blob: 70b32041f03e3414d9e6240584ecd461b4c817fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build aetest
package dash
import (
func TestBisectCause(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
// No repro - no bisection.
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// Now upload 4 crashes with repros.
crash2 := testCrashWithRepro(build, 2)
msg2 := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
// This is later, so will be bisected before the previous crash.
crash3 := testCrashWithRepro(build, 3)
// This does not have C repro, so will be bisected after the previous ones.
crash4 := testCrashWithRepro(build, 4)
crash4.Title = "skip reporting2 with repro"
crash4.ReproC = nil
msg4 := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
// This is from a different manager, so won't be bisected.
build2 := testBuild(2)
crash5 := testCrashWithRepro(build2, 5)
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectNE(pollResp.ID, "")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Manager, build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelConfig, build.KernelConfig)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.SyzkallerCommit, build.SyzkallerCommit)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproOpts, []byte("repro opts 3"))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproSyz, []byte("syncfs(3)"))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproC, []byte("int main() { return 3; }"))
// Since we did not reply, we should get the same response.
c.advanceTime(5 * 24 * time.Hour)
pollResp2 := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp, pollResp2)
// Bisection failed with an error.
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Log: []byte("bisect log 3"),
Error: []byte("bisect error 3"),
// Now we should get bisect for crash 2.
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectNE(pollResp.ID, pollResp2.ID)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproOpts, []byte("repro opts 2"))
// Bisection succeeded.
jobID := pollResp.ID
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: jobID,
Build: *build,
Log: []byte("bisect log 2"),
CrashTitle: "bisect crash title",
CrashLog: []byte("bisect crash log"),
CrashReport: []byte("bisect crash report"),
Commits: []dashapi.Commit{
Hash: "36e65cb4a0448942ec316b24d60446bbd5cc7827",
Title: "kernel: add a bug",
Author: "",
AuthorName: "Author Kernelov",
CC: []string{
"", "\"Reviewer2\" <>",
// These must be filtered out:
"\"syzbot\" <>",
Date: time.Date(2000, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC),
done.Build.ID = jobID
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg2.Sender)
_, dbCrash, _ := c.loadBug(extBugID)
reproSyzLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproSyz, dbCrash.ReproSyz)
reproCLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproC, dbCrash.ReproC)
dbJob, dbBuild, dbJobCrash := c.loadJob(jobID)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
bisectCrashReportLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashReport, dbJob.CrashReport)
bisectCrashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbJob.CrashLog)
bisectLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textLog, dbJob.Log)
crashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbJobCrash.Log)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
// Not mailed to commit author/cc because !MailMaintainers.
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{""})
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash2.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`syzbot has bisected this bug to:
commit 36e65cb4a0448942ec316b24d60446bbd5cc7827
Author: Author Kernelov <>
Date: Wed Feb 9 04:05:06 2000 +0000
kernel: add a bug
bisection log: %[2]v
start commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
final crash: %[3]v
console output: %[4]v
kernel config: %[5]v
dashboard link:[1]v
syz repro: %[6]v
C reproducer: %[7]v
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]
Fixes: 36e65cb4a044 ("kernel: add a bug")
`, extBugID, bisectLogLink, bisectCrashReportLink, bisectCrashLogLink, kernelConfigLink, reproSyzLink, reproCLink))
syzRepro := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s\n%s", syzReproPrefix, crash2.ReproOpts, crash2.ReproSyz))
c.checkURLContents(bisectLogLink, []byte("bisect log 2"))
c.checkURLContents(bisectCrashReportLink, []byte("bisect crash report"))
c.checkURLContents(bisectCrashLogLink, []byte("bisect crash log"))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, []byte("config1"))
c.checkURLContents(reproSyzLink, syzRepro)
c.checkURLContents(reproCLink, crash2.ReproC)
// The next reporting must get bug report with bisection results.
c.incomingEmail(msg2.Sender, "#syz upstream")
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
_, extBugID2, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash2.Title)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot found the following crash on:
HEAD commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
console output: %[2]v
kernel config: %[3]v
dashboard link:[1]v
compiler: compiler1
syz repro: %[4]v
C reproducer: %[5]v
CC: []
The bug was bisected to:
commit 36e65cb4a0448942ec316b24d60446bbd5cc7827
Author: Author Kernelov <>
Date: Wed Feb 9 04:05:06 2000 +0000
kernel: add a bug
bisection log: %[6]v
final crash: %[7]v
console output: %[8]v
IMPORTANT: if you fix the bug, please add the following tag to the commit:
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]
Fixes: 36e65cb4a044 ("kernel: add a bug")
This bug is generated by a bot. It may contain errors.
See for more information about syzbot.
syzbot engineers can be reached at
syzbot will keep track of this bug report. See: for how to communicate with syzbot.
syzbot can test patches for this bug, for details see:`,
extBugID2, crashLogLink, kernelConfigLink, reproSyzLink, reproCLink,
bisectLogLink, bisectCrashReportLink, bisectCrashLogLink))
// Crash 4 is bisected in reporting with MailMaintainers.
// It also skipped second reporting because of the title.
c.incomingEmail(msg4.Sender, "#syz upstream")
msg4 = c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg4.To, []string{
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
// Bisection succeeded.
jobID = pollResp.ID
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: jobID,
Build: *build,
Log: []byte("bisect log 4"),
CrashTitle: "bisect crash title 4",
CrashLog: []byte("bisect crash log 4"),
CrashReport: []byte("bisect crash report 4"),
Commits: []dashapi.Commit{
Hash: "36e65cb4a0448942ec316b24d60446bbd5cc7827",
Title: "kernel: add a bug",
Author: "",
AuthorName: "Author Kernelov",
CC: []string{
"", "\"Reviewer2\" <>",
// These must be filtered out:
"\"syzbot\" <>",
Date: time.Date(2000, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC),
done.Build.ID = jobID
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash4.Title)
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{
// No more bisection jobs.
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
func TestBisectCauseInconclusive(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
jobID := pollResp.ID
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: jobID,
Build: *build,
Log: []byte("bisect log"),
Commits: []dashapi.Commit{
Hash: "111111111111111111111111",
Title: "kernel: break build",
Author: "",
AuthorName: "Hacker Kernelov",
CC: []string{"", ""},
Date: time.Date(2000, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC),
Hash: "222222222222222222222222",
Title: "kernel: now add a bug to the broken build",
Author: "",
AuthorName: "Author Kernelov",
CC: []string{"", ""},
Date: time.Date(2001, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC),
done.Build.ID = jobID
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
_, dbCrash, _ := c.loadBug(extBugID)
reproSyzLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproSyz, dbCrash.ReproSyz)
reproCLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproC, dbCrash.ReproC)
dbJob, dbBuild, dbJobCrash := c.loadJob(jobID)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
bisectLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textLog, dbJob.Log)
crashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbJobCrash.Log)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
// Not mailed to commit author/cc because !MailMaintainers.
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{""})
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Bisection is inconclusive: the first bad commit could be any of:
11111111 kernel: break build
22222222 kernel: now add a bug to the broken build
bisection log: %[2]v
start commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
kernel config: %[3]v
dashboard link:[1]v
syz repro: %[4]v
C reproducer: %[5]v
`, extBugID, bisectLogLink, kernelConfigLink, reproSyzLink, reproCLink))
// The next reporting must get bug report with bisection results.
c.incomingEmail(msg.Sender, "#syz upstream")
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
_, extBugID2, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot found the following crash on:
HEAD commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
console output: %[2]v
kernel config: %[3]v
dashboard link:[1]v
compiler: compiler1
syz repro: %[4]v
C reproducer: %[5]v
Bisection is inconclusive: the first bad commit could be any of:
11111111 kernel: break build
22222222 kernel: now add a bug to the broken build
bisection log: %[6]v
IMPORTANT: if you fix the bug, please add the following tag to the commit:
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]
This bug is generated by a bot. It may contain errors.
See for more information about syzbot.
syzbot engineers can be reached at
syzbot will keep track of this bug report. See: for how to communicate with syzbot.
syzbot can test patches for this bug, for details see:`,
extBugID2, crashLogLink, kernelConfigLink, reproSyzLink, reproCLink, bisectLogLink))
func TestBisectCauseAncient(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
jobID := pollResp.ID
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: jobID,
Build: *build,
Log: []byte("bisect log"),
CrashTitle: "bisect crash title",
CrashLog: []byte("bisect crash log"),
CrashReport: []byte("bisect crash report"),
done.Build.ID = jobID
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
_, dbCrash, _ := c.loadBug(extBugID)
reproSyzLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproSyz, dbCrash.ReproSyz)
reproCLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproC, dbCrash.ReproC)
dbJob, dbBuild, dbJobCrash := c.loadJob(jobID)
bisectCrashReportLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashReport, dbJob.CrashReport)
bisectCrashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbJob.CrashLog)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
bisectLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textLog, dbJob.Log)
crashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbJobCrash.Log)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
// Not mailed to commit author/cc because !MailMaintainers.
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{""})
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Bisection is inconclusive: the bug happens on the oldest tested release.
bisection log: %[2]v
start commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
final crash: %[3]v
console output: %[4]v
kernel config: %[5]v
dashboard link:[1]v
syz repro: %[6]v
C reproducer: %[7]v
`, extBugID, bisectLogLink, bisectCrashReportLink, bisectCrashLogLink,
kernelConfigLink, reproSyzLink, reproCLink))
// The next reporting must get bug report with bisection results.
c.incomingEmail(msg.Sender, "#syz upstream")
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
_, extBugID2, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot found the following crash on:
HEAD commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
console output: %[2]v
kernel config: %[3]v
dashboard link:[1]v
compiler: compiler1
syz repro: %[4]v
C reproducer: %[5]v
Bisection is inconclusive: the bug happens on the oldest tested release.
bisection log: %[6]v
final crash: %[7]v
console output: %[8]v
IMPORTANT: if you fix the bug, please add the following tag to the commit:
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]
This bug is generated by a bot. It may contain errors.
See for more information about syzbot.
syzbot engineers can be reached at
syzbot will keep track of this bug report. See: for how to communicate with syzbot.
syzbot can test patches for this bug, for details see:`,
extBugID2, crashLogLink, kernelConfigLink, reproSyzLink, reproCLink,
bisectLogLink, bisectCrashReportLink, bisectCrashLogLink))
func TestBisectCauseExternal(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
rep := c.client.pollBug()
pollResp := c.client.pollJobs(build.Manager)
jobID := pollResp.ID
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: jobID,
Build: *build,
Log: []byte("bisect log"),
Commits: []dashapi.Commit{
Hash: "111111111111111111111111",
Title: "kernel: break build",
Author: "",
AuthorName: "Hacker Kernelov",
CC: []string{"", ""},
Date: time.Date(2000, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC),
done.Build.ID = jobID
resp, _ := c.client.ReportingPollBugs("test")
c.expectEQ(len(resp.Reports), 1)
// Still reported because we did not ack.
bisect := c.client.pollBug()
// pollBug acks, must not be reported after that.
c.expectEQ(bisect.Type, dashapi.ReportBisectCause)
c.expectEQ(bisect.Title, rep.Title)