blob: 421342038c9f586275b9dae5a993f2396a4252e8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Builders.h - MLIR Declarative Linalg Builders ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// Provides intuitive composable interfaces for building structured MLIR
// snippets in a declarative fashion.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/EDSC/Intrinsics.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StructuredOpsUtils.h"
#include "mlir/EDSC/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/EDSC/Intrinsics.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
namespace mlir {
class BlockArgument;
namespace edsc {
enum class IterType { Parallel, Reduction };
inline StringRef toString(IterType t) {
switch (t) {
case IterType::Parallel:
return getParallelIteratorTypeName();
case IterType::Reduction:
return getReductionIteratorTypeName();
llvm_unreachable("Unsupport IterType");
/// A StructuredIndexed represents a captured value that can be indexed and
/// passed to the `makeLinalgGenericOp`. It allows writing intuitive index
/// expressions such as:
/// ```
/// StructuredIndexed A(vA), B(vB), C(vC);
/// makeLinalgGenericOp({A({m, n}), B({k, n})}, {C({m, n})}, ... );
/// ```
struct StructuredIndexed {
StructuredIndexed(Value *v) : value(v) {}
StructuredIndexed operator()(ArrayRef<AffineExpr> indexings) {
return StructuredIndexed(value, indexings);
operator Value *() const /* implicit */ { return value; }
ArrayRef<AffineExpr> getExprs() { return exprs; }
StructuredIndexed(Value *v, ArrayRef<AffineExpr> indexings)
: value(v), exprs(indexings.begin(), indexings.end()) {
assert(v->getType().isa<MemRefType>() && "MemRefType expected");
StructuredIndexed(ValueHandle v, ArrayRef<AffineExpr> indexings)
: StructuredIndexed(v.getValue(), indexings) {}
Value *value;
SmallVector<AffineExpr, 4> exprs;
inline void defaultRegionBuilder(ArrayRef<BlockArgument *> args) {}
Operation *makeLinalgGenericOp(
ArrayRef<IterType> iteratorTypes, ArrayRef<StructuredIndexed> inputs,
ArrayRef<StructuredIndexed> outputs,
llvm::function_ref<void(ArrayRef<BlockArgument *>)> regionBuilder =
ArrayRef<Value *> otherValues = {},
ArrayRef<Attribute> otherAttributes = {});
namespace ops {
using edsc::StructuredIndexed;
using edsc::ValueHandle;
using edsc::intrinsics::linalg_yield;
// EDSC builders for linalg generic operations.
/// Build the body of a region to compute a multiply-accumulate, under the
/// current ScopedContext, at the current insert point.
void macRegionBuilder(ArrayRef<BlockArgument *> args);
/// TODO(ntv): In the future we should tie these implementations to something in
/// Tablegen that generates the proper interfaces and the proper sugared named
/// ops.
/// Build a linalg.pointwise, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (i0, ..., in) = (par, ..., par)
/// |
/// | O...(some_subset...(i0, ..., in)) =
/// | some_pointwise_func...(I...(some_other_subset...(i0, ..., in)))
/// ```
/// This is a very generic entry point that can be configured in many ways to
/// build a perfect loop nest of parallel loops with arbitrarily complex
/// innermost loop code and whatever (explicit) broadcast semantics.
/// This can be used with both out-of-place and in-place semantics.
/// The client is responsible for ensuring the region operations are compatible
/// with in-place semantics and parallelism.
/// Unary pointwise operation (with broadcast) entry point.
using UnaryPointwiseOpBuilder = llvm::function_ref<Value *(ValueHandle)>;
Operation *linalg_pointwise(UnaryPointwiseOpBuilder unaryOp,
StructuredIndexed I, StructuredIndexed O);
/// Build a linalg.pointwise with all `parallel` iterators and a region that
/// computes `O = tanh(I)`. The client is responsible for specifying the proper
/// indexings when creating the StructuredIndexed.
Operation *linalg_pointwise_tanh(StructuredIndexed I, StructuredIndexed O);
/// Binary pointwise operation (with broadcast) entry point.
using BinaryPointwiseOpBuilder =
llvm::function_ref<Value *(ValueHandle, ValueHandle)>;
Operation *linalg_pointwise(BinaryPointwiseOpBuilder binaryOp,
StructuredIndexed I1, StructuredIndexed I2,
StructuredIndexed O);
/// Build a linalg.pointwise with all `parallel` iterators and a region that
/// computes `O = I1 + I2`. The client is responsible for specifying the proper
/// indexings when creating the StructuredIndexed.
Operation *linalg_pointwise_add(StructuredIndexed I1, StructuredIndexed I2,
StructuredIndexed O);
/// Build a linalg.pointwise with all `parallel` iterators and a region that
/// computes `O = max(I!, I2)`. The client is responsible for specifying the
/// proper indexings when creating the StructuredIndexed.
Operation *linalg_pointwise_max(StructuredIndexed I1, StructuredIndexed I2,
StructuredIndexed O);
// TODO(ntv): Implement more useful pointwise operations on a per-need basis.
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (m, n, k) = (par, par, seq)
/// |
/// | C(m, n) += A(m, k) * B(k, n)
/// ```
Operation *linalg_matmul(ValueHandle vA, ValueHandle vB, ValueHandle vC);
template <typename Container> Operation *linalg_matmul(Container values) {
assert(values.size() == 3 && "Expected exactly 3 values");
return linalg_matmul(values[0], values[1], values[2]);
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (batch, f, [h, w, ...], [kh, kw, ...], c) =
/// | (par, par, [par, par, ...], [red, red, ...], red)
/// |
/// | O(batch, [h, w, ...], f) +=
/// | I(batch,
/// | [
/// | stride[0] * h + dilations[0] * kh,
/// | stride[1] * w + dilations[1] * kw, ...
/// ],
/// | c)
/// | *
/// | W([kh, kw, ...], c, f)
/// ```
/// If `dilations` or `strides` are left empty, the default value of `1` is used
/// along each relevant dimension.
/// For now `...` must be empty (i.e. only 2-D convolutions are supported).
// TODO(ntv) Extend convolution rank with some template magic.
Operation *linalg_conv_nhwc(ValueHandle vI, ValueHandle vW, ValueHandle vO,
ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {});
template <typename Container>
Operation *linalg_conv_nhwc(Container values, ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {}) {
assert(values.size() == 3 && "Expected exactly 3 values");
return linalg_conv_nhwc(values[0], values[1], values[2], strides, dilations);
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (batch, dm, c, [h, w, ...], [kh, kw, ...]) =
/// | (par, par, par, [par, par, ...], [red, red, ...])
/// |
/// | O(batch, [h, w, ...], c * depth_multiplier) +=
/// | I(batch,
/// | [
/// | stride[0] * h + dilations[0] * kh,
/// | stride[1] * w + dilations[1] * kw, ...
/// ],
/// | c)
/// | *
/// | W([kh, kw, ...], c, depth_multiplier)
/// ```
/// If `dilations` or `strides` are left empty, the default value of `1` is used
/// along each relevant dimension.
/// For now `...` must be empty (i.e. only 2-D convolutions are supported).
// TODO(ntv) Extend convolution rank with some template magic.
Operation *linalg_dilated_conv_nhwc(ValueHandle vI, ValueHandle vW,
ValueHandle vO, int depth_multiplier = 1,
ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {});
template <typename Container>
Operation *linalg_dilated_conv_nhwc(Container values, int depth_multiplier,
ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {}) {
assert(values.size() == 3 && "Expected exactly 3 values");
return linalg_dilated_conv_nhwc(values[0], values[1], values[2],
depth_multiplier, strides, dilations);
} // namespace ops
} // namespace edsc
} // namespace mlir