blob: 12130d594cfe6977901e40caf06d853d5664636c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package vcs provides helper functions for working with various repositories (e.g. git).
package vcs
import (
type Repo interface {
// Poll checkouts the specified repository/branch.
// This involves fetching/resetting/cloning as necessary to recover from all possible problems.
// Returns hash of the HEAD commit in the specified branch.
Poll(repo, branch string) (*Commit, error)
// CheckoutBranch checkouts the specified repository/branch.
CheckoutBranch(repo, branch string) (*Commit, error)
// CheckoutCommit checkouts the specified repository on the specified commit.
CheckoutCommit(repo, commit string) (*Commit, error)
// SwitchCommit checkouts the specified commit without fetching.
SwitchCommit(commit string) (*Commit, error)
// HeadCommit returns info about the HEAD commit of the current branch of git repository.
HeadCommit() (*Commit, error)
// GetCommitByTitle finds commit info by the title.
// Remote is not fetched, the commit needs to be reachable from the current repo state
// (e.g. do CheckoutBranch before). If the commit is not found, nil is returned.
GetCommitByTitle(title string) (*Commit, error)
// GetCommitsByTitles is a batch version of GetCommitByTitle.
// Returns list of commits and titles of commits that are not found.
GetCommitsByTitles(titles []string) ([]*Commit, []string, error)
// ListRecentCommits returns list of recent commit titles starting from baseCommit.
ListRecentCommits(baseCommit string) ([]string, error)
// ExtractFixTagsFromCommits extracts fixing tags for bugs from git log.
// Given email = "", it searches for tags of the form ""
// and returns commits with these tags.
ExtractFixTagsFromCommits(baseCommit, email string) ([]*Commit, error)
// Bisecter may be optionally implemented by Repo.
type Bisecter interface {
// Bisect bisects good..bad commit range against the provided predicate (wrapper around git bisect).
// The predicate should return an error only if there is no way to proceed
// (it will abort the process), if possible it should prefer to return BisectSkip.
// Progress of the process is streamed to the provided trace.
// Returns the first commit on which the predicate returns BisectBad,
// or multiple commits if bisection is inconclusive due to BisectSkip.
Bisect(bad, good string, trace io.Writer, pred func() (BisectResult, error)) ([]*Commit, error)
// PreviousReleaseTags returns list of preceding release tags that are reachable from the given commit.
PreviousReleaseTags(commit string) ([]string, error)
EnvForCommit(binDir, commit string, kernelConfig []byte) (*BisectEnv, error)
type Commit struct {
Hash string
Title string
Author string
AuthorName string
CC []string
Tags []string
Date time.Time
type BisectResult int
const (
BisectBad BisectResult = iota
type BisectEnv struct {
Compiler string
KernelConfig []byte
func NewRepo(os, vm, dir string) (Repo, error) {
switch os {
case "linux":
return newLinux(dir), nil
case "akaros":
return newAkaros(vm, dir), nil
case "fuchsia":
return newFuchsia(vm, dir), nil
case "openbsd":
return newOpenBSD(vm, dir), nil
case "netbsd":
return newNetBSD(vm, dir), nil
case "freebsd":
return newFreeBSD(vm, dir), nil
case "test":
return newTestos(dir), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("vcs is unsupported for %v", os)
func NewSyzkallerRepo(dir string) Repo {
return newGit(dir, nil)
func Patch(dir string, patch []byte) error {
// Do --dry-run first to not mess with partially consistent state.
cmd := osutil.Command("patch", "-p1", "--force", "--ignore-whitespace", "--dry-run")
if err := osutil.Sandbox(cmd, true, true); err != nil {
return err
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(patch)
cmd.Dir = dir
if output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
// If it reverses clean, then it's already applied
// (seems to be the easiest way to detect it).
cmd = osutil.Command("patch", "-p1", "--force", "--ignore-whitespace", "--reverse", "--dry-run")
if err := osutil.Sandbox(cmd, true, true); err != nil {
return err
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(patch)
cmd.Dir = dir
if _, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("patch is already applied")
return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply patch:\n%s", output)
// Now apply for real.
cmd = osutil.Command("patch", "-p1", "--force", "--ignore-whitespace")
if err := osutil.Sandbox(cmd, true, true); err != nil {
return err
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(patch)
cmd.Dir = dir
if output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply patch after dry run:\n%s", output)
return nil
// CheckRepoAddress does a best-effort approximate check of a git repo address.
func CheckRepoAddress(repo string) bool {
return gitRepoRe.MatchString(repo)
// CheckBranch does a best-effort approximate check of a git branch name.
func CheckBranch(branch string) bool {
return gitBranchRe.MatchString(branch)
func CheckCommitHash(hash string) bool {
return gitHashRe.MatchString(hash)
func runSandboxed(dir, command string, args ...string) ([]byte, error) {
cmd := osutil.Command(command, args...)
cmd.Dir = dir
if err := osutil.Sandbox(cmd, true, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
return osutil.Run(time.Hour, cmd)
var (
// nolint: lll
gitRepoRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(git|ssh|http|https|ftp|ftps)://[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)+(:[0-9]+)?(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_./]+)?(/)?$`)
gitBranchRe = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9-_/.]{2,200}$")
gitHashRe = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-f0-9]{8,40}$")
releaseTagRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^v([0-9]+).([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?$`)
ccRes = []*regexp.Regexp{
regexp.MustCompile(`^Reviewed\-.*: (.*)$`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z-]+\-and\-[Rr]eviewed\-.*: (.*)$`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^Acked\-.*: (.*)$`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z-]+\-and\-[Aa]cked\-.*: (.*)$`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^Tested\-.*: (.*)$`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z-]+\-and\-[Tt]ested\-.*: (.*)$`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^Signed-off-by: (.*)$`),
regexp.MustCompile(`^C[Cc]: (.*)$`),
// CanonicalizeCommit returns commit title that can be used when checking
// if a particular commit is present in a git tree.
// Some trees add prefixes to commit titles during backporting,
// so we want e.g. commit "foo bar" match "BACKPORT: foo bar".
func CanonicalizeCommit(title string) string {
for _, prefix := range commitPrefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(title, prefix) {
title = title[len(prefix):]
return strings.TrimSpace(title)
var commitPrefixes = []string{
const SyzkallerRepo = ""
func CommitLink(url, hash string) string {
return link(url, hash, 0)
func TreeLink(url, hash string) string {
return link(url, hash, 1)
func LogLink(url, hash string) string {
return link(url, hash, 2)
func link(url, hash string, typ int) string {
if url == "" || hash == "" {
return ""
switch url {
case "":
// We collect hashes from the fuchsia repo.
return link(url+"/fuchsia", hash, typ)
if strings.HasPrefix(url, "") {
url = strings.TrimSuffix(url, ".git")
switch typ {
case 1:
return url + "/tree/" + hash
case 2:
return url + "/commits/" + hash
return url + "/commit/" + hash
if strings.HasPrefix(url, "") ||
strings.HasPrefix(url, "git://") {
url = strings.TrimPrefix(url, "git")
url = strings.TrimPrefix(url, "https")
switch typ {
case 1:
return "https" + url + "/tree/?id=" + hash
case 2:
return "https" + url + "/log/?id=" + hash
return "https" + url + "/commit/?id=" + hash
if strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") && strings.Contains(url, "") {
switch typ {
case 1:
return url + "/+/" + hash + "/"
case 2:
return url + "/+log/" + hash
return url + "/+/" + hash + "^!"
return ""