blob: 9832a09de6ebc83716f4c1bf1a6731b6b6224f17 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: flatbuffer_translate -mlir-to-tflite-flatbuffer %s -o - | flatbuffer_translate --tflite-flatbuffer-to-mlir - -o - | FileCheck %s
// Ensure constants roundtrip exactly
func @bool() -> tensor<4xi1> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @bool
// CHECK: value = dense<[false, true, true, false]> : tensor<4xi1>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = dense<[false, true, true, false]> : tensor<4xi1> } : () -> tensor<4xi1>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xi1>
func @complex64() -> tensor<4xcomplex<f32>> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @complex64
// CHECK: value = opaque<"tf", "0x746674656E736F722464747970653A2044545F434F4D504C455836342074656E736F725F7368617065207B2064696D207B2073697A653A2034207D207D2074656E736F725F636F6E74656E743A20225C3030305C3030305C3230303F5C3030305C3030305C3230303F5C3030305C3030305C303030405C3030305C3030305C303030405C3030305C30303040405C3030305C30303040405C3030305C3030305C323030405C3030305C3030305C3230304022"> : tensor<4xcomplex<f32>>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = opaque<"tf", "0x746674656E736F722464747970653A2044545F434F4D504C455836342074656E736F725F7368617065207B2064696D207B2073697A653A2034207D207D2074656E736F725F636F6E74656E743A20225C3030305C3030305C3230303F5C3030305C3030305C3230303F5C3030305C3030305C303030405C3030305C3030305C303030405C3030305C30303040405C3030305C30303040405C3030305C3030305C323030405C3030305C3030305C3230304022"> : tensor<4xcomplex<f32>> } : () -> tensor<4xcomplex<f32>>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xcomplex<f32>>
func @complex128() -> tensor<4xcomplex<f64>> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @complex128
// CHECK: value = opaque<"tf", "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tensor<4xcomplex<f64>>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = opaque<"tf", "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tensor<4xcomplex<f64>> } : () -> tensor<4xcomplex<f64>>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xcomplex<f64>>
func @f16() -> tensor<4xf16> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @f16
// CHECK: value = dense<[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00]> : tensor<4xf16>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = dense<[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]> : tensor<4xf16> } : () -> tensor<4xf16>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xf16>
func @f32() -> tensor<4xf32> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @f32
// CHECK: value = dense<[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00]> : tensor<4xf32>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = dense<[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]> : tensor<4xf32> } : () -> tensor<4xf32>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xf32>
func @f64() -> tensor<4xf64> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @f64
// CHECK: value = dense<[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00, 4.000000e+00]> : tensor<4xf64>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = dense<[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]> : tensor<4xf64> } : () -> tensor<4xf64>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xf64>
func @i8() -> tensor<4xi8> {
// CHECK: value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 4]> : tensor<4xi8>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const" () { value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 4]> : tensor<4xi8> } : () -> tensor<4xi8>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xi8>
func @i16() -> tensor<4xi16> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @i16
// CHECK: value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 258]> : tensor<4xi16>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const" () { value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 258]> : tensor<4xi16> } : () -> tensor<4xi16>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xi16>
func @i32() -> tensor<4xi32> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @i32
// CHECK: value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 16909060]> : tensor<4xi32>
// Check bytes come back in the right order
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const" () { value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 16909060]> : tensor<4xi32> } : () -> tensor<4xi32>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xi32>
func @i64() -> tensor<4xi64> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @i64
// CHECK: value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 72623859790382856]> : tensor<4xi64>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const" () { value = dense<[1, 2, 3, 72623859790382856]> : tensor<4xi64> } : () -> tensor<4xi64>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xi64>
func @string() -> tensor<2x2x!tf_type.string> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @string
// CHECK: value = dense<{{\[\["1", "12"\], \["123", "1234"\]\]}}> : tensor<2x2x!tf_type.string>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = dense<[["1", "12"], ["123", "1234"]]> : tensor<2x2x!tf_type.string> } : () -> tensor<2x2x!tf_type.string>
func.return %0 : tensor<2x2x!tf_type.string>
func @string_norank() -> tensor<!tf_type.string> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @string_norank
// CHECK: value = dense<"test"> : tensor<!tf_type.string>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() { value = dense<"test"> : tensor<!tf_type.string> } : () -> tensor<!tf_type.string>
func.return %0 : tensor<!tf_type.string>
func @uint8() -> tensor<4xui8> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @uint8
// CHECK: value = dense<[222, 173, 190, 239]> : tensor<4xui8>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_const"() {value = dense<[222, 173, 190, 239]> : tensor<4xui8>} : () -> tensor<4xui8>
func.return %0 : tensor<4xui8>
func @qi32_per_axis() -> tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:1, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @qi32_per_axis
// CHECK: {qtype = tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:1, {1.000000e+00,5.000000e-01:1,2.500000e-01:1}>>, value = dense<1> : tensor<3x3xi32>} : () -> tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:1, {1.000000e+00,5.000000e-01:1,2.500000e-01:1}>>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_qconst"() { qtype = tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:1, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>>, value = dense<1> : tensor<3x3xi32>} : () -> tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:1, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>>
func.return %0 : tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:1, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>>
func @qi32_per_axis_zero() -> tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:0, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @qi32_per_axis_zero
// CHECK: {qtype = tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:0, {1.000000e+00,5.000000e-01:1,2.500000e-01:1}>>, value = dense<1> : tensor<3x3xi32>} : () -> tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:0, {1.000000e+00,5.000000e-01:1,2.500000e-01:1}>>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_qconst"() { qtype = tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:0, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>>, value = dense<1> : tensor<3x3xi32>} : () -> tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:0, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>>
func.return %0 : tensor<3x3x!quant.uniform<i32:f32:0, {1.0, 0.5:1, 0.25:1}>>
func @qu8() -> tensor<3x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @qu8
// CHECK: {qtype = tensor<3x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.000000e+00>>, value = dense<1> : tensor<3xi8>} : () -> tensor<3x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.000000e+00>>
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_qconst"() { qtype = tensor<3x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>>, value = dense<1> : tensor<3xi8>} : () -> tensor<3x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>>
func.return %0 : tensor<3x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>>
func @sparse_f32() -> tensor<3x2xf32> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @sparse_f32
// CHECK: {compressed_data = dense<[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, -1.000000e+00, -2.000000e+00, -5.000000e-01, -2.500000e-01]> : tensor<8xf32>, s_param = {block_map = [3 : i32, 1 : i32], dim_metadata = [{dense_size = 16 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 0 : i32, format = "SPARSE_CSR", indices = [1 : i32, 4 : i32, 9 : i32], segments = [0 : i32, 5 : i32, 11 : i32]}], traversal_order = [0 : i32, 1 : i32, 2 : i32, 3 : i32]}, value = dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<3x2xf32>}
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_sparse_const"() {compressed_data = dense<[1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.25, -1.0, -2.0, -0.5, -0.25]> : tensor<8xf32>, s_param = {block_map = [3 : i32, 1 : i32], dim_metadata = [{dense_size = 16 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 0 : i32, format = "SPARSE_CSR", indices = [1 : i32, 4 : i32, 9 : i32], segments = [0 : i32, 5 : i32, 11 : i32]}], traversal_order = [0 : i32, 1 : i32, 2 : i32, 3 : i32]}, value = dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<3x2xf32>} : () -> tensor<3x2xf32>
func.return %0: tensor<3x2xf32>
func @sparse_f16() -> tensor<3x2xf16> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @sparse_f16
// CHECK: {compressed_data = dense<[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 5.000000e-01, 2.500000e-01, -1.000000e+00, -2.000000e+00, -5.000000e-01, -2.500000e-01]> : tensor<8xf16>, s_param = {block_map = [3 : i32, 1 : i32], dim_metadata = [{dense_size = 16 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 0 : i32, format = "SPARSE_CSR", indices = [1 : i32, 4 : i32, 9 : i32], segments = [0 : i32, 5 : i32, 11 : i32]}], traversal_order = [0 : i32, 1 : i32, 2 : i32, 3 : i32]}, value = dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<3x2xf16>}
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_sparse_const"() {compressed_data = dense<[1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.25, -1.0, -2.0, -0.5, -0.25]> : tensor<8xf16>, s_param = {block_map = [3 : i32, 1 : i32], dim_metadata = [{dense_size = 16 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 0 : i32, format = "SPARSE_CSR", indices = [1 : i32, 4 : i32, 9 : i32], segments = [0 : i32, 5 : i32, 11 : i32]}], traversal_order = [0 : i32, 1 : i32, 2 : i32, 3 : i32]}, value = dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<3x2xf16>} : () -> tensor<3x2xf16>
func.return %0: tensor<3x2xf16>
func @sparse_qu8() -> tensor<3x2x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @sparse_qu8
// CHECK: {compressed_data = dense<[1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4]> : tensor<8xi8>, qtype = tensor<3x2x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.000000e+00>>, s_param = {block_map = [3 : i32, 1 : i32], dim_metadata = [{dense_size = 16 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 0 : i32, format = "SPARSE_CSR", indices = [1 : i32, 4 : i32, 9 : i32], segments = [0 : i32, 5 : i32, 11 : i32]}], traversal_order = [0 : i32, 1 : i32, 2 : i32, 3 : i32]}, value = dense<0> : tensor<3x2xi8>}
%0 = "tfl.pseudo_sparse_qconst"() {compressed_data = dense<[1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -2, -3, -4]> : tensor<8xi8>, qtype = tensor<3x2x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>>, s_param = {block_map = [3 : i32, 1 : i32], dim_metadata = [{dense_size = 16 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 1 : i32, format = "DENSE", indices = [], segments = []}, {dense_size = 0 : i32, format = "SPARSE_CSR", indices = [1 : i32, 4 : i32, 9 : i32], segments = [0 : i32, 5 : i32, 11 : i32]}], traversal_order = [0 : i32, 1 : i32, 2 : i32, 3 : i32]}, value = dense<42> : tensor<3x2xi8>} : () -> tensor<3x2x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>>
func.return %0: tensor<3x2x!quant.uniform<u8<1:255>:f32, 1.0>>
// Identity function to make the exporter happy
func @main(%arg0: tensor<4xi8>) -> tensor<4xi8> {
func.return %arg0 : tensor<4xi8>