blob: ec048a8448a79a67ea449ea690254e095a1dd5ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func TestEmailNotifUpstreamEmbargo(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
report := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(report.To, []string{""})
// Upstreaming happens after 14 days, so no emails yet.
c.advanceTime(13 * 24 * time.Hour)
// Now we should get notification about upstreaming and upstream report:
c.advanceTime(2 * 24 * time.Hour)
notifUpstream := c.pollEmailBug()
upstreamReport := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(notifUpstream.Subject, crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(notifUpstream.Sender, report.Sender)
c.expectEQ(notifUpstream.Body, "Sending this report to the next reporting stage.")
c.expectEQ(upstreamReport.Subject, "[syzbot] "+crash.Title)
c.expectNE(upstreamReport.Sender, report.Sender)
c.expectEQ(upstreamReport.To, []string{"", ""})
func TestEmailNotifUpstreamSkip(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.Title = "skip with repro 1"
report := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(report.To, []string{""})
// No emails yet.
// Now upload repro and it should be auto-upstreamed.
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("repro opts")
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("getpid()")
notifUpstream := c.pollEmailBug()
upstreamReport := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(notifUpstream.Sender, report.Sender)
c.expectEQ(notifUpstream.Body, "Sending this report to the next reporting stage.")
c.expectNE(upstreamReport.Sender, report.Sender)
c.expectEQ(upstreamReport.To, []string{"", ""})
func TestEmailNotifBadFix(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
client := c.publicClient
build := testBuild(1)
// Fake more active managers.
for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
client.UploadBuild(testBuild(i + 1))
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
report := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(report.To, []string{""})
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(report.Sender)
c.incomingEmail(report.Sender, "#syz fix some: commit title")
// Notification about bad fixing commit should be send after 90 days.
c.advanceTime(50 * 24 * time.Hour)
c.advanceTime(35 * 24 * time.Hour)
c.advanceTime(10 * 24 * time.Hour)
notif := c.pollEmailBug()
t.Logf("%s", notif.Body)
expectReply := fmt.Sprintf(`This bug is marked as fixed by commit:
some: commit title
But I can't find it in the tested trees[1] for more than 90 days.
Is it a correct commit? Please update it by replying:
#syz fix: exact-commit-title
Until then the bug is still considered open and new crashes with
the same signature are ignored.
Kernel: access-public-email
Dashboard link:
[1] I expect the commit to be present in:
1. branch1 branch of
2. branch2 branch of
3. branch3 branch of
4. branch4 branch of
The full list of 5 trees can be found at
`, extBugID)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectReply, notif.Body); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("wrong notification text: %s", diff)
fmt.Printf("received notification:\n%s\n", notif.Body)
// No notifications for another 14 days, then another one.
c.advanceTime(13 * 24 * time.Hour)
c.advanceTime(2 * 24 * time.Hour)
notif = c.pollEmailBug()
if !strings.Contains(notif.Body, "This bug is marked as fixed by commit:\nsome: commit title\n") {
t.Fatalf("bad notification text: %q", notif.Body)
func TestBugObsoleting(t *testing.T) {
// To simplify test we specify all dates in days from a fixed point in time.
const day = 24 * time.Hour
days := func(n int) time.Time {
t := time.Date(2000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
return t.Add(time.Duration(n+1) * day)
tests := []struct {
bug *Bug
period time.Duration
// Final bug with just 1 crash: max final period.
bug: &Bug{
FirstTime: days(0),
LastTime: days(0),
NumCrashes: 1,
Reporting: []BugReporting{{Reported: days(0)}},
period: 100 * day,
// Non-final bug with just 1 crash: max non-final period.
bug: &Bug{
FirstTime: days(0),
LastTime: days(0),
NumCrashes: 1,
Reporting: []BugReporting{{Reported: days(0)}, {}},
period: 60 * day,
// Special manger: max period that that manager.
bug: &Bug{
FirstTime: days(0),
LastTime: days(0),
NumCrashes: 1,
HappenedOn: []string{"special-obsoleting"},
Reporting: []BugReporting{{Reported: days(0)}, {}},
period: 20 * day,
// Special manger and a non-special: normal rules.
bug: &Bug{
FirstTime: days(0),
LastTime: days(0),
NumCrashes: 1,
HappenedOn: []string{"special-obsoleting", "non-special-manager"},
Reporting: []BugReporting{{Reported: days(0)}},
period: 100 * day,
// Happened a lot: min period.
bug: &Bug{
FirstTime: days(0),
LastTime: days(1),
NumCrashes: 1000,
Reporting: []BugReporting{{Reported: days(0)}},
period: 80 * day,
c := context.Background()
for i, test := range tests {
test.bug.Namespace = "test1"
got := test.bug.obsoletePeriod(c)
if got != test.period {
t.Errorf("test #%v: got: %.2f, want %.2f",
i, float64(got/time.Hour)/24, float64(test.period/time.Hour)/24)
func TestEmailNotifObsoleted(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.Maintainers = []string{""}
report := c.pollEmailBug()
// Need to upstream so that it's not auto-upstreamed before obsoleted.
c.incomingEmail(report.Sender, "#syz upstream")
report = c.pollEmailBug()
// Add more people to bug CC.
c.incomingEmail(report.Sender, "wow", EmailOptCC([]string{""}))
// Bug is open, new crashes don't create new bug.
// Not yet.
c.advanceTime(59 * 24 * time.Hour)
// Now!
c.advanceTime(2 * 24 * time.Hour)
notif := c.pollEmailBug()
if !strings.Contains(notif.Body, "Auto-closing this bug as obsolete") {
t.Fatalf("bad notification text: %q", notif.Body)
c.expectEQ(notif.To, []string{"", "",
"", ""})
// New crash must create new bug.
report = c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(report.Subject, "title1 (2)")
// Now the same, but for the last reporting (must have smaller CC list).
c.incomingEmail(report.Sender, "#syz upstream", EmailOptCC([]string{""}))
report = c.pollEmailBug()
c.incomingEmail(report.Sender, "#syz upstream",
EmailOptCC([]string{"", ""}))
report = c.pollEmailBug()
_ = report
c.advanceTime(101 * 24 * time.Hour)
notif = c.pollEmailBug()
if !strings.Contains(notif.Body, "Auto-closing this bug as obsolete") {
t.Fatalf("bad notification text: %q", notif.Body)
c.expectEQ(notif.Subject, crash.Title+" (2)")
c.expectEQ(notif.To, []string{""})
func TestEmailNotifNotObsoleted(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
// Crashes with repro are not auto-obsoleted.
crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)
crash1.ReproSyz = []byte("repro")
report1 := c.pollEmailBug()
c.incomingEmail(report1.Sender, "#syz upstream")
report1 = c.pollEmailBug()
_ = report1
// This crash will get another crash later.
crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)
report2 := c.pollEmailBug()
c.incomingEmail(report2.Sender, "#syz upstream")
report2 = c.pollEmailBug()
_ = report2
// This crash will get some activity later.
crash3 := testCrash(build, 3)
report3 := c.pollEmailBug()
c.incomingEmail(report3.Sender, "#syz upstream")
report3 = c.pollEmailBug()
// This will be obsoleted (just to check that we have timings right).
c.advanceTime(24 * time.Hour)
crash4 := testCrash(build, 4)
report4 := c.pollEmailBug()
c.incomingEmail(report4.Sender, "#syz upstream")
report4 = c.pollEmailBug()
c.advanceTime(59 * 24 * time.Hour)
c.incomingEmail(report3.Sender, "I am looking at it")
c.advanceTime(5 * 24 * time.Hour)
// Only crash 4 is obsoleted.
notif := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(notif.Sender, report4.Sender)
// Crash 3 also obsoleted after some time.
c.advanceTime(20 * 24 * time.Hour)
notif = c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(notif.Sender, report3.Sender)
func TestEmailNotifObsoletedManager(t *testing.T) {
// Crashes with repro are auto-obsoleted if happen on a particular manager only.
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
build.Manager = noFixBisectionManager
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
report := c.pollEmailBug()
c.incomingEmail(report.Sender, "#syz upstream")
report = c.pollEmailBug()
_ = report
c.advanceTime(200 * 24 * time.Hour)
notif := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(notif.Body, "Auto-closing this bug as obsolete"))
func TestExtNotifUpstreamEmbargo(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build1 := testBuild(1)
crash1 := testCrash(build1, 1)
rep := c.client.pollBug()
// Specify fixing commit for the bug.
reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
c.advanceTime(20 * 24 * time.Hour)
notif := c.client.pollNotifs(1)[0]
c.expectEQ(notif.ID, rep.ID)
c.expectEQ(notif.Type, dashapi.BugNotifUpstream)
func TestExtNotifUpstreamOnHold(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build1 := testBuild(1)
crash1 := testCrash(build1, 1)
rep := c.client.pollBug()
// Specify fixing commit for the bug.
reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
OnHold: true,
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
c.advanceTime(20 * 24 * time.Hour)