blob: e38ce0efdd8bfea5c54d50cebea5b3825d12c946 [file] [log] [blame]
import preproc_line_file.*;
public class preproc_line_file_runme {
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e);
private static void test_file(String file, String suffix) throws Throwable
// For swig-3.0.1 and earlier
// String FILENAME_WINDOWS = "Examples\\test-suite\\preproc_line_file.i";
// String FILENAME_UNIX = "Examples/test-suite/preproc_line_file.i";
String FILENAME_WINDOWS2 = "Examples\\test-suite\\java\\..\\preproc_line_file.i";
String FILENAME_UNIX2 = "Examples/test-suite/java/../preproc_line_file.i";
String FILENAME_WINDOWS3 = "..\\.\\..\\preproc_line_file.i";
String FILENAME_UNIX3 = ".././../preproc_line_file.i";
// We don't test for exact equality here because the file names are relative to the build directory, which can be different from the source directory,
// under Unix. But they do need to end with the same path components.
if (!file.endsWith(FILENAME_UNIX2 + suffix) && !file.endsWith(FILENAME_WINDOWS2 + suffix) &&
!file.endsWith(FILENAME_UNIX3 + suffix) && !file.endsWith(FILENAME_WINDOWS3 + suffix))
throw new RuntimeException("file \"" + file + "\" doesn't end with " + FILENAME_UNIX2 + suffix + " or " + FILENAME_UNIX3 + suffix);
public static void main(String argv[]) throws Throwable
int myline = preproc_line_file.MYLINE;
int myline_adjusted = preproc_line_file.MYLINE_ADJUSTED;
if (myline != 4)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
if (myline + 100 + 1 != myline_adjusted)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
test_file(preproc_line_file.MYFILE, "");
test_file(preproc_line_file.MYFILE_ADJUSTED, ".bak");
if (!preproc_line_file.MY_STRINGNUM_A.equals("my15"))
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failed MY_STRINGNUM_A");
if (!preproc_line_file.MY_STRINGNUM_B.equals("my16"))
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failed MY_STRINGNUM_B");
if (preproc_line_file.getThing27() != -1)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
if (preproc_line_file.getThing28() != -2)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
if (preproc_line_file.MYLINE2 != 30)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
if (SillyStruct.LINE_NUMBER != 52)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
if (SillyMacroClass.LINE_NUM != 56)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
if (SillyMulMacroStruc.LINE_NUM != 81)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
if (preproc_line_file.INLINE_LINE != 87)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");
test_file(preproc_line_file.INLINE_FILE, "");
if (Slash.LINE_NUM != 93)
throw new RuntimeException("preproc failure");