blob: 408027c4b6476c0197b5ee9a04c1c09a89da5b5e [file] [log] [blame]
/* This testcase checks whether SWIG correctly parses C++11 explicitly defaulted functions and deleted functions */
%module cpp11_default_delete
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_IGNORED, SWIGWARN_LANG_OVERLOAD_SHADOW) trivial::operator =(trivial&&);
%rename(Assignment) *::operator=;
%inline %{
class NonCopyable {
NonCopyable& operator=(const NonCopyable&) = delete; /* Removes operator= */
NonCopyable(const NonCopyable&) = delete; /* Removed copy constructor */
NonCopyable() = default; /* Explicitly allows the empty constructor */
void *operator new(size_t) = delete; /* Removes new NonCopyable */
struct A1 {
void funk(int i) {}
A1() = default;
~A1() = default;
void funk(double i) = delete; /* Don't cast double to int. Compiler returns an error */
A1(const A1&);
A1::A1(const A1&) = default;
struct A2 {
void funk(int i) {}
// Workaround clang 10.0.1 -std=c++17 linker error (oddly for Java and not Python):
// Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:"___cxa_deleted_virtual", referenced from: vtable for A2
#if !(defined(__clang__) && __cplusplus >= 201703L)
virtual void fff(int) = delete;
virtual ~A2() = default;
template<class T> void funk(T) = delete;
struct trivial {
trivial() = default;
trivial(const trivial&) = default;
trivial(trivial&&) = default;
trivial& operator=(const trivial&) = default;
trivial& operator=(trivial&&) = default;
~trivial() = default;
struct nontrivial1 {
nontrivial1::nontrivial1() = default;
struct sometype {
sometype() = delete;
sometype(int) = delete;
static sometype make(double d) { return sometype(d); }
static void take(sometype s) {}
sometype::sometype(double) {}
struct sometype2 {
sometype2() = delete;
sometype2(double) {}
static sometype2 make(double d) { return sometype2(d); }
static void take(sometype2 s) {}
struct sometype3 {
int num;
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
// Uniform/aggregate initialization was removed in C++20 if there is a user declared constructor, so the initialization in make() below does not work
// This example can only be tested for C++11 to C++17, in C++20 the constructor declaration is removed by making it an aggregate
// SWIG still sees the deleted constructor below
sometype3() = delete;
static sometype3 make(int n) {
// Note: Can only be constructed via copy constructor, so use C++11 uniform initialization to create
return sometype3 {n};
static void take(sometype3 s) {}
/* Not working with prerelease of gcc-4.8
struct nonew {
void *operator new(std::size_t) = delete;
void *operator new[](std::size_t) = delete;
struct moveonly {
moveonly() = default;
moveonly(const moveonly&) = delete;
moveonly(moveonly&&) = default;
moveonly& operator=(const moveonly&) = delete;
moveonly& operator=(moveonly&&) = default;
~moveonly() = default;
struct ConstructorThrow {
ConstructorThrow() throw() = default;
ConstructorThrow(const ConstructorThrow&) throw() = delete;
ConstructorThrow(ConstructorThrow&&) throw() = delete;
ConstructorThrow& operator=(const ConstructorThrow&) throw() = delete;
~ConstructorThrow() throw() = default;