blob: b6299ada526af8be89549085903d2e6caf4d5f63 [file] [log] [blame]
op {
graph_op_name: "RaggedBincount"
in_arg {
name: "splits"
description: <<END
1D int64 `Tensor`.
in_arg {
name: "values"
description: <<END
2D int `Tensor`.
in_arg {
name: "size"
description: <<END
non-negative int scalar `Tensor`.
in_arg {
name: "weights"
description: <<END
is an int32, int64, float32, or float64 `Tensor` with the same
shape as `input`, or a length-0 `Tensor`, in which case it acts as all weights
equal to 1.
out_arg {
name: "output"
description: <<END
1D `Tensor` with length equal to `size` or 2D `Tensor` with [batch_size, `size`].
The counts or summed weights for each value in the range [0, size).
attr {
name: "binary_output"
description: <<END
bool; Whether the kernel should count the appearance or number of occurrences.
summary: "Counts the number of occurrences of each value in an integer array."
description: <<END
Outputs a vector with length `size` and the same dtype as `weights`. If
`weights` are empty, then index `i` stores the number of times the value `i` is
counted in `arr`. If `weights` are non-empty, then index `i` stores the sum of
the value in `weights` at each index where the corresponding value in `arr` is
Values in `arr` outside of the range [0, size) are ignored.