blob: ce83ed88dc52462ff08e190657ff5211b974f45d [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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// This is the legalization pattern definition file for TF to XLA.
include "mlir/IR/"
include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/"
include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tensorflow/ir/"
include "tensorflow/compiler/mlir/xla/ir/"
def NullArrayAttr : NativeCodeCall<"ArrayAttr()">;
def NullDenseIntElementsAttr : NativeCodeCall<"DenseIntElementsAttr()">;
// BatchNorm op patterns.
def FeatureDimension : NativeCodeCall<
"getFeatureDimensionAttr($_builder, $0, $1)">;
def FalseBoolAttr : AttrConstraint<CPred<"!$_self.getValue()">>;
def : Pattern<
(TF_FusedBatchNormOp:$root $x, $scale, $offset, $mean, $variance, $epsilon,
$data_format, FalseBoolAttr:$is_training),
[(HLO_BatchNormInferenceOp $x, $scale, $offset, $mean, $variance,
$epsilon, (FeatureDimension $data_format, $x)),
// We already guaranteed that the last four results has no use so it
// does not matter what value we provide here for replacement.
/*batch_mean=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*batch_variance=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_1=*/(replaceWithValue $x),
/*reserve_space_2=*/(replaceWithValue $x)],
[(HasNoUseOf:$root__1), (HasNoUseOf:$root__2),
(HasNoUseOf:$root__3), (HasNoUseOf:$root__4)]>;
// Bias op patterns.
def Is1DShapeTensor
: Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<RankedTensorType>() && "
"$_self.cast<RankedTensorType>().getRank() == 1">>;
def IsAtleast3DShapeTensor
: Type<CPred<"$_self.isa<RankedTensorType>() && "
"$_self.cast<RankedTensorType>().getRank() > 2">>;
def BiasAddFeatureDimension : NativeCodeCall<
"getBiasFeatureDimension($_builder, $0, $1)">;
def ValidBiasAddFeatureDimension : Constraint<
CPred<"hasValidBiasFeatureDimension($0, $1, $2)">,
"valid biasAdd feature dimension">;
def : Pat<(TF_BiasAddOp IsAtleast3DShapeTensor:$input, Is1DShapeTensor:$bias,
(HLO_AddOp $input, $bias,
(BiasAddFeatureDimension $data_format, $input)),
[(ValidBiasAddFeatureDimension $data_format, $input, $bias)]>;
// Binary op patterns.
// Get the broadcast dimensions attribute from the binary operands.
def BinBroadcastDimensions : NativeCodeCall<
"getBroadcastDimensionsAttr($_builder, $0, $1)">;
class DirectBinaryPat<Op FromOp, Op ToOp>
: Pat<(FromOp AnyTensor:$l, AnyTensor:$r),
(ToOp $l, $r, (BinBroadcastDimensions $l, $r))>;
foreach fromToBinPair = [[TF_AddOp, HLO_AddOp],
[TF_AddV2Op, HLO_AddOp],
[TF_DivOp, HLO_DivOp],
[TF_MaximumOp, HLO_MaxOp],
[TF_MinimumOp, HLO_MinOp],
[TF_MulOp, HLO_MulOp],
[TF_RealDivOp, HLO_DivOp],
[TF_SubOp, HLO_SubOp]] in
def : DirectBinaryPat<fromToBinPair[0], fromToBinPair[1]>;
// Compare op patterns.
class DirectComparePat<Op FromOp, StrEnumAttrCase direction>
: Pat<(FromOp AnyTensor:$l, AnyTensor:$r),
(HLO_CompareOp $l, $r, (BinBroadcastDimensions $l, $r), direction)>;
def : DirectComparePat<TF_GreaterOp, HLO_COMPARISON_DIRECTION_GT>;
def : DirectComparePat<TF_GreaterEqualOp, HLO_COMPARISON_DIRECTION_GE>;
def : DirectComparePat<TF_LessOp, HLO_COMPARISON_DIRECTION_LT>;
def : DirectComparePat<TF_LessEqualOp, HLO_COMPARISON_DIRECTION_LE>;
// Concat op patterns.
def OneElementAttrPred
: CPred<"$_self.cast<ElementsAttr>().getType().getNumElements() == 1">;
def OneElementAttr
: ElementsAttrBase<And<[ElementsAttr.predicate, OneElementAttrPred]>,
"Scalar ElementsAttr">;
def GetHLOAxisFromTFAxis : NativeCodeCall<
"$0, (*$1.begin())->getType().cast<RankedTensorType>().getRank(), "
def HasRankedFirstOperand
: Constraint<CPred<"(*$0.begin())->getType().isa<RankedTensorType>()">>;
// This pattern converts TensorFlow axis format to HLO axis format which
// doesn't wrap around like TensorFlow and is always positive. For this
// conversion, use the first input to get inputs rank. Other inputs need not be
// ranked.
// Defining op for `axis` is TensorFlow constant op in the pattern as during
// the conversion, original Concat op operands still refers to the old ops even
// if HLO constant op is introduced as an replacement for the TensorFlow
// Constant op.
def : Pat<(TF_ConcatV2Op $inputs, (TF_ConstOp OneElementAttr:$axis), $unused),
(HLO_ConcatenateOp $inputs, (GetHLOAxisFromTFAxis $axis, $inputs)),
[(HasRankedFirstOperand $inputs)]>;
// Identity op patterns.
def : Pat<(TF_IdentityOp $op), (replaceWithValue $op)>;
// Matmul op patterns.
// TODO(hinsu): Lower matmul ops with transpose attributes.
def : Pat<(TF_MatMulOp $a, $b, ConstBoolAttrFalse, ConstBoolAttrFalse),
(HLO_DotOp $a, $b, (NullArrayAttr))>;
// Nullary op patterns.
// TODO(riverriddle) Formalize a policy on converting opaque attributes.
def : Pat<(TF_ConstOp:$res ElementsAttr:$value), (HLO_ConstOp $value),
[(AnyStaticShapeTensor $res)]>;
// Relu op patterns.
class ConstantSplat<string value> : NativeCodeCall<
"getSplat($_builder, $0, " # value # ")">;
def : Pat<(TF_ReluOp AnyTensor:$input),
(HLO_MaxOp (HLO_ConstOp (ConstantSplat<"0"> $input)), $input,
def : Pat<(TF_Relu6Op AnyTensor:$input),
(HLO_ClampOp (HLO_ConstOp (ConstantSplat<"0"> $input)), $input,
(HLO_ConstOp (ConstantSplat<"6"> $input)))>;
// Relu op patterns.
def : Pat<(TF_SelectOp AnyTensor:$condition, AnyTensor:$lhs, AnyTensor:$rhs),
(HLO_SelectOp $condition, $lhs, $rhs)>;
// Unary op patterns.
foreach Mapping = [
[TF_AbsOp, HLO_AbsOp],
[TF_CeilOp, HLO_CeilOp],
[TF_CosOp, HLO_CosOp],
[TF_ExpOp, HLO_ExpOp],
[TF_FloorOp, HLO_FloorOp],
[TF_LogOp, HLO_LogOp],
[TF_NegOp, HLO_NegOp],
[TF_TanhOp, HLO_TanhOp],
] in {
def : Pat<(Mapping[0] AnyTensor:$input),
(Mapping[1] $input)>;
foreach TfOp = [TF_ExpandDimsOp, TF_ReshapeOp, TF_SqueezeOp] in {
def : Pat<(TfOp:$res AnyStaticShapeTensor:$arg, $ignored),
(HLO_ReshapeOp $arg), [(AnyStaticShapeTensor $res)]>;