blob: 72e12fbe34f267e3aa6b9c0f86d61ccf5b7cf7ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bisect
import (
// testEnv will implement instance.BuilderTester. This allows us to
// set bisect.env.inst to a testEnv object.
type testEnv struct {
repo *vcs.TestRepo
r vcs.Repo
t *testing.T
fix bool
brokenStart float64
brokenEnd float64
culprit float64
func (env *testEnv) BuildSyzkaller(repo, commit string) error {
return nil
func (env *testEnv) BuildKernel(compilerBin, userspaceDir, cmdlineFile, sysctlFile string,
kernelConfig []byte) (string, error) {
return "", nil
func crashErrors(num int, title string) []error {
var errors []error
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
errors = append(errors, &instance.CrashError{
Report: &report.Report{
Title: fmt.Sprintf("crashes at %v", title),
return errors
func nilErrors(num int) []error {
var errors []error
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
errors = append(errors, nil)
return errors
func (env *testEnv) Test(numVMs int, reproSyz, reproOpts, reproC []byte) ([]error, error) {
hc, err := env.r.HeadCommit()
if err != nil {
commit, err := strconv.ParseFloat(hc.Title, 64)
if err != nil {
env.t.Fatalf("invalid commit title: %v", hc.Title)
var e error
var res []error
if commit >= env.brokenStart && commit <= env.brokenEnd {
e = fmt.Errorf("broken build")
} else if commit < env.culprit && !env.fix || commit >= env.culprit && env.fix {
res = nilErrors(numVMs)
} else {
res = crashErrors(numVMs, "crash occurs")
return res, e
type Ctx struct {
t *testing.T
baseDir string
repo *vcs.TestRepo
r vcs.Repo
cfg *Config
inst *testEnv
originRepo *vcs.TestRepo
func NewCtx(t *testing.T, fix bool, brokenStart, brokenEnd, culprit float64, commit string) *Ctx {
baseDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "syz-git-test")
if err != nil {
originRepo := vcs.CreateTestRepo(t, baseDir, "originRepo")
for rv := 4; rv < 10; rv++ {
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
originRepo.CommitChange(fmt.Sprintf("%v", rv*100+i))
if i == 0 {
originRepo.SetTag(fmt.Sprintf("v%v.0", rv))
if !originRepo.SupportsBisection() {
t.Skip("bisection is unsupported by git (probably too old version)")
repo := vcs.CloneTestRepo(t, baseDir, "repo", originRepo)
r, err := vcs.NewRepo("test", "64", repo.Dir)
if err != nil {
sc, err := r.GetCommitByTitle(commit)
if err != nil {
cfg := &Config{
Fix: fix,
Trace: new(bytes.Buffer),
Manager: mgrconfig.Config{
TargetOS: "test",
TargetVMArch: "64",
Type: "qemu",
KernelSrc: repo.Dir,
Kernel: KernelConfig{
Repo: originRepo.Dir,
Commit: sc.Hash,
inst := &testEnv{
repo: repo,
r: r,
t: t,
fix: fix,
brokenStart: brokenStart,
brokenEnd: brokenEnd,
culprit: culprit,
c := &Ctx{
t: t,
baseDir: baseDir,
repo: repo,
r: r,
cfg: cfg,
inst: inst,
originRepo: originRepo,
return c
type BisectionTests struct {
// input environment
name string
fix bool
startCommit string
brokenStart float64
brokenEnd float64
// expected output
errIsNil bool
commitLen int
repIsNil bool
oldestLatest string
// input and output
culprit float64
func TestBisectionResults(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []BisectionTests{
// Tests that bisection returns the correct cause commit.
name: "bisect cause finds cause",
fix: false,
startCommit: "905",
brokenStart: math.Inf(0),
brokenEnd: 0,
errIsNil: true,
commitLen: 1,
repIsNil: false,
culprit: 602,
// Tests that cause bisection returns error when crash does not reproduce
// on the original commit.
name: "bisect cause does not repro",
fix: false,
startCommit: "400",
brokenStart: math.Inf(0),
brokenEnd: 0,
errIsNil: false,
commitLen: 0,
repIsNil: true,
culprit: math.Inf(0),
// Tests that no commits are returned when crash occurs on oldest commit
// for cause bisection.
name: "bisect cause crashes oldest",
fix: false,
startCommit: "905",
brokenStart: math.Inf(0),
brokenEnd: 0,
errIsNil: true,
commitLen: 0,
repIsNil: false,
culprit: 0,
oldestLatest: "400",
// Tests that more than 1 commit is returned when cause bisection is
// inconclusive.
name: "bisect cause inconclusive",
fix: false,
startCommit: "802",
brokenStart: 500,
brokenEnd: 700,
errIsNil: true,
commitLen: 14,
repIsNil: true,
culprit: 605,
// Tests that bisection returns the correct fix commit.
name: "bisect fix finds fix",
fix: true,
startCommit: "400",
brokenStart: math.Inf(0),
brokenEnd: 0,
errIsNil: true,
commitLen: 1,
repIsNil: true,
culprit: 500,
// Tests that fix bisection returns error when crash does not reproduce
// on the original commit.
name: "bisect fix does not repro",
fix: true,
startCommit: "905",
brokenStart: math.Inf(0),
brokenEnd: 0,
errIsNil: false,
commitLen: 0,
repIsNil: true,
culprit: 0,
// Tests that no commits are returned when crash occurs on HEAD
// for fix bisection.
name: "bisect fix crashes HEAD",
fix: true,
startCommit: "400",
brokenStart: math.Inf(0),
brokenEnd: 0,
errIsNil: true,
commitLen: 0,
repIsNil: false,
culprit: 1000,
oldestLatest: "905",
// Tests that more than 1 commit is returned when fix bisection is
// inconclusive.
name: "bisect fix inconclusive",
fix: true,
startCommit: "400",
brokenStart: 500,
brokenEnd: 600,
errIsNil: true,
commitLen: 8,
repIsNil: true,
culprit: 501,
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v",, func(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t, test.fix, test.brokenStart, test.brokenEnd, test.culprit, test.startCommit)
defer os.RemoveAll(c.baseDir)
commits, rep, com, err := runImpl(c.cfg, c.r, c.r.(vcs.Bisecter), c.inst)
if test.errIsNil && err != nil || !test.errIsNil && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("returned error: '%v'", err)
if len(commits) != test.commitLen {
t.Fatalf("expected %d commits got %d commits", test.commitLen, len(commits))
expectedTitle := fmt.Sprintf("%v", test.culprit)
if len(commits) == 1 && expectedTitle != commits[0].Title {
t.Fatalf("expected commit '%v' got '%v'", expectedTitle, commits[0].Title)
if test.repIsNil && rep != nil || !test.repIsNil && rep == nil {
t.Fatalf("returned rep: '%v'", err)
if test.oldestLatest != "" && test.oldestLatest != com.Title ||
test.oldestLatest == "" && com != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected latest/oldest: '%v' got '%v'", test.oldestLatest, com.Title)