blob: 52bff6508c9c57a3fc86b223e45d661de5da49b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Converting code to AST.
Adapted from Tangent.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import ast
import inspect
import linecache
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import tokenize
import astunparse
import gast
import six
from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import errors
from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import inspect_utils
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect
PY2_PREAMBLE = textwrap.dedent("""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
astunparse = ast
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
MAX_SIZE = sys.maxsize
MAX_SIZE = sys.maxint
_LEADING_WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'\s*')
def _unfold_continuations(code_string):
"""Removes any backslash line continuations from the code."""
return code_string.replace('\\\n', '')
def dedent_block(code_string):
"""Dedents a code so that its first line starts at row zero."""
code_string = _unfold_continuations(code_string)
token_gen = tokenize.generate_tokens(six.StringIO(code_string).readline)
block_indentation = None
tokens = []
for tok in token_gen:
except tokenize.TokenError:
# Resolution of lambda functions may yield incomplete code, which can
# in turn generate this error. We silently ignore this error because the
# parser may still be able to deal with it.
for tok in tokens:
tok_type, tok_string, _, _, _ = tok
if tok_type == tokenize.INDENT:
block_indentation = tok_string
block_level = len(block_indentation)
elif tok_type not in (
tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.STRING, tokenize.COMMENT):
block_indentation = ''
if not block_indentation:
return code_string
block_level = len(block_indentation)
first_indent_uses_tabs = '\t' in block_indentation
for i, tok in enumerate(tokens):
tok_type, tok_string, _, _, _ = tok
if tok_type == tokenize.INDENT:
if ((' ' in tok_string and first_indent_uses_tabs)
or ('\t' in tok_string and not first_indent_uses_tabs)):
# TODO(mdan): We could attempt to convert tabs to spaces by unix rule.
# See:
raise errors.UnsupportedLanguageElementError(
'code mixing tabs and spaces for indentation is not allowed')
if len(tok_string) >= block_level:
tok_string = tok_string[block_level:]
tokens[i] = (tok_type, tok_string)
new_code = tokenize.untokenize(tokens)
# Note: untokenize respects the line structure, but not the whitespace within
# lines. For example, `def foo()` may be untokenized as `def foo ()`
# So instead of using the output of dedent, we match the leading whitespace
# on each line.
dedented_code = []
for line, new_line in zip(code_string.split('\n'), new_code.split('\n')):
original_indent = re.match(_LEADING_WHITESPACE, line).group()
new_indent = re.match(_LEADING_WHITESPACE, new_line).group()
if len(original_indent) > len(new_indent):
dedented_line = line[len(original_indent) - len(new_indent):]
dedented_line = line
new_code = '\n'.join(dedented_code)
return new_code
def parse_entity(entity, future_features):
"""Returns the AST and source code of given entity.
entity: Any, Python function/method/class
future_features: Iterable[Text], future features to use (e.g.
'print_statement'). See
gast.AST, Text: the parsed AST node; the source code that was parsed to
generate the AST (including any prefixes that this function may have added).
if inspect_utils.islambda(entity):
return _parse_lambda(entity)
original_source = inspect_utils.getimmediatesource(entity)
except OSError as e:
raise errors.InaccessibleSourceCodeError(
f'Unable to locate the source code of {entity}. Note that functions'
' defined in certain environments, like the interactive Python shell,'
' do not expose their source code. If that is the case, you should'
' define them in a .py source file. If you are certain the code is'
' graph-compatible, wrap the call using'
f' @tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert. Original error: {e}')
source = dedent_block(original_source)
future_statements = tuple(
'from __future__ import {}'.format(name) for name in future_features)
source = '\n'.join(future_statements + (source,))
return parse(source, preamble_len=len(future_features)), source
def _without_context(node, lines, minl, maxl):
"""Returns a clean node and source code without indenting and context."""
for n in gast.walk(node):
lineno = getattr(n, 'lineno', None)
if lineno is not None:
n.lineno = lineno - minl
end_lineno = getattr(n, 'end_lineno', None)
if end_lineno is not None:
n.end_lineno = end_lineno - minl
code_lines = lines[minl - 1:maxl]
# Attempt to clean up surrounding context code.
end_col_offset = getattr(node, 'end_col_offset', None)
if end_col_offset is not None:
# This is only available in 3.8.
code_lines[-1] = code_lines[-1][:end_col_offset]
col_offset = getattr(node, 'col_offset', None)
if col_offset is None:
# Older Python: try to find the "lambda" token. This is brittle.
match ='(?<!\w)lambda(?!\w)', code_lines[0])
if match is not None:
col_offset = match.start(0)
if col_offset is not None:
code_lines[0] = code_lines[0][col_offset:]
code_block = '\n'.join([c.rstrip() for c in code_lines])
return node, code_block
def _arg_name(node):
if node is None:
return None
if isinstance(node, gast.Name):
assert isinstance(node, str)
return node
def _node_matches_argspec(node, func):
"""Returns True is node fits the argspec of func."""
# TODO(mdan): Use just inspect once support for Python 2 is dropped.
arg_spec = tf_inspect.getfullargspec(func)
node_args = tuple(_arg_name(arg) for arg in node.args.args)
if node_args != tuple(arg_spec.args):
return False
if arg_spec.varargs != _arg_name(node.args.vararg):
return False
if arg_spec.varkw != _arg_name(node.args.kwarg):
return False
node_kwonlyargs = tuple(_arg_name(arg) for arg in node.args.kwonlyargs)
if node_kwonlyargs != tuple(arg_spec.kwonlyargs):
return False
return True
def _parse_lambda(lam):
"""Returns the AST and source code of given lambda function.
lam: types.LambdaType, Python function/method/class
gast.AST, Text: the parsed AST node; the source code that was parsed to
generate the AST (including any prefixes that this function may have added).
# TODO(mdan): Use a fast path if the definition is not multi-line.
# We could detect that the lambda is in a multi-line expression by looking
# at the surrounding code - an surrounding set of parentheses indicates a
# potential multi-line definition.
mod = inspect.getmodule(lam)
f = inspect.getsourcefile(lam)
def_line = lam.__code__.co_firstlineno
# This method is more robust that just calling inspect.getsource(mod), as it
# works in interactive shells, where getsource would fail. This is the
# same procedure followed by inspect for non-modules:
lines = linecache.getlines(f, mod.__dict__)
source = ''.join(lines)
# Narrow down to the last node starting before our definition node.
all_nodes = parse(source, preamble_len=0, single_node=False)
search_nodes = []
for node in all_nodes:
# Also include nodes without a line number, for safety. This is defensive -
# we don't know whether such nodes might exist, and if they do, whether
# they are not safe to skip.
# TODO(mdan): Replace this check with an assertion or skip such nodes.
if getattr(node, 'lineno', def_line) <= def_line:
# Found a node starting past our lambda - can stop the search.
# Extract all lambda nodes from the shortlist.
lambda_nodes = []
for node in search_nodes:
n for n in gast.walk(node) if isinstance(n, gast.Lambda))
# Filter down to lambda nodes which span our actual lambda.
candidates = []
for ln in lambda_nodes:
minl, maxl = MAX_SIZE, 0
for n in gast.walk(ln):
minl = min(minl, getattr(n, 'lineno', minl))
lineno = getattr(n, 'lineno', maxl)
end_lineno = getattr(n, 'end_lineno', None)
if end_lineno is not None:
# end_lineno is more precise, but lineno should almost always work too.
lineno = end_lineno
maxl = max(maxl, lineno)
if minl <= def_line <= maxl:
candidates.append((ln, minl, maxl))
# Happy path: exactly one node found.
if len(candidates) == 1:
(node, minl, maxl), = candidates # pylint:disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
return _without_context(node, lines, minl, maxl)
elif not candidates:
lambda_codes = '\n'.join([unparse(l) for l in lambda_nodes])
raise errors.UnsupportedLanguageElementError(
f'could not parse the source code of {lam}:'
f' no matching AST found among candidates:\n{lambda_codes}')
# Attempt to narrow down selection by signature is multiple nodes are found.
matches = [v for v in candidates if _node_matches_argspec(v[0], lam)]
if len(matches) == 1:
(node, minl, maxl), = matches
return _without_context(node, lines, minl, maxl)
# Give up if could not narrow down to a single node.
matches = '\n'.join(
'Match {}:\n{}\n'.format(i, unparse(node, include_encoding_marker=False))
for i, (node, _, _) in enumerate(matches))
raise errors.UnsupportedLanguageElementError(
f'could not parse the source code of {lam}: found multiple definitions'
' with identical signatures at the location. This error'
' may be avoided by defining each lambda on a single line and with'
f' unique argument names. The matching definitions were:\n{matches}')
# TODO(mdan): This should take futures as input instead.
def parse(src, preamble_len=0, single_node=True):
"""Returns the AST of given piece of code.
src: Text
preamble_len: Int, indicates leading nodes in the parsed AST which should be
single_node: Bool, whether `src` is assumed to be represented by exactly one
AST node.
module_node = gast.parse(src)
nodes = module_node.body
if preamble_len:
nodes = nodes[preamble_len:]
if single_node:
if len(nodes) != 1:
raise ValueError('expected exactly one node, got {}'.format(nodes))
return nodes[0]
return nodes
def parse_expression(src):
"""Returns the AST of given identifier.
src: A piece of code that represents a single Python expression
A gast.AST object.
ValueError: if src does not consist of a single Expression.
src = STANDARD_PREAMBLE + src.strip()
node = parse(src, preamble_len=STANDARD_PREAMBLE_LEN, single_node=True)
if __debug__:
if not isinstance(node, gast.Expr):
raise ValueError(
'expected exactly one node of type Expr, got {}'.format(node))
return node.value
def unparse(node, indentation=None, include_encoding_marker=True):
"""Returns the source code of given AST.
node: The code to compile, as an AST object.
indentation: Unused, deprecated. The returning code will always be indented
at 4 spaces.
include_encoding_marker: Bool, whether to include a comment on the first
line to explicitly specify UTF-8 encoding.
code: The source code generated from the AST object
source_mapping: A mapping between the user and AutoGraph generated code.
del indentation # astunparse doesn't allow configuring it.
if not isinstance(node, (list, tuple)):
node = (node,)
codes = []
if include_encoding_marker:
codes.append('# coding=utf-8')
for n in node:
if isinstance(n, gast.AST):
ast_n = gast.gast_to_ast(n)
ast_n = n
if astunparse is ast:
ast.fix_missing_locations(ast_n) # Only ast needs to call this.
return '\n'.join(codes)