blob: 4b58c6b54a78dce311db7d485675635b3165e6fd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// This tests changes the package name from nspace to nspacePackage as javac can't seem to resolve classes and packages having the same name
public class nspace_runme {
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e);
public static void main(String argv[]) {
// constructors and destructors
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color color1 = new nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color();
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color color = new nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color(color1);
color1 = null;
// class methods
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color created = nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.create();
// class enums
nspacePackage.Outer.SomeClass someClass = new nspacePackage.Outer.SomeClass();
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.Channel channel = someClass.GetInner1ColorChannel();
if (channel != nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.Channel.Transmission)
throw new RuntimeException("Transmission wrong");
// class anonymous enums
int val1 = nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.ColorEnumVal1;
int val2 = nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.ColorEnumVal2;
if (val1 != 0 || val2 != 0x22)
throw new RuntimeException("ColorEnumVal wrong");
// instance member variables
if (color.getInstanceMemberVariable() != 123)
throw new RuntimeException("instance member variable failed");
// static member variables
if (nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.getStaticMemberVariable() != 789)
throw new RuntimeException("static member variable failed");
if (nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.staticConstMemberVariable != 222)
throw new RuntimeException("static const member variable failed");
if (nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.staticConstEnumMemberVariable != nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color.Channel.Transmission)
throw new RuntimeException("static const enum member variable failed");
// Same class different namespaces
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color col1 = new nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Color();
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner2.Color col2 = nspacePackage.Outer.Inner2.Color.create();
col2.colors(col1, col1, col2, col2, col2);
// check globals in a namespace don't get mangled with the nspacePackage option
if (nspacePackage.nspace.getNamespaceVar() != 111)
throw new RuntimeException("global var failed");
// global enums
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Channel outerChannel1 = someClass.GetInner1Channel();
if (outerChannel1 != nspacePackage.Outer.Inner1.Channel.Transmission1)
throw new RuntimeException("Transmission1 wrong");
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner2.Channel outerChannel2 = someClass.GetInner2Channel();
if (outerChannel2 != nspacePackage.Outer.Inner2.Channel.Transmission2)
throw new RuntimeException("Transmission2 wrong");
// turn feature off / ignoring
nspacePackage.Outer.namespce ns = new nspacePackage.Outer.namespce();
nspacePackage.NoNSpacePlease nons = new nspacePackage.NoNSpacePlease();
// Derived class
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner3.Blue blue3 = new nspacePackage.Outer.Inner3.Blue();
nspacePackage.Outer.Inner4.Blue blue4 = new nspacePackage.Outer.Inner4.Blue();