blob: 8d97be1744d3ee1faba5d32c49f6fa0baf34c890 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package build
import (
type gvisor struct{}
func (gvisor gvisor) build(params *Params) error {
// Bring down bazel daemon right away. We don't need it running and consuming memory.
defer osutil.RunCmd(10*time.Minute, params.KernelDir, params.Compiler, "shutdown")
outBinary := ""
args := []string{"build", "--verbose_failures"}
if strings.Contains(" "+string(params.Config)+" ", " -race ") {
args = append(args, "--features=race", "//runsc:runsc-race")
outBinary = "bazel-bin/runsc/linux_amd64_static_race_stripped/runsc-race"
} else {
args = append(args, "//runsc:runsc")
outBinary = "bazel-bin/runsc/linux_amd64_pure_stripped/runsc"
outBinary = filepath.Join(params.KernelDir, filepath.FromSlash(outBinary))
// The 1 hour timeout is quite high. But we've seen false positives with 20 mins
// on the first build after bazel/deps update. Also other gvisor instances running
// on the same machine contribute to longer build times.
if _, err := osutil.RunCmd(60*time.Minute, params.KernelDir, params.Compiler, args...); err != nil {
return err
if err := osutil.CopyFile(outBinary, filepath.Join(params.OutputDir, "image")); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gvisor) clean(kernelDir, targetArch string) error {
// Let's assume that bazel always properly handles build without cleaning (until proven otherwise).
return nil