blob: 657535cc2787262917c9c610b80e84ff7005ded3 [file] [log] [blame]
# This example shows simple usage of the wrapped Shape classes.
# The main purpose of this example is to show the doxygen comments translation to PyDoc comments.
# Users should look at the generated file.
# The generated PyDoc can be viewed in a browser by opening the example.html file.
import example
print("Creating some objects:")
c = example.MakeCircle(10)
print(" Created circle %s" % c)
s = example.MakeSquare(10)
print(" Created square %s" % s)
r = example.MakeRectangleInt(10, 20)
print(" Created rectangle %s" % r)
print("\nHere are some properties of the shapes:")
for o in [c, s, r]:
print(" %s" % o)
print(" area = %s" % o.area())
print(" perimeter = %s" % o.perimeter())
print("\nRunning pydoc, this is the equivalent to executing: pydoc -w ./")
import pydoc
print("Open example.html in your browser to view the generated python docs")