blob: 80b69336bdcd88a75b57a0e3f0769bfe9458f9ce [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Type specifications for TensorFlow APIs."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import abc
import collections
import re
import numpy as np
import six
from tensorflow.python.framework import composite_tensor
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
from tensorflow.python.util import _pywrap_utils
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_decorator
from tensorflow.python.util.lazy_loader import LazyLoader
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
# Use LazyLoader to avoid circular dependencies.
tensor_spec = LazyLoader(
"tensor_spec", globals(),
ops = LazyLoader(
"ops", globals(),
@tf_export("TypeSpec", v1=["TypeSpec", "data.experimental.Structure"])
class TypeSpec(object):
"""Specifies a TensorFlow value type.
A `tf.TypeSpec` provides metadata describing an object accepted or returned
by TensorFlow APIs. Concrete subclasses, such as `tf.TensorSpec` and
`tf.RaggedTensorSpec`, are used to describe different value types.
For example, `tf.function`'s `input_signature` argument accepts a list
(or nested structure) of `TypeSpec`s.
Creating new subclasses of `TypeSpec` (outside of TensorFlow core) is not
currently supported. In particular, we may make breaking changes to the
private methods and properties defined by this base class.
>>> spec = tf.RaggedTensorSpec(shape=[None, None], dtype=tf.int32)
>>> @tf.function(input_signature=[spec])
... def double(x):
... return x * 2
>>> print(double(tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]])))
<tf.RaggedTensor [[2, 4], [6]]>
# === Subclassing ===
# Each `TypeSpec` subclass must define:
# * A "component encoding" for values.
# * A "serialization" for types.
# The component encoding for a value is a nested structure of `tf.Tensor`
# or `CompositeTensor` that can be used by the `TypeSpec` to reconstruct
# the value. Each individual `TypeSpec` must use the same nested structure
# for all values -- this structure is defined by the `component_specs`
# attribute. Decomposing values into components, and reconstructing them
# from those components, should be inexpensive. In particular, it should
# *not* require any TensorFlow ops.
# The serialization for a `TypeSpec` is a nested tuple of values that can
# be used to reconstruct the `TypeSpec`. See the documentation for
# `_serialize()` for more information.
__slots__ = []
def value_type(self):
"""The Python type for values that are compatible with this TypeSpec.
In particular, all values that are compatible with this TypeSpec must be an
instance of this type.
raise NotImplementedError("%s.value_type" % type(self).__name__)
def is_compatible_with(self, spec_or_value):
"""Returns true if `spec_or_value` is compatible with this TypeSpec."""
# === Subclassing ===
# If not overridden by subclasses, the default behavior is to convert
# `spec_or_value` to a `TypeSpec` (if it isn't already); and then to
# consider two `TypeSpec`s compatible if they have the same type, and
# the values returned by `_serialize` are compatible (where
# `tf.TensorShape`, `tf.TensorSpec`, and `tf.DType` are checked for
# compatibility using their `is_compatible_with` method; and all other
# types are considered compatible if they are equal).
if not isinstance(spec_or_value, TypeSpec):
spec_or_value = type_spec_from_value(spec_or_value)
if type(self) is not type(spec_or_value):
return False
return self.__is_compatible(self._serialize(),
spec_or_value._serialize()) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def most_specific_compatible_type(self, other):
"""Returns the most specific TypeSpec compatible with `self` and `other`.
other: A `TypeSpec`.
ValueError: If there is no TypeSpec that is compatible with both `self`
and `other`.
# === Subclassing ===
# If not overridden by a subclass, the default behavior is to raise a
# `ValueError` if `self` and `other` have different types, or if their type
# serializations differ by anything other than `TensorShape`s. Otherwise,
# the two type serializations are combined (using
# `most_specific_compatible_shape` to combine `TensorShape`s), and the
# result is used to construct and return a new `TypeSpec`.
if type(self) is not type(other):
raise ValueError("No TypeSpec is compatible with both %s and %s" %
(self, other))
merged = self.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(
self._serialize(), other._serialize()) # pylint: disable=protected-access
return self._deserialize(merged)
def _with_tensor_ranks_only(self):
"""Returns a TypeSpec compatible with `self`, with tensor shapes relaxed.
A `TypeSpec` that is compatible with `self`, where any `TensorShape`
information has been relaxed to include only tensor rank (and not
the dimension sizes for individual axes).
# === Subclassing ===
# If not overridden by a subclass, the default behavior is to serialize
# this TypeSpec, relax any TensorSpec or TensorShape values, and
# deserialize the result.
def relax(value):
if isinstance(value, TypeSpec):
return value._with_tensor_ranks_only() # pylint: disable=protected-access
elif (isinstance(value, tensor_shape.TensorShape) and
value.rank is not None):
return tensor_shape.TensorShape([None] * value.rank)
return value
return self._deserialize(nest.map_structure(relax, self._serialize()))
# === Component encoding for values ===
def _to_components(self, value):
"""Encodes `value` as a nested structure of `Tensor` or `CompositeTensor`.
value: A value compatible with this `TypeSpec`. (Caller is responsible
for ensuring compatibility.)
A nested structure of `tf.Tensor` or `tf.CompositeTensor` compatible with
`self._component_specs`, which can be used to reconstruct `value`.
# === Subclassing ===
# This method must be inexpensive (do not call TF ops).
raise NotImplementedError("%s._to_components()" % type(self).__name__)
def _from_components(self, components):
"""Reconstructs a value from a nested structure of Tensor/CompositeTensor.
components: A nested structure of `tf.Tensor` or `tf.CompositeTensor`,
compatible with `self._component_specs`. (Caller is responsible for
ensuring compatibility.)
A value that is compatible with this `TypeSpec`.
# === Subclassing ===
# This method must be inexpensive (do not call TF ops).
raise NotImplementedError("%s._from_components()" % type(self).__name__)
def _component_specs(self):
"""A nested structure of TypeSpecs for this type's components.
A nested structure describing the component encodings that are returned
by this TypeSpec's `_to_components` method. In particular, for a
TypeSpec `spec` and a compatible value `value`:
nest.map_structure(lambda t, c: assert t.is_compatible_with(c),
spec._component_specs, spec._to_components(value))
raise NotImplementedError("%s._component_specs()" % type(self).__name__)
# === Tensor list encoding for values ===
def _to_tensor_list(self, value):
"""Encodes `value` as a flat list of `tf.Tensor`.
By default, this just flattens `self._to_components(value)` using
`nest.flatten`. However, subclasses may override this to return a
different tensor encoding for values. In particular, some subclasses
of `BatchableTypeSpec` override this method to return a "boxed" encoding
for values, which then can be batched or unbatched. See
`BatchableTypeSpec` for more details.
value: A value with compatible this `TypeSpec`. (Caller is responsible
for ensuring compatibility.)
A list of `tf.Tensor`, compatible with `self._flat_tensor_specs`, which
can be used to reconstruct `value`.
return nest.flatten(self._to_components(value), expand_composites=True)
def _from_tensor_list(self, tensor_list):
"""Reconstructs a value from a flat list of `tf.Tensor`.
tensor_list: A flat list of `tf.Tensor`, compatible with
A value that is compatible with this `TypeSpec`.
ValueError: If `tensor_list` is not compatible with
return self._from_compatible_tensor_list(tensor_list)
def _from_compatible_tensor_list(self, tensor_list):
"""Reconstructs a value from a compatible flat list of `tf.Tensor`.
tensor_list: A flat list of `tf.Tensor`, compatible with
`self._flat_tensor_specs`. (Caller is responsible for ensuring
A value that is compatible with this `TypeSpec`.
return self._from_components(nest.pack_sequence_as(
self._component_specs, tensor_list, expand_composites=True))
def _flat_tensor_specs(self):
"""A list of TensorSpecs compatible with self._to_tensor_list(v)."""
return nest.flatten(self._component_specs, expand_composites=True)
# === Serialization for types ===
def _serialize(self):
"""Returns a nested tuple containing the state of this TypeSpec.
The serialization may contain the following value types: boolean,
integer, string, float, None, `TensorSpec`, `tf.TensorShape`, `tf.DType`,
`np.ndarray`, `TypeSpec`, and nested tuples, namedtuples, dicts, and
OrderedDicts of any of the above.
This method is used to provide default definitions for: equality
testing (__eq__, __ne__), hashing (__hash__), pickling (__reduce__),
string representation (__repr__), `self.is_compatible_with()`,
`self.most_specific_compatible_type()`, and protobuf serialization
(e.g. TensorInfo and StructuredValue).
raise NotImplementedError("%s._serialize()" % type(self).__name__)
def _deserialize(cls, serialization):
"""Reconstructs a TypeSpec from a value returned by `serialize`."""
return cls(*serialization)
# === Operators ===
def __eq__(self, other):
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return (type(other) is type(self) and
self.__get_cmp_key() == other.__get_cmp_key())
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__get_cmp_key())
def __reduce__(self):
return type(self), self._serialize()
def __repr__(self):
return "%s%r" % (type(self).__name__, self._serialize())
# === Legacy Output ===
# TODO(b/133606651) Document and/or deprecate the legacy_output methods.
# (These are used by
def _to_legacy_output_types(self):
raise NotImplementedError("%s._to_legacy_output_types()" %
def _to_legacy_output_shapes(self):
raise NotImplementedError("%s._to_legacy_output_shapes()" %
def _to_legacy_output_classes(self):
return self.value_type
# === Private Helper Methods ===
def __check_tensor_list(self, tensor_list):
expected = self._flat_tensor_specs
specs = [type_spec_from_value(t) for t in tensor_list]
if len(specs) != len(expected):
raise ValueError("Incompatible input: wrong number of tensors")
for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(specs, expected)):
if not s1.is_compatible_with(s2):
raise ValueError("Incompatible input: tensor %d (%s) is incompatible "
"with %s" % (i, tensor_list[i], s2))
def __get_cmp_key(self):
"""Returns a hashable eq-comparable key for `self`."""
# TODO(b/133606651): Decide whether to cache this value.
return (type(self), self.__make_cmp_key(self._serialize()))
def __make_cmp_key(self, value):
"""Converts `value` to a hashable key."""
if isinstance(value, (int, float, bool, dtypes.DType, TypeSpec)):
return value
if isinstance(value, compat.bytes_or_text_types):
return value
if value is None:
return value
if isinstance(value, dict):
return tuple([
for key in sorted(value.keys())
if isinstance(value, tuple):
return tuple([self.__make_cmp_key(v) for v in value])
if isinstance(value, list):
return (list, tuple([self.__make_cmp_key(v) for v in value]))
if isinstance(value, tensor_shape.TensorShape):
if value.ndims is None:
# Note: we include a type object in the tuple, to ensure we can't get
# false-positive matches (since users can't include type objects).
return (tensor_shape.TensorShape, None)
return (tensor_shape.TensorShape, tuple(value.as_list()))
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
return (np.ndarray, value.shape,
raise ValueError("Unsupported value type %s returned by "
"%s._serialize" %
(type(value).__name__, type(self).__name__))
def __nested_list_to_tuple(value):
"""Converts a nested list to a corresponding nested tuple."""
if isinstance(value, list):
return tuple(TypeSpec.__nested_list_to_tuple(v) for v in value)
return value
def __is_compatible(a, b):
"""Returns true if the given type serializations compatible."""
if isinstance(a, TypeSpec):
return a.is_compatible_with(b)
if type(a) is not type(b):
return False
if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
return (len(a) == len(b) and
all(TypeSpec.__is_compatible(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(a, b)))
if isinstance(a, dict):
return (len(a) == len(b) and sorted(a.keys()) == sorted(b.keys()) and all(
TypeSpec.__is_compatible(a[k], b[k]) for k in a.keys()))
if isinstance(a, (tensor_shape.TensorShape, dtypes.DType)):
return a.is_compatible_with(b)
return a == b
def __most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a, b):
"""Helper for most_specific_compatible_type.
Combines two type serializations as follows:
* If they are both tuples of the same length, then recursively combine
the respective tuple elements.
* If they are both dicts with the same keys, then recursively combine
the respective dict elements.
* If they are both TypeSpecs, then combine using
* If they are both TensorShapes, then combine using
* If they are both TensorSpecs with the same dtype, then combine using
TensorShape.most_specific_compatible_shape to combine shapes.
* If they are equal, then return a.
* If none of the above, then raise a ValueError.
a: A serialized TypeSpec or nested component from a serialized TypeSpec.
b: A serialized TypeSpec or nested component from a serialized TypeSpec.
A value with the same type and structure as `a` and `b`.
ValueError: If `a` and `b` are incompatible.
if type(a) is not type(b):
raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b))
if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
if len(a) != len(b):
raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b))
return tuple(TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(x, y)
for (x, y) in zip(a, b))
if isinstance(a, collections.OrderedDict):
a_keys, b_keys = a.keys(), b.keys()
if len(a) != len(b) or a_keys != b_keys:
raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b))
return collections.OrderedDict([
TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a[k], b[k]))
for k in a_keys
if isinstance(a, dict):
a_keys, b_keys = sorted(a.keys()), sorted(b.keys())
if len(a) != len(b) or a_keys != b_keys:
raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b))
return {
k: TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a[k], b[k])
for k in a_keys
if isinstance(a, tensor_shape.TensorShape):
return a.most_specific_compatible_shape(b)
if isinstance(a, list):
raise AssertionError("_serialize() should not return list values.")
if isinstance(a, TypeSpec):
return a.most_specific_compatible_type(b)
if a != b:
raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b))
return a
class BatchableTypeSpec(TypeSpec):
"""TypeSpec with a batchable tensor encoding.
The batchable tensor encoding is a list of `tf.Tensor`s that supports
batching and unbatching. In particular, stacking (or unstacking)
values with the same `TypeSpec` must be equivalent to stacking (or
unstacking) each of their tensor lists. Unlike the component encoding
(returned by `self._to_components)`, the batchable tensor encoding
may require using encoding/decoding ops.
If a subclass's batchable tensor encoding is not simply a flattened version
of the component encoding, then the subclass must override `_to_tensor_list`,
`_from_tensor_list`, and _flat_tensor_specs`.
__slots__ = []
def _batch(self, batch_size):
"""Returns a TypeSpec representing a batch of objects with this TypeSpec.
batch_size: An `int` representing the number of elements in a batch,
or `None` if the batch size may vary.
A `TypeSpec` representing a batch of objects with this TypeSpec.
raise NotImplementedError("%s._batch" % type(self).__name__)
def _unbatch(self):
"""Returns a TypeSpec representing a single element this TypeSpec.
A `TypeSpec` representing a single element of objects with this TypeSpec.
raise NotImplementedError("%s._unbatch" % type(self).__name__)
def _to_batched_tensor_list(self, value):
"""Returns a tensor list encoding for value with rank>0."""
tensor_list = self._to_tensor_list(value)
if any(t.shape.ndims == 0 for t in tensor_list):
raise ValueError("Value %s has insufficient rank for batching." % value)
return tensor_list
def type_spec_from_value(value):
"""Returns a `tf.TypeSpec` that represents the given `value`.
>>> tf.type_spec_from_value(tf.constant([1, 2, 3]))
TensorSpec(shape=(3,), dtype=tf.int32, name=None)
>>> tf.type_spec_from_value(np.array([4.0, 5.0], np.float64))
TensorSpec(shape=(2,), dtype=tf.float64, name=None)
>>> tf.type_spec_from_value(tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]))
RaggedTensorSpec(TensorShape([2, None]), tf.int32, 1, tf.int64)
>>> example_input = tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]])
>>> @tf.function(input_signature=[tf.type_spec_from_value(example_input)])
... def f(x):
... return tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=1)
value: A value that can be accepted or returned by TensorFlow APIs.
Accepted types for `value` include `tf.Tensor`, any value that can be
converted to `tf.Tensor` using `tf.convert_to_tensor`, and any subclass
of `CompositeTensor` (such as `tf.RaggedTensor`).
A `TypeSpec` that is compatible with `value`.
TypeError: If a TypeSpec cannot be built for `value`, because its type
is not supported.
spec = _type_spec_from_value(value)
if spec is not None:
return spec
# Fallback: try converting value to a tensor.
tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(value)
spec = _type_spec_from_value(tensor)
if spec is not None:
return spec
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
3, "Failed to convert %r to tensor: %s" % (type(value).__name__, e))
raise TypeError("Could not build a TypeSpec for %r with type %s" %
(value, type(value).__name__))
def _type_spec_from_value(value):
"""Returns a `TypeSpec` that represents the given `value`."""
if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor):
# Note: we do not include Tensor names when constructing TypeSpecs.
return tensor_spec.TensorSpec(value.shape, value.dtype)
if isinstance(value, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor):
return value._type_spec # pylint: disable=protected-access
# If `value` is a list and all of its elements can be represented by the same
# batchable type spec, then we can represent the entire list using a single
# type spec that captures the type accurately (unlike the `convert_to_tensor`
# fallback).
if isinstance(value, list) and value:
subspecs = [_type_spec_from_value(v) for v in value]
if isinstance(subspecs[0], BatchableTypeSpec):
merged_subspec = subspecs[0]
for subspec in subspecs[1:]:
merged_subspec = merged_subspec.most_specific_compatible_type(subspec)
return merged_subspec._batch(len(subspecs)) # pylint: disable=protected-access
except (ValueError, TypeError):
pass # incompatible subspecs
type_object, converter_fn, allow_subclass = entry
if ((type(value) is type_object) or # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
(allow_subclass and isinstance(value, type_object))):
return converter_fn(value)
return None
def register_type_spec_from_value_converter(type_object, converter_fn,
"""Registers a function for converting values with a given type to TypeSpecs.
If multiple registered `type_object`s match a value, then the most recent
registration takes precedence. Custom converters should not be defined for
`CompositeTensor`s; use `CompositeTensor._type_spec` instead.
type_object: A Python `type` object representing the type of values
accepted by `converter_fn`.
converter_fn: A function that takes one argument (an instance of the
type represented by `type_object`) and returns a `TypeSpec`.
allow_subclass: If true, then use `isinstance(value, type_object)` to
check for matches. If false, then use `type(value) is type_object`.
_, type_object = tf_decorator.unwrap(type_object)
(type_object, converter_fn, allow_subclass))
_pywrap_utils.RegisterType("TypeSpec", TypeSpec)
# Regular expression for valid TypeSpec names.
_REGISTERED_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"^(\w+\.)+\w+$")
# TODO(b/173744905) tf_export this as "tf.register_type_spec". (And add a
# usage example to the docstring, once the API is public.)
# TODO(b/173744905) Update this decorator to apply to ExtensionType rather than
# TypeSpec (once we do refactoring to move to_components/from_components from
# TypeSpec to ExtensionType).
def register(name):
"""Decorator used to register a globally unique name for a TypeSpec subclass.
name: The name of the type spec. Must be globally unique. Must have
the form `"{project_name}.{type_name}"`. E.g. `"my_project.MyTypeSpec"`.
A class decorator that registers the decorated class with the given name.
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("Expected `name` to be a string; got %r" % (name,))
if not _REGISTERED_NAME_RE.match(name):
raise ValueError(
"Registered name must have the form '{project_name}.{type_name}' "
"(e.g. 'my_project.MyTypeSpec'); got %r." % name)
def decorator_fn(cls):
if not (isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, TypeSpec)):
raise TypeError("Expected `cls` to be a TypeSpec; got %r" % (cls,))
if cls in _TYPE_SPEC_TO_NAME:
raise ValueError("Class %s.%s has already been registered with name %s."
% (cls.__module__, cls.__name__,
if name in _NAME_TO_TYPE_SPEC:
raise ValueError("Name %s has already been registered for class %s.%s."
% (name, _NAME_TO_TYPE_SPEC[name].__module__,
_TYPE_SPEC_TO_NAME[cls] = name
_NAME_TO_TYPE_SPEC[name] = cls
return cls
return decorator_fn
# TODO(edloper) tf_export this as "tf.get_type_spec_name" (or some similar name)
def get_name(cls):
"""Returns the registered name for TypeSpec `cls`."""
if not (isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, TypeSpec)):
raise TypeError("Expected `cls` to be a TypeSpec; got %r" % (cls,))
if cls not in _TYPE_SPEC_TO_NAME:
raise ValueError("TypeSpec %s.%s has not been registered." %
(cls.__module__, cls.__name__))
return _TYPE_SPEC_TO_NAME[cls]
# TODO(edloper) tf_export this as "tf.lookup_type_spec" (or some similar name)
def lookup(name):
"""Returns the TypeSpec that has been registered with name `name`."""
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("Expected `name` to be a string; got %r" % (name,))
if name not in _NAME_TO_TYPE_SPEC:
raise ValueError("No TypeSpec has been registered with name %r" % (name,))
return _NAME_TO_TYPE_SPEC[name]