blob: 16eab7cad8398c0459e54151c2eeeb3a7b5890b5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import java_throws.*;
public class java_throws_runme {
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e);
public static void main(String argv[])
// Check the exception classes in the main typemaps
boolean pass = false;
// This won't compile unless all of these exceptions are in the throw clause
try {
short s = java_throws.full_of_exceptions(10);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { pass = true; }
catch (InstantiationException e) {}
catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {}
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {}
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 1 failed");
// Check the exception class in the throw typemap
pass = false;
try {
catch (IllegalAccessException e) { pass = true; }
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 2 failed");
// Check the exception class is used with %catches
pass = false;
try {
catch (IllegalAccessException e) { pass = true; }
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 3 failed");
// Check newfree typemap throws attribute
try {
TestClass tc = java_throws.makeTestClass();
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {}
// Check javaout typemap throws attribute
pass = false;
try {
int myInt = java_throws.ioTest();
catch ( e) { pass = true; }
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 4 failed");
// Check except feature throws attribute...
// Static method
pass = false;
try {
catch (MyException e) { pass = true; }
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 5 failed");
FeatureTest f = null;
try {
f = new FeatureTest();
catch (MyException e) {}
// Instance method
pass = false;
try {
catch (MyException e) { pass = true; }
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 6 failed");
// Interface function
pass = false;
try {
InterfaceTestImpl iti = new InterfaceTestImpl();
catch (MyException e) { pass = true; }
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test interface 1 failed");
pass = false;
try {
InterfaceTestImpl iti = new InterfaceTestImpl();
pass = true;
catch (MyException e) { pass = false; }
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test interface 2 failed");
// Global function
pass = false;
try {
catch (MyException e) { pass = true; }
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {}
catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {}
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 7 failed");
// Test %nojavaexception
NoExceptTest net = new NoExceptTest();
pass = false;
try {
pass = true;
catch (MyException e) {}
if (!pass)
throw new RuntimeException("Test 8 failed");