blob: b7cc411b51b9e1d2b87b32fa158c718197bccbaa [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* Editable text box widget
#include <curses.h>
#include <gpxe/editstring.h>
/** An editable text box widget */
struct edit_box {
/** Editable string */
struct edit_string string;
/** Containing window */
WINDOW *win;
/** Row */
unsigned int row;
/** Starting column */
unsigned int col;
/** Width */
unsigned int width;
/** First displayed character */
unsigned int first;
/** Flags */
unsigned int flags;
/** Editable text box widget flags */
enum edit_box_flags {
/** Show stars instead of contents (for password widgets) */
extern void init_editbox ( struct edit_box *box, char *buf, size_t len,
WINDOW *win, unsigned int row, unsigned int col,
unsigned int width, unsigned int flags )
__attribute__ (( nonnull (1, 2) ));
extern void draw_editbox ( struct edit_box *box ) __nonnull;
static inline int edit_editbox ( struct edit_box *box, int key ) __nonnull;
* Edit text box widget
* @v box Editable text box widget
* @v key Key pressed by user
* @ret key Key returned to application, or zero
* You must call draw_editbox() to update the display after calling
* edit_editbox().
static inline int edit_editbox ( struct edit_box *box, int key ) {
return edit_string ( &box->string, key );
#endif /* _GPXE_EDITBOX_H */