blob: 86c9197ba3c0407f97477326157535ca221d569e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Language-agnostic gradient tape. Does not perform backpropagation, just
// maintains the data structures required to do so.
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/types.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/cleanup.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/flatmap.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/flatset.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace eager {
// Represents an entry in the tape.
template <typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
struct OpTapeEntry {
string op_type;
std::vector<TapeTensor> output_tensor_info;
std::vector<int64> input_tensor_id;
// TODO(apassos) consider narrowing down this interface.
BackwardFunction* backward_function;
// Should be called before deleting the backward function. TODO(apassos) use
// unique_ptrs to ensure this happens.
std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)> backward_function_deleter;
// Map from tensor_id to internally-defined operation-id of the operation which
// produced this tensor. A value of -1 means that the tensor was directly
// watched and not the result of any operation in the tape.
using TensorTape = std::unordered_map<int64, int64>;
// Map from operation-id to tape entry.
template <typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
using OpTape =
std::unordered_map<int64, OpTapeEntry<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>>;
// Operations the tape needs to perform on tensors to do backpropagation. Named
// "vspace" because a subset of these are related to a vector space, such as
// adding gradients, getting zeroes, etc. Currently cannot be implemented
// without using tensorflow python code, hence left unspecified here.
// Gradient is the type returned by gradient functions. In Python TF it's either
// Tensor or IndexedSlices or None, which here we map to nullptr. Gradients need
// to allow their size to be computed and they need to be passable to a backward
// function and deleted (as the backprop code creates lots of gradients the user
// is not interested in).
// BackwardFunction needs to be a closure which stores intermediate activations
// from the forward computation and calls a vector-jacobian product function
// (also known as adjoint function) to compute, given downstream gradients,
// upstream gradients.
// TODO(apassos) provide concrete template instantiations for TFE_TensorHandle
// specialization, which is blocked by quite a few things needing to loop back
// into python now.
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
class VSpace {
virtual ~VSpace() {}
// Returns the number of elements in the gradient tensor.
virtual int64 NumElements(Gradient* tensor) const = 0;
// Consumes references to the tensors in the gradient_tensors list and returns
// a tensor with the result.
virtual Gradient* AggregateGradients(
gtl::ArraySlice<Gradient*> gradient_tensors) const = 0;
// Calls the passed-in backward function.
virtual Status CallBackwardFunction(
BackwardFunction* backward_function,
const std::vector<int64>& unneeded_gradients,
gtl::ArraySlice<Gradient*> output_gradients,
std::vector<Gradient*>* result) const = 0;
// Looks up the ID of a Gradient.
virtual int64 TensorId(Gradient* tensor) const = 0;
// Converts a Gradient to a TapeTensor.
virtual TapeTensor TapeTensorFromGradient(Gradient* gradient) const = 0;
// Marks the following gradient as a result so it's not consumed by backward
// functions.
virtual void MarkAsResult(Gradient* gradient) const = 0;
// Deletes the input tensor.
virtual void DeleteGradient(Gradient* gradient) const = 0;
// Traces the execution of operations, doing eager garbage collection, and
// exporting a full trace so other code can do backpropagation. Not thread-safe.
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
class GradientTape {
// If `persistent` is true, GradientTape will not eagerly delete backward
// functions (and hence the tensors they keep alive). Instead, everything
// is deleted in ~GradientTape. Persistent GradientTapes are useful when
// users want to compute multiple gradients over the same tape.
GradientTape(bool persistent) : persistent_(persistent) {}
~GradientTape() {
for (const auto& pair : op_tape_) {
bool ShouldRecord(gtl::ArraySlice<int64> tensor_ids,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> dtypes);
void Watch(int64 tensor_id);
void RecordOperation(
const string& op_type, const std::vector<TapeTensor>& output_tensors,
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> input_tensor_id,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> input_dtypes,
const std::function<BackwardFunction*()>& backward_function_getter,
const std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)>& backward_function_deleter);
void DeleteTrace(int64 tensor_id);
// Consumes the internal state of the tape (so cannot be called more than
// once) and produces the gradient of the target tensors with respect to the
// source tensors. The output gradients are used if not empty and not
// null. The result is populated with one tensor per target element.
Status ComputeGradient(
const VSpace<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>& vspace,
const gtl::ArraySlice<int64> target_tensor_ids,
const gtl::ArraySlice<int64> source_tensor_ids,
const std::unordered_map<int64, TapeTensor>& sources_that_are_targets,
gtl::ArraySlice<Gradient*> output_gradients,
std::vector<Gradient*>* result);
bool IsPersistent() const { return persistent_; }
TensorTape tensor_tape_;
OpTape<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor> op_tape_;
int64 next_op_id_{0};
// Map from tensor id to number of remaining usages (i.e. how many entries in
// the tape refer to it); to aid in tape garbage collection.
std::unordered_map<int64, int64> tensor_usage_;
// If false, all activations are deleted in the first call to ComputeGradient.
// Else, only when this is destructed.
bool persistent_;
// Describes a callback for special-cased and more efficient jvp computation.
// Could just be a simple typedef in ForwardAccumulator, but MSVC chokes on
// that.
template <typename Gradient>
class ForwardFunction
: public std::function<Status(const std::vector<Gradient*>&,
std::vector<Gradient*>*, bool)> {
template <typename lambda_type>
explicit ForwardFunction(lambda_type lambda)
: std::function<Status(const std::vector<Gradient*>&,
std::vector<Gradient*>*, bool)>(lambda) {}
// Computes Jacobian-vector products using forward-mode automatic
// differentiation.
// While GradientTape's RecordOperation is trivial, ForwardAccumulator's
// Accumulate runs the gradient computation immediately.
// Keeps references to Tensors watched via Watch and computed in Accumulate
// corresponding to output_tensors, and releases these references in its
// destructor. However, waiting until the destructor runs loses the memory
// efficiency of forward-mode autodiff. Instead, language bindings should call
// DeleteGradient as soon as a Tensor which was `Watch`ed or was an output
// Tensor passed to Accumulate goes out of scope.
// Not thread-safe.
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
class ForwardAccumulator {
// Does not take ownership of `vspace`, which must outlive the
// ForwardAccumulator.
explicit ForwardAccumulator(
const VSpace<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>& vspace,
bool use_batch)
: vspace_(vspace), use_batch(use_batch) {
call_state_.emplace(nullptr, false);
virtual ~ForwardAccumulator() {
for (auto accumulated : accumulated_gradients_) {
// Tell the forward accumulator to watch tensor_id, with a Tensor tangent
// vector `tangent` of matching shape and dtype. Tangents are the "vector" in
// "Jacobian-vector product"; `Watch`ing a new Tensor and immediately calling
// FetchJVP for it would return `tangent`.
void Watch(int64 tensor_id, Gradient* tangent);
// Removes the gradient associated with tensor_id. Should be called when the
// Tensor associated with `tensor_id` is deleted.
void DeleteGradient(int64 tensor_id);
// Runs forward autodiff. Should be called whenever a new operation is
// available and the accumulator is active.
// Like GradientTape::RecordOperation, this method takes the operation type
// `op_type` (e.g. "Add"), the operation's inputs (`input_tensors`,
// `input_tensor_id`, and `input_dtypes`; the latter two are somewhat
// redundant but taken as arguments to avoid repeatedly fetching these values
// between calls to ShouldRecord and Accumulator), and its outputs
// (`output_tensors`).
// If provided, a non-null `forward_function` will be used instead of the
// backward function (`backward_function_getter` /
// `backward_function_deleter`) to compute jvps for this operation. If
// `forward_function` is null, a GradientTape is used on the backward function
// to compute the jvp, which will waste computation when executing eagerly.
// Unlike GradientTape::RecordOperation, Accumulate runs gradient computation
// immediately. It stores the results, which feed into Accumulate for future
// operations and may be fetched by calling FetchJVP. ForwardAccumulator
// maintains a reference to these JVPs: if an `output_tensors` Tensor is
// deleted, `DeleteGradient` should be called as soon as possible to free the
// (now inaccessible) corresponding JVPs, but ForwardAccumulator's destructor
// will release remaining references.
// This method is not thread-safe (and in general ForwardAccumulator is not
// thread-safe).
Status Accumulate(
const string& op_type, const std::vector<TapeTensor>& input_tensors,
const std::vector<TapeTensor>& output_tensors,
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> input_tensor_id,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> input_dtypes,
const ForwardFunction<Gradient>* forward_function,
const std::function<BackwardFunction*()>& backward_function_getter,
const std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)>& backward_function_deleter);
// Returns true if `Accumulate` is active somewhere above on the stack and
// there isn't an intervening PushState. This is useful for ordering
// ForwardAccumulators, where more deeply nested accumulators should not see
// computations from less deeply nested accumulators.
bool BusyAccumulating() const { return; }
// Fetches the current Jacobian-vector product associated with `tensor_id`, or
// a nullptr if none is available.
// Returns a borrowed reference, i.e. does not run VSpace::MarkAsResult on its
// return value. The caller should increment the reference count before
// deleting the ForwardAccumulator or calling DeleteGradient if keeping a
// persistent reference to a non-null result.
Gradient* FetchJVP(int64 tensor_id);
// Indicates whether the forward accumulator should run on an operation with
// the specified inputs and dtypes.
bool ShouldRecord(gtl::ArraySlice<int64> tensor_ids,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> dtypes);
// Temporarily push or pop transient state for this accumulator.
// Allows an accumulator which is currently processing an operation to
// temporarily reset its state. Without pushing and popping, accumulators
// ignore operations executed as a direct result of their own jvp
// computations.
void PushState() { call_state_.emplace(nullptr, false); }
void PopState() { call_state_.pop(); }
// Helper for Accumulate: uses a GradientTape to compute forward gradients
// from a backward gradient function. Fills `out_grads` corresponding to
// `output_tensors`. `out_grads` must not be null.
// Executes the backward function in order to trace its gradient, which will
// waste computation if executing eagerly (when graph building the unneeded
// computation is pruned). Temporarily sets `backward_tape` so that
// Accumulate will forward op executions to the tape while the backward
// function is running; this effectively adds the backward tape to the active
// set (but does not require complicated callbacks to the language bindings).
Status ForwardpropFromTape(
const std::vector<TapeTensor>& output_tensors,
const std::function<BackwardFunction*()>& backward_function_getter,
const std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)>& backward_function_deleter,
const std::vector<Gradient*>& in_grads,
std::vector<Gradient*>* out_grads);
// Maps from tensor IDs to corresponding JVPs.
std::unordered_map<int64, Gradient*> accumulated_gradients_;
// Not owned; provides operations on Tensors which are currently only
// available in language bindings (e.g. Python).
const VSpace<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>& vspace_;
//Decides if tangents are vector rised or not
bool use_batch;
struct AccumulatorCallState {
GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>* backward_tape,
bool accumulating)
: backward_tape(backward_tape), accumulating(accumulating) {}
// Set temporarily while in the Accumulate method; if backward_tape is not
// nullptr then we forward op executions to it so Accumulate can compute a
// backward pass on its backward function.
// Not owned by the ForwardAccumulator. The method which sets
// `backward_tape` keeps ownership.
GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>* backward_tape;
// While the Accumulate method is running (accumulating is True), any op
// executions not forwarded to backward_tape should be ignored.
bool accumulating;
// A deque-backed stack, whose element references are not invalidated by
// pushes and pops at the back.
std::stack<AccumulatorCallState> call_state_;
// Template instantiations here
inline bool IsDtypeTrainable(DataType dtype) {
switch (dtype) {
case DT_HALF:
case DT_BFLOAT16:
case DT_FLOAT:
case DT_COMPLEX64:
case DT_COMPLEX128:
return true;
return false;
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
bool GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::ShouldRecord(
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> tensor_ids,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> dtypes) {
CHECK_EQ(tensor_ids.size(), dtypes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < tensor_ids.size(); ++i) {
if (tensor_tape_.find(tensor_ids[i]) != tensor_tape_.end()) {
if (IsDtypeTrainable(dtypes[i])) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
void GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::Watch(
int64 tensor_id) {
tensor_tape_.emplace(tensor_id, -1);
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
void GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::RecordOperation(
const string& op_type, const std::vector<TapeTensor>& output_tensors,
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> input_tensor_id,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> input_dtypes,
const std::function<BackwardFunction*()>& backward_function_getter,
const std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)>& backward_function_deleter) {
if (!ShouldRecord(input_tensor_id, input_dtypes)) {
std::vector<int64> ids;
for (int64 i : input_tensor_id) {
const int64 op_id = next_op_id_++;
std::vector<TapeTensor> tensors;
for (const TapeTensor& o : output_tensors) {
// Note: the tensor can have already been watched and hence be in the tape,
// so we cannot check that we're inserting it here.
tensor_tape_[o.GetID()] = op_id;
tensor_usage_[o.GetID()] = 1;
op_tape_[op_id] = OpTapeEntry<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>{
op_type, std::move(tensors), std::move(ids), backward_function_getter(),
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
void GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::DeleteTrace(
int64 tensor_id) {
auto it = tensor_usage_.find(tensor_id);
if (it == tensor_usage_.end()) {
if (it->second != 0) {
auto tensor_op_it = tensor_tape_.find(tensor_id);
if (tensor_op_it == tensor_tape_.end()) {
const int64 op_id = tensor_op_it->second;
if (op_id == -1) {
// Do not delete watched tensors.
auto op_it = op_tape_.find(op_id);
CHECK(op_it != op_tape_.end());
for (const auto& output : op_it->second.output_tensor_info) {
if (tensor_usage_.find(output.GetID()) != tensor_usage_.end()) {
// Found a usage for an output, so cannot delete the op.
for (int64 id : op_it->second.input_tensor_id) {
// Terminology:
// - op: a possibly composite operation, which has an entry in the tape
// - target: dy in dx/dy
// - source: dx in dx/dy
// - tensor: one of the many inputs or outputs of an operation
// Below here we do the gradient algorithm. It works as follows:
// First we filter the tape to just the subset of operations we want to
// differentiate. In the process of doing so we count how many times each Tensor
// is used as an input to an op (so we know when we're done computing gradients
// for that Tensor). We also count, for each tape entry, how many of its output
// Tensors need gradients to be computed (Tensors which are not used do not need
// any gradients to be computed).
// Finally, we start a backprop stack with a set of tape entries for which we
// have all gradients available. This set usually is a subset of the set of
// targets (not all since targets which have outputs in the tape will not have
// gradients available initially).
// Then we repeatedly pop an entry from the stack, run its backprop, and update
// the gradients of its inputs. Once we have computed all gradients for a single
// input we can mark this input as done, and this can trigger adding an entry to
// the stack if all outputs of that entry are now done.
// When the stack is empty we have gradients for all tensors we're interested
// in.
namespace {
template <typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
struct BackpropInitialState {
OpTape<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor> op_tape;
// Map from tensor ID to how many references still exist for this tensor in
// the tape.
std::unordered_map<int64, int64> tensor_usage_counts;
// Maps from op ID to how many output tensors of this op still need to have
// their gradients computed.
std::unordered_map<int64, int64> op_missing_tensor;
// If `persistent_tape` is true, op_tape is not changed and none of the
// backwards functions are deleted.
// If `persistent_tape` is false, op_tape is cleared and backwards functions
// not needed for gradient computation are deleted. Backwards functions that
// are needed, are copied and returned in BackpropInitialState.
template <typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
BackpropInitialState<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor> PrepareBackprop(
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> target, const TensorTape& tensor_tape,
OpTape<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>* op_tape,
const std::unordered_set<int64>& sources_set, bool persistent_tape) {
std::vector<int64> tensor_stack;
for (auto t : target) {
BackpropInitialState<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor> result;
while (!tensor_stack.empty()) {
int64 tensor_id = tensor_stack.back();
auto op_id_it = tensor_tape.find(tensor_id);
if (op_id_it == tensor_tape.end()) {
int64 op_id = op_id_it->second;
auto op_it = op_tape->find(op_id);
auto result_op_it = result.op_tape.find(op_id);
if (op_id == -1 || op_it == op_tape->end() ||
result_op_it != result.op_tape.end()) {
CHECK(result.op_tape.emplace(op_id, op_it->second).second);
for (auto it : op_it->second.input_tensor_id) {
auto count_it = result.tensor_usage_counts.find(it);
if (count_it != result.tensor_usage_counts.end()) {
} else {
result.tensor_usage_counts[it] = 1;
if (tensor_tape.find(it) != tensor_tape.end()) {
if (!persistent_tape) {
for (auto& pair : result.tensor_usage_counts) {
auto it = tensor_tape.find(pair.first);
if (it != tensor_tape.end() && it->second != -1) {
result.op_missing_tensor[it->second] += 1;
if (!persistent_tape) {
// Call destructors for all unneeded gradient functions and
// clear the op_tape. We can clear the tape because ownership of
// backward functions that will be used for gradient computation
// has been transferred to `result`.
for (const auto& op_pair : *op_tape) {
return result;
template <typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
std::vector<int64> InitialStack(
const OpTape<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>& op_tape,
const std::unordered_map<int64, int64>& op_missing_tensor) {
std::vector<int64> result;
for (auto& op_entry : op_tape) {
if (op_missing_tensor.find(op_entry.first) == op_missing_tensor.end()) {
return result;
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
Status InitialGradients(
const VSpace<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>& vspace,
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> target_tensor_ids,
const std::unordered_map<int64, TapeTensor>& sources_that_are_targets,
gtl::ArraySlice<Gradient*> output_gradients, const TensorTape& tensor_tape,
const OpTape<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>& op_tape,
std::unordered_map<int64, std::vector<Gradient*>>* result) {
for (int i = 0; i < target_tensor_ids.size(); ++i) {
const int64 id = target_tensor_ids[i];
if (output_gradients.empty() || output_gradients[i] == nullptr) {
auto tensor_it = tensor_tape.find(id);
if (tensor_it != tensor_tape.end() && tensor_it->second != -1) {
auto op_it = op_tape.find(tensor_it->second);
if (op_it == op_tape.end()) {
return errors::Internal(
"Internal state of the gradient tape is invalid: "
"failed to find operation producing a tensor");
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < op_it->second.output_tensor_info.size(); ++j) {
if (op_it->second.output_tensor_info[j].GetID() == id) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return errors::Internal(
"Internal state of the gradient tape is invalid: "
"none of operations outputs match expected tensor");
} else {
// This target tensor was not generated by any operation recorded on
// the tape, so no gradient needs to be computed from it unless this
// target is also a source.
auto source_tensor = sources_that_are_targets.find(id);
if (source_tensor != sources_that_are_targets.end()) {
} else {
return Status::OK();
// TODO(agarwal): use an automatic mechanism for handling None arguments to
// gradient functions.
// Some gradient functions can accept None arguments for gradients. The
// following maps the operation name to the indices at which the corresponding
// gradient function can accept None values. e.g. FusedBatchNorm outputs 5
// values and hence receives 5 gradient values during backprop. However the
// gradient function uses only the first of those values and ignores the rest.
// The entry, "FusedBatchNorm": [1, 2, 3, 4], indicates that only the gradient
// corresponding to index 0 is used, and the gradient values at indices 1-4 are
// ignored (and hence can be None). The backprop algorithm can then leverage
// this by not constructing zeros to pass for those indices.
std::unordered_map<string, std::unordered_set<int>>*
FunctionsAcceptingNoneForIndicesMap() {
static auto* const m =
new std::unordered_map<string, std::unordered_set<int>>({
{"SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits", {1}},
{"SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits", {1}},
{"FusedBatchNorm", {1, 2, 3, 4}},
return m;
} // namespace
// If over kMinAggregateCount gradients are accumulated and the total
// memory consumption is over kMinAggregateBytes, do an early aggregation
// so as to release the gradient tensor to save memory.
constexpr int kMinAggregateCount = 4;
constexpr int kMinAggregateBytes = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
Status GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::ComputeGradient(
const VSpace<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>& vspace,
const gtl::ArraySlice<int64> target_tensor_ids,
const gtl::ArraySlice<int64> source_tensor_ids,
const std::unordered_map<int64, TapeTensor>& sources_that_are_targets,
gtl::ArraySlice<Gradient*> output_gradients,
std::vector<Gradient*>* result) {
std::unordered_set<int64> sources_set(source_tensor_ids.begin(),
BackpropInitialState<BackwardFunction, TapeTensor> state = PrepareBackprop(
target_tensor_ids, tensor_tape_, &op_tape_, sources_set, persistent_);
std::vector<int64> op_stack =
InitialStack(state.op_tape, state.op_missing_tensor);
std::unordered_map<int64, std::vector<Gradient*>> gradients;
Status s = InitialGradients(vspace, target_tensor_ids,
sources_that_are_targets, output_gradients,
tensor_tape_, state.op_tape, &gradients);
auto cleanup = gtl::MakeCleanup([this, &state]() {
if (!persistent_) {
// Release all backprop functions
for (const auto& pair : state.op_tape) {
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
std::unordered_map<int64, int64> gradients_size;
// TODO(apassos) multiple threads could be dequeuing from op_stack at the same
// time, for better CPU backprop performance.
VLOG(1) << "Initial stack:";
if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) {
for (auto t : op_stack) {
VLOG(1) << " " << t;
while (!op_stack.empty()) {
const int64 op = op_stack.back();
VLOG(1) << "Popped " << op;
auto op_it = state.op_tape.find(op);
if (op_it == state.op_tape.end()) {
// It is possible for ops to end up on the stack if they are unrelated to
// the target; we should just skip them.
auto trace = std::move(op_it->second);
std::vector<Gradient*> out_gradients;
std::vector<int64> unneeded_gradients;
for (int i = 0; i < trace.input_tensor_id.size(); i++) {
const auto& in_tensor_id = trace.input_tensor_id[i];
if (tensor_tape_.find(in_tensor_id) == tensor_tape_.end() &&
sources_set.find(in_tensor_id) == sources_set.end()) {
bool any_gradient_nonzero = false;
std::vector<int> zero_indices;
for (int i = 0; i < trace.output_tensor_info.size(); ++i) {
const int64 id = trace.output_tensor_info[i].GetID();
auto grad_it = gradients.find(id);
if (grad_it == gradients.end()) {
auto func_name_it =
if (func_name_it != FunctionsAcceptingNoneForIndicesMap()->end() &&
func_name_it->second.find(i) != func_name_it->second.end()) {
} else {
} else {
any_gradient_nonzero = true;
Gradient* new_gradients = nullptr;
if (grad_it->second.size() == 1) {
new_gradients = grad_it->;
} else {
new_gradients = vspace.AggregateGradients(grad_it->second);
if (sources_set.find(grad_it->first) == sources_set.end()) {
} else {
std::vector<Gradient*> in_gradients;
if (any_gradient_nonzero) {
for (const auto i : zero_indices) {
out_gradients[i] = trace.output_tensor_info[i].ZerosLike();
Status s;
s = vspace.CallBackwardFunction(trace.backward_function,
unneeded_gradients, out_gradients,
if (in_gradients.size() != trace.input_tensor_id.size()) {
return tensorflow::errors::Internal(
"Recorded operation '", trace.op_type,
"' returned too few gradients. Expected ",
trace.input_tensor_id.size(), " but received ",
if (!persistent_) {
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
} else {
if (!persistent_) {
for (Gradient* grad : out_gradients) {
if (grad != nullptr) {
VLOG(1) << "Got " << in_gradients.size() << " in_gradients for "
<< trace.input_tensor_id.size() << " sources";
for (int i = 0; i < in_gradients.size(); ++i) {
const int64 id = trace.input_tensor_id[i];
if (in_gradients[i] != nullptr) {
auto& unaggregated_grads = gradients[id];
if (unaggregated_grads.size() > kMinAggregateCount) {
auto size_it = gradients_size.find(id);
int64 size;
if (size_it == gradients_size.end()) {
size = vspace.NumElements(unaggregated_grads[0]);
gradients_size.emplace(id, size);
} else {
size = size_it->second;
if (unaggregated_grads.size() * size * 4 > kMinAggregateBytes) {
Gradient* grad = vspace.AggregateGradients(unaggregated_grads);
auto usage_count_it = state.tensor_usage_counts.find(id);
if (usage_count_it == state.tensor_usage_counts.end()) {
VLOG(1) << "Tensor " << id << " not used";
if (usage_count_it->second > 0) {
VLOG(1) << "Tensor " << id << " usage count " << usage_count_it->second;
auto tape_it = tensor_tape_.find(id);
if (tape_it == tensor_tape_.end()) {
VLOG(1) << "Tensor " << id
<< " has no associated op. Deleting gradient";
auto grad_it = gradients.find(id);
if (grad_it != gradients.end()) {
for (auto g : grad_it->second) {
const int64 op_id = tape_it->second;
if (op_id == -1) {
VLOG(1) << "Tensor " << id << " is source";
auto missing_it = state.op_missing_tensor.find(op_id);
if (missing_it != state.op_missing_tensor.end()) {
VLOG(1) << "Op " << op_id << " missing " << missing_it->second
<< " output gradients";
if (missing_it->second == 0) {
op_stack.insert(op_stack.begin(), op_id);
if (!state.op_tape.empty()) {
return tensorflow::errors::Internal("Invalid tape state.");
std::unordered_set<int64> used_gradient_ids(source_tensor_ids.size());
for (auto is : source_tensor_ids) {
auto grad_it = gradients.find(is);
if (grad_it == gradients.end()) {
} else {
if (grad_it->second.size() > 1) {
Gradient* grad = vspace.AggregateGradients(grad_it->second);
VLOG(1) << "Final gradients size: "
<< gradients.size() - used_gradient_ids.size();
for (const auto& grad_pair : gradients) {
if (used_gradient_ids.find(grad_pair.first) == used_gradient_ids.end()) {
for (const auto& g : grad_pair.second) {
return Status::OK();
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
bool ForwardAccumulator<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::ShouldRecord(
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> tensor_ids,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> dtypes) {
if ( != nullptr) {
// If we're forwarding Accumulate calls to backward_tape's RecordOperation,
// we should also delegate ShouldRecord.
return>ShouldRecord(tensor_ids, dtypes);
if ( {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < tensor_ids.size(); ++i) {
if (accumulated_gradients_.find(tensor_ids[i]) !=
accumulated_gradients_.end()) {
if (IsDtypeTrainable(dtypes[i])) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
ForwardAccumulator<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::ForwardpropFromTape(
const std::vector<TapeTensor>& output_tensors,
const std::function<BackwardFunction*()>& backward_function_getter,
const std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)>& backward_function_deleter,
const std::vector<Gradient*>& in_grads, std::vector<Gradient*>* out_grads) {
/* This function is approximately equivalent to this Python code:
forwardprop_aids = tf.ones_like(output_tensors)
with tf.GradientTape() as g:
grad = backward_function(forwardprop_aids)
forward_grads = g.gradient(grad, forwardprop_aids, output_gradients=in_grads)
accumulated_gradients_[ID(output_tensors)] = forward_grads
std::unique_ptr<GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>> tape(
new GradientTape<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>(false));
AccumulatorCallState& call_state =;
call_state.backward_tape = tape.get();
auto pop_backward_tape =
gtl::MakeCleanup([&call_state] { call_state.backward_tape = nullptr; });
std::vector<Gradient*> forwardprop_aids;
std::vector<int64> sources;
std::unordered_set<int64> sources_set;
for (const TapeTensor& output_tensor : output_tensors) {
// Ownership of `aid` transferred to CallBackwardFunction below.
Gradient* aid;
if (output_tensor.GetDType() == tensorflow::DT_VARIANT) {
// Note: Needs to be zeros rather than ones since there's currently no
// ones_like for variants.
aid = output_tensor.ZerosLike();
} else {
// TODO(allenl): Figure out why using zeros_like everywhere causes issues
// for some gradient functions and if there's another way to work around
// it (e.g. conds instead of ifs). The value shouldn't really matter.
aid = output_tensor.OnesLike();
if (TF_PREDICT_FALSE(aid == nullptr)) {
return tensorflow::errors::Internal(
"Failed to create ones tensor for tensor ", output_tensor.GetID(),
" with dtype ", output_tensor.GetDType());
int64 aid_id = vspace_.TensorId(aid);
std::vector<Gradient*> grad;
auto delete_grad = gtl::MakeCleanup([&grad, this] {
for (Gradient* tensor : grad) {
std::vector<int64> unneeded_gradients;
std::unique_ptr<BackwardFunction, std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)>>
backward_function.get(), unneeded_gradients, forwardprop_aids, &grad));
// Stop the tape from recording
if (grad.size() != in_grads.size()) {
return tensorflow::errors::Internal("Wrong number of gradients returned.");
std::vector<int64> targets;
std::vector<Gradient*> used_in_grads;
// We may end up with slightly fewer elements than we reserve, but grad.size()
// should be a reasonably tight upper bound.
std::unordered_map<int64, TapeTensor> sources_that_are_targets;
for (int grad_index = 0; grad_index < grad.size(); ++grad_index) {
Gradient* grad_tensor = grad[grad_index];
if (grad_tensor != nullptr) {
int64 tensor_id = vspace_.TensorId(grad_tensor);
if (sources_set.find(tensor_id) != sources_set.end()) {
tensor_id, vspace_.TapeTensorFromGradient(grad_tensor));
Gradient* in_grad = in_grads[grad_index];
if (in_grad != nullptr) {
// ComputeGradient steals a reference
return tape->ComputeGradient(vspace_, targets, sources,
sources_that_are_targets, used_in_grads,
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
Status ForwardAccumulator<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::Accumulate(
const string& op_type, const std::vector<TapeTensor>& input_tensors,
const std::vector<TapeTensor>& output_tensors,
gtl::ArraySlice<int64> input_tensor_id,
gtl::ArraySlice<tensorflow::DataType> input_dtypes,
const ForwardFunction<Gradient>* forward_function,
const std::function<BackwardFunction*()>& backward_function_getter,
const std::function<void(BackwardFunction*)>& backward_function_deleter) {
if ( != nullptr) {
// If backward_tape is not null, then this call to Accumulate is the result
// of a still-active call to Accumulate which is running operations. We
// forward these operations to backward_tape so the outer Accumulate call
// can do its work.
// Rather than re-entering and delegating Accumulate like this, we could
// instead allow ForwardAccumulator some control over the current tape set
// (so it can deactivate itself and activate its GradientTape). Currently
// that is managed by the language binding and would require relatively
// messy callbacks.>RecordOperation(
op_type, output_tensors, input_tensor_id, input_dtypes,
backward_function_getter, backward_function_deleter);
return Status::OK();
if (!ShouldRecord(input_tensor_id, input_dtypes)) {
return Status::OK();
// We may need to allocate zero inputs for trainable dtypes we don't have JVPs
// for. Make sure they get cleaned up.
std::vector<Gradient*> new_zeros;
auto delete_new_zeros = gtl::MakeCleanup([&new_zeros, this] {
for (Gradient* tensor : new_zeros) {
std::vector<Gradient*> in_grads;
for (int target_index = 0; target_index < input_tensors.size();
++target_index) {
const auto current_grad =
if (current_grad == accumulated_gradients_.end()) {
if (IsDtypeTrainable(input_tensors[target_index].GetDType())) {
// ForwardAccumulator defaults to zeros for unwatched Tensors, unlike
// GradientTape which uses ones.
Gradient* zero = input_tensors[target_index].ZerosLike();
} else {
} else {
// Avoid infinite recursion. Whichever forward function we run, it'll end up
// executing ops, and we don't want to watch those with this accumulator.
call_state_.emplace(nullptr, true);
auto pop_call_state = gtl::MakeCleanup([this] { this->call_state_.pop(); });
std::vector<Gradient*> forward_grads;
if (forward_function == nullptr) {
// We have no special-cased forward gradient. Fall back to running the
// backward function under a gradient tape.
output_tensors, backward_function_getter, backward_function_deleter,
in_grads, &forward_grads));
} else {
TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR((*forward_function)(in_grads, &forward_grads, use_batch));
for (int i = 0; i < forward_grads.size(); ++i) {
if (forward_grads[i] != nullptr) {
int64 tensor_id = output_tensors[i].GetID();
auto existing = accumulated_gradients_.find(tensor_id);
if (existing != accumulated_gradients_.end()) {
// This is a somewhat odd case to be in, since it means we have two
// operations which supposedly both created the same Tensor. It comes up
// in recompute_grad, where the gradients have the same value. However,
// only the original gradient is connected to everything else, so we
// should still use that.
} else {
accumulated_gradients_[output_tensors[i].GetID()] = forward_grads[i];
return Status::OK();
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
void ForwardAccumulator<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::Watch(
int64 tensor_id, Gradient* tangent) {
typename std::unordered_map<int64, Gradient*>::iterator existing =
if (existing == accumulated_gradients_.end()) {
accumulated_gradients_.emplace(tensor_id, tangent);
} else {
std::array<Gradient*, 2> to_aggregate;
to_aggregate[0] = tangent;
to_aggregate[1] = existing->second;
// AggregateGradients steals a reference to each of its arguments. We
// MarkAsResult on `tangent` above so we don't steal a reference to it.
existing->second = vspace_.AggregateGradients(to_aggregate);
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
void ForwardAccumulator<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::DeleteGradient(
int64 tensor_id) {
auto existing = accumulated_gradients_.find(tensor_id);
if (existing != accumulated_gradients_.end()) {
template <typename Gradient, typename BackwardFunction, typename TapeTensor>
Gradient* ForwardAccumulator<Gradient, BackwardFunction, TapeTensor>::FetchJVP(
int64 tensor_id) {
auto lookup = accumulated_gradients_.find(tensor_id);
if (lookup == accumulated_gradients_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return lookup->second;
} // namespace eager
} // namespace tensorflow