blob: 7966c0228b5ecbf2e7aec2d75e00000f92e0092e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build aetest
package dash
import (
db ""
func TestJob(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
patch := `--- a/mm/kasan/kasan.c
+++ b/mm/kasan/kasan.c
- current->kasan_depth++;
+ current->kasan_depth--;
// Report crash without repro, check that test requests are not accepted.
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.Maintainers = []string{""}
sender := c.pollEmailBug().Sender
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz upstream\n")
sender = c.pollEmailBug().Sender
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(sender)
mailingList := config.Namespaces["test2"].Reporting[1].Config.(*EmailConfig).Email
c.incomingEmail(sender, "bla-bla-bla", EmailOptFrom(""),
EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList, "kernel@mailing.list"}))
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body := c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "This crash does not have a reproducer"), true)
// Report crash with repro.
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("repro opts")
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("repro syz")
crash.ReproC = []byte("repro C")
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "syzbot has found a reproducer"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: repo",
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "want 2 args"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: repo branch commit",
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "want 2 args"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: repo branch",
EmailOptFrom(""), EmailOptCC([]string{mailingList}))
body = c.pollEmailBug().Body
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains(body, "does not look like a valid git repo"), true)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptFrom("\"foo\" <blAcklisteD@dOmain.COM>"))
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// This submits actual test request.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptMessageID(1), EmailOptFrom(""),
// A dup of the same request with the same Message-ID.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch,
EmailOptMessageID(1), EmailOptFrom(""),
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs("foobar")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectNE(pollResp.ID, "")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Manager, build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelRepo, "git://git.git/git.git")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelBranch, "kernel-branch")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelConfig, build.KernelConfig)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.SyzkallerCommit, build.SyzkallerCommit)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Patch, []byte(patch))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproOpts, []byte("repro opts"))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproSyz, []byte("repro syz"))
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ReproC, []byte("repro C"))
pollResp2 := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp2, pollResp)
jobDoneReq := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
CrashTitle: "test crash title",
CrashLog: []byte("test crash log"),
CrashReport: []byte("test crash report"),
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
logLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbJob.CrashLog)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
to := email.MergeEmailLists([]string{"", "", mailingList})
c.expectEQ(msg.To, to)
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "Re: "+crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot has tested the proposed patch but the reproducer still triggered crash:
test crash title
test crash report
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
console output: %[3]v
kernel config: %[2]v
dashboard link:[4]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[1]v
`, patchLink, kernelConfigLink, logLink, extBugID))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
c.checkURLContents(logLink, jobDoneReq.CrashLog)
// Testing fails with an error.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch, EmailOptMessageID(2))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
jobDoneReq = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
Error: []byte("failed to apply patch"),
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot tried to test the proposed patch but build/boot failed:
failed to apply patch
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
kernel config: %[2]v
dashboard link:[3]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[1]v
`, patchLink, kernelConfigLink, extBugID))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
// Testing fails with a huge error that can't be inlined in email.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch, EmailOptMessageID(3))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
jobDoneReq = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
Error: bytes.Repeat([]byte{'a', 'b', 'c'}, (maxInlineError+100)/3),
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
errorLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textError, dbJob.Error)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
truncatedError := string(jobDoneReq.Error[len(jobDoneReq.Error)-maxInlineError:])
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot tried to test the proposed patch but build/boot failed:
Error text is too large and was truncated, full error text is at:
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
kernel config: %[4]v
dashboard link:[5]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[3]v
`, truncatedError, errorLink, patchLink, kernelConfigLink, extBugID))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(errorLink, jobDoneReq.Error)
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://git.git/git.git kernel-branch\n"+patch, EmailOptMessageID(4))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
jobDoneReq = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *build,
dbJob, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
patchLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textPatch, dbJob.Patch)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot has tested the proposed patch and the reproducer did not trigger crash:
Tested on:
commit: 11111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1 branch1
kernel config: %[3]v
dashboard link:[1]v
compiler: compiler1
patch: %[2]v
Note: testing is done by a robot and is best-effort only.
`, extBugID, patchLink, kernelConfigLink))
c.checkURLContents(patchLink, []byte(patch))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// Test on particular commit and without a patch.
func TestJobWithoutPatch(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("repro opts")
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("repro syz")
sender := c.pollEmailBug().Sender
_, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(sender)
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test git:// 5e6a2eea\n", EmailOptMessageID(1))
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
testBuild := testBuild(2)
testBuild.KernelRepo = "git://"
testBuild.KernelBranch = ""
testBuild.KernelCommit = "5e6a2eea5e6a2eea5e6a2eea5e6a2eea5e6a2eea"
jobDoneReq := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: pollResp.ID,
Build: *testBuild,
_, dbBuild, _ := c.loadJob(pollResp.ID)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
msg := c.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Body, fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot has tested the proposed patch and the reproducer did not trigger crash:
Tested on:
commit: 5e6a2eea kernel_commit_title2
git tree: git://
kernel config: %[2]v
dashboard link:[1]v
compiler: compiler2
Note: testing is done by a robot and is best-effort only.
`, extBugID, kernelConfigLink))
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, testBuild.KernelConfig)
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// Test on a restricted manager.
func TestJobRestrictedManager(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
build.Manager = "restricted-manager"
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("repro syz")
sender := c.pollEmailBug().Sender
// Testing on a wrong repo must fail and no test jobs passed to manager.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git:// master\n", EmailOptMessageID(1))
c.expectEQ(strings.Contains((<-c.emailSink).Body, "you should test only on restricted.git"), true)
pollResp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.ID, "")
// Testing on the right repo must succeed.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz test: git://restricted.git/restricted.git master\n", EmailOptMessageID(2))
pollResp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.expectNE(pollResp.ID, "")
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Type, dashapi.JobTestPatch)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.Manager, build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(pollResp.KernelRepo, "git://restricted.git/restricted.git")
// Test that JobBisectFix is returned only after 30 days
func TestBisectFixJob(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixJob:JobBisectCause"),
// Ensure no more jobs
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.ID, "")
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixJob:JobBisectFix"),
// Test that JobBisectFix jobs are re-tried if crash occurs on ToT
func TestBisectFixRetry(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectCause"),
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix. We send back a crashlog, no error, no commits
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
Build: dashapi.Build{
ID: "build1",
ID: resp.ID,
CrashLog: []byte("this is a crashlog"),
CrashReport: []byte("this is a crashreport"),
// Advance time by 30 days. No notification emails
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix retry
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectFix"),
// Test that bisection results are not reported for bugs that are already marked as fixed.
func TestNotReportingAlreadyFixed(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report.
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause.
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectCause"),
sender := ""
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails.
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
sender = msg.Sender
// Poll for a BisectFix job.
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
// Meanwhile, the bug is marked as fixed separately.
c.incomingEmail(sender, "#syz fix: kernel: add a fix", EmailOptCC(nil))
// Email notification of "Your 'fix:' command is accepted, but please keep
// mailing list in CC next time."
// At this point, send back the results for the BisectFix job also.
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Build: *build,
Log: []byte("bisectfix log 4"),
CrashTitle: "bisectfix crash title 4",
CrashLog: []byte("bisectfix crash log 4"),
CrashReport: []byte("bisectfix crash report 4"),
Commits: []dashapi.Commit{
Hash: "46e65cb4a0448942ec316b24d60446bbd5cc7827",
Title: "kernel: add a fix",
Author: "",
AuthorName: "Author Kernelov",
CC: []string{
"", "\"Reviewer2\" <>",
// These must be filtered out:
"\"syzbot\" <>",
Date: time.Date(2000, 2, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, time.UTC),
// No reporting should come in at this point. If there is reporting, c.Close()
// will fail.
// Test that fix bisections are listed on the bug page if the bug.BisectFix
// is not BisectYes.
func TestFixBisectionsListed(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
// Upload a crash report
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)
// Receive the JobBisectCause.
resp := c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectCause)
done := &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectCause"),
// At this point, no fix bisections should be listed out.
var bugs []*Bug
keys, err := db.NewQuery("Bug").GetAll(c.ctx, &bugs)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectEQ(len(bugs), 1)
url := fmt.Sprintf("/bug?id=%v", keys[0].StringID())
content, err := c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", AccessAdmin)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectTrue(!bytes.Contains(content, []byte("All fix bisections")))
// Advance time by 30 days and read out any notification emails.
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
msg := c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "Sending this report upstream."))
msg = c.client2.pollEmailBug()
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "title1")
c.expectTrue(strings.Contains(msg.Body, "syzbot found the following crash"))
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix. We send back a crashlog, no error,
// no commits.
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
Build: dashapi.Build{
ID: "build1",
ID: resp.ID,
CrashTitle: "this is a crashtitle",
CrashLog: []byte("this is a crashlog"),
CrashReport: []byte("this is a crashreport"),
Log: []byte("this is a log"),
// Check the bug page and ensure that a bisection is listed out.
content, err = c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", AccessAdmin)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectTrue(bytes.Contains(content, []byte("Fix bisections (1)")))
// Advance time by 30 days. No notification emails.
c.advanceTime(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
// Ensure that we get a JobBisectFix retry.
resp = c.client2.pollJobs(build.Manager)
c.client2.expectNE(resp.ID, "")
c.client2.expectEQ(resp.Type, dashapi.JobBisectFix)
done = &dashapi.JobDoneReq{
ID: resp.ID,
Error: []byte("testBisectFixRetry:JobBisectFix"),
// Check the bug page and ensure that no bisections are listed out.
content, err = c.httpRequest("GET", url, "", AccessAdmin)
c.expectEQ(err, nil)
c.expectTrue(!bytes.Contains(content, []byte("All fix bisections")))