blob: fa7426eb04b6b2c6f6b48da2d761846b3f6b9c1b [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Describes the underlying platform for a StreamExecutor; e.g. OpenCL or CUDA
// device and platform properties. Also contains convenience functions for
// checking/calculating launch dimensionality based on device properties.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/launch_dim.h"
#include "tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/port.h"
namespace stream_executor {
namespace internal {
class DeviceDescriptionBuilder;
} // namespace internal
// Data that describes the execution target of the StreamExecutor, in terms of
// important logical parameters. These include dimensionality limits and
// physical parameters of interest, such as number of cores present on the
// device.
// Thread-safe: immutable post-initialization.
class DeviceDescription {
// Returns the platform being run on; this value is primarily intended for
// printing, and comes out something like "OpenCL 1.2" or "Compute Capability
// 3.5".
const std::string &platform_version() const { return platform_version_; }
// Returns the driver version interfacing with the underlying platform. Vendor
// dependent format.
const std::string &driver_version() const { return driver_version_; }
// Return the runtime version, if one is provided by the underlying platform.
// Vendor dependent format / usefulness.
const std::string &runtime_version() const { return runtime_version_; }
// Returns the name that the device reports. Vendor dependent.
const std::string &name() const { return name_; }
// Returns the PCI bus identifier for this device, of the form
// [domain]:[bus]:[device].[function]
const std::string &pci_bus_id() const { return pci_bus_id_; }
// Returns the NUMA node associated with this device, for use in
// determining socket locality. If the NUMA node could not be determined, -1
// is returned.
int numa_node() const { return numa_node_; }
// Number of cores (traditional notion of core; i.e. an SM on an NVIDIA device
// or an AMD Compute Unit.
int core_count() const { return core_count_; }
// Returns the limit on the thread dimensionality values in each of the
// respective dimensions. These limits affect what constitutes a legitimate
// kernel launch request.
const ThreadDim &thread_dim_limit() const { return thread_dim_limit_; }
// Returns the limit on the block dimensionality values in each of the
// respective dimensions. These limits may affect what constitutes a
// legitimate kernel launch request.
const BlockDim &block_dim_limit() const { return block_dim_limit_; }
// Returns the limit on the total number of threads that can be launched in a
// single block; i.e. the limit on x * y * z dimensions of a ThreadDim.
// This limit affects what constitutes a legitimate kernel launch request.
const int64 &threads_per_block_limit() const {
return threads_per_block_limit_;
// Returns the limit on the total number of threads that can be simultaneously
// launched on a given multiprocessor.
const int64 &threads_per_core_limit() const {
return threads_per_core_limit_;
// Returns the number of threads per warp/wavefront.
const int64 &threads_per_warp() const { return threads_per_warp_; }
// Returns the limit on the total number of registers per core.
const int64 &registers_per_core_limit() const {
return registers_per_core_limit_;
// Returns the limit on the total number of registers that can be
// simultaneously used by a block.
const int64 &registers_per_block_limit() const {
return registers_per_block_limit_;
// Returns the number of address bits available to kernel code running on the
// platform. This affects things like the maximum allocation size and perhaps
// types used in kernel code such as size_t.
const int64 &device_address_bits() const { return device_address_bits_; }
// Returns the device memory size in bytes.
int64 device_memory_size() const { return device_memory_size_; }
// Returns the device's memory bandwidth in bytes/sec. (This is for
// reads/writes to/from the device's own memory, not for transfers between the
// host and device.)
int64 memory_bandwidth() const { return memory_bandwidth_; }
// Returns the device's core clock rate in GHz.
float clock_rate_ghz() const { return clock_rate_ghz_; }
// Returns whether ECC is enabled.
bool ecc_enabled() const { return ecc_enabled_; }
// Returns the device vendor string, e.g., "NVIDIA Corporation", "Advanced
// Micro Devices, Inc.", or "GenuineIntel".
const std::string &device_vendor() const { return device_vendor_; }
// Returns the CUDA compute capability if we're running on the CUDA platform.
// If a CUDA compute capability is not available, the major version will be
// zero, and the return value will be false.
bool cuda_compute_capability(int *major, int *minor) const;
// Returns the AMDGPU ISA version if we're running on the ROCm platform.
// If the information is not available, the version is not modified,
// and the return value will be false.
bool rocm_amdgpu_isa_version(int *version) const;
// Returns the maximum amount of shared memory present on a single core
// (i.e. Streaming Multiprocessor on NVIDIA GPUs; Compute Unit for OpenCL
// devices). Note that some devices, such as NVIDIA's have a configurable
// partitioning between shared memory and L1 cache.
int64 shared_memory_per_core() const { return shared_memory_per_core_; }
// Returns the maximum amount of shared memory available for a single block.
int64 shared_memory_per_block() const { return shared_memory_per_block_; }
// TODO(leary): resident blocks per core will be useful.
// Convenience typedef for the string-based DeviceDescription mapping.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Map;
// Returns a mapping from readable names to readable values that describe the
// device. This is useful for things like printing.
std::unique_ptr<Map> ToMap() const;
// For string values that are not available via the underlying platform, this
// value will be provided.
static const char *kUndefinedString;
friend class internal::DeviceDescriptionBuilder;
// For description of the following members, see the corresponding accessor
// above.
// N.B. If another field is added, update ToMap() above.
std::string device_vendor_;
std::string platform_version_;
std::string driver_version_;
std::string runtime_version_;
std::string pci_bus_id_;
std::string name_;
ThreadDim thread_dim_limit_;
BlockDim block_dim_limit_;
int64 threads_per_core_limit_;
int64 threads_per_block_limit_;
int64 threads_per_warp_;
int64 registers_per_core_limit_;
int64 registers_per_block_limit_;
int64 device_address_bits_;
int64 device_memory_size_;
int64 memory_bandwidth_;
// Shared memory limits on a given device.
int64 shared_memory_per_core_;
int64 shared_memory_per_block_;
float clock_rate_ghz_;
// CUDA "CC" major value, -1 if not available.
int cuda_compute_capability_major_;
int cuda_compute_capability_minor_;
// ROCM AMDGPU ISA version, 0 if not available.
int rocm_amdgpu_isa_version_;
int numa_node_;
int core_count_;
bool ecc_enabled_;
namespace internal {
// Helper class the builds a device description, given that it has a large
// number of fields that would be easily confused in constructor form.
class DeviceDescriptionBuilder {
// For descriptions of the following fields, see comments on the corresponding
// DeviceDescription::* accessors above.
void set_device_vendor(const std::string &value) {
device_description_->device_vendor_ = value;
void set_platform_version(const std::string &value) {
device_description_->platform_version_ = value;
void set_driver_version(const std::string &value) {
device_description_->driver_version_ = value;
void set_runtime_version(const std::string &value) {
device_description_->runtime_version_ = value;
void set_pci_bus_id(const std::string &value) {
device_description_->pci_bus_id_ = value;
void set_name(const std::string &value) {
device_description_->name_ = value;
void set_thread_dim_limit(const ThreadDim &value) {
device_description_->thread_dim_limit_ = value;
void set_block_dim_limit(const BlockDim &value) {
device_description_->block_dim_limit_ = value;
void set_threads_per_core_limit(int64 value) {
device_description_->threads_per_core_limit_ = value;
void set_threads_per_block_limit(int64 value) {
device_description_->threads_per_block_limit_ = value;
void set_threads_per_warp(int64 value) {
device_description_->threads_per_warp_ = value;
void set_registers_per_core_limit(int64 value) {
device_description_->registers_per_core_limit_ = value;
void set_registers_per_block_limit(int64 value) {
device_description_->registers_per_block_limit_ = value;
void set_device_address_bits(int64 value) {
device_description_->device_address_bits_ = value;
void set_device_memory_size(int64 value) {
device_description_->device_memory_size_ = value;
void set_memory_bandwidth(int64 value) {
device_description_->memory_bandwidth_ = value;
void set_shared_memory_per_core(int64 value) {
device_description_->shared_memory_per_core_ = value;
void set_shared_memory_per_block(int64 value) {
device_description_->shared_memory_per_block_ = value;
void set_clock_rate_ghz(float value) {
device_description_->clock_rate_ghz_ = value;
void set_cuda_compute_capability(int major, int minor) {
device_description_->cuda_compute_capability_major_ = major;
device_description_->cuda_compute_capability_minor_ = minor;
void set_rocm_amdgpu_isa_version(int version) {
device_description_->rocm_amdgpu_isa_version_ = version;
void set_numa_node(int value) { device_description_->numa_node_ = value; }
void set_core_count(int value) { device_description_->core_count_ = value; }
void set_ecc_enabled(bool value) {
device_description_->ecc_enabled_ = value;
// Returns a built DeviceDescription with ownership transferred to the
// caller. There are currently no restrictions on which fields must be set in
// order to build the descriptor.
// Once the description is built, this builder object should be discarded.
std::unique_ptr<DeviceDescription> Build() {
return std::move(device_description_);
std::unique_ptr<DeviceDescription> device_description_;
} // namespace internal
// Returns whether the given thread_dim is acceptable given the limits described
// in device_description. For detailed reasons for failing the predicate, enable
// VLOG(2) for this module.
bool ThreadDimOk(const DeviceDescription &device_description,
const ThreadDim &thread_dim);
// Equivalent to ceil(double(element_count) / threads_per_block).
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use MathUtil::CeilOfRatio directly instead.")
int64 DivideCeil(int64 x, int64 y);
// Calculate the number of threads/blocks required to process element_count
// elements. Note that you can still end up with more threads than
// element_count due to rounding, so kernels often start with an "is this
// thread id in the element_count range?" test.
void CalculateDimensionality(const DeviceDescription &device_description,
int64 element_count, int64 *threads_per_block,
int64 *block_count);
} // namespace stream_executor