blob: 0ad5354f58c61baeb1a5a1abb28f5659b6df53bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package demangle
import (
// AST is an abstract syntax tree representing a C++ declaration.
// This is sufficient for the demangler but is by no means a general C++ AST.
type AST interface {
// Internal method to convert to demangled string.
// Traverse each element of an AST. If the function returns
// false, traversal of children of that element is skipped.
Traverse(func(AST) bool)
// Copy an AST with possible transformations.
// If the skip function returns true, no copy is required.
// If the copy function returns nil, no copy is required.
// Otherwise the AST returned by copy is used in a copy of the full AST.
// Copy itself returns either a copy or nil.
Copy(copy func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST
// Implement the fmt.GoStringer interface.
GoString() string
goString(indent int, field string) string
// ASTToString returns the demangled name of the AST.
func ASTToString(a AST, options ...Option) string {
tparams := true
for _, o := range options {
switch o {
case NoTemplateParams:
tparams = false
ps := printState{tparams: tparams}
return ps.buf.String()
// The printState type holds information needed to print an AST.
type printState struct {
tparams bool // whether to print template parameters
buf bytes.Buffer
last byte // Last byte written to buffer.
// The inner field is a list of items to print for a type
// name. This is used by types to implement the inside-out
// C++ declaration syntax.
inner []AST
// The printing field is a list of items we are currently
// printing. This avoids endless recursion if a substitution
// reference creates a cycle in the graph.
printing []AST
// writeByte adds a byte to the string being printed.
func (ps *printState) writeByte(b byte) {
ps.last = b
// writeString adds a string to the string being printed.
func (ps *printState) writeString(s string) {
if len(s) > 0 {
ps.last = s[len(s)-1]
// Print an AST.
func (ps *printState) print(a AST) {
c := 0
for _, v := range ps.printing {
if v == a {
// We permit the type to appear once, and
// return without printing anything if we see
// it twice. This is for a case like
// _Z6outer2IsEPFilES1_, where the
// substitution is printed differently the
// second time because the set of inner types
// is different.
if c > 1 {
ps.printing = append(ps.printing, a)
ps.printing = ps.printing[:len(ps.printing)-1]
// Name is an unqualified name.
type Name struct {
Name string
func (n *Name) print(ps *printState) {
func (n *Name) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
func (n *Name) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(n) {
return nil
return fn(n)
func (n *Name) GoString() string {
return n.goString(0, "Name: ")
func (n *Name) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%s%s", indent, "", field, n.Name)
// Typed is a typed name.
type Typed struct {
Name AST
Type AST
func (t *Typed) print(ps *printState) {
// We are printing a typed name, so ignore the current set of
// inner names to print. Pass down our name as the one to use.
holdInner := ps.inner
defer func() { ps.inner = holdInner }()
ps.inner = []AST{t}
if len(ps.inner) > 0 {
// The type did not print the name; print it now in
// the default location.
ps.writeByte(' ')
func (t *Typed) printInner(ps *printState) {
func (t *Typed) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(t) {
func (t *Typed) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(t) {
return nil
name := t.Name.Copy(fn, skip)
typ := t.Type.Copy(fn, skip)
if name == nil && typ == nil {
return fn(t)
if name == nil {
name = t.Name
if typ == nil {
typ = t.Type
t = &Typed{Name: name, Type: typ}
if r := fn(t); r != nil {
return r
return t
func (t *Typed) GoString() string {
return t.goString(0, "")
func (t *Typed) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sTyped:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
t.Name.goString(indent+2, "Name: "),
t.Type.goString(indent+2, "Type: "))
// Qualified is a name in a scope.
type Qualified struct {
Scope AST
Name AST
// The LocalName field is true if this is parsed as a
// <local-name>. We shouldn't really need this, but in some
// cases (for the unary sizeof operator) the standard
// demangler prints a local name slightly differently. We
// keep track of this for compatibility.
LocalName bool // A full local name encoding
func (q *Qualified) print(ps *printState) {
func (q *Qualified) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(q) {
func (q *Qualified) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(q) {
return nil
scope := q.Scope.Copy(fn, skip)
name := q.Name.Copy(fn, skip)
if scope == nil && name == nil {
return fn(q)
if scope == nil {
scope = q.Scope
if name == nil {
name = q.Name
q = &Qualified{Scope: scope, Name: name, LocalName: q.LocalName}
if r := fn(q); r != nil {
return r
return q
func (q *Qualified) GoString() string {
return q.goString(0, "")
func (q *Qualified) goString(indent int, field string) string {
s := ""
if q.LocalName {
s = " LocalName: true"
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sQualified:%s\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
s, q.Scope.goString(indent+2, "Scope: "),
q.Name.goString(indent+2, "Name: "))
// Template is a template with arguments.
type Template struct {
Name AST
Args []AST
func (t *Template) print(ps *printState) {
// Inner types apply to the template as a whole, they don't
// cross over into the template.
holdInner := ps.inner
defer func() { ps.inner = holdInner }()
ps.inner = nil
if !ps.tparams {
// Do not print template parameters.
// We need an extra space after operator<.
if ps.last == '<' {
ps.writeByte(' ')
first := true
for _, a := range t.Args {
if ps.isEmpty(a) {
if !first {
ps.writeString(", ")
first = false
if ps.last == '>' {
// Avoid syntactic ambiguity in old versions of C++.
ps.writeByte(' ')
func (t *Template) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(t) {
for _, a := range t.Args {
func (t *Template) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(t) {
return nil
name := t.Name.Copy(fn, skip)
changed := name != nil
args := make([]AST, len(t.Args))
for i, a := range t.Args {
ac := a.Copy(fn, skip)
if ac == nil {
args[i] = a
} else {
args[i] = ac
changed = true
if !changed {
return fn(t)
if name == nil {
name = t.Name
t = &Template{Name: name, Args: args}
if r := fn(t); r != nil {
return r
return t
func (t *Template) GoString() string {
return t.goString(0, "")
func (t *Template) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var args string
if len(t.Args) == 0 {
args = fmt.Sprintf("%*sArgs: nil", indent+2, "")
} else {
args = fmt.Sprintf("%*sArgs:", indent+2, "")
for i, a := range t.Args {
args += "\n"
args += a.goString(indent+4, fmt.Sprintf("%d: ", i))
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sTemplate (%p):\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field, t,
t.Name.goString(indent+2, "Name: "), args)
// TemplateParam is a template parameter. The Template field is
// filled in while parsing the demangled string. We don't normally
// see these while printing--they are replaced by the simplify
// function.
type TemplateParam struct {
Index int
Template *Template
func (tp *TemplateParam) print(ps *printState) {
if tp.Template == nil {
panic("TemplateParam Template field is nil")
if tp.Index >= len(tp.Template.Args) {
panic("TemplateParam Index out of bounds")
func (tp *TemplateParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
// Don't traverse Template--it points elsewhere in the AST.
func (tp *TemplateParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(tp) {
return nil
return fn(tp)
func (tp *TemplateParam) GoString() string {
return tp.goString(0, "")
func (tp *TemplateParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sTemplateParam: Template: %p; Index %d", indent, "", field, tp.Template, tp.Index)
// Qualifiers is an ordered list of type qualifiers.
type Qualifiers []string
// TypeWithQualifiers is a type with standard qualifiers.
type TypeWithQualifiers struct {
Base AST
Qualifiers Qualifiers
func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) print(ps *printState) {
// Give the base type a chance to print the inner types.
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, twq)
if len(ps.inner) > 0 {
// The qualifier wasn't printed by Base.
ps.writeByte(' ')
ps.writeString(strings.Join(twq.Qualifiers, " "))
ps.inner = ps.inner[:len(ps.inner)-1]
// Print qualifiers as an inner type by just printing the qualifiers.
func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) printInner(ps *printState) {
ps.writeByte(' ')
ps.writeString(strings.Join(twq.Qualifiers, " "))
func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(twq) {
func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(twq) {
return nil
base := twq.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(twq)
twq = &TypeWithQualifiers{Base: base, Qualifiers: twq.Qualifiers}
if r := fn(twq); r != nil {
return r
return twq
func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) GoString() string {
return twq.goString(0, "")
func (twq *TypeWithQualifiers) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sTypeWithQualifiers: Qualifiers: %s\n%s", indent, "", field,
twq.Qualifiers, twq.Base.goString(indent+2, "Base: "))
// MethodWithQualifiers is a method with qualifiers.
type MethodWithQualifiers struct {
Method AST
Qualifiers Qualifiers
RefQualifier string // "" or "&" or "&&"
func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) print(ps *printState) {
// Give the base type a chance to print the inner types.
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, mwq)
if len(ps.inner) > 0 {
if len(mwq.Qualifiers) > 0 {
ps.writeByte(' ')
ps.writeString(strings.Join(mwq.Qualifiers, " "))
if mwq.RefQualifier != "" {
ps.writeByte(' ')
ps.inner = ps.inner[:len(ps.inner)-1]
func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) printInner(ps *printState) {
if len(mwq.Qualifiers) > 0 {
ps.writeByte(' ')
ps.writeString(strings.Join(mwq.Qualifiers, " "))
if mwq.RefQualifier != "" {
ps.writeByte(' ')
func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(mwq) {
func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(mwq) {
return nil
method := mwq.Method.Copy(fn, skip)
if method == nil {
return fn(mwq)
mwq = &MethodWithQualifiers{Method: method, Qualifiers: mwq.Qualifiers, RefQualifier: mwq.RefQualifier}
if r := fn(mwq); r != nil {
return r
return mwq
func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) GoString() string {
return mwq.goString(0, "")
func (mwq *MethodWithQualifiers) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var q string
if len(mwq.Qualifiers) > 0 {
q += fmt.Sprintf(" Qualifiers: %v", mwq.Qualifiers)
if mwq.RefQualifier != "" {
if q != "" {
q += ";"
q += " RefQualifier: " + mwq.RefQualifier
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sMethodWithQualifiers:%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
q, mwq.Method.goString(indent+2, "Method: "))
// BuiltinType is a builtin type, like "int".
type BuiltinType struct {
Name string
func (bt *BuiltinType) print(ps *printState) {
func (bt *BuiltinType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
func (bt *BuiltinType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(bt) {
return nil
return fn(bt)
func (bt *BuiltinType) GoString() string {
return bt.goString(0, "")
func (bt *BuiltinType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sBuiltinType: %s", indent, "", field, bt.Name)
// printBase is common print code for types that are printed with a
// simple suffix.
func printBase(ps *printState, qual, base AST) {
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, qual)
if len(ps.inner) > 0 {
ps.inner = ps.inner[:len(ps.inner)-1]
// PointerType is a pointer type.
type PointerType struct {
Base AST
func (pt *PointerType) print(ps *printState) {
printBase(ps, pt, pt.Base)
func (pt *PointerType) printInner(ps *printState) {
func (pt *PointerType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(pt) {
func (pt *PointerType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(pt) {
return nil
base := pt.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(pt)
pt = &PointerType{Base: base}
if r := fn(pt); r != nil {
return r
return pt
func (pt *PointerType) GoString() string {
return pt.goString(0, "")
func (pt *PointerType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sPointerType:\n%s", indent, "", field,
pt.Base.goString(indent+2, ""))
// ReferenceType is a reference type.
type ReferenceType struct {
Base AST
func (rt *ReferenceType) print(ps *printState) {
printBase(ps, rt, rt.Base)
func (rt *ReferenceType) printInner(ps *printState) {
func (rt *ReferenceType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(rt) {
func (rt *ReferenceType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(rt) {
return nil
base := rt.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(rt)
rt = &ReferenceType{Base: base}
if r := fn(rt); r != nil {
return r
return rt
func (rt *ReferenceType) GoString() string {
return rt.goString(0, "")
func (rt *ReferenceType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sReferenceType:\n%s", indent, "", field,
rt.Base.goString(indent+2, ""))
// RvalueReferenceType is an rvalue reference type.
type RvalueReferenceType struct {
Base AST
func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) print(ps *printState) {
printBase(ps, rt, rt.Base)
func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) printInner(ps *printState) {
func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(rt) {
func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(rt) {
return nil
base := rt.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(rt)
rt = &RvalueReferenceType{Base: base}
if r := fn(rt); r != nil {
return r
return rt
func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) GoString() string {
return rt.goString(0, "")
func (rt *RvalueReferenceType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sRvalueReferenceType:\n%s", indent, "", field,
rt.Base.goString(indent+2, ""))
// ComplexType is a complex type.
type ComplexType struct {
Base AST
func (ct *ComplexType) print(ps *printState) {
printBase(ps, ct, ct.Base)
func (ct *ComplexType) printInner(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString(" _Complex")
func (ct *ComplexType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(ct) {
func (ct *ComplexType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(ct) {
return nil
base := ct.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(ct)
ct = &ComplexType{Base: base}
if r := fn(ct); r != nil {
return r
return ct
func (ct *ComplexType) GoString() string {
return ct.goString(0, "")
func (ct *ComplexType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sComplexType:\n%s", indent, "", field,
ct.Base.goString(indent+2, ""))
// ImaginaryType is an imaginary type.
type ImaginaryType struct {
Base AST
func (it *ImaginaryType) print(ps *printState) {
printBase(ps, it, it.Base)
func (it *ImaginaryType) printInner(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString(" _Imaginary")
func (it *ImaginaryType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(it) {
func (it *ImaginaryType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(it) {
return nil
base := it.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(it)
it = &ImaginaryType{Base: base}
if r := fn(it); r != nil {
return r
return it
func (it *ImaginaryType) GoString() string {
return it.goString(0, "")
func (it *ImaginaryType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sImaginaryType:\n%s", indent, "", field,
it.Base.goString(indent+2, ""))
// VendorQualifier is a type qualified by a vendor-specific qualifier.
type VendorQualifier struct {
Qualifier AST
Type AST
func (vq *VendorQualifier) print(ps *printState) {
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, vq)
if len(ps.inner) > 0 {
func (vq *VendorQualifier) printInner(ps *printState) {
ps.writeByte(' ')
func (vq *VendorQualifier) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(vq) {
func (vq *VendorQualifier) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(vq) {
return nil
qualifier := vq.Qualifier.Copy(fn, skip)
typ := vq.Type.Copy(fn, skip)
if qualifier == nil && typ == nil {
return fn(vq)
if qualifier == nil {
qualifier = vq.Qualifier
if typ == nil {
typ = vq.Type
vq = &VendorQualifier{Qualifier: qualifier, Type: vq.Type}
if r := fn(vq); r != nil {
return r
return vq
func (vq *VendorQualifier) GoString() string {
return vq.goString(0, "")
func (vq *VendorQualifier) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sVendorQualifier:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
vq.Qualifier.goString(indent+2, "Qualifier: "),
vq.Type.goString(indent+2, "Type: "))
// ArrayType is an array type.
type ArrayType struct {
Dimension AST
Element AST
func (at *ArrayType) print(ps *printState) {
// Pass the array type down as an inner type so that we print
// multi-dimensional arrays correctly.
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, at)
if ln := len(ps.inner); ln > 0 {
ps.inner = ps.inner[:ln-1]
func (at *ArrayType) printInner(ps *printState) {
// Print the array dimension.
func (at *ArrayType) printDimension(ps *printState) {
space := " "
for len(ps.inner) > 0 {
// We haven't gotten to the real type yet. Use
// parentheses around that type, except that if it is
// an array type we print it as a multi-dimensional
// array
in := ps.inner[len(ps.inner)-1]
if twq, ok := in.(*TypeWithQualifiers); ok {
in = twq.Base
if _, ok := in.(*ArrayType); ok {
if in == ps.inner[len(ps.inner)-1] {
space = ""
} else {
ps.writeString(" (")
func (at *ArrayType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(at) {
func (at *ArrayType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(at) {
return nil
dimension := at.Dimension.Copy(fn, skip)
element := at.Element.Copy(fn, skip)
if dimension == nil && element == nil {
return fn(at)
if dimension == nil {
dimension = at.Dimension
if element == nil {
element = at.Element
at = &ArrayType{Dimension: dimension, Element: element}
if r := fn(at); r != nil {
return r
return at
func (at *ArrayType) GoString() string {
return at.goString(0, "")
func (at *ArrayType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sArrayType:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
at.Dimension.goString(indent+2, "Dimension: "),
at.Element.goString(indent+2, "Element: "))
// FunctionType is a function type. The Return field may be nil for
// cases where the return type is not part of the mangled name.
type FunctionType struct {
Return AST
Args []AST
func (ft *FunctionType) print(ps *printState) {
if ft.Return != nil {
// Pass the return type as an inner type in order to
// print the arguments in the right location.
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, ft)
if len(ps.inner) == 0 {
// Everything was printed.
ps.inner = ps.inner[:len(ps.inner)-1]
ps.writeByte(' ')
func (ft *FunctionType) printInner(ps *printState) {
// printArgs prints the arguments of a function type. It looks at the
// inner types for spacing.
func (ft *FunctionType) printArgs(ps *printState) {
paren := false
space := false
for i := len(ps.inner) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
switch ps.inner[i].(type) {
case *PointerType, *ReferenceType, *RvalueReferenceType:
paren = true
case *TypeWithQualifiers, *ComplexType, *ImaginaryType, *PtrMem:
space = true
paren = true
if paren {
if paren {
if !space && (ps.last != '(' && ps.last != '*') {
space = true
if space && ps.last != ' ' {
ps.writeByte(' ')
save := ps.printInner(true)
if paren {
first := true
for _, a := range ft.Args {
if ps.isEmpty(a) {
if !first {
ps.writeString(", ")
first = false
ps.inner = save
func (ft *FunctionType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(ft) {
if ft.Return != nil {
for _, a := range ft.Args {
func (ft *FunctionType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(ft) {
return nil
changed := false
var ret AST
if ft.Return != nil {
ret = ft.Return.Copy(fn, skip)
if ret == nil {
ret = ft.Return
} else {
changed = true
args := make([]AST, len(ft.Args))
for i, a := range ft.Args {
ac := a.Copy(fn, skip)
if ac == nil {
args[i] = a
} else {
args[i] = ac
changed = true
if !changed {
return fn(ft)
ft = &FunctionType{Return: ret, Args: args}
if r := fn(ft); r != nil {
return r
return ft
func (ft *FunctionType) GoString() string {
return ft.goString(0, "")
func (ft *FunctionType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var r string
if ft.Return == nil {
r = fmt.Sprintf("%*sReturn: nil", indent+2, "")
} else {
r = ft.Return.goString(indent+2, "Return: ")
var args string
if len(ft.Args) == 0 {
args = fmt.Sprintf("%*sArgs: nil", indent+2, "")
} else {
args = fmt.Sprintf("%*sArgs:", indent+2, "")
for i, a := range ft.Args {
args += "\n"
args += a.goString(indent+4, fmt.Sprintf("%d: ", i))
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sFunctionType:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field, r, args)
// FunctionParam is a parameter of a function, used for last-specified
// return type in a closure.
type FunctionParam struct {
Index int
func (fp *FunctionParam) print(ps *printState) {
if fp.Index == 0 {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&ps.buf, "{parm#%d}", fp.Index)
func (fp *FunctionParam) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
func (fp *FunctionParam) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(fp) {
return nil
return fn(fp)
func (fp *FunctionParam) GoString() string {
return fp.goString(0, "")
func (fp *FunctionParam) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sFunctionParam: %d", indent, "", field, fp.Index)
// PtrMem is a pointer-to-member expression.
type PtrMem struct {
Class AST
Member AST
func (pm *PtrMem) print(ps *printState) {
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, pm)
if len(ps.inner) > 0 {
func (pm *PtrMem) printInner(ps *printState) {
if ps.last != '(' {
ps.writeByte(' ')
func (pm *PtrMem) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(pm) {
func (pm *PtrMem) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(pm) {
return nil
class := pm.Class.Copy(fn, skip)
member := pm.Member.Copy(fn, skip)
if class == nil && member == nil {
return fn(pm)
if class == nil {
class = pm.Class
if member == nil {
member = pm.Member
pm = &PtrMem{Class: class, Member: member}
if r := fn(pm); r != nil {
return r
return pm
func (pm *PtrMem) GoString() string {
return pm.goString(0, "")
func (pm *PtrMem) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sPtrMem:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
pm.Class.goString(indent+2, "Class: "),
pm.Member.goString(indent+2, "Member: "))
// FixedType is a fixed numeric type of unknown size.
type FixedType struct {
Base AST
Accum bool
Sat bool
func (ft *FixedType) print(ps *printState) {
if ft.Sat {
ps.writeString("_Sat ")
if bt, ok := ft.Base.(*BuiltinType); ok && bt.Name == "int" {
// The standard demangler skips printing "int".
} else {
ps.writeByte(' ')
if ft.Accum {
} else {
func (ft *FixedType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(ft) {
func (ft *FixedType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(ft) {
return nil
base := ft.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(ft)
ft = &FixedType{Base: base, Accum: ft.Accum, Sat: ft.Sat}
if r := fn(ft); r != nil {
return r
return ft
func (ft *FixedType) GoString() string {
return ft.goString(0, "")
func (ft *FixedType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sFixedType: Accum: %t; Sat: %t\n%s", indent, "", field,
ft.Accum, ft.Sat,
ft.Base.goString(indent+2, "Base: "))
// VectorType is a vector type.
type VectorType struct {
Dimension AST
Base AST
func (vt *VectorType) print(ps *printState) {
ps.inner = append(ps.inner, vt)
if len(ps.inner) > 0 {
func (vt *VectorType) printInner(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString(" __vector(")
func (vt *VectorType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(vt) {
func (vt *VectorType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(vt) {
return nil
dimension := vt.Dimension.Copy(fn, skip)
base := vt.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if dimension == nil && base == nil {
return fn(vt)
if dimension == nil {
dimension = vt.Dimension
if base == nil {
base = vt.Base
vt = &VectorType{Dimension: dimension, Base: base}
if r := fn(vt); r != nil {
return r
return vt
func (vt *VectorType) GoString() string {
return vt.goString(0, "")
func (vt *VectorType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sVectorType:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
vt.Dimension.goString(indent+2, "Dimension: "),
vt.Base.goString(indent+2, "Base: "))
// Decltype is the decltype operator.
type Decltype struct {
Expr AST
func (dt *Decltype) print(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString("decltype (")
func (dt *Decltype) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(dt) {
func (dt *Decltype) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(dt) {
return nil
expr := dt.Expr.Copy(fn, skip)
if expr == nil {
return fn(dt)
dt = &Decltype{Expr: expr}
if r := fn(dt); r != nil {
return r
return dt
func (dt *Decltype) GoString() string {
return dt.goString(0, "")
func (dt *Decltype) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sDecltype:\n%s", indent, "", field,
dt.Expr.goString(indent+2, "Expr: "))
// Operator is an operator.
type Operator struct {
Name string
func (op *Operator) print(ps *printState) {
if isLower(op.Name[0]) {
ps.writeByte(' ')
n := op.Name
n = strings.TrimSuffix(n, " ")
func (op *Operator) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
func (op *Operator) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(op) {
return nil
return fn(op)
func (op *Operator) GoString() string {
return op.goString(0, "")
func (op *Operator) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sOperator: %s", indent, "", field, op.Name)
// Constructor is a constructor.
type Constructor struct {
Name AST
func (c *Constructor) print(ps *printState) {
func (c *Constructor) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(c) {
func (c *Constructor) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(c) {
return nil
name := c.Name.Copy(fn, skip)
if name == nil {
return fn(c)
c = &Constructor{Name: name}
if r := fn(c); r != nil {
return r
return c
func (c *Constructor) GoString() string {
return c.goString(0, "")
func (c *Constructor) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sConstructor:\n%s", indent, "", field, c.Name.goString(indent+2, "Name: "))
// Destructor is a destructor.
type Destructor struct {
Name AST
func (d *Destructor) print(ps *printState) {
func (d *Destructor) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(d) {
func (d *Destructor) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(d) {
return nil
name := d.Name.Copy(fn, skip)
if name == nil {
return fn(d)
d = &Destructor{Name: name}
if r := fn(d); r != nil {
return r
return d
func (d *Destructor) GoString() string {
return d.goString(0, "")
func (d *Destructor) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sDestructor:\n%s", indent, "", field, d.Name.goString(indent+2, "Name: "))
// GlobalCDtor is a global constructor or destructor.
type GlobalCDtor struct {
Ctor bool
func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) print(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString("global ")
if gcd.Ctor {
} else {
ps.writeString(" keyed to ")
func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(gcd) {
func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(gcd) {
return nil
key := gcd.Key.Copy(fn, skip)
if key == nil {
return fn(gcd)
gcd = &GlobalCDtor{Ctor: gcd.Ctor, Key: key}
if r := fn(gcd); r != nil {
return r
return gcd
func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) GoString() string {
return gcd.goString(0, "")
func (gcd *GlobalCDtor) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sGlobalCDtor: Ctor: %t\n%s", indent, "", field,
gcd.Ctor, gcd.Key.goString(indent+2, "Key: "))
// TaggedName is a name with an ABI tag.
type TaggedName struct {
Name AST
func (t *TaggedName) print(ps *printState) {
func (t *TaggedName) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(t) {
func (t *TaggedName) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(t) {
return nil
name := t.Name.Copy(fn, skip)
tag := t.Tag.Copy(fn, skip)
if name == nil && tag == nil {
return fn(t)
if name == nil {
name = t.Name
if tag == nil {
tag = t.Tag
t = &TaggedName{Name: name, Tag: tag}
if r := fn(t); r != nil {
return r
return t
func (t *TaggedName) GoString() string {
return t.goString(0, "")
func (t *TaggedName) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sTaggedName:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
t.Name.goString(indent+2, "Name: "),
t.Tag.goString(indent+2, "Tag: "))
// PackExpansion is a pack expansion. The Pack field may be nil.
type PackExpansion struct {
Base AST
Pack *ArgumentPack
func (pe *PackExpansion) print(ps *printState) {
// We normally only get here if the simplify function was
// unable to locate and expand the pack.
if pe.Pack == nil {
parenthesize(ps, pe.Base)
} else {
func (pe *PackExpansion) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(pe) {
// Don't traverse Template--it points elsewhere in the AST.
func (pe *PackExpansion) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(pe) {
return nil
base := pe.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(pe)
pe = &PackExpansion{Base: base, Pack: pe.Pack}
if r := fn(pe); r != nil {
return r
return pe
func (pe *PackExpansion) GoString() string {
return pe.goString(0, "")
func (pe *PackExpansion) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sPackExpansion: Pack: %p\n%s", indent, "", field,
pe.Pack, pe.Base.goString(indent+2, "Base: "))
// ArgumentPack is an argument pack.
type ArgumentPack struct {
Args []AST
func (ap *ArgumentPack) print(ps *printState) {
for i, a := range ap.Args {
if i > 0 {
ps.writeString(", ")
func (ap *ArgumentPack) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(ap) {
for _, a := range ap.Args {
func (ap *ArgumentPack) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(ap) {
return nil
args := make([]AST, len(ap.Args))
changed := false
for i, a := range ap.Args {
ac := a.Copy(fn, skip)
if ac == nil {
args[i] = a
} else {
args[i] = ac
changed = true
if !changed {
return fn(ap)
ap = &ArgumentPack{Args: args}
if r := fn(ap); r != nil {
return r
return ap
func (ap *ArgumentPack) GoString() string {
return ap.goString(0, "")
func (ap *ArgumentPack) goString(indent int, field string) string {
if len(ap.Args) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sArgumentPack: nil", indent, "", field)
s := fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sArgumentPack:", indent, "", field)
for i, a := range ap.Args {
s += "\n"
s += a.goString(indent+2, fmt.Sprintf("%d: ", i))
return s
// SizeofPack is the sizeof operator applied to an argument pack.
type SizeofPack struct {
Pack *ArgumentPack
func (sp *SizeofPack) print(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(sp.Pack.Args)))
func (sp *SizeofPack) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
// Don't traverse the pack--it points elsewhere in the AST.
func (sp *SizeofPack) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(sp) {
return nil
sp = &SizeofPack{Pack: sp.Pack}
if r := fn(sp); r != nil {
return r
return sp
func (sp *SizeofPack) GoString() string {
return sp.goString(0, "")
func (sp *SizeofPack) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sSizeofPack: Pack: %p", indent, "", field, sp.Pack)
// SizeofArgs is the size of a captured template parameter pack from
// an alias template.
type SizeofArgs struct {
Args []AST
func (sa *SizeofArgs) print(ps *printState) {
c := 0
for _, a := range sa.Args {
if ap, ok := a.(*ArgumentPack); ok {
c += len(ap.Args)
} else if el, ok := a.(*ExprList); ok {
c += len(el.Exprs)
} else {
ps.writeString(fmt.Sprintf("%d", c))
func (sa *SizeofArgs) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(sa) {
for _, a := range sa.Args {
func (sa *SizeofArgs) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(sa) {
return nil
changed := false
args := make([]AST, len(sa.Args))
for i, a := range sa.Args {
ac := a.Copy(fn, skip)
if ac == nil {
args[i] = a
} else {
args[i] = ac
changed = true
if !changed {
return fn(sa)
sa = &SizeofArgs{Args: args}
if r := fn(sa); r != nil {
return r
return sa
func (sa *SizeofArgs) GoString() string {
return sa.goString(0, "")
func (sa *SizeofArgs) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var args string
if len(sa.Args) == 0 {
args = fmt.Sprintf("%*sArgs: nil", indent+2, "")
} else {
args = fmt.Sprintf("%*sArgs:", indent+2, "")
for i, a := range sa.Args {
args += "\n"
args += a.goString(indent+4, fmt.Sprintf("%d: ", i))
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sSizeofArgs:\n%s", indent, "", field, args)
// Cast is a type cast.
type Cast struct {
func (c *Cast) print(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString("operator ")
func (c *Cast) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(c) {
func (c *Cast) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(c) {
return nil
to := c.To.Copy(fn, skip)
if to == nil {
return fn(c)
c = &Cast{To: to}
if r := fn(c); r != nil {
return r
return c
func (c *Cast) GoString() string {
return c.goString(0, "")
func (c *Cast) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sCast\n%s", indent, "", field,
c.To.goString(indent+2, "To: "))
// The parenthesize function prints the string for val, wrapped in
// parentheses if necessary.
func parenthesize(ps *printState, val AST) {
paren := false
switch v := val.(type) {
case *Name, *InitializerList, *FunctionParam:
case *Qualified:
if v.LocalName {
paren = true
paren = true
if paren {
if paren {
// Nullary is an operator in an expression with no arguments, such as
// throw.
type Nullary struct {
func (n *Nullary) print(ps *printState) {
if op, ok := n.Op.(*Operator); ok {
} else {
func (n *Nullary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(n) {
func (n *Nullary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(n) {
return nil
op := n.Op.Copy(fn, skip)
if op == nil {
return fn(n)
n = &Nullary{Op: op}
if r := fn(n); r != nil {
return r
return n
func (n *Nullary) GoString() string {
return n.goString(0, "")
func (n *Nullary) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sNullary:\n%s", indent, "", field,
n.Op.goString(indent+2, "Op: "))
// Unary is a unary operation in an expression.
type Unary struct {
Expr AST
Suffix bool // true for ++ -- when used as postfix
SizeofType bool // true for sizeof (type)
func (u *Unary) print(ps *printState) {
expr := u.Expr
// Don't print the argument list when taking the address of a
// function.
if op, ok := u.Op.(*Operator); ok && op.Name == "&" {
if t, ok := expr.(*Typed); ok {
if _, ok := t.Type.(*FunctionType); ok {
expr = t.Name
if u.Suffix {
parenthesize(ps, expr)
if op, ok := u.Op.(*Operator); ok {
} else if c, ok := u.Op.(*Cast); ok {
} else {
if !u.Suffix {
if op, ok := u.Op.(*Operator); ok && op.Name == "::" {
// Don't use parentheses after ::.
} else if u.SizeofType {
// Always use parentheses for sizeof argument.
} else {
parenthesize(ps, expr)
func (u *Unary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(u) {
func (u *Unary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(u) {
return nil
op := u.Op.Copy(fn, skip)
expr := u.Expr.Copy(fn, skip)
if op == nil && expr == nil {
return fn(u)
if op == nil {
op = u.Op
if expr == nil {
expr = u.Expr
u = &Unary{Op: op, Expr: expr, Suffix: u.Suffix, SizeofType: u.SizeofType}
if r := fn(u); r != nil {
return r
return u
func (u *Unary) GoString() string {
return u.goString(0, "")
func (u *Unary) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var s string
if u.Suffix {
s = " Suffix: true"
if u.SizeofType {
s += " SizeofType: true"
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sUnary:%s\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
s, u.Op.goString(indent+2, "Op: "),
u.Expr.goString(indent+2, "Expr: "))
// Binary is a binary operation in an expression.
type Binary struct {
Left AST
Right AST
func (b *Binary) print(ps *printState) {
op, _ := b.Op.(*Operator)
if op != nil && strings.Contains(op.Name, "cast") {
// Use an extra set of parentheses around an expression that
// uses the greater-than operator, so that it does not get
// confused with the '>' that ends template parameters.
if op != nil && op.Name == ">" {
left := b.Left
// A function call in an expression should not print the types
// of the arguments.
if op != nil && op.Name == "()" {
if ty, ok := b.Left.(*Typed); ok {
left = ty.Name
parenthesize(ps, left)
if op != nil && op.Name == "[]" {
if op != nil {
if op.Name != "()" {
} else {
parenthesize(ps, b.Right)
if op != nil && op.Name == ">" {
func (b *Binary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(b) {
func (b *Binary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(b) {
return nil
op := b.Op.Copy(fn, skip)
left := b.Left.Copy(fn, skip)
right := b.Right.Copy(fn, skip)
if op == nil && left == nil && right == nil {
return fn(b)
if op == nil {
op = b.Op
if left == nil {
left = b.Left
if right == nil {
right = b.Right
b = &Binary{Op: op, Left: left, Right: right}
if r := fn(b); r != nil {
return r
return b
func (b *Binary) GoString() string {
return b.goString(0, "")
func (b *Binary) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sBinary:\n%s\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
b.Op.goString(indent+2, "Op: "),
b.Left.goString(indent+2, "Left: "),
b.Right.goString(indent+2, "Right: "))
// Trinary is the ?: trinary operation in an expression.
type Trinary struct {
First AST
Second AST
Third AST
func (t *Trinary) print(ps *printState) {
parenthesize(ps, t.First)
parenthesize(ps, t.Second)
ps.writeString(" : ")
parenthesize(ps, t.Third)
func (t *Trinary) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(t) {
func (t *Trinary) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(t) {
return nil
op := t.Op.Copy(fn, skip)
first := t.First.Copy(fn, skip)
second := t.Second.Copy(fn, skip)
third := t.Third.Copy(fn, skip)
if op == nil && first == nil && second == nil && third == nil {
return fn(t)
if op == nil {
op = t.Op
if first == nil {
first = t.First
if second == nil {
second = t.Second
if third == nil {
third = t.Third
t = &Trinary{Op: op, First: first, Second: second, Third: third}
if r := fn(t); r != nil {
return r
return t
func (t *Trinary) GoString() string {
return t.goString(0, "")
func (t *Trinary) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sTrinary:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
t.Op.goString(indent+2, "Op: "),
t.First.goString(indent+2, "First: "),
t.Second.goString(indent+2, "Second: "),
t.Third.goString(indent+2, "Third: "))
// Fold is a C++17 fold-expression. Arg2 is nil for a unary operator.
type Fold struct {
Left bool
Arg1 AST
Arg2 AST
func (f *Fold) print(ps *printState) {
op, _ := f.Op.(*Operator)
printOp := func() {
if op != nil {
} else {
if f.Arg2 == nil {
if f.Left {
parenthesize(ps, f.Arg1)
} else {
parenthesize(ps, f.Arg1)
} else {
parenthesize(ps, f.Arg1)
parenthesize(ps, f.Arg2)
func (f *Fold) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(f) {
if f.Arg2 != nil {
func (f *Fold) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(f) {
return nil
op := f.Op.Copy(fn, skip)
arg1 := f.Arg1.Copy(fn, skip)
var arg2 AST
if f.Arg2 != nil {
arg2 = f.Arg2.Copy(fn, skip)
if op == nil && arg1 == nil && arg2 == nil {
return fn(f)
if op == nil {
op = f.Op
if arg1 == nil {
arg1 = f.Arg1
if arg2 == nil {
arg2 = f.Arg2
f = &Fold{Left: f.Left, Op: op, Arg1: arg1, Arg2: arg2}
if r := fn(f); r != nil {
return r
return f
func (f *Fold) GoString() string {
return f.goString(0, "")
func (f *Fold) goString(indent int, field string) string {
if f.Arg2 == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sFold: Left: %t\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
f.Left, f.Op.goString(indent+2, "Op: "),
f.Arg1.goString(indent+2, "Arg1: "))
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sFold: Left: %t\n%s\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
f.Left, f.Op.goString(indent+2, "Op: "),
f.Arg1.goString(indent+2, "Arg1: "),
f.Arg2.goString(indent+2, "Arg2: "))
// New is a use of operator new in an expression.
type New struct {
Place AST
Type AST
Init AST
func (n *New) print(ps *printState) {
// Op doesn't really matter for printing--we always print "new".
ps.writeString("new ")
if n.Place != nil {
parenthesize(ps, n.Place)
ps.writeByte(' ')
if n.Init != nil {
parenthesize(ps, n.Init)
func (n *New) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(n) {
if n.Place != nil {
if n.Init != nil {
func (n *New) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(n) {
return nil
op := n.Op.Copy(fn, skip)
var place AST
if n.Place != nil {
place = n.Place.Copy(fn, skip)
typ := n.Type.Copy(fn, skip)
var ini AST
if n.Init != nil {
ini = n.Init.Copy(fn, skip)
if op == nil && place == nil && typ == nil && ini == nil {
return fn(n)
if op == nil {
op = n.Op
if place == nil {
place = n.Place
if typ == nil {
typ = n.Type
if ini == nil {
ini = n.Init
n = &New{Op: op, Place: place, Type: typ, Init: ini}
if r := fn(n); r != nil {
return r
return n
func (n *New) GoString() string {
return n.goString(0, "")
func (n *New) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var place string
if n.Place == nil {
place = fmt.Sprintf("%*sPlace: nil", indent, "")
} else {
place = n.Place.goString(indent+2, "Place: ")
var ini string
if n.Init == nil {
ini = fmt.Sprintf("%*sInit: nil", indent, "")
} else {
ini = n.Init.goString(indent+2, "Init: ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sNew:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
n.Op.goString(indent+2, "Op: "), place,
n.Type.goString(indent+2, "Type: "), ini)
// Literal is a literal in an expression.
type Literal struct {
Type AST
Val string
Neg bool
// Suffixes to use for constants of the given integer type.
var builtinTypeSuffix = map[string]string{
"int": "",
"unsigned int": "u",
"long": "l",
"unsigned long": "ul",
"long long": "ll",
"unsigned long long": "ull",
// Builtin float types.
var builtinTypeFloat = map[string]bool{
"double": true,
"long double": true,
"float": true,
"__float128": true,
"half": true,
func (l *Literal) print(ps *printState) {
isFloat := false
if b, ok := l.Type.(*BuiltinType); ok {
if suffix, ok := builtinTypeSuffix[b.Name]; ok {
if l.Neg {
} else if b.Name == "bool" && !l.Neg {
switch l.Val {
case "0":
case "1":
} else {
isFloat = builtinTypeFloat[b.Name]
if isFloat {
if l.Neg {
if isFloat {
func (l *Literal) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(l) {
func (l *Literal) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(l) {
return nil
typ := l.Type.Copy(fn, skip)
if typ == nil {
return fn(l)
l = &Literal{Type: typ, Val: l.Val, Neg: l.Neg}
if r := fn(l); r != nil {
return r
return l
func (l *Literal) GoString() string {
return l.goString(0, "")
func (l *Literal) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var neg string
if l.Neg {
neg = " Neg: true"
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sLiteral:%s\n%s\n%*sVal: %s", indent, "", field,
neg, l.Type.goString(indent+2, "Type: "),
indent+2, "", l.Val)
// ExprList is a list of expressions, typically arguments to a
// function call in an expression.
type ExprList struct {
Exprs []AST
func (el *ExprList) print(ps *printState) {
for i, e := range el.Exprs {
if i > 0 {
ps.writeString(", ")
func (el *ExprList) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(el) {
for _, e := range el.Exprs {
func (el *ExprList) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(el) {
return nil
exprs := make([]AST, len(el.Exprs))
changed := false
for i, e := range el.Exprs {
ec := e.Copy(fn, skip)
if ec == nil {
exprs[i] = e
} else {
exprs[i] = ec
changed = true
if !changed {
return fn(el)
el = &ExprList{Exprs: exprs}
if r := fn(el); r != nil {
return r
return el
func (el *ExprList) GoString() string {
return el.goString(0, "")
func (el *ExprList) goString(indent int, field string) string {
if len(el.Exprs) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sExprList: nil", indent, "", field)
s := fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sExprList:", indent, "", field)
for i, e := range el.Exprs {
s += "\n"
s += e.goString(indent+2, fmt.Sprintf("%d: ", i))
return s
// InitializerList is an initializer list: an optional type with a
// list of expressions.
type InitializerList struct {
Type AST
Exprs AST
func (il *InitializerList) print(ps *printState) {
if il.Type != nil {
func (il *InitializerList) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(il) {
if il.Type != nil {
func (il *InitializerList) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(il) {
return nil
var typ AST
if il.Type != nil {
typ = il.Type.Copy(fn, skip)
exprs := il.Exprs.Copy(fn, skip)
if typ == nil && exprs == nil {
return fn(il)
if typ == nil {
typ = il.Type
if exprs == nil {
exprs = il.Exprs
il = &InitializerList{Type: typ, Exprs: exprs}
if r := fn(il); r != nil {
return r
return il
func (il *InitializerList) GoString() string {
return il.goString(0, "")
func (il *InitializerList) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var t string
if il.Type == nil {
t = fmt.Sprintf("%*sType: nil", indent+2, "")
} else {
t = il.Type.goString(indent+2, "Type: ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sInitializerList:\n%s\n%s", indent, "", field,
t, il.Exprs.goString(indent+2, "Exprs: "))
// DefaultArg holds a default argument for a local name.
type DefaultArg struct {
Num int
func (da *DefaultArg) print(ps *printState) {
fmt.Fprintf(&ps.buf, "{default arg#%d}::", da.Num+1)
func (da *DefaultArg) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(da) {
func (da *DefaultArg) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(da) {
return nil
arg := da.Arg.Copy(fn, skip)
if arg == nil {
return fn(da)
da = &DefaultArg{Num: da.Num, Arg: arg}
if r := fn(da); r != nil {
return r
return da
func (da *DefaultArg) GoString() string {
return da.goString(0, "")
func (da *DefaultArg) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sDefaultArg: Num: %d\n%s", indent, "", field, da.Num,
da.Arg.goString(indent+2, "Arg: "))
// Closure is a closure, or lambda expression.
type Closure struct {
Types []AST
Num int
func (cl *Closure) print(ps *printState) {
for i, t := range cl.Types {
if i > 0 {
ps.writeString(", ")
ps.writeString(fmt.Sprintf(")#%d}", cl.Num+1))
func (cl *Closure) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(cl) {
for _, t := range cl.Types {
func (cl *Closure) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(cl) {
return nil
types := make([]AST, len(cl.Types))
changed := false
for i, t := range cl.Types {
tc := t.Copy(fn, skip)
if tc == nil {
types[i] = t
} else {
types[i] = tc
changed = true
if !changed {
return fn(cl)
cl = &Closure{Types: types, Num: cl.Num}
if r := fn(cl); r != nil {
return r
return cl
func (cl *Closure) GoString() string {
return cl.goString(0, "")
func (cl *Closure) goString(indent int, field string) string {
var types string
if len(cl.Types) == 0 {
types = fmt.Sprintf("%*sTypes: nil", indent+2, "")
} else {
types = fmt.Sprintf("%*sTypes:", indent+2, "")
for i, t := range cl.Types {
types += "\n"
types += t.goString(indent+4, fmt.Sprintf("%d: ", i))
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sClosure: Num: %d\n%s", indent, "", field, cl.Num, types)
// UnnamedType is an unnamed type, that just has an index.
type UnnamedType struct {
Num int
func (ut *UnnamedType) print(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString(fmt.Sprintf("{unnamed type#%d}", ut.Num+1))
func (ut *UnnamedType) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
func (ut *UnnamedType) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(ut) {
return nil
return fn(ut)
func (ut *UnnamedType) GoString() string {
return ut.goString(0, "")
func (ut *UnnamedType) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sUnnamedType: Num: %d", indent, "", field, ut.Num)
// Clone is a clone of a function, with a distinguishing suffix.
type Clone struct {
Base AST
Suffix string
func (c *Clone) print(ps *printState) {
ps.writeString(fmt.Sprintf(" [clone %s]", c.Suffix))
func (c *Clone) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(c) {
func (c *Clone) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(c) {
return nil
base := c.Base.Copy(fn, skip)
if base == nil {
return fn(c)
c = &Clone{Base: base, Suffix: c.Suffix}
if r := fn(c); r != nil {
return r
return c
func (c *Clone) GoString() string {
return c.goString(0, "")
func (c *Clone) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sClone: Suffix: %s\n%s", indent, "", field,
c.Suffix, c.Base.goString(indent+2, "Base: "))
// Special is a special symbol, printed as a prefix plus another
// value.
type Special struct {
Prefix string
func (s *Special) print(ps *printState) {
func (s *Special) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(s) {
func (s *Special) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(s) {
return nil
val := s.Val.Copy(fn, skip)
if val == nil {
return fn(s)
s = &Special{Prefix: s.Prefix, Val: val}
if r := fn(s); r != nil {
return r
return s
func (s *Special) GoString() string {
return s.goString(0, "")
func (s *Special) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sSpecial: Prefix: %s\n%s", indent, "", field,
s.Prefix, s.Val.goString(indent+2, "Val: "))
// Special2 is like special, but uses two values.
type Special2 struct {
Prefix string
Val1 AST
Middle string
Val2 AST
func (s *Special2) print(ps *printState) {
func (s *Special2) Traverse(fn func(AST) bool) {
if fn(s) {
func (s *Special2) Copy(fn func(AST) AST, skip func(AST) bool) AST {
if skip(s) {
return nil
val1 := s.Val1.Copy(fn, skip)
val2 := s.Val2.Copy(fn, skip)
if val1 == nil && val2 == nil {
return fn(s)
if val1 == nil {
val1 = s.Val1
if val2 == nil {
val2 = s.Val2
s = &Special2{Prefix: s.Prefix, Val1: val1, Middle: s.Middle, Val2: val2}
if r := fn(s); r != nil {
return r
return s
func (s *Special2) GoString() string {
return s.goString(0, "")
func (s *Special2) goString(indent int, field string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%*s%sSpecial2: Prefix: %s\n%s\n%*sMiddle: %s\n%s", indent, "", field,
s.Prefix, s.Val1.goString(indent+2, "Val1: "),
indent+2, "", s.Middle, s.Val2.goString(indent+2, "Val2: "))
// Print the inner types.
func (ps *printState) printInner(prefixOnly bool) []AST {
var save []AST
var psave *[]AST
if prefixOnly {
psave = &save
for len(ps.inner) > 0 {
return save
// innerPrinter is an interface for types that can print themselves as
// inner types.
type innerPrinter interface {
// Print the most recent inner type. If save is not nil, only print
// prefixes.
func (ps *printState) printOneInner(save *[]AST) {
if len(ps.inner) == 0 {
panic("printOneInner called with no inner types")
ln := len(ps.inner)
a := ps.inner[ln-1]
ps.inner = ps.inner[:ln-1]
if save != nil {
if _, ok := a.(*MethodWithQualifiers); ok {
*save = append(*save, a)
if ip, ok := a.(innerPrinter); ok {
} else {
// isEmpty returns whether printing a will not print anything.
func (ps *printState) isEmpty(a AST) bool {
switch a := a.(type) {
case *ArgumentPack:
return len(a.Args) == 0
case *ExprList:
return len(a.Exprs) == 0
case *PackExpansion:
return a.Pack != nil && ps.isEmpty(a.Base)
return false