blob: 08abaaed6d52d1e23aac5e30bd4d822d8fa84bb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// A complicated test of overloaded functions
%module overload_complicated
// Different overloaded warning filters needed for scripting languages (eg Python) and for statically typed languages (eg C#).
%warnfilter(509, 516) Pop::Pop;
%warnfilter(509, 516) Pop::hip;
%warnfilter(509, 516) Pop::hop;
%warnfilter(509, 516) Pop::pop;
%warnfilter(516) Pop::bop;
%warnfilter(516) Pop::bip;
%warnfilter(509, 516) ::muzak;
%warnfilter(509, 516) foo;
%typemap(in, numinputs=0) int l { $1 = 4711; }
%inline %{
int foo(int, int, char *, int) {
return 15;
int foo(int i, int j, double k = 17.4, int l = 18 /* Note numinputs typemap above */, char m = 'P') {
int sum = i + j + (int)k + l + (int)m;
return sum;
struct Pop {
Pop(int* i) {}
Pop(int& i) {}
Pop(const int* i, bool b) {}
Pop(const int* i) {}
// Check overloaded in const only and pointers/references which target languages cannot disambiguate
int hip(bool b) { return 701; }
int hip(int* i) { return 702; }
int hip(int& i) { return 703; }
int hip(int* i) const { return 704; }
int hip(const int* i) { return 705; }
// Reverse the order for the above
int hop(const int* i) { return 805; }
int hop(int* i) const { return 804; }
int hop(int& i) { return 803; }
int hop(int* i) { return 802; }
int hop(bool b) { return 801; }
// Few more variations and order shuffled
int pop(bool b) { return 901; }
int pop(int* i) const { return 902; }
int pop(int& i) { return 903; }
int pop(int* i) { return 904; }
int pop() { return 905; }
int pop(const int* i) { return 906; }
// Overload on const only
int bop(int* i) { return 1001; }
int bop(int* i) const { return 1002; }
int bip(int* i) const { return 2001; }
int bip(int* i) { return 2002; }
// Globals
int muzak(bool b) { return 3001; }
int muzak(int* i) { return 3002; }
int muzak(int& i) { return 3003; }
int muzak(const int* i) { return 3004; }