla::Logistic(rhs)));
// softsigngrad(gradients, features) = gradients / (1 + abs(features)) ** 2
xla::Square(xla::Add(XlaHelpers::One(b, input_type(0)),
xla::Mul(rhs, xla::Sub(XlaHelpers::One(b, input_type(0)),
xla::Mul(lhs, lhs))));
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Pow, xla::Pow(lhs, rhs, extend_dimensions));
xla::XlaOp SquaredDifferenceImpl(DataType dtype, xla::XlaOp x, xla::XlaOp y,
const std::vector<int64>& extend_dimensions) {
auto difference = xla::Sub(x, y, extend_dimensions);
if (DataTypeIsComplex(dtype)) {
return xla::Conj(difference) * difference;
} else {
return xla::Square(difference);
SquaredDifferenceImpl(input_type(0), lhs, rhs,
xla::XlaOp IgammaImpl(xla::XlaOp x, xla::XlaOp y,
const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
return xla::Igamma(x, y);
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Igamma, IgammaImpl(lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
xla::XlaOp IgammaGradAImpl(xla::XlaOp x, xla::XlaOp y,
const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
return xla::IgammaGradA(x, y);
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(IgammaGradA, IgammaGradAImpl(lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
xla::XlaOp RandomGammaGradImpl(xla::XlaOp x, xla::XlaOp y,
const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
return xla::RandomGammaGrad(x, y);
RandomGammaGradImpl(lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
xla::XlaOp IgammacImpl(xla::XlaOp x, xla::XlaOp y,
const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(x, y) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(x, y, broadcast_helper);
return xla::Igammac(x, y);
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Igammac, IgammacImpl(lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
xla::XlaOp PolygammaImpl(xla::XlaOp n, xla::XlaOp x,
const BCast& broadcast_helper) {
std::tie(n, x) = XlaBinaryOp::Broadcast(n, x, broadcast_helper);
return xla::Polygamma(n, x);
XLA_MAKE_BINARY(Polygamma, PolygammaImpl(lhs, rhs, broadcast_helper));
REGISTER_XLA_OP(Name("Zeta"), MlirXlaOpKernel);
class ApproximateEqualOp : public XlaOpKernel {
explicit ApproximateEqualOp(OpKernelConstruction* ctx) : XlaOpKernel(ctx) {
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("tolerance", &tolerance_));
// Computes the max of the scalar input x and 0.
void Compile(XlaOpKernelContext* ctx) override {
xla::XlaBuilder* b = ctx->builder();
auto abs = xla::Abs(xla::Sub(ctx->Input(0), ctx->Input(1)));
auto abs_shape = b->GetShape(abs);
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, abs_shape.status());
auto abs_type = abs_shape.ValueOrDie().element_type();
auto result =
xla::Lt(abs, xla::ConvertElementType(
xla::ConstantR0<float>(b, tolerance_), abs_type));
ctx->SetOutput(0, result);
float tolerance_;
REGISTER_XLA_OP(Name("ApproximateEqual"), ApproximateEqualOp);
} // namespace
} // namespace tensorflow