blob: bcc21439ed66aa6f5fd83be297eb948a81038b25 [file] [log] [blame]
// A class with a private assignment operator.
// This is rare, but sometimes used with singletons and
// objects that have complicated state.
%module private_assign
#include <stdlib.h>
%inline %{
class Foo {
Foo &operator=(const Foo &f) {
return *this;
Foo() { }
Foo(const Foo &f) { } // copy ctor can still be public, however.
void bar() { }
Foo blah() {
return Foo();
class Bar : protected Foo
#pragma SWIG nowarn=SWIGWARN_IGNORE_OPERATOR_NEW // operator new
%inline %{
class TROOT {
void *operator new(size_t l) { return malloc(sizeof(TROOT)); }
int prot_meth()
return 1;
TROOT(const char *name, const char *title, void *initfunc = 0)
class A : protected TROOT
%inline %{
Foo foo_global;
Foo foo_global_array[1];
Foo foo_global_array_2d[2][2];
struct FooBar : Foo
FooBar bar;
FooBar bar_array[1];
FooBar bar_array_2d[2][2];
%rename(Assign) TwoIsAssignableCopyable::operator=;
%inline %{
struct nocopy {
nocopy() {}
nocopy(const nocopy&);
nocopy& operator=(const nocopy&);
struct One: public nocopy {};
struct TwoNotAssignableCopyable: public One {};
struct TwoIsAssignableCopyable: public One {
TwoIsAssignableCopyable() {}
TwoIsAssignableCopyable(const TwoIsAssignableCopyable&) {}
TwoIsAssignableCopyable& operator=(const TwoIsAssignableCopyable&) { return *this; }
struct Three {
TwoNotAssignableCopyable TwoNot; // getter only should be generated
TwoIsAssignableCopyable TwoIs; // setter and getter should be generated