blob: cafef6bd2ab154027de797ee1171d528305fd425 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package report
import (
type fuchsia struct {
obj string
ignores []*regexp.Regexp
var (
zirconRIP = regexp.MustCompile(` RIP: (0x[0-9a-f]+) `)
zirconBT = regexp.MustCompile(`^bt#[0-9]+: (0x[0-9a-f]+)`)
zirconReportEnd = []byte("Halted")
zirconAssertFailed = []byte("ASSERT FAILED at")
zirconLinePrefix = regexp.MustCompile(`^\[\d+\.\d+\] \d+\.\d+> `)
zirconUnrelated = []*regexp.Regexp{
regexp.MustCompile(`stopping other cpus`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^halting cpu`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^dso: `),
regexp.MustCompile(`^UPTIME: `),
regexp.MustCompile(`^BUILDID `),
func ctorFuchsia(target *targets.Target, kernelSrc, kernelObj string,
ignores []*regexp.Regexp) (Reporter, []string, error) {
ctx := &fuchsia{
ignores: ignores,
if kernelObj != "" {
ctx.obj = filepath.Join(kernelObj, target.KernelObject)
suppressions := []string{
"fatal exception: process /tmp/syz-fuzzer", // OOM presumably
return ctx, suppressions, nil
func (ctx *fuchsia) ContainsCrash(output []byte) bool {
return containsCrash(output, zirconOopses, ctx.ignores)
func (ctx *fuchsia) Parse(output []byte) *Report {
// We symbolize here because zircon output does not contain even function names.
symbolized := ctx.symbolize(output)
rep := simpleLineParser(symbolized, zirconOopses, zirconStackParams, ctx.ignores)
if rep == nil {
return nil
rep.Output = output
if report := ctx.shortenReport(rep.Report); len(report) != 0 {
rep.Report = report
return rep
func (ctx *fuchsia) shortenReport(report []byte) []byte {
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
for s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(report)); s.Scan(); {
line := zirconLinePrefix.ReplaceAll(s.Bytes(), nil)
if matchesAny(line, zirconUnrelated) {
if bytes.Contains(line, zirconReportEnd) {
return out.Bytes()
func (ctx *fuchsia) symbolize(output []byte) []byte {
symb := symbolizer.NewSymbolizer()
defer symb.Close()
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
for s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(output)); s.Scan(); {
line := s.Bytes()
if bytes.Contains(line, zirconAssertFailed) && len(line) == 127 {
// This is super hacky: but zircon splits the most important information in long assert lines
// (and they are always long) into several lines in irreversible way. Try to restore full line.
line = append([]byte{}, line...)
if s.Scan() {
line = append(line, s.Bytes()...)
if ctx.obj != "" {
if match := zirconRIP.FindSubmatchIndex(line); match != nil {
if ctx.processPC(out, symb, line, match, false) {
} else if match := zirconBT.FindSubmatchIndex(line); match != nil {
if ctx.processPC(out, symb, line, match, true) {
return out.Bytes()
func (ctx *fuchsia) processPC(out *bytes.Buffer, symb *symbolizer.Symbolizer,
line []byte, match []int, call bool) bool {
prefix := line[match[0]:match[1]]
pcStart := match[2] - match[0]
pcEnd := match[3] - match[0]
pcStr := prefix[pcStart:pcEnd]
pc, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(pcStr), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
return false
shortPC := pc & 0xfffffff
pc = 0xffffffff80000000 | shortPC
if call {
frames, err := symb.Symbolize(ctx.obj, pc)
if err != nil || len(frames) == 0 {
return false
for _, frame := range frames {
file := ctx.trimFile(frame.File)
name := demangle.Filter(frame.Func, demangle.NoParams, demangle.NoTemplateParams)
if strings.Contains(name, "<lambda(") {
// demangle produces super long (full) names for lambdas.
name = "lambda"
id := "[ inline ]"
if !frame.Inline {
id = fmt.Sprintf("0x%08x", shortPC)
start := replace(append([]byte{}, prefix...), pcStart, pcEnd, []byte(id))
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s %v %v:%v\n", start, name, file, frame.Line)
return true
func (ctx *fuchsia) trimFile(file string) string {
const (
prefix1 = "zircon/kernel/"
prefix2 = "zircon/"
if pos := strings.LastIndex(file, prefix1); pos != -1 {
return file[pos+len(prefix1):]
if pos := strings.LastIndex(file, prefix2); pos != -1 {
return file[pos+len(prefix2):]
return file
func (ctx *fuchsia) Symbolize(rep *Report) error {
// We symbolize in Parse because zircon stacktraces don't contain even function names.
return nil
var zirconStackParams = &stackParams{
frameRes: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile(` RIP: 0x[0-9a-f]{8} +([a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+)`),
compile(` RIP: \[ inline \] +([a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+)`),
compile(`^bt#[0-9]+: 0x[0-9a-f]{8} +([a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+)`),
compile(`^bt#[0-9]+: \[ inline \] +([a-zA-Z0-9_:~]+)`),
skipPatterns: []string{
var zirconOopses = []*oops{
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC(?:.*\\n)+?.*ASSERT FAILED(?:.*\\n)+?.*bt#00:"),
fmt: "ASSERT FAILED in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
// Some debug asserts don't contain stack trace.
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC(?:.*\\n)+?.*ASSERT FAILED at \\(.+?\\): (.*)"),
fmt: "ASSERT FAILED: %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC(?:.*\\n)+?.*double fault, halting(?:.*\\n)+?.*bt#00:"),
fmt: "double fault in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
// Some double faults don't contain stack trace.
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC(?:.*\\n)+?.*double fault, halting"),
fmt: "double fault",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC(?:.*\\n)+?.*Supervisor Page Fault exception, halting"),
fmt: "Supervisor Fault in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC(?:.*\\n)+?.*recursion in interrupt handler"),
fmt: "recursion in interrupt handler in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC(?:.*\\n)+?.*KVM internal error"),
fmt: "KVM internal error",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC"),
fmt: "KERNEL PANIC in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("recursion in interrupt handler"),
title: compile("recursion in interrupt handler(?:.*\\n)+?.*(?:bt#00:|RIP:)"),
fmt: "recursion in interrupt handler in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("recursion in interrupt handler"),
fmt: "recursion in interrupt handler",
noStackTrace: true,
// We should detect just "stopping other cpus" as some kernel crash rather then as "lost connection",
// but if we add oops for "stopping other cpus", then it will interfere with other formats,
// because "stopping other cpus" usually goes after "ZIRCON KERNEL PANIC", but sometimes before. Mess.
// []byte("stopping other cpus"),
[]byte("welcome to Zircon"),
title: compile("welcome to Zircon"),
fmt: UnexpectedKernelReboot,
noStackTrace: true,
[]byte("KVM internal error"),
title: compile("KVM internal error"),
fmt: "KVM internal error",
noStackTrace: true,
[]byte("<== fatal exception"),
title: compile("<== fatal exception"),
report: compile("<== fatal exception: process ([a-zA-Z0-9_/-]+)"),
fmt: "fatal exception in %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
compile("<== fatal exception: process .+?syz.+?\\["),
// Panics in Go services.
[]byte("panic: "),
title: compile("panic: .*"),
report: compile("panic: (.*)(?:.*\\n)+?.* goroutine"),
fmt: "panic: %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,