blob: c3ccff119c97df8c5e62ed5c85f27c9d0d826367 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// This file contains legalizations common to mapping both TensorFlow and
// TensorFlow Lite to TOSA. It operates generically on ops and does not have
// a hard reference on either dialect.
// Conversion functions return llvm::None on a legalization failure or a
// legalized value on success. Callers must check for presence of an
// llvm::Optional value after each call.
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tosa/transforms/legalize_common.h"
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <numeric>
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Quant/QuantTypes.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/Dialect/Tosa/IR/TosaOps.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h" // from @llvm-project
#include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tosa/transforms/legalize_utils.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace tosa {
// Copied Nudge implementation from
// tensorflow/core/kernels/fake_quant_ops_functor.h.
// Suggested approach to avoid significant TensorFlow
// build dependency.
void tensorflow_nudge(const float min, const float max, const int quant_min,
const int quant_max, float* nudged_min, float* nudged_max,
float* scale) {
const float quant_min_float = static_cast<float>(quant_min);
const float quant_max_float = static_cast<float>(quant_max);
*scale = (max - min) / (quant_max_float - quant_min_float);
const float zero_point_from_min = quant_min_float - min / *scale;
const uint16_t nudged_zero_point = [zero_point_from_min, quant_min,
quant_min_float, quant_max,
quant_max_float] {
if (zero_point_from_min < quant_min_float) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(quant_min);
if (zero_point_from_min > quant_max_float) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(quant_max);
return static_cast<uint16_t>(std::round(zero_point_from_min));
*nudged_min = (quant_min_float - nudged_zero_point) * (*scale);
*nudged_max = (quant_max_float - nudged_zero_point) * (*scale);
// Lowers the Pack operator to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertPackOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result_value,
SmallVector<Value, 8>& inputs,
int32_t axis) {
// Operator: output = Pack([values], axis) or output = Stack([values], axis)
// Lowering:
// This operator is lowered into a series of pairwise tosa.concat()
// operators and a reshape
// Depending on the inputs, a tranpose operator is also generated:
// Step 1: concatenate the tensors
// a1_concat = tosa.concat(input[0], input[1], axis)
// for (i = 2; i < len(input); i++)
// a1_concat = tosa.concat(a1_concat, input[i], axis)
// Step 2: reshape to N+1 dimensions
// a2_reshape = tosa.reshape(a1_concat, new_rank)
// Step 3: Transpose if a new dimension is being added:
// if (axis == rank(values[0]):
// // perm will be [1, 2, 3, 0]
// a3_transpose = tosa.transpose(a2_reshape, perm)
// Sanity check 1: make sure all input tensors have the same shape
// if input[0] has shape [A, B, C], input[1] to input[N-1] should also have
// shape[A, B, C]
RankedTensorType result_type =
// Check for ranked tensor type.
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("PackOp: result type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
// Valid axis in TF is [-rank(input), rank(input))
// Valid axis in TOSA is [0, rank(input))
// Plus rank(input) once if axis is negative.
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("PackOp: input type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
input_type = inputs[0].getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("Input 0 type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
ArrayRef<int64_t> input0_tensor_shape = input_type.getShape();
int input_tensor_rank = input0_tensor_shape.size();
for (int i = 1; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
input_type = inputs[0].getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!input_type) {
"reduce axis {} is not in valid range [-rank(input), rank(input))",
return llvm::None;
ArrayRef<int64_t> next_tensor_shape = input_type.getShape();
if (next_tensor_shape.size() != input_tensor_rank) {
op->emitOpError("PackOp: input tensor rank mismatch.");
return llvm::None;
for (int d = 0; d < input0_tensor_shape.size(); d++) {
if (input0_tensor_shape[d] != next_tensor_shape[d]) {
op->emitOpError("PackOp: input tensor shape mismatch.");
return llvm::None;
// If input tensors are rank 0, should reshape them to rank 1 size 1 before
// performing concat.
if (input_tensor_rank == 0) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 8> reshape_rank1_size1_shape{1};
RankedTensorType reshape_rank1_size1_type =
ArrayAttr shape_rank1_size1_attr =
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
auto a0_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
op->getLoc(), reshape_rank1_size1_type, inputs[i],
inputs[i] = a0_reshape_op.getResult();
// Sanity check 2: axis can be from [0, rank(input)+1]
// Where rank(input)+1 means create a new dimension
// Negative values are also allowed up to -(rank(input)+1)
// where the axis "wraps around".
if (axis < 0) axis += input_tensor_rank;
if ((axis < 0) || (axis > (input_tensor_rank + 1))) {
op->emitOpError("PackOp: axis out of valid range.");
return llvm::None;
// Sanity check 2: if input shape is [A, B, C], output shape should be [N,
// A, B, C]
// 2.a check output is rank(input) + 1
SmallVector<int64_t, 8> output_shape_vals(result_type.getShape().begin(),
if (output_shape_vals.size() != (input_tensor_rank + 1)) {
op->emitOpError("PackOp: output tensor rank mismatch.");
return llvm::None;
// 2.b check output rank 0 is N
if (output_shape_vals[axis] != inputs.size()) {
op->emitOpError("PackOp: output tensor shape mismatch.");
return llvm::None;
// Most of the cases when PackOp.axis() is within [0, rank(input) - 1].
// We can directly concatenate along that axis and perform the reshape.
// For example, stack N [A, B, C] input tensor ranks along axis = 1
// after concatenation, output will be [A, N * B, C]
// and then reshape it into [A, N, B, C]
// a special case would be PackOp.axis() equal to rank(input), in which case
// we can't directly concatenate along the PackOp.axis(), instead
// we concat along axis=0, and reshape into [N, A, B, C]
// and then we need an extra transpose to [A, B, C, N].
int64_t concat_axis;
SmallVector<int32_t, 8> perm;
SmallVector<int64_t, 8> reshape_output_shape;
if (axis == 0 && input_tensor_rank == 0) {
concat_axis = 0;
} else if (axis == input_tensor_rank) {
concat_axis = 0;
// A special case when stack axis is equal to input tensor rank:
// Output shape is [A, B, C, N]
// so reshape output will be [N, A, B, C]
// and perm will be [1, 2, 3, 0].
for (int d = 0; d < input_tensor_rank; d++) {
perm.push_back(d + 1);
} else {
// General case, doesn't need perm vector.
concat_axis = axis;
IntegerAttr concat_axis_attr = rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(concat_axis);
ArrayAttr shape_attr = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(reshape_output_shape);
// Concat output shape will depend on concat_axis. E.g. [N * A, B, C]
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> concat_output_shape;
if (input_tensor_rank == 0) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < input_tensor_rank; i++) {
concat_output_shape[concat_axis] =
concat_output_shape[concat_axis] * inputs.size();
RankedTensorType concat_type = RankedTensorType::get(
ArrayRef<int64_t>(concat_output_shape), result_type.getElementType());
SmallVector<mlir::Value> inputs_0;
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
auto a1_concat_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ConcatOp>(
op->getLoc(), concat_type, inputs_0, concat_axis_attr);
// Doesn't need reshape or transpose if input tensor is rank 0, since inputs
// are reshaped beforehand.
if (input_tensor_rank == 0) return a1_concat_op.getResult();
// Reshape [N * A, B, C] to [N, A, B, C].
RankedTensorType reshape_output_type = RankedTensorType::get(
ArrayRef<int64_t>(reshape_output_shape), result_type.getElementType());
auto a2_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
op->getLoc(), reshape_output_type, a1_concat_op.getResult(), shape_attr);
// If axis is equal to input tensor rank, then we need extra transpose
// [N, A, B, C] to [A, B, C, N]
if (axis == input_tensor_rank) {
Value a3_transpose_perm =
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(rewriter, op, perm);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type,
a2_reshape_op.getResult(), a3_transpose_perm)
return a2_reshape_op.getResult();
// Lowers the Unpack operator to TOSA
llvm::Optional<ValueRange> convertUnpackOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value input_value,
int32_t axis) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
int64_t input_rank = input_shape.size();
SmallVector<Value, 4> results_vec;
// Negative axis allowed as long as it's within [-input_rank, input_rank).
if (axis < 0) axis += input_rank;
if ((axis < 0) || (axis > input_rank)) {
op->emitOpError("UnpackOp: axis out of valid range.");
return llvm::None;
// A list of the output types for each slice op
SmallVector<Type, 4> outs_type_vec;
// Step 1: transpose 'axis' to leftmost dimension.
Value transposed_input_value;
if (axis != 0) {
SmallVector<int32_t, 8> perm_vec;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a1_transpose_shape(input_rank);
for (int i = 0; i < input_rank; i++) {
if (i == axis) continue;
Value a1_transpose_perm =
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(rewriter, op, perm_vec);
for (int i = 0; i < input_rank; i++) {
a1_transpose_shape[i] = input_shape[perm_vec[i]];
auto a1_transpose_op = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
input_value, a1_transpose_perm);
transposed_input_value = a1_transpose_op.getResult();
} else {
// Do nothing if axis is already at leftmost dimension.
transposed_input_value = input_value;
// Step 2: slice [N, A, B, C] into N [A, B, C].
RankedTensorType transposed_input_type =
if (!transposed_input_type) return llvm::None;
auto transposed_input_shape = transposed_input_type.getShape();
int64_t transposed_input_rank = transposed_input_shape.size();
for (int i = 0; i < transposed_input_shape[0]; i++) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> begin_vals, size_vals, shape_vals;
for (int j = 0; j < transposed_input_rank; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
} else {
ArrayAttr begin = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(begin_vals);
ArrayAttr size = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(size_vals);
auto a2_slice_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SliceOp>(
transposed_input_value, begin, size);
auto a3_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
a2_slice_op.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(shape_vals));
ArrayRef<int64_t>(shape_vals), transposed_input_type.getElementType()));
// Combine the sequence of tosa.slice() ops into a list
// using the IdentityN operator.
return rewriter
.create<tosa::IdentityNOp>(op->getLoc(), ArrayRef<Type>(outs_type_vec),
// Lowers the Select operator to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertSelectOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result_value, Value condition_value,
Value x_value, Value y_value) {
RankedTensorType result_type =
RankedTensorType condition_type =
RankedTensorType x_type = x_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
RankedTensorType y_type = y_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!result_type || !condition_type || !x_type || !y_type) {
op->emitOpError("Select: failed ranked tensor type check");
return llvm::None;
// First check whether we need to reshape the condition to match
// the same rank as the then/else clauses.
if (result_type.getRank() == condition_type.getRank()) {
// Nothing to reshape.
return rewriter
.create<tosa::SelectOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type, condition_value,
x_value, y_value)
// Need to reshape the condition.
SmallVector<int64_t, 8> new_cond_dims(
result_type.getRank() - condition_type.getRank(), 1);
for (int i = 0; i < condition_type.getRank(); i++) {
auto reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
condition_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(new_cond_dims));
return rewriter
.create<tosa::SelectOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type, reshape_op, x_value,
// Lowers the ZerosLike operator to TOSA by creating a constant
// of the desired type and shape.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertZerosLikeOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result,
Value input) {
RankedTensorType result_type = result.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("Zeroslike: result not ranked tensor type");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type = input.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("Zeroslike: input not ranked tensor type");
return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
ShapedType zero_type =
RankedTensorType::get(input_shape, input_type.getElementType());
Attribute zero_attr = rewriter.getZeroAttr(zero_type);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ConstOp>(op->getLoc(), zero_type,
// Lowers the Mul operator to TOSA. For quantized types, this requires
// inserting rescale operators before and after the operation.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertMultiplyOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value output_val,
Value input_lhs_val,
Value input_rhs_val) {
RankedTensorType input_lhs_type =
RankedTensorType input_rhs_type =
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!input_lhs_type || !input_rhs_type || !output_type) return llvm::None;
bool input_lhs_is_qtype =
bool input_rhs_is_qtype =
bool output_is_qtype =
if (input_lhs_is_qtype != output_is_qtype ||
input_rhs_is_qtype != output_is_qtype) {
"ConvertMultiplyOp: input/output tensor should "
"be all quantized or all floating-point");
return llvm::None;
Value output;
if (output_is_qtype) {
RankedTensorType rescale_type =
RankedTensorType::get(output_type.getShape(), rewriter.getI32Type());
auto input_lhs_qtype = input_lhs_type.getElementType()
auto input_rhs_qtype = input_rhs_type.getElementType()
auto output_qtype =
// MLIR store scale as double, but TFLite store scale as float
// Downcasting from double to float to match TFLite behavior
float in_lhs_scale = input_lhs_qtype.getScale();
float in_rhs_scale = input_rhs_qtype.getScale();
float output_scale = output_qtype.getScale();
double output_rescale_scale = in_lhs_scale * in_rhs_scale / output_scale;
// 16bits x 16bits -> 32bits
// 32bits can be rescaled with 32bits quantize multiplier back to 16bits
bool scale32 = true;
Value op1_rescale_lhs = buildRescaleToInt32(
rewriter, op, input_lhs_val, 1.0f, input_lhs_qtype.getZeroPoint());
Value op2_rescale_rhs = buildRescaleToInt32(
rewriter, op, input_rhs_val, 1.0f, input_rhs_qtype.getZeroPoint());
auto op3_mul_op1_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), rescale_type, op1_rescale_lhs, op2_rescale_rhs, 0);
return buildRescale(rewriter, op, output_type, op3_mul_op1_op2.getResult(),
output_rescale_scale, 0, output_qtype.getZeroPoint(),
true, scale32);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, input_lhs_val,
input_rhs_val, 0)
// Lowers the SquaredDifference operator to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertSquaredDifferenceOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result,
Value x, Value y) {
// Squared-difference is (x-y)*(x-y).
// This lowering calculates the difference and multiplies.
RankedTensorType result_type = result.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("SquaredDifference: result not ranked tensor type");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType x_type = x.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
RankedTensorType y_type = y.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!x_type || !y_type) {
op->emitOpError("SquaredDifference: inputs not ranked tensor type");
return llvm::None;
auto sub_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type, x, y);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type, sub_op.getResult(),
sub_op.getResult(), 0)
// Lowers the Round operator to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertRoundOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result, Value input) {
// Implements banker's rounding by calculating floor(input + 0.5).
RankedTensorType result_type = result.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("Round: result not ranked tensor type");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type = input.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("Round: input not ranked tensor type");
return llvm::None;
auto add_op = rewriter.create<tosa::AddOp>(
op->getLoc(), result_type, input,
getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, 0.5));
return rewriter
.create<tosa::FloorOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type, add_op.getResult())
// Lowers ConcatV2 to TOSA Concat.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertConcatV2Op(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
SmallVector<Value, 8>& values,
int32_t axis) {
// Check all inputs are RankedTensorType
for (auto v : values) {
if (!v.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>()) {
op->emitOpError("ConcatV2Op: value type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
// Check output is Ranked tensor type
if (!result_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>()) {
op->emitOpError("ConcatV2Op: output value type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType result_type =
mlir::quant::UniformQuantizedType result_quant_type =
SmallVector<mlir::Value> values_rescaled;
for (auto v : values) {
RankedTensorType operand_type = v.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
mlir::quant::UniformQuantizedType operand_quant_type =
// tfl.concat currently allows different scales for each input tensor, which
// TFlite team will fix in:
// For backward compatibility, we still need to support this artifact by
// scaling inputs to let them have the same scales.
if (result_quant_type && operand_quant_type) {
double operand_scale = static_cast<double>(operand_quant_type.getScale());
int32_t operand_zeropoint = operand_quant_type.getZeroPoint();
double result_scale = static_cast<double>(result_quant_type.getScale());
int32_t result_zeropoint = result_quant_type.getZeroPoint();
// Rescale input if scale is not equal to output tensor scale.
if (operand_scale != result_scale) {
RankedTensorType rescale_type =
RankedTensorType::get(operand_type.getShape(), result_quant_type);
Value rescale_op = buildRescale(
rewriter, op, rescale_type, v, operand_scale / result_scale,
operand_zeropoint, result_zeropoint, false, true);
} else
} else
int32_t tensor_rank = result_type.getShape().size();
if (axis < 0) axis += tensor_rank;
if ((axis < 0) || (axis > tensor_rank)) {
op->emitOpError("ConcatV2Op: axis out of valid range.");
return llvm::None;
auto concat_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ConcatOp>(
op->getLoc(), result_value.getType(), values_rescaled,
return concat_op.getResult();
// Lowers SpaceToBatchND to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertSpaceToBatchNDOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value,
Value block_shape_value,
Value paddings_value) {
// Operator: output = SpaceToBatchND(input, block_shape, paddings)
// Lowering:
// SpaceToBatch input tensors are broken into three pieces:
// (a) batch dimension (N in NHWC)
// (b) input being transformed to batch dimension (typically H, W in NHWC)
// (c) remainder of input (typically C in NHWC)
// Step 0. Generate padding constant for the first reshape.
// No padding on the batch dimension
// The input paddings array is addressed as [input_rank][2]
// No padding on the remaining dimensions
// a0_pad_const = tosa.const(input=Tensor<input_rank, 2>)
// Step 1. Pad the input tensor
// a1_pad_input_op = tosa.pad(input=input, shape=a0_pad_const_op)
// Step 2. Reshape the padded structure of shape padded_shape to
// [batch + padded_shape[1] / block_shape[0], block_shape[0], ...
// padded_shape[M] / block_shape[M-1], block_shape[M-1]] +
// remaining_shape
// block_rank = M (number of elements in block_shape)
// New rank: input_rank + block_rank
// a2_reshape_a1_op = tosa.reshape(input=a1_pad_input_op, shape=a2_shape)
// Step 3. Transpose dimensions to:
// block-shape +
// [batch] +
// [padded_shape[1] / block_shape[0],
// ...
// [padded_shape[M] / block_shape[M-1]] +
// remaining_shape
// a3_transpose_a2_op = tosa.tranpose(input=a2_reshape_a1_op,
// perms=a3_perm)
// Step 4. Reshape the transposed tensor to flatten block_shape stuff
// into the batch dimension with the following shape:
// [ batch * prod(block_shape)] +
// [ padded_shape[1] / block_shape[0],
// ...,
// padded_shape[M] / block_shape[M-1]] +
// remaining_shape
// a4_reshape_a3_op = tosa.reshape(input=a3_tranpose_a2_op,
// shape=a3_shape)
RankedTensorType result_type =
RankedTensorType input_type =
RankedTensorType block_shape_type =
RankedTensorType paddings_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output.
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToBatchND: result type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToBatchND: input type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
if (!block_shape_type) {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToBatchND: block shape type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
if (!paddings_type) {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToBatchND: paddings type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
// Follow implementation in
// tensorflow/compiler/tf2xla/kernels/
// So, to figure out the spatial_shape, remove the batch dimension and
// then use the next block_rank dimensions. The remaining dimensions are
// remaining_shape.
auto block_shape = block_shape_type.getShape();
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
int block_rank = block_shape[0];
int batch_size = input_shape[0];
int input_rank = input_type.getRank();
int remaining_shape_rank = input_rank - block_rank - 1;
int block_num_elems = 1;
int padding_sum = 0;
ElementsAttr block_shape_elems;
ElementsAttr paddings_elems;
if (!matchPattern(block_shape_value, m_Constant(&block_shape_elems)))
return llvm::None;
if (!matchPattern(paddings_value, m_Constant(&paddings_elems)))
return llvm::None;
SmallVector<int32_t, 2> a0_pad_const(2 * (input_rank));
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> padded_shape(input_rank);
// 1. Pad based on paddings operand. No padding on the batch dimension.
// The a0_pad_const array is addressed as [input_rank][2], but
// it is flattened to a 1D array because LLVM appears to only accept 1D.
// padded_shape[] is the shape of the padded output of step a1.
// The name is retained for consistency with the TF reference code.
padded_shape[0] = input_shape[0];
// Batch dimension padding
a0_pad_const[0] = 0;
a0_pad_const[1] = 0;
// This iterator seems to be the only reliable way to get
// int values out of a multi-dimensional ElementsAttr.
int idx = 0;
for (auto i : paddings_elems.getValues<IntegerAttr>()) {
a0_pad_const[idx + 2] = i.getInt();
padding_sum += i.getInt();
// Insert padding on the spatial shape dimensions
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) {
int32_t lo_pad = a0_pad_const[2 * (i + 1) + 0];
int32_t hi_pad = a0_pad_const[2 * (i + 1) + 1];
padded_shape[i + 1] = input_shape[i + 1] + lo_pad + hi_pad;
// No padding on the remaining_shape dimensions
for (int i = 0; i < remaining_shape_rank; i++) {
a0_pad_const[2 * (i + block_rank + 1) + 0] = 0;
a0_pad_const[2 * (i + block_rank + 1) + 1] = 0;
padded_shape[i + block_rank + 1] = input_shape[i + block_rank + 1];
RankedTensorType a0_pad_const_attr_type =
RankedTensorType::get({(input_rank), 2}, rewriter.getIntegerType(32));
// Create a const op to generate the tensor type for the input padding array
auto a0_pad_const_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ConstOp>(
op->getLoc(), a0_pad_const_attr_type,
auto a1_pad_input_op = rewriter.create<tosa::PadOp>(
input_value, a0_pad_const_op.getResult());
// 2. Reshape the padded structure of shape padded_shape to
// [batch + padded_shape[1] / block_shape[0], block_shape[0], ...
// padded_shape[M] / block_shape[M-1], block_shape[M-1]] +
// remaining_shape
// block_rank = M (number of elements in block_shape)
// New rank: input_rank + block_rank
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a2_shape(1 + block_rank * 2 + remaining_shape_rank);
// First dimension is batch.
a2_shape[0] = input_type.getShape()[0];
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) {
int32_t block_shape_val =
a2_shape[1 + i * 2 + 0] = padded_shape[1 + i] / block_shape_val;
a2_shape[1 + i * 2 + 1] = block_shape_val;
block_num_elems *= block_shape_val;
// Copy in the remaining block shape.
for (int i = 0; i < remaining_shape_rank; i++) {
a2_shape[1 + block_rank * 2 + i] = input_shape[1 + block_rank + i];
auto a2_reshape_a1_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
a1_pad_input_op.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a2_shape));
// 3. Transpose dimensions to:
// block-shape +
// [batch] +
// [padded_shape[1] / block_shape[0],
// ...
// [padded_shape[M] / block_shape[M-1]] +
// remaining_shape
int32_t a2_reshape_a1_rank =
SmallVector<int32_t, 8> a3_perm(a2_reshape_a1_rank);
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a3_transpose_shape(a2_reshape_a1_rank);
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) {
a3_perm[i] = 1 + 2 * i + 1;
a3_perm[block_rank + 1 + i] = 1 + 2 * i;
a3_perm[block_rank] = 0;
for (int i = 1 + block_rank * 2; i < a2_reshape_a1_rank; i++) {
a3_perm[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < a3_transpose_shape.size(); i++) {
a3_transpose_shape[i] = a2_shape[a3_perm[i]];
Value a3_transpose_const =
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(rewriter, op, a3_perm);
auto a3_transpose_a2_op = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
a2_reshape_a1_op.getResult(), a3_transpose_const);
// 4. Reshape the transposed tensor to flatten block_shape
// into the batch dimension with the following shape:
// [ batch * prod(block_shape)] +
// [ padded_shape[1] / block_shape[0],
// ...,
// padded_shape[M] / block_shape[M-1]] +
// remaining_shape
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a4_reshape_shape(input_rank);
// Batch
a4_reshape_shape[0] = batch_size * block_num_elems;
// padded shape / block_shape.
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) {
int32_t block_shape_val =
a4_reshape_shape[i + 1] = padded_shape[i + 1] / block_shape_val;
// Copy in remainder shape.
for (int i = 0; i < remaining_shape_rank; i++) {
a4_reshape_shape[1 + block_rank + i] = input_shape[1 + block_rank + i];
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type,
// Lowers BatchToSpaceND to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertBatchToSpaceNDOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value,
Value block_shape_value,
Value crops_value) {
// Operator: output = BatchToSpaceND(input, block_shape, clips)
// Lowering:
// BatchToSpace input tensors are broken into three pieces:
// (a) batch dimension (N in NHWC)
// (b) input being transformed from batch dimension (typically H, W in
// NHWC)
// (c) remainder of input (typically C in NHWC)
// Step 1. Reshape input to:
// [block_shape[0],
// ...
// [block_shape[M-1],
// [batch / prod(block_shape)]
// [input_shape[1],
// ...
// [input_shape[N-1]
// a1_reshape_input_op = tosa.reshape(input=input, shape=a1_shape)
// Step 2. Permute to shape
// [ batch / prod(block_shape) ],
// [ input_shape[1] ], [ block_shape[1] ]
// ...
// [ input_shape[M] ], [ block_shape[M-1]
// + remaining_input_shapes input_shape[M .. N-1]
// a2_transpose_a1 = tosa.transpose(input=a1_reshape_input_op,
// shape=a2_shape)
// Step 3. Reshape to:
// [ batch / prod(block_shape) ],
// [input_shape[1] * block_shape[0] ],
// ..
// [input_shape[M * block_shape[M-1],
// + remaining input shapes [input_shape[M+1.. N-1]]
// a3_reshape_a2 = tosa.reshape(input=a2_transpose_a1, shape=a3_shape)
// Step 4. Crop the start/end dimensions according to crops of the
// a3_reshape_a2 shape
// a4_slice_a3 = tosa.slice(input=a3_reshape_a2, start=a4_start,
// size=a4_size)
RankedTensorType result_type =
RankedTensorType input_type =
RankedTensorType block_shape_type =
RankedTensorType crops_type =
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("BatchToSpaceND: result type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("BatchToSpaceND: input type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
if (!block_shape_type) {
op->emitOpError("BatchToSpaceND: block shape type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
if (!crops_type) {
op->emitOpError("BatchToSpaceND: crops type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
// Another 4-step process
int block_rank = block_shape_type.getShape()[0];
int input_rank = input_type.getRank();
int crops_dims = crops_type.getShape()[0];
int remaining_shape_rank = input_rank - block_rank - 1;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
ElementsAttr block_shape_elems;
ElementsAttr crops_elems;
if (!matchPattern(block_shape_value, m_Constant(&block_shape_elems))) {
op->emitOpError("BatchToSpaceND: block_shape not a constant");
return llvm::None;
if (!matchPattern(crops_value, m_Constant(&crops_elems))) {
op->emitOpError("BatchToSpaceND: crops not a constant");
return llvm::None;
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> block_shape(block_rank);
SmallVector<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>, 4> crops(crops_dims);
// Extract values for block_shape and crops now.
int block_num_elems = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) {
int block_shape_val =
block_num_elems *= block_shape_val;
block_shape[i] = block_shape_val;
// This iterator seems to be the only reliable way to get
// int values out of a multi-dimensional ElementsAttr
SmallVector<int32_t, 2> crops_const(2 * (crops_dims));
int idx = 0;
for (auto i : crops_elems.getValues<IntegerAttr>()) {
crops_const[idx++] = i.getInt();
for (int i = 0; i < crops_dims; i++) {
int crops_lo = crops_const[i * crops_dims + 0];
int crops_hi = crops_const[i * crops_dims + 1];
crops[i] = std::make_pair(crops_lo, crops_hi);
// Step 1. Reshape input to:
// [block_shape[0],
// ...
// [block_shape[M-1],
// [batch / prod(block_shape)]
// [input_shape[1],
// ...
// [input_shape[N-1]
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a1_shape(block_rank + input_rank);
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) a1_shape[i] = block_shape[i];
a1_shape[block_rank] = input_shape[0] / block_num_elems;
for (int i = 0; i < input_rank - 1; i++)
a1_shape[i + block_rank + 1] = input_shape[i + 1];
auto a1_reshape_input_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
input_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a1_shape));
// 2. Permute to shape
// [ batch / prod(block_shape) ],
// [ input_shape[1] ], [ block_shape[0] ]
// ...
// [ input_shape[M] ], [ block_shape[M-1]
// + remaining_input_shapes input_shape[M+1 .. N-1]
// 2a. calculate the permutation
SmallVector<int32_t, 8> a2_perm(block_rank + input_rank);
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a2_transpose_shape(block_rank + input_rank);
a2_perm[0] = block_rank;
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) {
a2_perm[1 + i * 2 + 0] = block_rank + 1 + i;
a2_perm[1 + i * 2 + 1] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < remaining_shape_rank; i++) {
a2_perm[1 + 2 * block_rank + i] = 1 + 2 * block_rank + i;
// 2b. calculate the a2_permuted shape
for (int i = 0; i < (block_rank + input_rank); i++) {
a2_transpose_shape[i] = a1_shape[a2_perm[i]];
Value a2_transpose_perm =
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(rewriter, op, a2_perm);
auto a2_transpose_a1_op = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
a1_reshape_input_op.getResult(), a2_transpose_perm);
// Step 3. Reshape to:
// [ batch / prod(block_shape) ],
// [input_shape[1] * block_shape[0] ],
// ..
// [input_shape[M * block_shape[M-1],
// + remaining input shapes [input_shape[M+1.. N-1]]
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a4_shape(input_rank);
a4_shape[0] = input_shape[0] / block_num_elems;
for (int i = 0; i < block_rank; i++) {
a4_shape[1 + i] = input_shape[i + 1] * block_shape[i];
for (int i = 0; i < remaining_shape_rank; i++) {
a4_shape[1 + block_rank + i] = input_shape[block_rank + 1 + i];
auto a3_reshape_a2 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
a2_transpose_a1_op.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a4_shape));
// 4. Crop the start/end dimensions on 'spatial dimension' according to
// crops
// Use a slice operator to do the cropping.
// Calculate a beginning point and a size:
// - Begin is the origin, offset by the lo crop amount in each dimension
// - Size is the reshaped tensor size, minus the quantity (lo + hi) for each
// dimension
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> a4_begin_vals(input_rank), a4_size_vals(input_rank);
for (int i = 0; i < input_rank; i++) {
// Batch dimension and remaining dimensions.
if (i == 0 || i > crops_dims) {
a4_begin_vals[i] = 0;
a4_size_vals[i] = result_type.getShape()[i];
} else {
// Spatial dimension.
assert(i - 1 >= 0 && i - 1 < crops_dims);
a4_begin_vals[i] = crops[i - 1].first;
a4_size_vals[i] = a4_shape[i] - crops[i - 1].first - crops[i - 1].second;
return rewriter
a3_reshape_a2.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a4_begin_vals),
// Lowers ExpandDims to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertExpandDimsOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value, Value dim_value) {
// Lowers to a reshape op with 1's inserted in the appropriate dimensions.
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!output_type) {
op->emitOpError("ExpandDims: output type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("ExpandDims: input type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
ElementsAttr dim_elem;
if (!matchPattern(dim_value, m_Constant(&dim_elem))) return llvm::None;
assert(dim_elem.getType().getRank() == 0 && "expected scalar tensor");
int32_t dim = dim_elem.getValue<IntegerAttr>({}).getInt();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> reshape_dims;
if (dim < 0 || dim >= input_shape.size()) { // add dim at end of tensor
dim = input_shape.size();
for (int i = 0; i < input_shape.size(); i++) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < input_shape.size(); i++) {
if (i == dim) {
ArrayAttr shape_attr = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(reshape_dims);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, input_value,
// Lowers Squeeze to TOSA.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertSqueezeOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result_value, Value input_value,
SmallVector<int32_t, 8>& squeeze_dims) {
// Lowers to a reshape op where dimensions in squeeze_dims with size=1
// are removed.
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!output_type) {
op->emitOpError("Squeeze: output type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("Squeeze: input type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
SmallVector<int64_t, 8> reshape_dims;
if (squeeze_dims.empty()) { // remove all 1-dims
for (int i = 0; i < input_shape.size(); i++) {
if (input_shape[i] != 1) {
} else {
// Remove only specified dims.
// First sort the array so they can be picked off in sequence.
std::sort(squeeze_dims.begin(), squeeze_dims.end(),
[](const int32_t a, const int32_t b) { return a < b; });
int pos = 0;
auto dim = squeeze_dims[pos];
for (int i = 0; i < input_shape.size(); i++) {
if (i == dim) {
pos = pos + 1;
if (pos < squeeze_dims.size())
dim = squeeze_dims[pos];
dim = -1; // Invalid
} else {
ArrayAttr shape_attr = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(reshape_dims);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, input_value,
// Lowers ELU to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertEluOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result_value, Value features_value) {
// Lowers Elu using the following formula:
// elu(x) = x < 0 ? (exp(x) - 1) : x
// one = const({1});
// zero = const({0});
// one_bcast = reshape(one, [1, ..., rank(x) - 1])
// zero_bcast = reshape(zero, [1, ..., rank(x) - 1])
// a1 = exp(x);
// a2 = sub(a1, one_bcast)
// a3 = ge(x, zero_bcast)
// a4 = select(a3, x, a2)
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!output_type) {
op->emitOpError("Elu: output type not ranked tensor");
return llvm::None;
int32_t input_rank = output_type.getShape().size();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> bcast_shape(input_rank, 1);
// Can't directly create size=1, rank=rank(input) tensor because
// it will be optimized out. Instead, create rank0 tensor and reshape later.
Value one_const_op = getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, 1.0);
Value zero_const_op = getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, 0.0);
auto a1_exp_in_op =
rewriter.create<tosa::ExpOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, features_value);
auto a2_sub_a1_one_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, a1_exp_in_op.getResult(), one_const_op);
auto a3_ge_in_zero_op = rewriter.create<tosa::GreaterEqualOp>(
RankedTensorType::get(output_type.getShape(), rewriter.getIntegerType(1)),
features_value, zero_const_op);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::SelectOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
a3_ge_in_zero_op.getResult(), features_value,
// Lowers Softmax to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertSoftmaxOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result_value, Value logits_value,
double beta) {
// softmax = exp(logits) / reduce_sum(exp(logits), -1)
// or equivalently multiply exp(-max(logits)) to both numerator and
// denominator we get:
// softmax = exp(logits - max(logits)) / reduce_sum(exp(logits -
// max(logits)), -1)
// We'll use first version for direct fp lowering, and second version for
// quantized lowering since second one we can restrict input to exp() be
// negative, and thus LUT can always be within [0.0, 1.0].
RankedTensorType output_type =
RankedTensorType input_type =
// Not a ranked tensor input/output
if (!output_type || !input_type) {
op->emitOpError("Softmax: input and result not ranked tensors");
return llvm::None;
// reduce_sum on last dimension
int32_t input_rank = input_type.getShape().size();
ArrayRef<int64_t> logits_shape = output_type.getShape();
if (input_type.getElementType().isa<mlir::quant::QuantizedType>() &&
output_type.getElementType().isa<mlir::quant::QuantizedType>()) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> rsum_shape_v(input_type.getShape().begin(),
input_type.getShape().end() - 1);
ArrayRef<int64_t> rsum_shape(rsum_shape_v);
// The if condition already checks if these are UQTs
mlir::quant::UniformQuantizedType in_quant_type =
mlir::quant::UniformQuantizedType out_quant_type =
auto int16_element_qtype = mlir::quant::UniformQuantizedType::get(
true, rewriter.getIntegerType(16), rewriter.getF32Type(), 1.0f, 0,
-32768, 32767);
RankedTensorType int16_logits_type =
RankedTensorType::get(logits_shape, int16_element_qtype);
RankedTensorType int32_logits_type =
RankedTensorType::get(logits_shape, rewriter.getIntegerType(32));
RankedTensorType int16_rsum_type =
RankedTensorType::get(rsum_shape, int16_element_qtype);
RankedTensorType int32_rsum_type =
RankedTensorType::get(rsum_shape, rewriter.getIntegerType(32));
if (in_quant_type.getStorageTypeIntegralWidth() == 8) {
// Step 1. get x - max(x)
Value op1_rescale_in =
buildRescale(rewriter, op, int32_logits_type, logits_value, 1.0f,
in_quant_type.getZeroPoint(), 0, false, true);
auto op2_reducemax_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReduceMaxOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op1_rescale_in,
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(input_rank - 1));
auto op3_sub_op1_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op1_rescale_in,
// Step 2. get exp() result
// Implemented with two 8-bit -> 16-bit table lookup
// Since table output is allowed to be [-32768, 32767]
// And lower 16 bits are unsigned and ranges [0, 65535]
// Lower table is generated with offset -32768, and this need to be
// recovered before adding with higher 16 bits.
auto exp_func = [](double x) -> double { return std::exp(x); };
Value exp_table_const_upper, exp_table_const_lower;
getTosaConst32bitTable(rewriter, op, beta * in_quant_type.getScale(), 0,
exp_func, exp_table_const_upper,
Value op4_rescale_op3 =
buildRescale(rewriter, op, int16_logits_type,
op3_sub_op1_op2.getResult(), 128.0, 0, 0, false, true);
// Input is 9.7, where lower 7 bits are all zeros.
// Output is 23 bits, where lower 7 bits should be all zeros as well,
// since there's no interpolation here.
auto op5_table_op4_upper = rewriter.create<tosa::TableOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op4_rescale_op3,
auto op6_table_op4_lower = rewriter.create<tosa::TableOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op4_rescale_op3,
// To get 16 bits upper/lower value, we need to right shift 7 bits
// And then we reconstruct 32-bit value we need (upper << 16) + lower
// So effectively we left shift upper with 9 bits
auto op7_lshift_op5 = rewriter.create<tosa::LogicalLeftShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op5_table_op4_upper.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 9));
// Right shift 7 bits to get lower 16 bits.
auto op8_rshift_op6 = rewriter.create<tosa::ArithmeticRightShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op6_table_op4_lower.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 7), true);
// Recover lower bits from [-32768, 32767] back to [0, 65535]
auto op9_add_op8_32768 = rewriter.create<tosa::AddOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op8_rshift_op6.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 32768));
auto op10_add_op7_op9 = rewriter.create<tosa::AddOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op7_lshift_op5.getResult(),
// Step 3. get sum(exp()). output 12.19
auto op11_rshift_op10_12 = rewriter.create<tosa::ArithmeticRightShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op10_add_op7_op9.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 12), true);
auto op12_reducesum_op11 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReduceSumOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op11_rshift_op10_12.getResult(),
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(input_rank - 1));
// Step 4. calculate reciprocal(sum(exp()))
// CLZ returns headroom_plus_one
auto op13_clz_op12 = rewriter.create<tosa::ClzOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op12_reducesum_op11.getResult());
// minus one to get headroom
auto op14_sub_op13 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op13_clz_op12.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 1));
// Left shift to get s1.30 format
auto op15_lshift_op12_op14 = rewriter.create<tosa::LogicalLeftShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op12_reducesum_op11.getResult(),
// Step 5. Calculate one_over_one_plus_x() with Newton-Raphson division
// with 3 iterations.
// Need two magic constants 48/17 and -32/17 from Newton-Raphson algorithm
// We need to operator in s2.29 since 48/17 is > 2.0
// Reference: gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h
Value half_denominator = op15_lshift_op12_op14.getResult();
Value four = getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 4);
Value F2_one = getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, (1U << 29));
Value constant_48_over_17 =
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 1515870810);
Value constant_neg_32_over_17 =
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, -1010580540);
// F2 x = constant_48_over_17 + half_denominator *
// constant_neg_32_over_17;
auto op16_mul_half_denominator = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, half_denominator,
constant_neg_32_over_17, 31);
auto op17_add_op16 = rewriter.create<tosa::AddOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op16_mul_half_denominator.getResult(),
// Newton-Raphson 3x iteration
Value nr_x = op17_add_op16.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// half_denominator_times_x =
// SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(half_denominator, x)
auto op18_mul_x_half_denominator = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, nr_x, half_denominator, 31);
// F2 one_minus_half_denominator_times_x = F2::One() -
// half_denominator_times_x
auto op19_sub_one_op18 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, F2_one,
// SaturatingRoundingDoublingHighMul(x,
// one_minus_half_denominator_times_x)
auto op20_mul_x_op19 =
rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, nr_x,
op19_sub_one_op18.getResult(), 31);
// x + Rescale<2>(x * one_minus_half_denominator_times_x)
auto op21_mul_op20_four =
rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type,
op20_mul_x_op19.getResult(), four, 0);
auto op22_add_x_op21 =
rewriter.create<tosa::AddOp>(op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, nr_x,
nr_x = op22_add_x_op21.getResult();
// Step 6. multiply exp(x) with 1 / sum(exp(x))
// combined with Rescale<0>(ExactMulByPot<-1>(x))
// so shift 30 instead of 31
auto op23_mul_op10_x = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op10_add_op7_op9.getResult(), nr_x,
31 - 1);
// Right shift amount is
// num_bits_over_unit + 31 - (sizeof(OutputT) * 8 =
// (12 - headroom_plus_one) + 31 - 8 =
// (12 + 31 - 8) - headroom_plus_one
auto op24_sub_op13 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type,
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 12 + 31 - 8),
auto op25_rshift_op23_op24 =
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op23_mul_op10_x.getResult(),
op24_sub_op13.getResult(), true);
return buildRescale(rewriter, op, output_type,
op25_rshift_op23_op24.getResult(), 1.0, 0,
out_quant_type.getZeroPoint(), false, true);
} else if (in_quant_type.getStorageTypeIntegralWidth() == 16) {
// Step 1. get x - max(x)
Value op1_rescale_in =
buildRescale(rewriter, op, int32_logits_type, logits_value, 1.0f,
in_quant_type.getZeroPoint(), 0, false, true);
auto op2_reducemax_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReduceMaxOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op1_rescale_in,
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(input_rank - 1));
// output range is [-65535, 0]
auto op3_sub_op1_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op1_rescale_in,
auto exp_func = [](double x) -> double { return std::exp(x); };
// Follow TFLite reference: tensorflow/lite/kernels/
Value exp_table_const =
getTosaConst16bitTable(rewriter, op, exp_func, -10.0, 0);
double input_diff_scale = in_quant_type.getScale() / (10.0 / 65535.0);
// Step 2. rescale input from [-65535, 0] to [-32768, 32767] for LUT input
Value op4_rescale_op3 = buildRescale(
rewriter, op, int16_logits_type, op3_sub_op1_op2.getResult(),
input_diff_scale, 0, 32767, true, true);
// Step 3. get exp() result
// Output is 15.7.
// In 8-bit case, no interpolation here, since input should be right on
// table entry.
auto op5_table_op4 = rewriter.create<tosa::TableOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op4_rescale_op3, exp_table_const);
// Right shift 7 bits. output 15. Shouldn't lose any precision since last
// 7 bits should be all 0.
auto op6_rshift_op5 = rewriter.create<tosa::ArithmeticRightShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op5_table_op4.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 7), true);
// Step 4. get sum(exp()). output 16.15
auto op7_reducesum_op6 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReduceSumOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op6_rshift_op5.getResult(),
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(input_rank - 1));
// Step 5. calculate reciprocal(sum(exp()))
// CLZ returns 32 - first non zero bit
auto op8_clz_op7 = rewriter.create<tosa::ClzOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op7_reducesum_op6.getResult());
auto op9_sub_op8 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op8_clz_op7.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 1));
// Left shift to get 1.30 format
auto op10_lshift_op7_op9 = rewriter.create<tosa::LogicalLeftShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op7_reducesum_op6.getResult(),
// Subtract (1 << 30) to make 0 <= x <= 1 under 0.30 format
auto op11_sub_op10 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op10_lshift_op7_op9.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, (1u << 30)));
// Right shift 14 bits to get output range [0, 65535]
auto op12_rshift_op11 = rewriter.create<tosa::ArithmeticRightShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op11_sub_op10.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 14), true);
// Remap input to [-32768, 32767] for LUT input
auto op13_rescale_op12 = buildRescale(rewriter, op, int16_rsum_type,
op12_rshift_op11.getResult(), 1.0,
32768, 0, false, true);
// Generate table for 1 / (1 + x), for 0 <= x <= 1
auto one_over_one_plus_x_func = [](double x) -> double {
return 1.0 / (1.0 + x);
Value one_over_one_plus_x_table_const = getTosaConst16bitTable(
rewriter, op, one_over_one_plus_x_func, 0.0, 1.0);
// Get (1 / sum(exp(x))) result as 23 bits (including sign bit)
auto op14_table_op13 = rewriter.create<tosa::TableOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op13_rescale_op12,
// Right shift 7 bits back to 0.15
auto op15_rshift_op14 = rewriter.create<tosa::ArithmeticRightShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type, op14_table_op13.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 7), true);
// Step 6. multiply exp(max-x) with 1 / sum(exp(max-x))
// lhs: 0.15, rhs: 0.15, output: 0.30
auto op16_mul_op15_op6 = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op15_rshift_op14, op6_rshift_op5, 0);
auto op17_sub_op8 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), int32_rsum_type,
getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 31),
// Apply the clz back, we get 0.15 output
// [0, 32767] corresponding to [0.0, 1.0]
auto op18_rshift_op16_op17 =
op->getLoc(), int32_logits_type, op16_mul_op15_op6.getResult(),
op17_sub_op8.getResult(), true);
return buildRescale(rewriter, op, output_type,
(1.0 / out_quant_type.getScale()) * (1.0 / 32768.0),
0, out_quant_type.getZeroPoint(), false, true);
} else {
op->emitOpError("Softmax: unknown quantization bitwidth");
return llvm::None;
} else {
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> rsum_shape_v(input_type.getShape().begin(),
rsum_shape_v[input_rank - 1] = 1;
ArrayRef<int64_t> rsum_shape(rsum_shape_v);
// Floating-point loewring is more direct:
// op1 = exp(logits)
// op2 = reduce_sum(op1, -1)
// op3 = reciprocal(op2)
// op4 = mul(op1, op3)
auto op1_exp_in =
rewriter.create<tosa::ExpOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, logits_value);
RankedTensorType rsum_type =
RankedTensorType::get(rsum_shape, output_type.getElementType());
// Keep dims so we don't need to reshape later
auto op2_reducesum_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReduceSumOp>(
op->getLoc(), rsum_type, op1_exp_in.getResult(),
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(input_rank - 1));
auto op3_reciprocal_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReciprocalOp>(
op->getLoc(), rsum_type, op2_reducesum_op1.getResult());
return rewriter
.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, op1_exp_in.getResult(),
op3_reciprocal_op2.getResult(), 0)
// Lowers LogSoftmax to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertLogSoftmaxOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value logits_value) {
// log_softmax = log(exp(logits) / reduce_sum(exp(logits), -1))
// op1 = exp(logits)
// op2 = reduce_sum(op1, -1)
// op3 = reciprocal(op2)
// op4 = mul(op1, op3)
// op5 = log(op4)
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!output_type) {
op->emitOpError("LogSoftmax: output type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("LogSoftmax: input type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
mlir::quant::UniformQuantizedType in_quant_type =
mlir::quant::UniformQuantizedType out_quant_type =
if (in_quant_type || out_quant_type) {
op->emitOpError("Quantized log_softmax lowering not implemented yet");
return llvm::None;
auto op1_exp_in =
rewriter.create<tosa::ExpOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, logits_value);
// reduce_sum on last dimension
int32_t input_rank = input_type.getShape().size();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> rsum_shape(output_type.getShape().begin(),
rsum_shape[input_rank - 1] = 1;
RankedTensorType rsum_type = RankedTensorType::get(
ArrayRef<int64_t>(rsum_shape), output_type.getElementType());
// Keep dims so we don't need to reshape later
auto op2_reducesum_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReduceSumOp>(
op->getLoc(), rsum_type, op1_exp_in.getResult(),
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(input_rank - 1));
auto op3_reciprocal_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReciprocalOp>(
op->getLoc(), rsum_type, op2_reducesum_op1.getResult());
auto op4_mul_op1_op3 = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, op1_exp_in.getResult(),
op3_reciprocal_op2.getResult(), 0);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::LogOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
// Lowers SpaceToDepth to a sequence of TOSA ops. Supports NHWC.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertSpaceToDepthOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value,
IntegerAttr block_size_attr,
StringAttr data_format) {
// NHWC lowering version:
// a2 = tf.reshape(a, [orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1]//b, b, orig_shape[2]//b,
// b, orig_shape[3]])
// a3 = tf.transpose(a2, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5])
// a4 = tf.reshape(a3, [orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1]//b, orig_shape[2]//b,
// orig_shape[3]*b*b])
// return a4
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output.
if (!output_type) {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToDepth: output type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToDepth: input type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
if (input_type.getRank() != 4) {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToDepth: input rank not 4.");
return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
if (!block_size_attr) { // This is a required parameter
op->emitOpError("SpaceToDepth: block size attribute not set.");
return llvm::None;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> block_size;
block_size.assign(2, block_size_attr.getInt());
if (!data_format) data_format = rewriter.getStringAttr("NHWC");
if (data_format.getValue().str() != "NHWC") {
op->emitOpError("SpaceToDepth: data format not NHWC.");
return llvm::None;
assert(block_size[0] * block_size[1] != 0);
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> a_reshape_dims;
a_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[1] / block_size[0]);
a_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[2] / block_size[1]);
RankedTensorType a_reshape_output_type = RankedTensorType::get(
ArrayRef<int64_t>(a_reshape_dims), output_type.getElementType());
auto a2_reshape_a_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
op->getLoc(), a_reshape_output_type, input_value,
Value a3_transpose_perm = get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(
rewriter, op, {0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5});
auto a3_transpose_a2_op = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
op->getLoc(), a_reshape_output_type, a2_reshape_a_op.getResult(),
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> a3_reshape_dims;
a3_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[1] / block_size[0]);
a3_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[2] / block_size[1]);
a3_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[3] * block_size[0] * block_size[1]);
RankedTensorType a3_reshape_output_type = RankedTensorType::get(
ArrayRef<int64_t>(a3_reshape_dims), output_type.getElementType());
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(op->getLoc(), a3_reshape_output_type,
// Lowers DepthToSpace to a sequence of TOSA ops. Supports NHWC.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertDepthToSpaceOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value,
IntegerAttr block_size_attr,
StringAttr data_format) {
// NHWC version
// a2 = tf.reshape(a, [orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1], orig_shape[2], b, b,
// orig_shape[3] // (b*b)])
// a3 = tf.transpose(a2, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5])
// a4 = tf.reshape(a3, [orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1] * b, orig_shape[2] * b,
// orig_shape[3] // (b*b)])
// return a4
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!output_type) {
op->emitOpError("DepthToSpace: output type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("DepthToSpace: input type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
if (input_type.getRank() != 4) return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
if (!block_size_attr) { // This is a required parameter
op->emitOpError("DepthToSpace: block size attribute not set.");
return llvm::None;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> block_size;
block_size.assign(2, block_size_attr.getInt());
if (!data_format) data_format = rewriter.getStringAttr("NHWC");
if (data_format.getValue().str() != "NHWC") {
op->emitOpError("DepthToSpace: data format not NHWC.");
return llvm::None;
assert(block_size[0] * block_size[1] != 0);
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> a_reshape_dims;
a_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[3] / (block_size[0] * block_size[1]));
RankedTensorType a_reshape_output_type = RankedTensorType::get(
ArrayRef<int64_t>(a_reshape_dims), output_type.getElementType());
auto a2_reshape_a_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
op->getLoc(), a_reshape_output_type, input_value,
Value a3_transpose_perm = get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(
rewriter, op, {0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5});
auto a3_transpose_a2_op = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
op->getLoc(), a_reshape_output_type, a2_reshape_a_op.getResult(),
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> a3_reshape_dims;
a3_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[1] * block_size[0]);
a3_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[2] * block_size[1]);
a3_reshape_dims.push_back(input_shape[3] / (block_size[0] * block_size[1]));
RankedTensorType a3_reshape_output_type = RankedTensorType::get(
ArrayRef<int64_t>(a3_reshape_dims), output_type.getElementType());
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(op->getLoc(), a3_reshape_output_type,
// Lowers Split to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<ValueRange> convertSplitOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value, int32_t num_split,
int32_t axis) {
// This lowering creates num_split slice ops and ties them together
// with IdentityN to get from an array of Operations to a single Operation
// with a list of result tensors.
RankedTensorType result_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("Split: output type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("Split: input type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
SmallVector<Value, 4> results_vec;
assert(axis > 0 && axis < input_shape.size());
assert((input_shape[axis] % num_split) == 0);
assert(num_split > 0);
int64_t slice_size = input_shape[axis] / num_split;
SmallVector<Type, 4>
outs_type_vec; // A list of the output types for each slice op
for (int i = 0; i < num_split; i++) {
// Each slice has a different begining point.
// The slice size is actually the same each op.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> begin_vals, size_vals;
for (int j = 0; j < input_shape.size(); j++) {
if (j == axis) {
begin_vals.push_back(slice_size * i);
} else {
ArrayAttr begin = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(begin_vals);
ArrayAttr size = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(size_vals);
ArrayRef<int64_t>(size_vals), result_type.getElementType()));
auto slice_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SliceOp>(
input_value, begin, size);
// Combine the sequence of tosa.slice() ops into a list
// using the IdentityN operator
return rewriter
.create<tosa::IdentityNOp>(op->getLoc(), ArrayRef<Type>(outs_type_vec),
// Lowers SplitV to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<ValueRange> convertSplitVOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value,
SmallVector<int32_t, 4>& size_split,
int32_t axis) {
// This lowering creates num_split slice ops and ties them together
// with IdentityN to get from an array of Operations to a single Operation
// with a list of result tensors.
RankedTensorType result_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("SplitV: output type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("SplitV: input type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
SmallVector<Value, 4> results_vec;
assert(axis > 0 && axis < input_shape.size());
int32_t size_split_sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size_split.size(); i++) {
size_split_sum += size_split[i];
// The split sizes must sum up to the size of the axis being split
assert(size_split_sum == input_shape[axis]);
// Create num_split slice ops:
SmallVector<Type, 4>
outs_type_vec; // A list of the output types for each slice op
int32_t curr_split_start = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size_split.size(); i++) {
// Each slice has a different begining point.
// The slice size is different for each op.
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> begin_vals, size_vals;
for (int j = 0; j < input_shape.size(); j++) {
if (j == axis) {
} else {
ArrayAttr begin = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(begin_vals);
ArrayAttr size = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(size_vals);
ArrayRef<int64_t>(size_vals), result_type.getElementType()));
auto slice_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SliceOp>(
input_value, begin, size);
// Next start position
curr_split_start += size_split[i];
// Combine the sequence of tosa.slice() ops into a list
// using the IdentityN operator
return rewriter
.create<tosa::IdentityNOp>(op->getLoc(), ArrayRef<Type>(outs_type_vec),
// Lowers StridedSlice to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertStridedSliceOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value input_value, Value begin_value, Value end_value, Value strides_value,
int32_t begin_mask, int32_t end_mask, int32_t ellipsis_mask,
int32_t new_axis_mask, int32_t shrink_axis_mask) {
// The mask arguments are bitmasks where bit [i] applies to
// dimension [i] of the input tensor.
// The rough algorithm for lowering strided slice is as follows:
// 0. Process begin/end masks, since they are basically syntactic sugar
// on top of the begin_value/end_value arrays
// 1. Slice1: Ignoring stride, slice the interesting range from the input
// tensor
// 2. Reshape2: Reshape the tensor from (1) such that each dimension with
// stride is split into two dimensions of size_i/stride_i, stride_i. A naive
// implementation doubles the input tensor rank, but only dimensions being
// strided actually need to be doubled.
// 3. Slice3: Slice the tensor from (2) such that we select index [0] from
// each of the stride_i dimensions in (2)
// 4. Reshape4: Reshape the tensor to eliminate the stride_i dimensions, add
// any dimensions in new_axis_mask and remove any dimensions in the
// shrink_axis_mask
// Limitations:
// This implementation only supports ellipsis_mask=0 for now
// This implementation does not support reverse stride yet. Will need
// to insert tosa.Reverse operators for this.
assert(ellipsis_mask == 0);
RankedTensorType input_type =
RankedTensorType result_type =
if (!result_type) {
op->emitOpError("StridedSlice: output type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
if (!input_type) {
op->emitOpError("StridedSlice: input type not ranked tensor.");
return llvm::None;
int32_t input_rank = input_type.getRank();
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
// Extract the begin/end/stride tensors
SmallVector<int32_t, 4> begin, end, strides;
if (getVectorFromValue32(begin_value, begin) != input_rank) {
op->emitOpError("StridedSlice: begin doesn't match input_rank.");
return llvm::None;
if (getVectorFromValue32(end_value, end) != input_rank) {
op->emitOpError("StridedSlice: end doesn't match input_rank.");
return llvm::None;
if (getVectorFromValue32(strides_value, strides) != input_rank) {
op->emitOpError("StridedSlice: strides doesn't match input_rank.");
return llvm::None;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a1_begin(input_rank), a1_size(input_rank);
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a2_shape(input_rank * 2);
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a3_begin(input_rank * 2), a3_size(input_rank * 2);
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> a4_shape;
// Step 0: Process the begin/end masks and build the begin/sizes for the
// first slice
int residual = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < input_rank; i++) {
if (begin_mask & (1 << i)) begin[i] = 0;
if (end_mask & (1 << i)) end[i] = input_shape[i];
// Wrap around index if begin and end is negative
if (begin[i] < 0) begin[i] += input_shape[i];
if (end[i] < 0) end[i] += input_shape[i];
// TODO(suderman): support reverse stride
a1_begin[i] = begin[i];
a1_size[i] = end[i] - begin[i];
a2_shape[i * 2 + 0] = a1_size[i] / strides[i];
a2_shape[i * 2 + 1] = strides[i];
a3_begin[i * 2 + 0] = 0;
a3_begin[i * 2 + 1] = 0;
if (shrink_axis_mask & (1 << i)) {
a3_size[i * 2 + 0] = 1;
} else {
a3_size[i * 2 + 0] = a1_size[i] / strides[i];
a3_size[i * 2 + 1] = 1;
if (!(shrink_axis_mask & (1 << i))) {
if (new_axis_mask & (1 << i)) a4_shape.push_back(1);
a4_shape.push_back((a1_size[i] / strides[i]));
// Make sure we didn't lose any dimensions from the shrink_axis_mask
assert(residual == 1);
// Step 1: Slice the input array
auto a1_slice_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SliceOp>(
input_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a1_begin),
// Step 2: reshape the sliced array
auto a2_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
a1_slice_op.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a2_shape));
// Step 3: take a slice along the strides
auto a3_slice_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SliceOp>(
a2_reshape_op.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a3_begin),
// Step 4: reshape the now-strided tensor
return rewriter
a3_slice_op.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(a4_shape))
// Lowers FloorDiv to a sequence of TOSA operators.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertFloorDivOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value lhs_value, Value rhs_value) {
// FloorDiv lowering:
// floor(1/rhs * lhs)
// a1 = reciprocal(rhs);
// a2 = mul(lhs, a1);
// a3 = floor(a2);
// return a3;
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!output_type) return llvm::None;
auto a1_reciprocal_rhs_op =
rewriter.create<tosa::ReciprocalOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, rhs_value);
auto a2_mul_lhs_a1_op =
rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, lhs_value,
a1_reciprocal_rhs_op.getResult(), 0);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::FloorOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
// Lowers FloorMod to a sequence of TOSA operators.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertFloorModOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value lhs_value, Value rhs_value) {
// FloorMod lowering:
// (1/rhs * lhs) - floor(1/rhs * lhs)
// a1 = reciprocal(rhs);
// a2 = mul(lhs, a1);
// a3 = floor(a2);
// a4 = sub(a2, a3);
// return a4;
RankedTensorType output_type =
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!output_type) return llvm::None;
auto a1_reciprocal_rhs_op =
rewriter.create<tosa::ReciprocalOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, rhs_value);
auto a2_mul_lhs_a1_op =
rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, lhs_value,
a1_reciprocal_rhs_op.getResult(), 0);
auto a3_floor_a2_op = rewriter.create<tosa::FloorOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, a2_mul_lhs_a1_op.getResult());
return rewriter
.create<tosa::SubOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
// Lowers FusedActivation to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertFusedActivation(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value input_value,
StringAttr fused_activation_fn) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
bool input_is_qtype =
if (input_is_qtype) {
// We can always make output/input tensor's scale/zp always be the same when
// legalizing fused_activation_function, as it's generated during
// legalization.
auto input_qtype =
if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "NONE") {
return input_value;
} else if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "RELU") {
int32_t quantized_0 = input_qtype.getZeroPoint();
int32_t quantized_max = input_qtype.getStorageTypeMax();
auto clamp_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ClampOp>(
op->getLoc(), input_type, input_value,
rewriter.getF32FloatAttr(0), rewriter.getF32FloatAttr(0));
return clamp_op.getResult();
} else if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "RELU6") {
int32_t quantized_0 = input_qtype.getZeroPoint();
int32_t quantized_6 = std::llround((6.0f / input_qtype.getScale()) +
auto clamp_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ClampOp>(
op->getLoc(), input_type, input_value,
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(quantized_6), rewriter.getF32FloatAttr(0),
return clamp_op.getResult();
} else if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "RELU_N1_TO_1") {
int32_t quantized_n1 = std::llround((-1.0f / input_qtype.getScale()) +
int32_t quantized_1 = std::llround((1.0f / input_qtype.getScale()) +
auto clamp_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ClampOp>(
op->getLoc(), input_type, input_value,
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(quantized_1), rewriter.getF32FloatAttr(0),
return clamp_op.getResult();
} else {
op->emitWarning("convertFusedActivation: Not implemented yet");
return llvm::None;
} else {
if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "NONE") {
return input_value;
} else {
// For non-quantized type, only support F32.
if (!input_type.getElementType().isF32()) {
op->emitOpError("ConvertTFLeakyReluOp: only support F32");
return llvm::None;
if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "RELU") {
return rewriter
op->getLoc(), input_type, input_value,
} else if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "RELU6") {
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReluNOp>(op->getLoc(), input_type, input_value,
} else if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "RELU_N1_TO_1") {
return rewriter
op->getLoc(), input_type, input_value,
rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(-1), rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(1),
rewriter.getF32FloatAttr(-1.0), rewriter.getF32FloatAttr(1.0))
} else if (fused_activation_fn.getValue() == "TANH") {
return rewriter
.create<tosa::TanhOp>(op->getLoc(), input_type, input_value)
} else {
// Unsupported activation type. Bail out.
return llvm::None;
return llvm::None;
// Common function for lowering reduce operations to TOSA ops.
template <typename T>
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceOpCommon(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims,
Type reduce_element_type, bool is_quantized, double input_scale,
int64_t input_zp, double output_scale, int64_t output_zp) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
ArrayRef<int64_t> input_shape = input_type.getShape();
ArrayRef<int64_t> output_shape = output_type.getShape();
auto input_rank = input_shape.size();
Value val = input_value;
if (axes_elems.getNumElements() == 0) {
// No axes means return the original tensor.
auto identity_op =
rewriter.create<tosa::IdentityOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, val);
val = identity_op.getResult();
} else {
// Reduce along each axis
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> shape_vec(input_shape.begin(), input_shape.end());
if (is_quantized) {
val = buildRescaleToInt32(rewriter, op, val, input_scale, input_zp);
for (int i = 0; i < axes_elems.getNumElements(); i++) {
int64_t axis_val = axes_elems.getValue<IntegerAttr>(i).getInt();
if (axis_val < 0) axis_val += input_rank;
auto axis_attr = rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(axis_val);
shape_vec[axis_val] = 1;
RankedTensorType reduce_type = RankedTensorType::get(
llvm::makeArrayRef<int64_t>(shape_vec), reduce_element_type);
auto reduce_op =
rewriter.create<T>(op->getLoc(), reduce_type, val, axis_attr);
val = reduce_op.getResult();
if (is_quantized) {
RankedTensorType output_rescale_type = RankedTensorType::get(
llvm::makeArrayRef<int64_t>(shape_vec), output_type.getElementType());
val = buildRescale(rewriter, op, output_rescale_type, val, output_scale,
0, output_zp, false, true);
// Optionally squeeze out the reduced axes.
if (!keep_dims) {
auto reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, val,
val = reshape_op.getResult();
return val;
// Lowers ReduceAll to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceAllOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
return convertReduceOpCommon<tosa::ReduceAllOp>(
rewriter, op, output_type, input_value, axes_elems, keep_dims,
output_type.getElementType(), false, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f, 0);
// Lowers ReduceAny to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceAnyOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
return convertReduceOpCommon<tosa::ReduceAnyOp>(
rewriter, op, output_type, input_value, axes_elems, keep_dims,
output_type.getElementType(), false, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f, 0);
// Lowers ReduceMin to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceMinOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
return convertReduceOpCommon<tosa::ReduceMinOp>(
rewriter, op, output_type, input_value, axes_elems, keep_dims,
output_type.getElementType(), false, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f, 0);
// Lowers ReduceMax to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceMaxOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
return convertReduceOpCommon<tosa::ReduceMaxOp>(
rewriter, op, output_type, input_value, axes_elems, keep_dims,
output_type.getElementType(), false, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f, 0);
// Lowers ReduceProd to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceProdOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
bool input_is_qtype =
bool output_is_qtype =
if (input_is_qtype || output_is_qtype) {
"ConvertReduceProdOp: input/output tensor should "
"be all floating-point.");
return llvm::None;
return convertReduceOpCommon<tosa::ReduceProdOp>(
rewriter, op, output_type, input_value, axes_elems, keep_dims,
output_type.getElementType(), false, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f, 0);
// Lowers ReduceSum to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceSumOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
bool input_is_qtype =
bool output_is_qtype =
if (input_is_qtype != output_is_qtype) {
"ConvertReduceSumOp: input/output tensor should "
"be all quantized or all floating-point.");
return llvm::None;
double input_scale = 1.0f;
double output_scale = 1.0f;
int64_t input_zp = 0;
int64_t output_zp = 0;
Type reduce_element_type = input_type.getElementType();
if (input_is_qtype) {
auto input_qtype =
auto output_qtype =
int32_t input_shift = 20;
input_scale =
static_cast<double>(1 << input_shift) * input_qtype.getScale();
output_scale =
1.0 / (output_qtype.getScale() * static_cast<double>(1 << input_shift));
input_zp = input_qtype.getZeroPoint();
output_zp = output_qtype.getZeroPoint();
reduce_element_type = rewriter.getI32Type();
return convertReduceOpCommon<tosa::ReduceSumOp>(
rewriter, op, output_type, input_value, axes_elems, keep_dims,
reduce_element_type, input_is_qtype, input_scale, input_zp, output_scale,
// Lowers ReduceMean to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertReduceMeanOp(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, ElementsAttr axes_elems, bool keep_dims) {
// reduce_mean is lowered as followed:
// op1 = reduce_sum(input)
// op2 = mul(op1, 1.0 / num_elements_on_reduced_axis)
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
bool input_is_qtype =
bool output_is_qtype =
if (input_is_qtype != output_is_qtype) {
"ConvertReduceSumOp: input/output tensor should "
"be all quantized or all floating-point.");
return llvm::None;
// Only supports float type mean() if it's non-quantized
if (!input_is_qtype && !output_type.getElementType().isa<mlir::FloatType>()) {
"Failed convertReduceMean: input unquantized type but output element "
"not FloatType!");
return llvm::None;
int64_t input_rank = input_type.getRank();
int64_t num_elems_on_reduced_axis = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < axes_elems.getNumElements(); i++) {
int64_t axis_val = axes_elems.getValue<IntegerAttr>(i).getInt();
if (axis_val < 0) axis_val += input_rank;
num_elems_on_reduced_axis *= input_type.getShape()[axis_val];
double div_scale = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(num_elems_on_reduced_axis);
double input_scale = 1.0f;
double output_scale = 1.0f;
int64_t input_zp = 0;
int64_t output_zp = 0;
Type reduce_element_type = input_type.getElementType();
if (input_is_qtype) {
auto input_qtype =
auto output_qtype =
// Combine 'div_scale' as part of output rescale
output_scale = div_scale * input_qtype.getScale() / output_qtype.getScale();
input_zp = input_qtype.getZeroPoint();
output_zp = output_qtype.getZeroPoint();
reduce_element_type = rewriter.getI32Type();
auto val = convertReduceOpCommon<tosa::ReduceSumOp>(
rewriter, op, output_type, input_value, axes_elems, keep_dims,
reduce_element_type, input_is_qtype, input_scale, input_zp, output_scale,
if (!val.hasValue()) return llvm::None;
if (!input_is_qtype) {
Value div_const = getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, div_scale);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::MulOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, val.getValue(),
div_const, 0)
return val;
// Lowers ResizeBilinear and ResizeNearestNeighbor to TOSA resize.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertResizeOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, StringRef mode,
bool align_corners,
bool half_pixel_centers) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
if (input_type.getRank() != 4 || output_type.getRank() != 4) {
op->emitOpError("convertResizeOp: input/output must be rank 4");
return llvm::None;
bool input_is_qtype =
bool output_is_qtype =
if (input_is_qtype != output_is_qtype) {
"ConvertResizeOp: input/output tensor should "
"be all quantized or all floating-point.");
return llvm::None;
if (!input_is_qtype) {
if (!input_type.getElementType().isa<mlir::FloatType>()) {
"ConvertResizeOp: only quantized or float types supported.");
return llvm::None;
auto input_shape = input_type.getShape();
auto output_shape = output_type.getShape();
size_t input_height = input_shape[1];
size_t input_width = input_shape[2];
size_t output_height = output_shape[1];
size_t output_width = output_shape[2];
double fp_stride_y =
static_cast<double>(input_height) / static_cast<double>(output_height);
double fp_stride_x =
static_cast<double>(input_width) / static_cast<double>(output_width);
if (align_corners && output_height > 1) {
fp_stride_y = static_cast<double>(input_height - 1) /
static_cast<double>(output_height - 1);
if (align_corners && output_width > 1) {
fp_stride_x = static_cast<double>(input_width - 1) /
static_cast<double>(output_width - 1);
double fp_offset_y, fp_offset_x;
if (half_pixel_centers) {
fp_offset_y = fp_stride_y * 0.5f - 0.5f;
fp_offset_x = fp_stride_x * 0.5f - 0.5f;
} else {
fp_offset_y = 0.0f;
fp_offset_x = 0.0f;
// oh * fp_stride_y + fp_offset_y = ix
ArrayAttr output_size =
StringAttr resize_mode = rewriter.getStringAttr(mode);
if (input_is_qtype) {
// Magic shift number TFLite resize bilinear use
// reference: tensorflow/lite/kernels/internal/reference/reference_ops.h
int32_t shift = 10;
// 1.0 is equivalent to (1 << shift) in quantized space.
// Here we noted as unit = (1 << shift).
double unit = static_cast<double>(1 << shift);
// Stride and Offset is int16.
int32_t stride_y = std::lround(fp_stride_y * unit);
int32_t stride_x = std::lround(fp_stride_x * unit);
int32_t offset_y = std::lround(fp_offset_y * unit);
int32_t offset_x = std::lround(fp_offset_x * unit);
// Numerically we can decrement shift to let these number fits within 16
// bits but that's not commonly seen and won't match TFLite reference
if (stride_y > std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() ||
stride_x > std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() ||
stride_y < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() ||
stride_x < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() ||
offset_y > std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() ||
offset_x > std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() ||
offset_y < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() ||
offset_x < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min()) {
op->emitOpError("OpResize: stride or offset out of 16 bits");
return llvm::None;
ArrayAttr stride = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({stride_y, stride_x});
ArrayAttr offset = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({offset_y, offset_x});
IntegerAttr shift_attr = rewriter.getI32IntegerAttr(shift);
// If quantized bilinear mode, need to lower to RESIZE + RESCALE pair.
if (mode == "BILINEAR") {
RankedTensorType output_acc_type;
auto input_element_qtype =
bool scale32;
// TOSA RESIZE: 16 bit input -> 48 bit output, or 8 bit input -> 32 bit
// output.
if (input_element_qtype.getStorageTypeIntegralWidth() == 16) {
scale32 = false;
output_acc_type = RankedTensorType::get(output_type.getShape(),
} else if (input_element_qtype.getStorageTypeIntegralWidth() == 8) {
scale32 = true;
output_acc_type = RankedTensorType::get(output_type.getShape(),
} else {
op->emitOpError("OpResize: support 16-bit and 8-bit quantized input");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType output_bool_type =
RankedTensorType::get(output_type.getShape(), rewriter.getI1Type());
auto resize_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ResizeOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_acc_type, input_value, output_size, stride,
offset, shift_attr, rewriter.getF32ArrayAttr({0.0, 0.0}),
rewriter.getF32ArrayAttr({0.0, 0.0}), resize_mode);
// TFLite resize_bilinear always assume input and output tensors have same
// scale That means we only need to arithmetic right shift with (2 *
// shift)
// TODO(suderman): Align TFLite rounding behavior
// TFLite also uses symmetric rounding by doing 'x / (1 << 20)'
// TOSA arithmetic right shift is doing standard rounding.
// Right now it's legalized using GreaterEqualOp + SelectOp to conform to
// TFLite reference. But this eventually should be fixed in TFLite
// reference
Value cst_zero = getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 0);
Value cst_twenty = getTosaConstTensorSingleI32(rewriter, op, 20);
auto ge_op = rewriter.create<tosa::GreaterEqualOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_bool_type, resize_op.getResult(), cst_zero);
auto abs_op = rewriter.create<tosa::AbsOp>(op->getLoc(), output_acc_type,
auto rshift_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ArithmeticRightShiftOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_acc_type, abs_op.getResult(), cst_twenty, true);
auto negate_op = rewriter.create<tosa::NegateOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_acc_type, rshift_op.getResult());
auto select_op = rewriter.create<tosa::SelectOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_acc_type, ge_op.getResult(),
rshift_op.getResult(), negate_op.getResult());
auto cast_op = rewriter.create<tosa::CastOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
return cast_op.getResult();
// This should be the expected lowering, but is +-1 within compared to
// TFLite reference.
return buildRescale(rewriter, op, output_type, resize_op.getResult(),
1.0 / (1 << 20), 0, 0, false, scale32);
} else if (mode == "NEAREST_NEIGHBOR") {
auto resize_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ResizeOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, input_value, output_size, stride, offset,
shift_attr, rewriter.getF32ArrayAttr({0.0, 0.0}),
rewriter.getF32ArrayAttr({0.0, 0.0}), resize_mode);
return resize_op.getResult();
} else {
"OpResize: only support BILINEAR or NEAREST_NEIGHBOR mode");
return llvm::None;
} else {
auto resize_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ResizeOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, input_value, output_size,
rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0}), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0}),
{static_cast<float>(fp_stride_y), static_cast<float>(fp_stride_x)}),
{static_cast<float>(fp_offset_y), static_cast<float>(fp_offset_x)}),
return resize_op.getResult();
// Lowers Quantize to a sequence of TOSA quantization ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertQuantizeOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op,
RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, double scale,
int64_t zeropoint) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
auto output_shape = output_type.getShape();
auto output_element_type = output_type.getElementType();
// output element type could only be quantized integer
if (!output_element_type.isa<mlir::quant::QuantizedType>()) {
"Lowering quantizeOp but output element type not quantized!");
return llvm::None;
RankedTensorType output_fp_type =
RankedTensorType::get(output_shape, rewriter.getF32Type());
Value zp_val =
getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, static_cast<float>(zeropoint));
auto op1_mul_in = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_fp_type, input_value,
getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, static_cast<float>(scale)), 0);
auto op2_add_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::AddOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_fp_type, op1_mul_in.getResult(), zp_val);
auto op3_cast_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::CastOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
return op3_cast_op2.getResult();
// Lowers Dequantize to a sequence of TOSA dequantization ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertDequantizeOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op,
RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, double scale,
int64_t zeropoint) {
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
// input element type could only be quantized integer
if (!input_type.getElementType().isa<mlir::quant::QuantizedType>())
return llvm::None;
Value zp_val =
getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, static_cast<float>(zeropoint));
auto op1_cast_in =
rewriter.create<tosa::CastOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, input_value);
auto op2_sub_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, op1_cast_in.getResult(), zp_val);
return rewriter
op->getLoc(), output_type, op2_sub_op1.getResult(),
getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, static_cast<float>(scale)),
// Lowers FakeQuant to a sequence of TOSA quantization ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertFakeQuantOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op,
RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input_value, double min,
double max, int64_t num_bits,
bool narrow_range) {
// FakeQuant is lowered as follow:
// op1 = quantize(input)
// op2 = dequantize(op1)
RankedTensorType input_type =
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
// quantized as INT<num_bits>, where num_bits can only be 8, 16
if (num_bits != 8 && num_bits != 16) {
op->emitWarning("FakeQuantOp lowering handles only 8 and 16 for num_bits!");
return llvm::None;
// This code originates from tensorflow/core/kernels/fake_quant_ops_functor.h.
int32_t qmax = (1 << (num_bits)) - 1;
int32_t qmin = narrow_range ? 1 : 0;
float nudged_min, nudged_max, nudged_scale;
tensorflow_nudge(min, max, qmin, qmax, &nudged_min, &nudged_max,
Value cst_min = getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, nudged_min);
Value cst_max = getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, nudged_max);
Value cst_scale = getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, nudged_scale);
Value cst_inv_scale =
getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, 1.0f / nudged_scale);
Value cst_half = getTosaConstTensorSingleF32(rewriter, op, 0.5f);
// This code originates from tensorflow/core/kernels/fake_quant_ops_functor.h.
auto op1_min_in = rewriter.create<tosa::MinimumOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
input_value, cst_max);
auto op2_max_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::MaximumOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, op1_min_in.getResult(), cst_min);
auto op3_sub_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::SubOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, op2_max_op1.getResult(), cst_min);
auto op4_mul_op3 = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, op3_sub_op2.getResult(), cst_inv_scale, 0);
auto op5_add_op4 = rewriter.create<tosa::AddOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, op4_mul_op3.getResult(), cst_half);
auto op6_floor_op5 = rewriter.create<tosa::FloorOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type,
auto op7_mul_op6 = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
op->getLoc(), output_type, op6_floor_op5.getResult(), cst_scale, 0);
return rewriter
.create<tosa::AddOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, op7_mul_op6.getResult(),
llvm::Optional<Value> convertTFConv2DCommon(
PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op, RankedTensorType output_type,
Value input, Value filter, Value bias, ArrayAttr strides_attr,
ArrayAttr dilations_attr, ArrayAttr explicit_padding_attr,
StringRef padding_ref, StringRef data_format_ref) {
RankedTensorType input_type = input.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
RankedTensorType filter_type = filter.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
// Not a ranked tensor output
if (!input_type) return llvm::None;
if (!filter_type) return llvm::None;
// Transpose [H, W, I, O] to [O, H, W, I]
auto filter_shape = filter_type.getShape();
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> a1_transpose_dims;
Value a1_filter_transpose_perm =
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(rewriter, op, {3, 0, 1, 2});
auto a1_filter_transpose_op = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
filter, a1_filter_transpose_perm);
// Only support NHWC now.
if (data_format_ref.str() != "NHWC") {
op->emitWarning("convertTDConv2DCommon only supports NHWC!");
return llvm::None;
ArrayAttr stride;
ArrayAttr dilation;
ArrayAttr pad;
if (!strides_attr) {
stride = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({1, 1});
} else {
// Note: hardcoded to NHWC for now
int64_t stride_h = strides_attr[1].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
int64_t stride_w = strides_attr[2].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
stride = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({stride_h, stride_w});
if (!dilations_attr) {
dilation = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({1, 1});
} else {
// Note: hardcoded to NHWC for now
int64_t dilation_h = dilations_attr[1].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
int64_t dilation_w = dilations_attr[2].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
dilation = rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({dilation_h, dilation_w});
tensorflow::Padding tf_pad;
if (!GetPaddingFromString(padding_ref.str(), &tf_pad).ok()) {
op->emitWarning("Could not get padding data from padding string term!");
return llvm::None;
tensorflow::TensorFormat data_format_tf;
if (!FormatFromString(data_format_ref.str(), &data_format_tf))
return llvm::None;
if (tf_pad == tensorflow::Padding::EXPLICIT) {
pad = getPaddingValuesFromExplicitPadAttr(explicit_padding_attr,
data_format_tf, rewriter);
} else {
if (!getPaddingValuesFromPadType(tf_pad, data_format_tf,
0, // tensorflow::FORMAT_HWIO
input_type, filter_type, stride,
dilation, rewriter, pad))
return llvm::None;
return rewriter
.create<tosa::Conv2DOp>(op->getLoc(), output_type, input,
a1_filter_transpose_op.getResult(), bias, pad,
stride, dilation)
// Lowers Gather operators to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertGatherOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result_value, Value params_value,
Value indices_value, int32_t batch_dims,
int32_t axis) {
auto result_type = result_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto params_type = params_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto indices_type = indices_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!result_type || !params_type || !indices_type) return llvm::None;
// batch_dims indicates the number of batch dimensions in params and
// indices axis indicates the axis at which the gather indexing is
// applied. axis must be >= batch_dims. When axis is equal to
// batch_dims, the right-most batch dimension disappears.
// N: number of batches
// Computed as product of params.shape[0:batch_dims-1]
// W: number of indices in each batch
// Computed as product of indices.shape[batch_dims:]
// K: range of each index
// Computed as params.shape[axis:axis+rank(indices)-1]
// C: number of channels for each index
// Computed as: LeftChannels * RightChannels:
// product(params.shape[batch_dims:axis]) * product(params.shape[axis+1:])
// The params tensor needs to be transposed, then reshaped to move the
// dimensions into [N, K, C] order.
// The dimensions of the input params[] tensor are grouped in the following
// order to begin with:
// [Batch, LeftChannels, Indices, RightChannels]
// |-----||------------||-------||-------------|
// N C_l K C_r
// Where Batch (N), Indices (K) can be one or more dimensions in size,
// while LeftChannels and RightChannels represent the group of data channels
// (C) to the left and right (C_l, C_r) of the indices; the sum of these two
// is one or more dimensions in size, but either one may be zero depending on
// how axis was specified by the caller.
// The resulting tensor will look like:
// [Batch, Indices, LeftChannels, RightChannels]
// |-----||-------||---------------------------|
// N K C
// The indices tensor simply needs a reshape to flatten all of the
// batch dimensions (N) together and flatten all of the indices (W)
// together.
// Then do the tosa.GATHER
// output[N,W,C] = tosa.GATHER(values[N,K,C], indices[N,W])
// Finally, the resulting tensor will have shape [N, W, C], where C is a
// flattened version of [LeftChannels, RightChannels]. We need to reshape
// to unflatten to:
// [N, W, LeftChannels, RightChannels]
// and finally transpose back to the output shape
// [Batch, LeftChannels, Non-Batch-Indices, RightChannels]
int N = 1, W = 1, K = 1, C = 1;
int params_rank = params_type.getShape().size();
int indices_rank = indices_type.getShape().size();
if (!(batch_dims <= indices_rank)) {
op->emitOpError("Batch_dims must be <= indices_rank for a valid gather op");
return llvm::None;
if (!(axis >= batch_dims)) {
op->emitOpError("axis must be >= batch_dims for a valid gather op");
return llvm::None;
// Sizes for each of these fields.
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> params_batch, params_indices, params_left_channels,
// Dimension indices for each of these fields.
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> params_idx_batch, params_idx_indices,
params_idx_left_channels, params_idx_right_channels;
// Read through the params tensor dimensions left-to-right and extract the
// different fields.
for (int i = 0; i < params_rank; i++) {
// When batch_dims == axis, the batch dimension gets replaced.
if (i < batch_dims && i < axis) {
} else if (i < axis) {
} else if (i < (axis + 1)) {
} else {
// Calculate N, K, W, C
for (int i = 0; i < batch_dims; i++) N *= params_type.getShape()[i];
for (int i = batch_dims; i < indices_rank; i++)
W *= indices_type.getShape()[i];
K = params_type.getShape()[axis];
for (int i = batch_dims; i < axis; i++) C *= params_type.getShape()[i];
for (int i = (axis + 1); i < params_rank; i++) C *= params_type.getShape()[i];
// Check for obviously invalid values before doing a divide.
if (N <= 0 || K <= 0 || W <= 0 || C <= 0) {
"N, K, W, or C was calculated as <= zero. Invalid dimensions for "
return llvm::None;
// Build up the params transpose operator
SmallVector<int32_t, 8> params_transpose_perm;
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> params_transpose_shape;
// Batch
for (int i = 0; i < params_batch.size(); i++) {
// Indices
for (int i = 0; i < params_indices.size(); i++) {
// LeftChannels
for (int i = 0; i < params_left_channels.size(); i++) {
// RightChannels
for (int i = 0; i < params_right_channels.size(); i++) {
// Build up the result reshape, in prepration for transpose
// [N, W, C] -> [ Batch, Indices, LeftChannels, RightChannels ]
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> result_reshape_shape;
// Indices
for (int i = 0; i < indices_type.getShape().size(); i++) {
// Left channels
for (int i = 0; i < params_left_channels.size(); i++) {
// Right channels. But remove the axis dimension.
for (int i = 0; i < params_right_channels.size(); i++) {
// Build up the result transpose operator.
SmallVector<int32_t, 8> result_transpose_perm;
// Batch dimensions
for (int i = 0; i < batch_dims; i++) {
// LeftChannels
for (int i = 0; i < params_left_channels.size(); i++) {
result_transpose_perm.push_back(i + indices_type.getShape().size());
// Indices (remainder of dimensions after batch).
for (int i = batch_dims; i < (indices_type.getShape().size()); i++) {
// RightChannels, coming from after both the Indices and LeftChannels.
for (int i = 0; i < params_right_channels.size(); i++) {
result_transpose_perm.push_back(i + indices_type.getShape().size() +
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> tosa_values_shape = {N, K, C};
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> tosa_indices_shape = {N, W};
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> tosa_gather_result_shape = {N, W, C};
auto params_transpose_op = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(rewriter, op,
auto tosa_values_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
auto tosa_indices_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
indices_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(tosa_indices_shape));
auto tosa_gather_op = rewriter.create<tosa::GatherOp>(
tosa_values_reshape_op.getResult(), tosa_indices_reshape_op.getResult());
auto tosa_result_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
return rewriter
.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type,
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(
rewriter, op, result_transpose_perm))
// Lowers Gather operators to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertGatherNdOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter,
Operation* op, Value result_value,
Value params_value, Value indices_value)
auto result_type = result_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto params_type = params_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto indices_type = indices_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!result_type || !params_type || !indices_type) return llvm::None;
// N: number of batches
// Always 1 for GatherND
// Because TOSA's GATHER operator already uses the symbol 'N' for
// the number of batches, we will use the symbol 'ND' to specify the
// number of dimensions that are sliced from params instead of'N' in
// the TF MLIR documentation.
// ND: indices.shape[-1]
// W: number of indices in each batch
// Computed as:
// product(indices.shape[0:-1]) (all but the last dimension)
// K: range of each index
// Computed as:
// product(params.shape[0:ND-1])
// C: number of channels for each index
// Computed as:
// product(params.shape[ND:])
// The params tensor needs to be reshaped, but not transposed, to move the
// dimensions into [N, K, C] order.
// The dimensions of the input params[] tensor are grouped in the following
// order to begin with:
// [ParamIndices, ParamChannels]
// |------------||-------------|
// K C
// The reshape simply flattens the params tensor into a 2D [K, C] shape.
// Indices needs to be put in the form of [N, W], but a simple flattening
// will not suffice, because the indices need to index into a [W]-shape
// vector instead of the params.shape[0:ND-1] tensor that we had before.
// To flatten the coordinates, first reshape indices to a [W, ND] matrix,
// where the matrix now represents W ND-dimensional coordinates into the
// params tensor.
// From here, we take each of the ND dimensions and multiply it with
// the the size of the next params dimension (or 1 for the last
// dimension), then sum all these together with a reduce_sum
// operator. This is exactly the same mathematics as one would use
// flatten the indicies of an N-dimensional row-major array into a
// 1-D array in C.
// More precisely, do an element-wise multiply with [params.shape[1
// .. ND], 1] in axis 1, then reduce_sum in axis 1 to flatten to a
// [W]-shaped tensor, then trivially reshape to [N=1, W] to be
// compatible with the GATHER operator's shape.
// Then perform the tosa.GATHER() operation.
// Now we have result = [N, K, C].
// Reshape with a single, simple reshape to the final output shape of:
// [Indices, ParamChannels]
// Where, Indices is indices.shape[0:ND-1]
int N = 1, W = 1, K = 1, C = 1, ND = 1;
int params_rank = params_type.getShape().size();
int indices_rank = indices_type.getShape().size();
ND = indices_type.getShape()[indices_rank - 1];
if (ND >= params_rank) {
op->emitOpError("Size of last dimension on indices must be < params rank");
return llvm::None;
// Calculate N, K, W, C. (N is always 1)
for (int i = 0; i < (indices_rank - 1); i++) {
W *= indices_type.getShape()[i];
for (int i = 0; i < ND; i++) {
K *= params_type.getShape()[i];
for (int i = ND; i < params_rank; i++) {
C *= params_type.getShape()[i];
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> tosa_values_shape = {N, K, C};
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> tosa_indices_shape = {N, W};
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> indices_matrix_shape = {W, ND};
SmallVector<int64_t, 3> tosa_gather_result_shape = {N, W, C};
auto tosa_values_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
params_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(tosa_values_shape));
// Flatten the input indices tensor to an [W, ND] matrix.
auto indices_matrix_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
indices_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr(indices_matrix_shape));
SmallVector<int32_t, 8> flattened_coeff_vec;
for (int i = 1; i < ND; i++) {
Value flattened_coeff_value = get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(
rewriter, op, flattened_coeff_vec);
// Multiply the coefficients by the coordinates
auto flattened_indices_mul_op = rewriter.create<tosa::MulOp>(
indices_matrix_reshape_op.getResult(), flattened_coeff_value, 0);
// Sum up the products of the coefficients and coordinates
auto flattened_indices_reduce_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReduceSumOp>(
flattened_indices_mul_op.getResult(), rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(1));
// And reshape to [N, W]
auto tosa_indices_reshape_op = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
// Now the gather op itself
auto tosa_gather_op = rewriter.create<tosa::GatherOp>(
tosa_values_reshape_op.getResult(), tosa_indices_reshape_op.getResult());
// Finally, reshape back to the original output shape of [Indices,
// ParamChannels].
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type,
// Lowers OneHot operator to a sequence of TOSA ops.
llvm::Optional<Value> convertOneHotOp(PatternRewriter& rewriter, Operation* op,
Value result_value, Value indices_value,
Value on_value, Value off_value,
int32_t depth, int32_t axis) {
auto result_type = result_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto indices_type = indices_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto on_value_type = on_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
auto off_value_type = off_value.getType().dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
if (!result_type || !indices_type || !on_value_type || !off_value_type)
return llvm::None;
// OneHot operator creates a new tensor with shape indices.shape[:axis] +
// [depth] + indices.shape[axis:] For each index in 'indices', it needs to be
// within range of [0, depth - 1] and the [..., k, ...] = on_value (if k =
// index), or [..., k, ...] = off_value (if k != index)
// The lowering below assumes depth is always known at compile time.
// TBD for depth resolved in run time.
// OneHot can be lowered as TOSA Scatter, where off_value being mapped to
// 'values_in', on_value being mapped to 'input', and indices naturally mapped
// to 'indices'. Also the dimensions of TOSA scatter (N, W, K, C) need to be
// picked.
// N: number of elements of input indices
// Computed as:
// product(indices.shape[:])
// K: newly added dimension
// K = depth
// W, C: dummy dimension now
// W = C = 1
// High level description of lowering looks like:
// 1. off_value is reshaped/tiled into [N, K, C]
// 2. on_value is reshaped/tiled into [N, W, C]
// 3. indices is reshaped into [N, W]
// 4. scatter into [N, K, C]
// 5. reshaped into [LeftDims, RightDims, K]
// 6. transpose into [LeftDims, K, RightDims]
// 7. reshaped to result.shape
if (on_value_type.getRank() != 0 || off_value_type.getRank() != 0) {
op->emitOpError("OneHotOp: on_value/off_value needs to be scalar");
return llvm::None;
if (axis < -1 || axis > indices_type.getRank()) {
op->emitOpError("OneHotOp: axis out of valie range [-1, indices.rank]");
return llvm::None;
// axis = -1 is equivalent to axis = indices.rank
if (axis == -1) {
axis = indices_type.getRank();
int N = 1, W = 1, C = 1;
int K = depth;
int left_dim = 1, right_dim = 1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < indices_type.getRank(); i++) {
int32_t dim = indices_type.getShape()[i];
N *= dim;
if (i >= axis) {
right_dim *= dim;
} else {
left_dim *= dim;
// Reshape on_value to [1, 1, 1]
auto op1_reshape_on_value = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({1, 1, 1}, on_value_type.getElementType()),
on_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({1, 1, 1}));
// And tile to [N, W, C]
auto op2_tile_op1 = rewriter.create<tosa::TileOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({N, W, C}, on_value_type.getElementType()),
op1_reshape_on_value.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({N, W, C}));
// Reshape off_value to [1, 1, 1]
auto op3_reshape_off_value = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({1, 1, 1}, off_value_type.getElementType()),
off_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({1, 1, 1}));
// And tile to [N, K, C]
auto op4_tile_op3 = rewriter.create<tosa::TileOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({N, K, C}, on_value_type.getElementType()),
op3_reshape_off_value.getResult(), rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({N, K, C}));
// Reshape indices to [N, W]
auto op5_reshape_indices = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({N, W}, indices_type.getElementType()),
indices_value, rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({N, W}));
// Scatter to [N, K, C]
auto op6_scatter_op4_op5_op2 = rewriter.create<tosa::ScatterOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({N, K, C}, result_type.getElementType()),
op4_tile_op3.getResult(), op5_reshape_indices.getResult(),
// Reshaped to [LeftDims, RightDims, K]. C being squeezed out since it's 1.
auto op7_reshape_op6 = rewriter.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({left_dim, right_dim, K},
rewriter.getI64ArrayAttr({left_dim, right_dim, K}));
// Transposed to [LeftDims, K, RightDims].
Value perm_const =
get1DConstTensor<tosa::ConstOp, int32_t>(rewriter, op, {0, 2, 1});
auto op8_transpose_op7 = rewriter.create<tosa::TransposeOp>(
RankedTensorType::get({left_dim, K, right_dim},
op7_reshape_op6.getResult(), perm_const);
// Reshaped to result.shape.
return rewriter
.create<tosa::ReshapeOp>(op->getLoc(), result_type,
}; // namespace tosa
}; // namespace mlir