blob: 64fdfa363575f8c6c45ccf91cfba8ada2947dd48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
db ""
// reportingPollBugLists is called by backends to get bug lists that need to be reported.
func reportingPollBugLists(c context.Context, typ string) []*dashapi.BugListReport {
state, err := loadReportingState(c)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "%v", err)
return nil
registry, err := makeSubsystemReportRegistry(c)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "%v", err)
return nil
ret := []*dashapi.BugListReport{}
for ns, nsConfig := range getConfig(c).Namespaces {
rConfig := nsConfig.Subsystems.Reminder
if rConfig == nil {
reporting := nsConfig.ReportingByName(rConfig.SourceReporting)
stateEntry := state.getEntry(timeNow(c), ns, reporting.Name)
// The DB might well contain info about stale entities, but by querying the latest
// list of subsystems from the configuration, we make sure we only consider what's
// currently relevant.
rawSubsystems := nsConfig.Subsystems.Service.List()
// Sort to keep output stable.
sort.Slice(rawSubsystems, func(i, j int) bool {
return rawSubsystems[i].Name < rawSubsystems[j].Name
for _, entry := range rawSubsystems {
if entry.NoReminders {
for _, dbReport := range registry.get(ns, entry.Name) {
if stateEntry.Sent >= reporting.DailyLimit {
report, err := reportingBugListReport(c, dbReport, ns, entry.Name, typ)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "%v", err)
return nil
if report != nil {
ret = append(ret, report)
return ret
const maxNewListsPerNs = 5
// handleSubsystemReports is periodically invoked to construct fresh SubsystemReport objects.
func handleSubsystemReports(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c := appengine.NewContext(r)
registry, err := makeSubsystemRegistry(c)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "failed to load subsystems: %v", err)
for ns, nsConfig := range getConfig(c).Namespaces {
rConfig := nsConfig.Subsystems.Reminder
if rConfig == nil {
minPeriod := 24 * time.Hour * time.Duration(rConfig.PeriodDays)
reporting := nsConfig.ReportingByName(rConfig.SourceReporting)
var subsystems []*Subsystem
for _, entry := range nsConfig.Subsystems.Service.List() {
if entry.NoReminders {
subsystems = append(subsystems, registry.get(ns, entry.Name))
// Poll subsystems in a round-robin manner.
sort.Slice(subsystems, func(i, j int) bool {
return subsystems[i].ListsQueried.Before(subsystems[j].ListsQueried)
updateLimit := maxNewListsPerNs
for _, subsystem := range subsystems {
if updateLimit == 0 {
if timeNow(c).Before(subsystem.LastBugList.Add(minPeriod)) {
report, err := querySubsystemReport(c, subsystem, reporting, rConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "failed to query bug lists: %v", err)
if err := registry.updatePoll(c, subsystem, report != nil); err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "failed to update subsystem: %v", err)
if report == nil {
if err := storeSubsystemReport(c, subsystem, report); err != nil {
log.Errorf(c, "failed to save subsystem: %v", err)
func reportingBugListCommand(c context.Context, cmd *dashapi.BugListUpdate) (string, error) {
// We have to execute it outside of the transacation, otherwise we get the
// "Only ancestor queries are allowed inside transactions." error.
subsystem, rawReport, _, err := findSubsystemReportByID(c, cmd.ID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if subsystem == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("the bug list was not found")
reply := ""
tx := func(c context.Context) error {
subsystemKey := subsystemKey(c, subsystem)
reportKey := subsystemReportKey(c, subsystemKey, rawReport)
report := new(SubsystemReport)
if err := db.Get(c, reportKey, report); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to query SubsystemReport (%v): %w", reportKey, err)
stage := report.findStage(cmd.ID)
if stage.ExtID == "" {
stage.ExtID = cmd.ExtID
if stage.Link == "" {
stage.Link = cmd.Link
// It might e.g. happen that we skipped a stage in reportingBugListReport.
// Make sure all skipped stages have non-nil Closed.
for i := range report.Stages {
item := &report.Stages[i]
if cmd.Command != dashapi.BugListRegenerateCmd && item == stage {
item.Closed = timeNow(c)
switch cmd.Command {
case dashapi.BugListSentCmd:
if !stage.Reported.IsZero() {
return fmt.Errorf("the reporting stage was already reported")
stage.Reported = timeNow(c)
state, err := loadReportingState(c)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to query state: %w", err)
stateEnt := state.getEntry(timeNow(c), subsystem.Namespace,
if err := saveReportingState(c, state); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save state: %w", err)
case dashapi.BugListUpstreamCmd:
if !stage.Moderation {
reply = `The report cannot be sent further upstream.
It's already at the last reporting stage.`
return nil
if !stage.Closed.IsZero() {
reply = `The bug list was already upstreamed.
Please visit the new discussion thread.`
return nil
stage.Closed = timeNow(c)
case dashapi.BugListRegenerateCmd:
dbSubsystem := new(Subsystem)
err := db.Get(c, subsystemKey, dbSubsystem)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get subsystem: %w", err)
dbSubsystem.LastBugList = time.Time{}
_, err = db.Put(c, subsystemKey, dbSubsystem)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save subsystem: %w", err)
_, err = db.Put(c, reportKey, report)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save the object: %w", err)
return nil
return reply, db.RunInTransaction(c, tx, &db.TransactionOptions{
XG: true,
Attempts: 10,
func findSubsystemReportByID(c context.Context, ID string) (*Subsystem,
*SubsystemReport, *SubsystemReportStage, error) {
var subsystemReports []*SubsystemReport
reportKeys, err := db.NewQuery("SubsystemReport").
Filter("Stages.ID=", ID).
GetAll(c, &subsystemReports)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to query subsystem reports: %w", err)
if len(subsystemReports) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, nil
stage := subsystemReports[0].findStage(ID)
if stage == nil {
// This should never happen (provided that all the code is correct).
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("bug list is found, but the stage is missing")
subsystem := new(Subsystem)
if err := db.Get(c, reportKeys[0].Parent(), subsystem); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to query subsystem: %w", err)
return subsystem, subsystemReports[0], stage, nil
// querySubsystemReport queries the open bugs and constructs a new SubsystemReport object.
func querySubsystemReport(c context.Context, subsystem *Subsystem, reporting *Reporting,
config *BugListReportingConfig) (*SubsystemReport, error) {
rawOpenBugs, fixedBugs, err := queryMatchingBugs(c, subsystem.Namespace,
subsystem.Name, reporting)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
withRepro, noRepro := []*Bug{}, []*Bug{}
for _, bug := range rawOpenBugs {
const possiblyFixedTimespan = 24 * time.Hour * 14
if bug.LastTime.Before(timeNow(c).Add(-possiblyFixedTimespan)) {
// The bug didn't happen recently, possibly it was already fixed.
// Let's not display such bugs in reminders.
if bug.FirstTime.After(timeNow(c).Add(-config.MinBugAge)) {
// Don't take bugs which are too new -- they're still fresh in memory.
if bug.prio() == LowPrioBug {
// Don't include low priority bugs in reports because the community
// actually perceives them as non-actionable.
discussions := bug.discussionSummary()
if discussions.ExternalMessages > 0 &&
discussions.LastMessage.After(timeNow(c).Add(-config.UserReplyFrist)) {
// Don't take bugs with recent user replies.
// As we don't keep exactly the date of the last user message, approximate it.
if bug.HasLabel(NoRemindersLabel, "") {
// The bug was intentionally excluded from monthly reminders.
if bug.ReproLevel == dashapi.ReproLevelNone {
noRepro = append(noRepro, bug)
} else {
withRepro = append(withRepro, bug)
// Let's reduce noise and don't remind about just one bug.
if len(noRepro)+len(withRepro) < config.MinBugsCount {
return nil, nil
// Even if we have enough bugs with a reproducer, there might still be bugs
// without a reproducer that have a lot of crashes. So let's take a small number
// of such bugs and give them a chance to be present in the final list.
takeNoRepro := 2
if takeNoRepro+len(withRepro) < config.BugsInReport {
takeNoRepro = config.BugsInReport - len(withRepro)
if takeNoRepro > len(noRepro) {
takeNoRepro = len(noRepro)
sort.Slice(noRepro, func(i, j int) bool {
return noRepro[i].NumCrashes > noRepro[j].NumCrashes
takeBugs := append(withRepro, noRepro[:takeNoRepro]...)
sort.Slice(takeBugs, func(i, j int) bool {
firstPrio, secondPrio := takeBugs[i].prio(), takeBugs[j].prio()
if firstPrio != secondPrio {
return !firstPrio.LessThan(secondPrio)
if takeBugs[i].NumCrashes != takeBugs[j].NumCrashes {
return takeBugs[i].NumCrashes > takeBugs[j].NumCrashes
return takeBugs[i].Title < takeBugs[j].Title
keys := []*db.Key{}
for _, bug := range takeBugs {
keys = append(keys, bug.key(c))
if len(keys) > config.BugsInReport {
keys = keys[:config.BugsInReport]
report := makeSubsystemReport(c, config, keys)
report.TotalStats = makeSubsystemReportStats(c, rawOpenBugs, fixedBugs, 0)
report.PeriodStats = makeSubsystemReportStats(c, rawOpenBugs, fixedBugs, config.PeriodDays)
return report, nil
func makeSubsystemReportStats(c context.Context, open, fixed []*Bug, days int) SubsystemReportStats {
after := timeNow(c).Add(-time.Hour * 24 * time.Duration(days))
ret := SubsystemReportStats{}
for _, bug := range open {
if days > 0 && bug.FirstTime.Before(after) {
if bug.prio() == LowPrioBug {
} else {
for _, bug := range fixed {
if len(bug.CommitInfo) == 0 {
if days > 0 && bug.CommitInfo[0].Date.Before(after) {
return ret
func queryMatchingBugs(c context.Context, ns, name string, reporting *Reporting) ([]*Bug, []*Bug, error) {
allOpenBugs, _, err := loadAllBugs(c, func(query *db.Query) *db.Query {
return query.Filter("Namespace=", ns).
Filter("Status=", BugStatusOpen).
Filter("Labels.Label=", SubsystemLabel).
Filter("Labels.Value=", name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to query open bugs for subsystem: %w", err)
allFixedBugs, _, err := loadAllBugs(c, func(query *db.Query) *db.Query {
return query.Filter("Namespace=", ns).
Filter("Status=", BugStatusFixed).
Filter("Labels.Label=", SubsystemLabel).
Filter("Labels.Value=", name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to query fixed bugs for subsystem: %w", err)
open, fixed := []*Bug{}, []*Bug{}
for _, bug := range append(allOpenBugs, allFixedBugs...) {
if len(bug.Commits) != 0 || bug.Status == BugStatusFixed {
// This bug is no longer really open.
fixed = append(fixed, bug)
currReporting, _, _, _, err := currentReporting(c, bug)
if err != nil {
if reporting.Name != currReporting.Name {
// The bug is not at the expected reporting stage.
if currReporting.AccessLevel > reporting.AccessLevel {
open = append(open, bug)
return open, fixed, nil
// makeSubsystemReport creates a new SubsystemReminder object.
func makeSubsystemReport(c context.Context, config *BugListReportingConfig,
keys []*db.Key) *SubsystemReport {
ret := &SubsystemReport{
Created: timeNow(c),
for _, key := range keys {
ret.BugKeys = append(ret.BugKeys, key.Encode())
baseID := hash.String([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", timeNow(c), ret.BugKeys)))
if config.ModerationConfig != nil {
ret.Stages = append(ret.Stages, SubsystemReportStage{
ID: bugListReportingHash(baseID, "moderation"),
Moderation: true,
ret.Stages = append(ret.Stages, SubsystemReportStage{
ID: bugListReportingHash(baseID, "public"),
return ret
const bugListHashPrefix = "list"
func bugListReportingHash(base, name string) string {
return bugListHashPrefix + bugReportingHash(base, name)
func isBugListHash(hash string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(hash, bugListHashPrefix)
func reportingBugListReport(c context.Context, subsystemReport *SubsystemReport,
ns, name, targetReportingType string) (*dashapi.BugListReport, error) {
for _, stage := range subsystemReport.Stages {
if !stage.Closed.IsZero() {
repConfig := bugListReportingConfig(c, ns, &stage)
if repConfig == nil {
// It might happen if e.g. Moderation was set to nil.
// Just skip the stage then.
if !stage.Reported.IsZero() || repConfig.Type() != targetReportingType {
configJSON, err := json.Marshal(repConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := &dashapi.BugListReport{
ID: stage.ID,
Created: subsystemReport.Created,
Config: configJSON,
Link: fmt.Sprintf("%v/%s/s/%s", appURL(c), ns, name),
Subsystem: name,
Maintainers: subsystemMaintainers(c, ns, name),
Moderation: stage.Moderation,
TotalStats: subsystemReport.TotalStats.toDashapi(),
PeriodStats: subsystemReport.PeriodStats.toDashapi(),
PeriodDays: getNsConfig(c, ns).Subsystems.Reminder.PeriodDays,
bugKeys, err := subsystemReport.getBugKeys()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get bug keys: %w", err)
bugs := make([]*Bug, len(bugKeys))
err = db.GetMulti(c, bugKeys, bugs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get bugs: %w", err)
for _, bug := range bugs {
bugReporting := bugReportingByName(bug,
getNsConfig(c, ns).Subsystems.Reminder.SourceReporting)
ret.Bugs = append(ret.Bugs, dashapi.BugListItem{
Title: bug.displayTitle(),
Link: fmt.Sprintf("%v/bug?extid=%v", appURL(c), bugReporting.ID),
ReproLevel: bug.ReproLevel,
Hits: bug.NumCrashes,
return ret, nil
return nil, nil
func bugListReportingConfig(c context.Context, ns string, stage *SubsystemReportStage) ReportingType {
cfg := getNsConfig(c, ns).Subsystems.Reminder
if stage.Moderation {
return cfg.ModerationConfig
return cfg.Config
func makeSubsystem(ns, name string) *Subsystem {
return &Subsystem{
Namespace: ns,
Name: name,
func subsystemKey(c context.Context, s *Subsystem) *db.Key {
return db.NewKey(c, "Subsystem", fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", s.Namespace, s.Name), 0, nil)
func subsystemReportKey(c context.Context, subsystemKey *db.Key, r *SubsystemReport) *db.Key {
return db.NewKey(c, "SubsystemReport", r.Created.UTC().Format(time.RFC822), 0, subsystemKey)
type subsystemsRegistry struct {
entities map[string]map[string]*Subsystem
func makeSubsystemRegistry(c context.Context) (*subsystemsRegistry, error) {
var subsystems []*Subsystem
if _, err := db.NewQuery("Subsystem").GetAll(c, &subsystems); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := &subsystemsRegistry{
entities: map[string]map[string]*Subsystem{},
for _, item := range subsystems {
return ret, nil
func (sr *subsystemsRegistry) get(ns, name string) *Subsystem {
ret := sr.entities[ns][name]
if ret == nil {
ret = makeSubsystem(ns, name)
return ret
func (sr *subsystemsRegistry) store(item *Subsystem) {
if sr.entities[item.Namespace] == nil {
sr.entities[item.Namespace] = map[string]*Subsystem{}
sr.entities[item.Namespace][item.Name] = item
func (sr *subsystemsRegistry) updatePoll(c context.Context, s *Subsystem, success bool) error {
key := subsystemKey(c, s)
return db.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
dbSubsystem := new(Subsystem)
err := db.Get(c, key, dbSubsystem)
if err == db.ErrNoSuchEntity {
dbSubsystem = s
} else if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get Subsystem '%v': %w", key, err)
dbSubsystem.ListsQueried = timeNow(c)
if success {
dbSubsystem.LastBugList = timeNow(c)
if _, err := db.Put(c, key, dbSubsystem); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save Subsystem: %w", err)
return nil
}, nil)
type subsystemReportRegistry struct {
entities map[string]map[string][]*SubsystemReport
func makeSubsystemReportRegistry(c context.Context) (*subsystemReportRegistry, error) {
var reports []*SubsystemReport
reportKeys, err := db.NewQuery("SubsystemReport").GetAll(c, &reports)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var subsystemKeys []*db.Key
for _, key := range reportKeys {
subsystemKeys = append(subsystemKeys, key.Parent())
subsystems := make([]*Subsystem, len(subsystemKeys))
if err := db.GetMulti(c, subsystemKeys, subsystems); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to query subsystems: %w", err)
ret := &subsystemReportRegistry{
entities: map[string]map[string][]*SubsystemReport{},
for i, item := range reports {[i].Namespace, subsystems[i].Name, item)
return ret, nil
func (srr *subsystemReportRegistry) get(ns, name string) []*SubsystemReport {
return srr.entities[ns][name]
func (srr *subsystemReportRegistry) store(ns, name string, item *SubsystemReport) {
if srr.entities[ns] == nil {
srr.entities[ns] = map[string][]*SubsystemReport{}
srr.entities[ns][name] = append(srr.entities[ns][name], item)
func storeSubsystemReport(c context.Context, s *Subsystem, report *SubsystemReport) error {
key := subsystemKey(c, s)
return db.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
// First close all previouly active per-subsystem reports.
var previous []*SubsystemReport
prevKeys, err := db.NewQuery("SubsystemReport").
Filter("Stages.Closed=", time.Time{}).
GetAll(c, &previous)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to query old subsystem reports: %w", err)
for i, subsystem := range previous {
for i := range subsystem.Stages {
subsystem.Stages[i].Closed = timeNow(c)
if _, err := db.Put(c, prevKeys[i], subsystem); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save SubsystemReport: %w", err)
// Now save a new one.
reportKey := subsystemReportKey(c, key, report)
if _, err := db.Put(c, reportKey, report); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to store new SubsystemReport: %w", err)
return nil
}, nil)