blob: e4ba02b41ae5050cad9c12aff23a70be42e656eb [file] [log] [blame]
//===- RewriterGen.cpp - MLIR pattern rewriter generator ------------===//
// Copyright 2019 The MLIR Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =============================================================================
// RewriterGen uses pattern rewrite definitions to generate rewriter matchers.
#include "mlir/TableGen/GenInfo.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Operator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Main.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace mlir;
namespace {
// Wrapper around dag argument.
struct DagArg {
DagArg(Init *init) : init(init){};
bool isAttr();
Init *init;
} // end namespace
bool DagArg::isAttr() {
if (auto defInit = dyn_cast<DefInit>(init))
return defInit->getDef()->isSubClassOf("Attr");
return false;
namespace {
class Pattern {
static void emit(StringRef rewriteName, Record *p, raw_ostream &os);
Pattern(Record *pattern, raw_ostream &os) : pattern(pattern), os(os){};
// Emit the rewrite pattern named `rewriteName`.
void emit(StringRef rewriteName);
// Emit the matcher.
void emitMatcher(DagInit *tree);
// Emits the value of constant attribute to `os`.
void emitAttributeValue(Record *constAttr);
// Collect bound arguments.
void collectBoundArguments(DagInit *tree);
// Map from bound argument name to DagArg.
StringMap<DagArg> boundArguments;
// Number of the operations in the input pattern.
int numberOfOpsMatched = 0;
Record *pattern;
raw_ostream &os;
} // end namespace
void Pattern::emitAttributeValue(Record *constAttr) {
Record *attr = constAttr->getValueAsDef("attr");
auto value = constAttr->getValue("value");
Record *type = attr->getValueAsDef("type");
auto storageType = attr->getValueAsString("storageType").trim();
// For attributes stored as strings we do not need to query builder etc.
if (storageType == "StringAttr") {
os << formatv("rewriter.getStringAttr({0})",
// Construct the attribute based on storage type and builder.
if (auto b = type->getValue("builderCall")) {
if (isa<UnsetInit>(b->getValue()))
"no builder specified for " + type->getName());
CodeInit *builder = cast<CodeInit>(b->getValue());
// TODO(jpienaar): Verify the constants here
os << formatv("{0}::get(rewriter.{1}, {2})", storageType,
PrintFatalError(pattern->getLoc(), "unable to emit attribute");
void Pattern::collectBoundArguments(DagInit *tree) {
// TODO(jpienaar): Expand to multiple matches.
for (int i = 0, e = tree->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
auto arg = tree->getArg(i);
if (auto argTree = dyn_cast<DagInit>(arg)) {
auto name = tree->getArgNameStr(i);
if (name.empty())
boundArguments.try_emplace(name, arg);
// Helper function to match patterns.
static void matchOp(DagInit *tree, int depth, raw_ostream &os) {
Operator op(cast<DefInit>(tree->getOperator())->getDef());
int indent = 4 + 2 * depth;
// Skip the operand matching at depth 0 as the pattern rewriter already does.
if (depth != 0) {
// Skip if there is no defining instruction (e.g., arguments to function).
os.indent(indent) << formatv("if (!op{0}) return matchFailure();\n", depth);
// TODO(jpienaar): This is bad, we should not be checking strings here, we
// should be matching using mOp (and helpers). Currently doing this to allow
// for TF ops that aren't registed. Fix it.
os.indent(indent) << formatv(
"if (op{0}->getName().getStringRef() != \"{1}\")",
depth, op.getOperationName())
<< "\n";
os.indent(indent + 2) << "return matchFailure();\n";
for (int i = 0, e = tree->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
auto arg = tree->getArg(i);
if (auto argTree = dyn_cast<DagInit>(arg)) {
os.indent(indent) << "{\n";
os.indent(indent + 2) << formatv(
"auto op{0} = op{1}->getOperand({2})->getDefiningInst();\n",
depth + 1, depth, i);
matchOp(argTree, depth + 1, os);
os.indent(indent) << "}\n";
auto name = tree->getArgNameStr(i);
if (name.empty())
os.indent(indent) << "state->" << name << " = op" << depth
<< "->getOperand(" << i << ");\n";
void Pattern::emitMatcher(DagInit *tree) {
// Emit the heading.
os << R"(
PatternMatchResult match(OperationInst *op0) const override {
// TODO: This just handle 1 result
if (op0->getNumResults() != 1) return matchFailure();
auto state = std::make_unique<MatchedState>();)"
<< "\n";
matchOp(tree, 0, os);
os.indent(4) << "return matchSuccess(std::move(state));\n }\n";
void Pattern::emit(StringRef rewriteName) {
DagInit *tree = pattern->getValueAsDag("PatternToMatch");
// Collect bound arguments and compute number of ops matched.
// TODO(jpienaar): the benefit metric is simply number of ops matched at the
// moment, revise.
// Emit RewritePattern for Pattern.
DefInit *root = cast<DefInit>(tree->getOperator());
auto *rootName = cast<StringInit>(root->getDef()->getValueInit("opName"));
os << formatv(R"(struct {0} : public RewritePattern {
{0}(MLIRContext *context) : RewritePattern({1}, {2}, context) {{})",
rewriteName, rootName->getAsString(), numberOfOpsMatched)
<< "\n";
// Emit matched state.
os << " struct MatchedState : public PatternState {\n";
for (auto &arg : boundArguments) {
if (arg.second.isAttr()) {
DefInit *defInit = cast<DefInit>(arg.second.init);
os.indent(4) << defInit->getDef()->getValueAsString("storageType").trim()
<< " " << arg.first() << ";\n";
} else {
os.indent(4) << "Value* " << arg.first() << ";\n";
os << " };\n";
ListInit *resultOps = pattern->getValueAsListInit("ResultOps");
if (resultOps->size() != 1)
PrintFatalError("only single result rules supported");
DagInit *resultTree = cast<DagInit>(resultOps->getElement(0));
// TODO(jpienaar): Expand to multiple results.
for (auto result : resultTree->getArgs()) {
if (isa<DagInit>(result))
PrintFatalError(pattern->getLoc(), "only single op result supported");
DefInit *resultRoot = cast<DefInit>(resultTree->getOperator());
Operator resultOp(*resultRoot->getDef());
auto resultOperands = resultRoot->getDef()->getValueAsDag("arguments");
os << formatv(R"(
void rewrite(OperationInst *op, std::unique_ptr<PatternState> state,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
auto& s = *static_cast<MatchedState *>(state.get());
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<{0}>(op, op->getResult(0)->getType())",
if (resultOperands->getNumArgs() != resultTree->getNumArgs()) {
Twine("mismatch between arguments of resultant op (") +
Twine(resultOperands->getNumArgs()) +
") and arguments provided for rewrite (" +
Twine(resultTree->getNumArgs()) + Twine(')'));
// Create the builder call for the result.
// Add operands.
int i = 0;
for (auto operand : resultOp.getOperands()) {
// Start each operand on its own line.
(os << ",\n").indent(6);
auto name = resultTree->getArgNameStr(i);
if (boundArguments.find(name) == boundArguments.end())
Twine("referencing unbound variable '") + name + "'");
if (
os << "/*" <<>getAsUnquotedString() << "=*/";
os << "s." << name;
// TODO(jpienaar): verify types
// Add attributes.
for (int e = resultTree->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
// Start each attribute on its own line.
(os << ",\n").indent(6);
// The argument in the result DAG pattern.
auto name = resultOp.getArgName(i);
auto defInit = dyn_cast<DefInit>(resultTree->getArg(i));
auto *value = defInit ? defInit->getDef()->getValue("value") : nullptr;
if (!value)
Twine("attribute '") + name +
"' needs to be constant initialized");
// TODO(jpienaar): Refactor out into map to avoid recomputing these.
auto argument = resultOp.getArg(i);
if (!<mlir::Operator::Attribute *>())
Twine("expected attribute ") + Twine(i));
if (!name.empty())
os << "/*" << name << "=*/";
// TODO(jpienaar): verify types
os << "\n );\n }\n};\n";
void Pattern::emit(StringRef rewriteName, Record *p, raw_ostream &os) {
Pattern pattern(p, os);
static void emitRewriters(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper, raw_ostream &os) {
emitSourceFileHeader("Rewriters", os);
const auto &patterns = recordKeeper.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Pattern");
// Ensure unique patterns simply by appending unique suffix.
std::string baseRewriteName = "GeneratedConvert";
int rewritePatternCount = 0;
for (Record *p : patterns) {
Pattern::emit(baseRewriteName + llvm::utostr(rewritePatternCount++), p, os);
// Emit function to add the generated matchers to the pattern list.
os << "void populateWithGenerated(MLIRContext *context, "
<< "OwningRewritePatternList *patterns) {\n";
for (unsigned i = 0; i != rewritePatternCount; ++i) {
os.indent(2) << "patterns->push_back(std::make_unique<" << baseRewriteName
<< i << ">(context));\n";
os << "}\n";
genRewriters("gen-rewriters", "Generate pattern rewriters",
[](const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
emitRewriters(records, os);
return false;