blob: ee860a52c8e6139c4c009076f5f0b807dd3f2c6b [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* printf() and friends
* Etherboot's printf() functions understand the following subset of
* the standard C printf()'s format specifiers:
* - Flag characters
* - '#' - Alternate form (i.e. "0x" prefix)
* - '0' - Zero-pad
* - Field widths
* - Length modifiers
* - 'hh' - Signed / unsigned char
* - 'h' - Signed / unsigned short
* - 'l' - Signed / unsigned long
* - 'll' - Signed / unsigned long long
* - 'z' - Signed / unsigned size_t
* - Conversion specifiers
* - 'd' - Signed decimal
* - 'x','X' - Unsigned hexadecimal
* - 'c' - Character
* - 's' - String
* - 'p' - Pointer
* Hexadecimal numbers are always zero-padded to the specified field
* width (if any); decimal numbers are always space-padded. Decimal
* long longs are not supported.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* A printf context
* Contexts are used in order to be able to share code between
* vprintf() and vsnprintf(), without requiring the allocation of a
* buffer for vprintf().
struct printf_context {
* Character handler
* @v ctx Context
* @v c Character
* This method is called for each character written to the
* formatted string.
void ( * handler ) ( struct printf_context *ctx, unsigned int c );
/** Length of formatted string
* When handler() is called, @len will be set to the number of
* characters written so far (i.e. zero for the first call to
* handler()).
size_t len;
extern size_t vcprintf ( struct printf_context *ctx, const char *fmt,
va_list args );
extern int vssnprintf ( char *buf, ssize_t ssize, const char *fmt,
va_list args );
extern int __attribute__ (( format ( printf, 3, 4 ) ))
ssnprintf ( char *buf, ssize_t ssize, const char *fmt, ... );
#endif /* _GPXE_VSPRINTF_H */