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* Copyright (c) 2009 Joshua Oreman <>.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _GPXE_WPA_H
#define _GPXE_WPA_H
#include <gpxe/ieee80211.h>
#include <gpxe/list.h>
/** @file
* Common definitions for all types of WPA-protected networks.
/** EAPOL-Key type field for modern 802.11i/RSN WPA packets */
/** Old EAPOL-Key type field used by WPA1 hardware before 802.11i ratified */
#define EAPOL_KEY_TYPE_WPA 254
* @defgroup eapol_key_info EAPOL-Key Info field bits
* @{
/** Key descriptor version, indicating WPA or WPA2 */
/** Key type bit, indicating pairwise or group */
#define EAPOL_KEY_INFO_TYPE 0x0008
/** Key install bit; set on message 3 except when legacy hacks are used */
/** Key ACK bit; set when a response is required, on all messages except #4 */
#define EAPOL_KEY_INFO_KEY_ACK 0x0080
/** Key MIC bit; set when the MIC field is valid, on messages 3 and 4 */
#define EAPOL_KEY_INFO_KEY_MIC 0x0100
/** Secure bit; set when both sides have both keys, on messages 3 and 4 */
#define EAPOL_KEY_INFO_SECURE 0x0200
/** Error bit; set on a MIC failure for TKIP */
#define EAPOL_KEY_INFO_ERROR 0x0400
/** Request bit; set when authentication is initiated by the Peer (unusual) */
/** Key Encrypted bit; set when the Key Data field is encrypted */
#define EAPOL_KEY_INFO_KEY_ENC 0x1000
/** SMC Message bit; set when this frame is part of an IBSS SMK handshake */
#define EAPOL_KEY_INFO_SMC_MESS 0x2000
/** Key descriptor version field value for WPA (TKIP) */
/** Key descriptor version field value for WPA2 (CCMP) */
/** Key type field value for a PTK (pairwise) key handshake */
#define EAPOL_KEY_TYPE_PTK 0x0008
/** Key type field value for a GTK (group) key handshake */
#define EAPOL_KEY_TYPE_GTK 0x0000
/** @} */
/** An EAPOL-Key packet.
* These are used for the WPA 4-Way Handshake, whether or not prior
* authentication has been performed using EAP.
* On LANs, an eapol_key_pkt is always encapsulated in the data field
* of an eapol_frame, with the frame's type code set to EAPOL_TYPE_KEY.
* Unlike 802.11 frame headers, the fields in this structure are
* stored in big-endian!
struct eapol_key_pkt
/** One of the EAPOL_KEY_TYPE_* defines. */
u8 type;
/** Bitfield of key characteristics, network byte order */
u16 info;
/** Length of encryption key to be used, network byte order
* This is 16 for CCMP, 32 for TKIP, and 5 or 13 for WEP.
u16 keysize;
/** Monotonically increasing value for EAPOL-Key conversations
* In another classic demonstration of overengineering, this
* 8-byte value will rarely be anything above 1. It's stored
* in network byte order.
u64 replay;
/** Nonce value
* This is the authenticator's ANonce in frame 1, the peer's
* SNonce in frame 2, and 0 in frames 3 and 4.
u8 nonce[32];
/** Initialization vector
* This contains the IV used with the Key Encryption Key, or 0
* if the key is unencrypted or encrypted using an algorithm
* that does not require an IV.
u8 iv[16];
/** Receive sequence counter for GTK
* This is used to synchronize the client's replay counter for
* ordinary data packets. The first six bytes contain PN0
* through PN5 for CCMP mode, or TSC0 through TSC5 for TKIP
* mode. The last two bytes are zero.
u8 rsc[8];
/** Reserved bytes */
u8 _reserved[8];
/** Message integrity code over the entire EAPOL frame
* This is calculated using HMAC-MD5 when the key descriptor
* version field in @a info is 1, and HMAC-SHA1 ignoring the
* last 4 bytes of the hash when the version field in @a info
* is 2.
u8 mic[16];
/** Length of the @a data field in bytes, network byte order */
u16 datalen;
/** Key data
* This is formatted as a series of 802.11 information
* elements, with cryptographic data encapsulated using a
* "vendor-specific IE" code and an IEEE-specified OUI.
u8 data[0];
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** WPA handshaking state */
enum wpa_state {
/** Waiting for PMK to be set */
/** Ready for 4-Way Handshake */
/** Performing 4-Way Handshake */
/** 4-Way Handshake succeeded */
/** 4-Way Handshake failed */
/** Bitfield indicating a selection of WPA transient keys */
enum wpa_keymask {
/** Pairwise transient key */
WPA_PTK = 1,
/** Group transient key */
WPA_GTK = 2,
/** Length of a nonce */
#define WPA_NONCE_LEN 32
/** Length of a TKIP main key */
#define WPA_TKIP_KEY_LEN 16
/** Length of a TKIP MIC key */
/** Length of a CCMP key */
#define WPA_CCMP_KEY_LEN 16
/** Length of an EAPOL Key Confirmation Key */
#define WPA_KCK_LEN 16
/** Length of an EAPOL Key Encryption Key */
#define WPA_KEK_LEN 16
/** Usual length of a Pairwise Master Key */
#define WPA_PMK_LEN 32
/** Length of a PMKID */
#define WPA_PMKID_LEN 16
/** Structure of the Temporal Key for TKIP encryption */
struct tkip_tk
/** Main key: input to TKIP Phase 1 and Phase 2 key mixing functions */
/** Michael MIC keys */
struct {
/** MIC key for packets from the AP */
/** MIC key for packets to the AP */
} __attribute__ (( packed )) mic;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Structure of a generic Temporal Key */
union wpa_tk
/** CCMP key */
u8 ccmp[WPA_CCMP_KEY_LEN];
/** TKIP keys */
struct tkip_tk tkip;
/** Structure of the Pairwise Transient Key */
struct wpa_ptk
/** EAPOL-Key Key Confirmation Key (KCK) */
u8 kck[WPA_KCK_LEN];
/** EAPOL-Key Key Encryption Key (KEK) */
u8 kek[WPA_KEK_LEN];
/** Temporal key */
union wpa_tk tk;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Structure of the Group Transient Key */
struct wpa_gtk
/** Temporal key */
union wpa_tk tk;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Common context for WPA security handshaking
* Any implementor of a particular handshaking type (e.g. PSK or EAP)
* must include this structure at the very beginning of their private
* data context structure, to allow the EAPOL-Key handling code to
* work. When the preliminary authentication is done, it is necessary
* to call wpa_start(), passing the PMK (derived from PSK or EAP MSK)
* as an argument. The handshaker can use its @a step function to
* monitor @a state in this wpa_ctx structure for success or
* failure. On success, the keys will be available in @a ptk and @a
* gtk according to the state of the @a valid bitmask.
* After an initial success, the parent handshaker does not need to
* concern itself with rekeying; the WPA common code takes care of
* that.
struct wpa_common_ctx
/** 802.11 device we are authenticating for */
struct net80211_device *dev;
/** The Pairwise Master Key to use in handshaking
* This is set either by running the PBKDF2 algorithm on a
* passphrase with the SSID as salt to generate a pre-shared
* key, or by copying the first 32 bytes of the EAP Master
* Session Key in 802.1X-served authentication.
u8 pmk[WPA_PMK_LEN];
/** Length of the Pairwise Master Key
* This is always 32 except with one EAP method which only
* gives 16 bytes.
int pmk_len;
/** State of EAPOL-Key handshaking */
enum wpa_state state;
/** Replay counter for this association
* This stores the replay counter value for the most recent
* packet we've accepted. It is initially initialised to ~0 to
* show we'll accept anything.
u64 replay;
/** Mask of valid keys after authentication success
* If the PTK is not valid, the GTK should be used for both
* unicast and multicast decryption; if the GTK is not valid,
* multicast packets cannot be decrypted.
enum wpa_keymask valid;
/** The cipher to use for unicast RX and all TX */
enum net80211_crypto_alg crypt;
/** The cipher to use for broadcast and multicast RX */
enum net80211_crypto_alg gcrypt;
/** The Pairwise Transient Key derived from the handshake */
struct wpa_ptk ptk;
/** The Group Transient Key derived from the handshake */
struct wpa_gtk gtk;
/** Authenticator-provided nonce */
u8 Anonce[WPA_NONCE_LEN];
/** Supplicant-generated nonce (that's us) */
u8 Snonce[WPA_NONCE_LEN];
/** Whether we should refrain from generating another SNonce */
int have_Snonce;
/** Data in WPA or RSN IE from AP's beacon frame */
void *ap_rsn_ie;
/** Length of @a ap_rsn_ie */
int ap_rsn_ie_len;
/** Whether @a ap_rsn_ie is an RSN IE (as opposed to old WPA) */
int ap_rsn_is_rsn;
/** List entry */
struct list_head list;
/** WPA handshake key integrity and encryption handler
* Note that due to the structure of the 4-Way Handshake we never
* actually need to encrypt key data, only decrypt it.
struct wpa_kie {
/** Value of version bits in EAPOL-Key info field for which to use
* This should be one of the @c EAPOL_KEY_VERSION_* constants.
int version;
/** Calculate MIC over message
* @v kck Key Confirmation Key, 16 bytes
* @v msg Message to calculate MIC over
* @v len Number of bytes to calculate MIC over
* @ret mic Calculated MIC, 16 bytes long
* The @a mic return may point within @a msg, so it must not
* be filled until the calculation has been performed.
void ( * mic ) ( const void *kck, const void *msg, size_t len,
void *mic );
/** Decrypt key data
* @v kek Key Encryption Key, 16 bytes
* @v iv Initialisation vector for encryption, 16 bytes
* @v msg Message to decrypt (Key Data field)
* @v len Length of message
* @ret msg Decrypted message in place of original
* @ret len Updated to reflect encrypted length
* @ret rc Return status code
* The decrypted message is written over the encrypted one.
int ( * decrypt ) ( const void *kek, const void *iv, void *msg,
u16 *len );
#define WPA_KIES __table ( struct wpa_kie, "wpa_kies" )
#define __wpa_kie __table_entry ( WPA_KIES, 01 )
* @defgroup wpa_kde Key descriptor element types
* @{
/** Payload structure of the GTK-encapsulating KDE
* This does not include the IE type, length, or OUI bytes, which are
* generic to all KDEs.
struct wpa_kde_gtk_encap
/** Key ID and TX bit */
u8 id;
/** Reserved byte */
u8 _rsvd;
/** Encapsulated group transient key */
struct wpa_gtk gtk;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** Mask for Key ID in wpa_kde_gtk::id field */
#define WPA_GTK_KID 0x03
/** Mask for Tx bit in wpa_kde_gtk::id field */
#define WPA_GTK_TXBIT 0x04
/** KDE type for an encapsulated Group Transient Key (requires encryption) */
#define WPA_KDE_GTK _MKOUI ( 0x00, 0x0F, 0xAC, 0x01 )
/** KDE type for a MAC address */
#define WPA_KDE_MAC _MKOUI ( 0x00, 0x0F, 0xAC, 0x03 )
/** KDE type for a PMKID */
#define WPA_KDE_PMKID _MKOUI ( 0x00, 0x0F, 0xAC, 0x04 )
/** KDE type for a nonce */
#define WPA_KDE_NONCE _MKOUI ( 0x00, 0x0F, 0xAC, 0x06 )
/** KDE type for a lifetime value */
#define WPA_KDE_LIFETIME _MKOUI ( 0x00, 0x0F, 0xAC, 0x07 )
/** Any key descriptor element type
* KDEs follow the 802.11 information element format of a type byte
* (in this case "vendor-specific", with the requisite OUI+subtype
* after length) and a length byte whose value does not include the
* length of the type and length bytes.
struct wpa_kde
/** Information element type: always 0xDD (IEEE80211_IE_VENDOR) */
u8 ie_type;
/** Length, not including ie_type and length fields */
u8 len;
/** OUI + type byte */
u32 oui_type;
/** Payload data */
union {
/** For GTK-type KDEs, encapsulated GTK */
struct wpa_kde_gtk_encap gtk_encap;
/** For MAC-type KDEs, the MAC address */
u8 mac[ETH_ALEN];
/** For PMKID-type KDEs, the PMKID */
u8 pmkid[WPA_PMKID_LEN];
/** For Nonce-type KDEs, the nonce */
u8 nonce[WPA_NONCE_LEN];
/** For Lifetime-type KDEs, the lifetime in seconds
* This is in network byte order!
u32 lifetime;
} __attribute__ (( packed ));
/** @} */
int wpa_make_rsn_ie ( struct net80211_device *dev, union ieee80211_ie **ie );
int wpa_start ( struct net80211_device *dev, struct wpa_common_ctx *ctx,
const void *pmk, size_t pmk_len );
void wpa_stop ( struct net80211_device *dev );
#endif /* _GPXE_WPA_H */