blob: 15c125e3cf7260d752ce353cafba4a1e31f7714b [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Package internal generates Go source code with functions for TensorFlow operations.
// The basic outline of the generated API is as follows:
// - One function for each TensorFlow operation
// - The arguments to the function are the inputs and required attributes of the operation
// - The function returns the outputs
// - A function is also generated for each optional attribute of the operation.
// There is a possibility that there are name collisions between the functions
// generated for ops and the functions generated for optional attributes. For
// now, we ignore those, but will need to revisit if a collision is actually
// encountered.
package internal
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tensorflow/c/c_api.h"
import "C"
import (
adpb ""
odpb ""
// GenerateFunctionsForRegisteredOps writes a Go source code file to w
// containing functions for each TensorFlow operation registered in the address
// space of the calling process.
// apidefDirs should be a contain of directories containing api_def_*.pbtxt
// files to load.
func GenerateFunctionsForRegisteredOps(
w io.Writer, apidefDirs []string) error {
ops, apimap, err := registeredOps()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, dir := range apidefDirs {
if err = updateAPIDefs(apimap, dir); err != nil {
return err
return generateFunctionsForOps(w, ops, apimap)
func registeredOps() (*odpb.OpList, *apiDefMap, error) {
buf := C.TF_GetAllOpList()
defer C.TF_DeleteBuffer(buf)
var (
list = new(odpb.OpList)
size = int(buf.length)
// A []byte backed by C memory.
// See:
data = (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer([:size:size]
err = proto.Unmarshal(data, list)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
apimap, err := newAPIDefMap(list)
return list, apimap, err
func updateAPIDefs(m *apiDefMap, dir string) error {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, file := range files {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(dir, file.Name()))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read %q: %v", file.Name(), err)
if err = m.Put(string(data)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to process %q: %v", file.Name(), err)
return nil
func generateFunctionsForOps(w io.Writer, ops *odpb.OpList, apimap *apiDefMap) error {
thisPackage := reflect.TypeOf(tmplArgs{}).PkgPath()
if err := tmplHeader.Execute(w, thisPackage); err != nil {
return err
blacklist := map[string]bool{
"Const": true,
"PyFunc": true,
"PyFuncStateless": true,
for _, op := range ops.Op {
if blacklist[op.Name] {
apidef, err := apimap.Get(op.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := generateFunctionForOp(w, op, apidef); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func generateFunctionForOp(w io.Writer, op *odpb.OpDef, apidef *adpb.ApiDef) error {
if strings.HasPrefix(op.Name, "_") { // Internal operation
return nil
// Ignore operations where the Go types corresponding to the TensorFlow
// type haven't been worked out (such as "func"s).
for _, a := range op.Attr {
if _, err := goType(a.Type); err != nil {
return nil
// Also, haven't figured out reference types yet, so ignore those too.
for _, a := range op.InputArg {
if a.IsRef {
return nil
for _, a := range op.OutputArg {
if a.IsRef {
return nil
if apidef.Summary == "" {
// Undocumented operation, perhaps a sign of not being ready to
// export.
return nil
tmplArgs, err := newTmplArgs(op, apidef)
if err != nil {
return err
return tmplOp.Execute(w, tmplArgs)
var (
// Go keywords that cannot be used as identifiers.
// From
keywords = []string{
"break", "default", "func", "interface", "select", "case",
"defer", "go", "map", "struct", "chan", "else", "goto",
"package", "switch", "const", "fallthrough", "if", "range",
"type", "continue", "for", "import", "return", "var",
tmplHeader = template.Must(template.New("header").Parse(`// DO NOT EDIT
// This file was machine generated by {{.}}
// WARNING: This generation of wrapper function for TensorFlow ops is in an
// experimental state. The generated API can change without notice.
package op
import tf ""
// optionalAttr is an intentionally un-exported type to hide
// details of how optional attributes to operations are implemented.
type optionalAttr map[string]interface{}
func makeOutputList(op *tf.Operation, start int, output string) ([]tf.Output, int, error) {
size, err := op.OutputListSize(output)
if err != nil {
return nil, start, err
list := make([]tf.Output, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
list[i] = op.Output(start + i)
return list, start + size, nil
tmplOp = template.Must(template.New("op").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"MakeComment": makeComment,
"GoType": goType,
"CamelCase": camelCase,
"Identifier": identifier,
"IsListArg": isListArg,
"IsListAttr": isListAttr,
"StripLeadingColon": stripLeadingColon,
{{if .OptionalAttrs -}}
{{/* Type for specifying all optional attributes. */ -}}
// {{.Op.Name}}Attr is an optional argument to {{.Op.Name}}.
type {{.Op.Name}}Attr func(optionalAttr)
{{range .OptionalAttrs}}
// {{$.Op.Name}}{{CamelCase .RenameTo}} sets the optional {{.RenameTo}} attribute to value.
{{- if .Description}}
// value: {{MakeComment .Description}}
{{- end}}
// If not specified, defaults to {{StripLeadingColon .DefaultValue}}
{{- if .HasMinimum}}
// {{if .IsListAttr }}REQUIRES: len(value) >= {{.Minimum}}{{else}}REQUIRES: value >= {{.Minimum}}{{end}}
{{- end}}
func {{$.Op.Name}}{{CamelCase .RenameTo}}(value {{GoType .Type}}) {{$.Op.Name}}Attr {
return func(m optionalAttr) {
m[{{printf "%q" .Name}}] = value
{{- /* Create a godoc friendly comment. */ -}}
// {{MakeComment .APIDef.Summary}}
{{- with .Op.Deprecation}}
// DEPRECATED at GraphDef version {{.Version}}: {{.Explanation}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with .APIDef.Description}}
// {{MakeComment .}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .DescribeArguments}}
// Arguments:
{{- range .InArgsReordered}}
// {{if .Description}}{{Identifier .RenameTo}}: {{MakeComment .Description}}{{end}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range .RequiredAttrs}}
// {{if .Description}}{{Identifier .RenameTo}}: {{MakeComment .Description}}{{end}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if (not .Op.OutputArg) }}
// Returns the created operation.
{{- else }}
{{- if .DescribeOutputs}}
{{- if ((len .OutArgs) eq 1) }}
// Returns {{range .OutArgs}}{{MakeComment .Description}}{{end}}
{{- else }}
// Returns:
{{- range .OutArgs}}
// {{Identifier .RenameTo}}{{if .Description}}: {{MakeComment .Description}}{{end}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /*
The function signature.
Since OpDef.Name is in CamelCase, it cannot conflict with a reserved keyword in Golang
func {{.Op.Name}}
{{- /*
Fill in input arguments:
(1) The Scope
(2) All input arguments (which may be either []tf.Output or tf.Output)
(3) All required attributes
(4) Variadic list of optional attributes
*/ -}}
(scope *Scope
{{- range $i, $a := .InArgsReordered}}, {{Identifier $a.RenameTo}} {{if $a.IsListArg}}[]{{end}}tf.Output{{end -}}
{{range $i, $a := .RequiredAttrs}}, {{Identifier $a.RenameTo}} {{GoType $a.Type}}{{end -}}
{{if .OptionalAttrs}}, optional ...{{.Op.Name}}Attr{{end -}}
{{- /* Construct outputs: len(.OutArgs) or a *tf.Operation */ -}}
{{if .OutArgs -}}
({{range $i,$a := .OutArgs}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}{{Identifier $a.RenameTo}} {{if $a.IsListArg}}[]{{end}}tf.Output{{end -}})
{{- else -}}
(o *tf.Operation)
{{- end }} {
if scope.Err() != nil {
{{if .HasAttrs -}}
attrs := map[string]interface{}{ {{- range .RequiredAttrs}}{{printf "%q" .Name}}: {{Identifier .RenameTo}},{{end}}}
{{if .OptionalAttrs -}}
for _, a := range optional {
{{end -}}
{{end -}}
opspec := tf.OpSpec{
Type: {{printf "%q" .Op.Name}},
{{if .InArgs -}}
Input: []tf.Input{
{{range $i,$a := .InArgs}}{{if $a.IsListArg}}tf.OutputList({{Identifier $a.RenameTo}}){{else}}{{Identifier $a.RenameTo}}{{end}}, {{end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .HasAttrs}}
Attrs: attrs,
{{- end}}
{{- if .OutArgs}}
{{- if .HasListOutput}}
op := scope.AddOperation(opspec)
if scope.Err() != nil {
var idx int
var err error
{{- range $i, $a := .OutArgs}}
{{- if $a.IsListArg}}
if {{Identifier .RenameTo}}, idx, err = makeOutputList(op, idx, {{printf "%q" .Name}}); err != nil {
scope.UpdateErr({{printf "%q" $.Op.Name}}, err)
{{- else }}
{{Identifier .RenameTo}} = op.Output(idx)
{{- end }}{{- /* if IsListArg */}}
{{- end }}{{- /* range .OutArgs */}}
return {{range $i, $a := .OutArgs}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}{{Identifier .RenameTo}}{{end}}
{{- else }}
op := scope.AddOperation(opspec)
return {{range $i, $a := .OutArgs}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}op.Output({{$i}}){{end}}
{{- end }}{{- /* if .HasListOutput */}}
{{- else }}
return scope.AddOperation(opspec)
{{- end }}{{- /* if .OutArgs */}}
type attrWrapper struct {
op *odpb.OpDef_AttrDef
api *adpb.ApiDef_Attr
func (a *attrWrapper) Name() string { return a.api.Name }
func (a *attrWrapper) RenameTo() string { return a.api.RenameTo }
func (a *attrWrapper) Description() string { return a.api.Description }
func (a *attrWrapper) Type() string { return a.op.Type }
func (a *attrWrapper) IsListAttr() bool { return isListAttr(a.op) }
func (a *attrWrapper) HasMinimum() bool { return a.op.HasMinimum }
func (a *attrWrapper) Minimum() int64 { return a.op.Minimum }
func (a *attrWrapper) DefaultValue() interface{} { return a.api.DefaultValue }
type argWrapper struct {
op *odpb.OpDef_ArgDef
api *adpb.ApiDef_Arg
func (a *argWrapper) Name() string { return a.api.Name }
func (a *argWrapper) RenameTo() string { return a.api.RenameTo }
func (a *argWrapper) Description() string { return a.api.Description }
func (a *argWrapper) IsListArg() bool { return isListArg(a.op) }
type tmplArgs struct {
Op *odpb.OpDef
APIDef *adpb.ApiDef
// Op.Attr is split into two categories
// (1) Required: These must be specified by the client and are thus
// included in the function signature.
// (2) Optional: These need not be specified (as they have default
// values) and thus do not appear in the function signature.
RequiredAttrs []*attrWrapper
OptionalAttrs []*attrWrapper
InArgs []*argWrapper
// Input arguments ordered based on arg_order field of ApiDef.
InArgsReordered []*argWrapper
OutArgs []*argWrapper
func newTmplArgs(op *odpb.OpDef, apidef *adpb.ApiDef) (*tmplArgs, error) {
ret := tmplArgs{Op: op, APIDef: apidef}
// Setup InArgs field
for i, in := range op.InputArg {
argCombined := argWrapper{op: in, api: apidef.InArg[i]}
ret.InArgs = append(ret.InArgs, &argCombined)
// Setup OutArgs field
for i, out := range op.OutputArg {
argCombined := argWrapper{op: out, api: apidef.OutArg[i]}
ret.OutArgs = append(ret.OutArgs, &argCombined)
// Setup InArgsReordered field
for _, argName := range apidef.ArgOrder {
// Find the argument in op.InputArg
argIndex := -1
for i, in := range op.InputArg {
if in.Name == argName {
argIndex = i
if argIndex == -1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"couldn't find argument %s in ApiDef for op %s",
argName, op.Name)
argCombined := argWrapper{
op: op.InputArg[argIndex], api: apidef.InArg[argIndex]}
ret.InArgsReordered = append(ret.InArgsReordered, &argCombined)
if len(op.Attr) == 0 {
return &ret, nil
// Attributes related to the InputArg's type are inferred automatically
// and are not exposed to the client.
inferred := make(map[string]bool)
for _, in := range op.InputArg {
switch {
case in.TypeAttr != "":
inferred[in.TypeAttr] = true
case in.TypeListAttr != "":
inferred[in.TypeListAttr] = true
if in.NumberAttr != "" {
inferred[in.NumberAttr] = true
for i, attr := range op.Attr {
if inferred[attr.Name] {
attrCombined := attrWrapper{op: attr, api: apidef.Attr[i]}
if attr.DefaultValue == nil {
ret.RequiredAttrs = append(ret.RequiredAttrs, &attrCombined)
} else {
ret.OptionalAttrs = append(ret.OptionalAttrs, &attrCombined)
return &ret, nil
func (a *tmplArgs) HasAttrs() bool { return len(a.RequiredAttrs)+len(a.OptionalAttrs) > 0 }
func (a *tmplArgs) DescribeArguments() bool {
for _, arg := range a.InArgs {
if arg.Description() != "" {
return true
for _, attr := range a.RequiredAttrs {
if attr.Description() != "" {
return true
return false
func (a *tmplArgs) DescribeOutputs() bool {
for _, arg := range a.OutArgs {
if arg.Description() != "" {
return true
return false
func (a *tmplArgs) HasListOutput() bool {
for _, arg := range a.OutArgs {
if arg.IsListArg() {
return true
return false
func makeComment(lines string) string {
return strings.Join(strings.SplitAfter(lines, "\n"), "// ")
// goType converts a TensorFlow "type" ('string', 'int', 'list(string)' etc.)
// to the corresponding type in Go.
func goType(tfType string) (string, error) {
list, tfType := parseTFType(tfType)
var gotype string
switch tfType {
case "int":
gotype = "int64"
case "float":
gotype = "float32"
case "bool":
gotype = "bool"
case "type":
gotype = "tf.DataType"
case "shape":
gotype = "tf.Shape"
case "tensor":
gotype = "tf.Tensor"
case "string":
gotype = "string"
return "", fmt.Errorf("%q is not a recognized DataType", tfType)
if list {
gotype = "[]" + gotype
return gotype, nil
func camelCase(snakeCase string) string {
words := strings.Split(snakeCase, "_")
for i, w := range words {
words[i] = strings.ToUpper(string(w[0])) + w[1:]
return strings.Join(words, "")
// identifier creates an identifier for s usable in the generated Go source
// code.
// Avoids collisions with keywords and other identifiers used in the generated
// code.
func identifier(s string) string {
// Identifiers used in the generated code.
if s == "tf" || s == "scope" || s == "err" || s == "op" {
return s + "_"
for _, k := range keywords {
if s == k {
// Alternatively, make the first letter upper case.
return s + "_"
return s
func isListArg(argdef *odpb.OpDef_ArgDef) bool {
return argdef.TypeListAttr != "" || argdef.NumberAttr != ""
func isListAttr(attrdef *odpb.OpDef_AttrDef) bool {
list, _ := parseTFType(attrdef.Type)
return list
// stripLeadingColon removes the prefix of the string up to the first colon.
// This is useful when 's' corresponds to a "oneof" protocol buffer message.
// For example, consider the protocol buffer message:
// oneof value { bool b = 1; int64 i = 2; }
// String() on a Go corresponding object (using proto.CompactTextString) will
// print "b:true", or "i:7" etc. This function strips out the leading "b:" or
// "i:".
func stripLeadingColon(s fmt.Stringer) string {
x := s.String()
y := strings.SplitN(x, ":", 2)
if len(y) < 2 {
return x
return y[1]
func parseTFType(tfType string) (list bool, typ string) {
const (
listPrefix = "list("
listSuffix = ")"
if strings.HasPrefix(tfType, listPrefix) && strings.HasSuffix(tfType, listSuffix) {
return true, strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(tfType, listPrefix), listSuffix)
return false, tfType