blob: ac9f91f390349bb1f6e943c3c207496e47082a13 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "ShaderCore.hpp"
#include "Device/Renderer.hpp"
#include "Reactor/Assert.hpp"
#include "System/Debug.hpp"
#include <limits.h>
// TODO(chromium:1299047)
namespace sw {
Vector4s::Vector4s(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned short z, unsigned short w)
this->x = Short4(x);
this->y = Short4(y);
this->z = Short4(z);
this->w = Short4(w);
Vector4s::Vector4s(const Vector4s &rhs)
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
z = rhs.z;
w = rhs.w;
Vector4s &Vector4s::operator=(const Vector4s &rhs)
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
z = rhs.z;
w = rhs.w;
return *this;
Short4 &Vector4s::operator[](int i)
case 0: return x;
case 1: return y;
case 2: return z;
case 3: return w;
return x;
Vector4f::Vector4f(float x, float y, float z, float w)
this->x = Float4(x);
this->y = Float4(y);
this->z = Float4(z);
this->w = Float4(w);
Vector4f::Vector4f(const Vector4f &rhs)
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
z = rhs.z;
w = rhs.w;
Vector4f &Vector4f::operator=(const Vector4f &rhs)
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
z = rhs.z;
w = rhs.w;
return *this;
Float4 &Vector4f::operator[](int i)
case 0: return x;
case 1: return y;
case 2: return z;
case 3: return w;
return x;
Vector4i::Vector4i(int x, int y, int z, int w)
this->x = Int4(x);
this->y = Int4(y);
this->z = Int4(z);
this->w = Int4(w);
Vector4i::Vector4i(const Vector4i &rhs)
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
z = rhs.z;
w = rhs.w;
Vector4i &Vector4i::operator=(const Vector4i &rhs)
x = rhs.x;
y = rhs.y;
z = rhs.z;
w = rhs.w;
return *this;
Int4 &Vector4i::operator[](int i)
case 0: return x;
case 1: return y;
case 2: return z;
case 3: return w;
return x;
// Approximation of atan in [0..1]
static RValue<SIMD::Float> Atan_01(SIMD::Float x)
// From 4.4.49, page 81 of the Handbook of Mathematical Functions, by Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun
const SIMD::Float a2(-0.3333314528f);
const SIMD::Float a4(0.1999355085f);
const SIMD::Float a6(-0.1420889944f);
const SIMD::Float a8(0.1065626393f);
const SIMD::Float a10(-0.0752896400f);
const SIMD::Float a12(0.0429096138f);
const SIMD::Float a14(-0.0161657367f);
const SIMD::Float a16(0.0028662257f);
SIMD::Float x2 = x * x;
return (x + x * (x2 * (a2 + x2 * (a4 + x2 * (a6 + x2 * (a8 + x2 * (a10 + x2 * (a12 + x2 * (a14 + x2 * a16)))))))));
// Polynomial approximation of order 5 for sin(x * 2 * pi) in the range [-1/4, 1/4]
static RValue<SIMD::Float> Sin5(SIMD::Float x)
// A * x^5 + B * x^3 + C * x
// Exact at x = 0, 1/12, 1/6, 1/4, and their negatives, which correspond to x * 2 * pi = 0, pi/6, pi/3, pi/2
const SIMD::Float A = (36288 - 20736 * sqrt(3)) / 5;
const SIMD::Float B = 288 * sqrt(3) - 540;
const SIMD::Float C = (47 - 9 * sqrt(3)) / 5;
SIMD::Float x2 = x * x;
return MulAdd(MulAdd(A, x2, B), x2, C) * x;
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sin(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
const SIMD::Float q = 0.25f;
const SIMD::Float pi2 = 1 / (2 * 3.1415926535f);
// Range reduction and mirroring
SIMD::Float x_2 = MulAdd(x, -pi2, q);
SIMD::Float z = q - Abs(x_2 - Round(x_2));
return Sin5(z);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Cos(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
const SIMD::Float q = 0.25f;
const SIMD::Float pi2 = 1 / (2 * 3.1415926535f);
// Phase shift, range reduction, and mirroring
SIMD::Float x_2 = x * pi2;
SIMD::Float z = q - Abs(x_2 - Round(x_2));
return Sin5(z);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Tan(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return Sin(x, relaxedPrecision) / Cos(x, relaxedPrecision);
static RValue<SIMD::Float> Asin_4_terms(RValue<SIMD::Float> x)
// From 4.4.45, page 81 of the Handbook of Mathematical Functions, by Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun
// |e(x)| <= 5e-8
const SIMD::Float half_pi(1.57079632f);
const SIMD::Float a0(1.5707288f);
const SIMD::Float a1(-0.2121144f);
const SIMD::Float a2(0.0742610f);
const SIMD::Float a3(-0.0187293f);
SIMD::Float absx = Abs(x);
return As<SIMD::Float>(As<SIMD::Int>(half_pi - Sqrt<Highp>(1.0f - absx) * (a0 + absx * (a1 + absx * (a2 + absx * a3)))) ^
(As<SIMD::Int>(x) & SIMD::Int(0x80000000)));
static RValue<SIMD::Float> Asin_8_terms(RValue<SIMD::Float> x)
// From 4.4.46, page 81 of the Handbook of Mathematical Functions, by Milton Abramowitz and Irene Stegun
// |e(x)| <= 0e-8
const SIMD::Float half_pi(1.5707963268f);
const SIMD::Float a0(1.5707963050f);
const SIMD::Float a1(-0.2145988016f);
const SIMD::Float a2(0.0889789874f);
const SIMD::Float a3(-0.0501743046f);
const SIMD::Float a4(0.0308918810f);
const SIMD::Float a5(-0.0170881256f);
const SIMD::Float a6(0.006700901f);
const SIMD::Float a7(-0.0012624911f);
SIMD::Float absx = Abs(x);
return As<SIMD::Float>(As<SIMD::Int>(half_pi - Sqrt<Highp>(1.0f - absx) * (a0 + absx * (a1 + absx * (a2 + absx * (a3 + absx * (a4 + absx * (a5 + absx * (a6 + absx * a7)))))))) ^
(As<SIMD::Int>(x) & SIMD::Int(0x80000000)));
RValue<SIMD::Float> Asin(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
// TODO(b/169755566): Surprisingly, deqp-vk's precision.acos.highp/mediump tests pass when using the 4-term polynomial
// approximation version of acos, unlike for Asin, which requires higher precision algorithms.
return Asin(x);
return Asin_8_terms(x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Acos(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
// pi/2 - arcsin(x)
return 1.57079632e+0f - Asin_4_terms(x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atan(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
SIMD::Float absx = Abs(x);
SIMD::Int O = CmpNLT(absx, 1.0f);
SIMD::Float y = As<SIMD::Float>((O & As<SIMD::Int>(1.0f / absx)) | (~O & As<SIMD::Int>(absx))); // FIXME: Vector select
const SIMD::Float half_pi(1.57079632f);
SIMD::Float theta = Atan_01(y);
return As<SIMD::Float>(((O & As<SIMD::Int>(half_pi - theta)) | (~O & As<SIMD::Int>(theta))) ^ // FIXME: Vector select
(As<SIMD::Int>(x) & SIMD::Int(0x80000000)));
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atan2(RValue<SIMD::Float> y, RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
const SIMD::Float pi(3.14159265f); // pi
const SIMD::Float minus_pi(-3.14159265f); // -pi
const SIMD::Float half_pi(1.57079632f); // pi/2
const SIMD::Float quarter_pi(7.85398163e-1f); // pi/4
// Rotate to upper semicircle when in lower semicircle
SIMD::Int S = CmpLT(y, 0.0f);
SIMD::Float theta = As<SIMD::Float>(S & As<SIMD::Int>(minus_pi));
SIMD::Float x0 = As<SIMD::Float>((As<SIMD::Int>(y) & SIMD::Int(0x80000000)) ^ As<SIMD::Int>(x));
SIMD::Float y0 = Abs(y);
// Rotate to right quadrant when in left quadrant
SIMD::Int Q = CmpLT(x0, 0.0f);
theta += As<SIMD::Float>(Q & As<SIMD::Int>(half_pi));
SIMD::Float x1 = As<SIMD::Float>((Q & As<SIMD::Int>(y0)) | (~Q & As<SIMD::Int>(x0))); // FIXME: Vector select
SIMD::Float y1 = As<SIMD::Float>((Q & As<SIMD::Int>(-x0)) | (~Q & As<SIMD::Int>(y0))); // FIXME: Vector select
// Mirror to first octant when in second octant
SIMD::Int O = CmpNLT(y1, x1);
SIMD::Float x2 = As<SIMD::Float>((O & As<SIMD::Int>(y1)) | (~O & As<SIMD::Int>(x1))); // FIXME: Vector select
SIMD::Float y2 = As<SIMD::Float>((O & As<SIMD::Int>(x1)) | (~O & As<SIMD::Int>(y1))); // FIXME: Vector select
// Approximation of atan in [0..1]
SIMD::Int zero_x = CmpEQ(x2, 0.0f);
SIMD::Int inf_y = IsInf(y2); // Since x2 >= y2, this means x2 == y2 == inf, so we use 45 degrees or pi/4
SIMD::Float atan2_theta = Atan_01(y2 / x2);
theta += As<SIMD::Float>((~zero_x & ~inf_y & ((O & As<SIMD::Int>(half_pi - atan2_theta)) | (~O & (As<SIMD::Int>(atan2_theta))))) | // FIXME: Vector select
(inf_y & As<SIMD::Int>(quarter_pi)));
// Recover loss of precision for tiny theta angles
// This combination results in (-pi + half_pi + half_pi - atan2_theta) which is equivalent to -atan2_theta
SIMD::Int precision_loss = S & Q & O & ~inf_y;
return As<SIMD::Float>((precision_loss & As<SIMD::Int>(-atan2_theta)) | (~precision_loss & As<SIMD::Int>(theta))); // FIXME: Vector select
// TODO(chromium:1299047)
static RValue<SIMD::Float> Exp2_legacy(RValue<SIMD::Float> x0)
SIMD::Int i = RoundInt(x0 - 0.5f);
SIMD::Float ii = As<SIMD::Float>((i + SIMD::Int(127)) << 23);
SIMD::Float f = x0 - SIMD::Float(i);
SIMD::Float ff = As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(0x3AF61905));
ff = ff * f + As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(0x3C134806));
ff = ff * f + As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(0x3D64AA23));
ff = ff * f + As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(0x3E75EAD4));
ff = ff * f + As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(0x3F31727B));
ff = ff * f + 1.0f;
return ii * ff;
RValue<SIMD::Float> Exp2(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
// Clamp to prevent overflow past the representation of infinity.
SIMD::Float x0 = x;
x0 = Min(x0, 128.0f);
x0 = Max(x0, As<SIMD::Float>(SIMD::Int(0xC2FDFFFF))); // -126.999992
return Exp2_legacy(x0);
SIMD::Float xi = Floor(x0);
SIMD::Float f = x0 - xi;
if(!relaxedPrecision) // highp
// Polynomial which approximates (2^x-x-1)/x. Multiplying with x
// gives us a correction term to be added to 1+x to obtain 2^x.
const SIMD::Float a = 1.8852974e-3f;
const SIMD::Float b = 8.9733787e-3f;
const SIMD::Float c = 5.5835927e-2f;
const SIMD::Float d = 2.4015281e-1f;
const SIMD::Float e = -3.0684753e-1f;
SIMD::Float r = MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(a, f, b), f, c), f, d), f, e);
// bit_cast<float>(int(x * 2^23)) is a piecewise linear approximation of 2^x.
// See "Fast Exponential Computation on SIMD Architectures" by Malossi et al.
SIMD::Float y = MulAdd(r, f, x0);
SIMD::Int i = SIMD::Int(y * (1 << 23)) + (127 << 23);
return As<SIMD::Float>(i);
else // RelaxedPrecision / mediump
// Polynomial which approximates (2^x-x-1)/x. Multiplying with x
// gives us a correction term to be added to 1+x to obtain 2^x.
const SIMD::Float a = 7.8145574e-2f;
const SIMD::Float b = 2.2617357e-1f;
const SIMD::Float c = -3.0444314e-1f;
SIMD::Float r = MulAdd(MulAdd(a, f, b), f, c);
// bit_cast<float>(int(x * 2^23)) is a piecewise linear approximation of 2^x.
// See "Fast Exponential Computation on SIMD Architectures" by Malossi et al.
SIMD::Float y = MulAdd(r, f, x0);
SIMD::Int i = SIMD::Int(MulAdd((1 << 23), y, (127 << 23)));
return As<SIMD::Float>(i);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Log2_legacy(RValue<SIMD::Float> x)
SIMD::Float x1 = As<SIMD::Float>(As<SIMD::Int>(x) & SIMD::Int(0x7F800000));
x1 = As<SIMD::Float>(As<SIMD::UInt>(x1) >> 8);
x1 = As<SIMD::Float>(As<SIMD::Int>(x1) | As<SIMD::Int>(SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
x1 = (x1 - 1.4960938f) * 256.0f;
SIMD::Float x0 = As<SIMD::Float>((As<SIMD::Int>(x) & SIMD::Int(0x007FFFFF)) | As<SIMD::Int>(SIMD::Float(1.0f)));
SIMD::Float x2 = MulAdd(MulAdd(9.5428179e-2f, x0, 4.7779095e-1f), x0, 1.9782813e-1f);
SIMD::Float x3 = MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(1.6618466e-2f, x0, 2.0350508e-1f), x0, 2.7382900e-1f), x0, 4.0496687e-2f);
x1 += (x0 - 1.0f) * (x2 / x3);
SIMD::Int pos_inf_x = CmpEQ(As<SIMD::Int>(x), SIMD::Int(0x7F800000));
return As<SIMD::Float>((pos_inf_x & As<SIMD::Int>(x)) | (~pos_inf_x & As<SIMD::Int>(x1)));
RValue<SIMD::Float> Log2(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return Log2_legacy(x);
if(!relaxedPrecision) // highp
// Reinterpretation as an integer provides a piecewise linear
// approximation of log2(). Scale to the radix and subtract exponent bias.
SIMD::Int im = As<SIMD::Int>(x);
SIMD::Float y = SIMD::Float(im - (127 << 23)) * (1.0f / (1 << 23));
// Handle log2(inf) = inf.
y = As<SIMD::Float>(As<SIMD::Int>(y) | (CmpEQ(im, 0x7F800000) & As<SIMD::Int>(SIMD::Float::infinity())));
SIMD::Float m = SIMD::Float(im & 0x007FFFFF) * (1.0f / (1 << 23)); // Normalized mantissa of x.
// Add a polynomial approximation of log2(m+1)-m to the result's mantissa.
const SIMD::Float a = -9.3091638e-3f;
const SIMD::Float b = 5.2059003e-2f;
const SIMD::Float c = -1.3752135e-1f;
const SIMD::Float d = 2.4186478e-1f;
const SIMD::Float e = -3.4730109e-1f;
const SIMD::Float f = 4.786837e-1f;
const SIMD::Float g = -7.2116581e-1f;
const SIMD::Float h = 4.4268988e-1f;
SIMD::Float z = MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(MulAdd(a, m, b), m, c), m, d), m, e), m, f), m, g), m, h);
return MulAdd(z, m, y);
else // RelaxedPrecision / mediump
// Reinterpretation as an integer provides a piecewise linear
// approximation of log2(). Scale to the radix and subtract exponent bias.
SIMD::Int im = As<SIMD::Int>(x);
SIMD::Float y = MulAdd(SIMD::Float(im), (1.0f / (1 << 23)), -127.0f);
// Handle log2(inf) = inf.
y = As<SIMD::Float>(As<SIMD::Int>(y) | (CmpEQ(im, 0x7F800000) & As<SIMD::Int>(SIMD::Float::infinity())));
SIMD::Float m = SIMD::Float(im & 0x007FFFFF); // Unnormalized mantissa of x.
// Add a polynomial approximation of log2(m+1)-m to the result's mantissa.
const SIMD::Float a = 2.8017103e-22f;
const SIMD::Float b = -8.373131e-15f;
const SIMD::Float c = 5.0615534e-8f;
SIMD::Float f = MulAdd(MulAdd(a, m, b), m, c);
return MulAdd(f, m, y);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Exp(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return Exp2(1.44269504f * x, relaxedPrecision); // 1/ln(2)
RValue<SIMD::Float> Log(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return 6.93147181e-1f * Log2(x, relaxedPrecision); // ln(2)
RValue<SIMD::Float> Pow(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y, bool relaxedPrecision)
SIMD::Float log = Log2(x, relaxedPrecision);
log *= y;
return Exp2(log, relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sinh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return (Exp(x, relaxedPrecision) - Exp(-x, relaxedPrecision)) * 0.5f;
RValue<SIMD::Float> Cosh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return (Exp(x, relaxedPrecision) + Exp(-x, relaxedPrecision)) * 0.5f;
RValue<SIMD::Float> Tanh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
SIMD::Float e_x = Exp(x, relaxedPrecision);
SIMD::Float e_minus_x = Exp(-x, relaxedPrecision);
return (e_x - e_minus_x) / (e_x + e_minus_x);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Asinh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return Log(x + Sqrt(x * x + 1.0f, relaxedPrecision), relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Acosh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return Log(x + Sqrt(x + 1.0f, relaxedPrecision) * Sqrt(x - 1.0f, relaxedPrecision), relaxedPrecision);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Atanh(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return Log((1.0f + x) / (1.0f - x), relaxedPrecision) * 0.5f;
RValue<SIMD::Float> Sqrt(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
return Sqrt(x); // TODO(b/222218659): Optimize for relaxed precision.
std::pair<SIMD::Float, SIMD::Int> Frexp(RValue<SIMD::Float> val)
// Assumes IEEE 754
auto isNotZero = CmpNEQ(val, 0.0f);
auto v = As<SIMD::Int>(val);
auto significand = As<SIMD::Float>((v & 0x807FFFFF) | (0x3F000000 & isNotZero));
auto exponent = (((v >> 23) & 0xFF) - 126) & isNotZero;
return std::make_pair(significand, exponent);
RValue<SIMD::Float> Ldexp(RValue<SIMD::Float> significand, RValue<SIMD::Int> exponent)
// "load exponent"
// Ldexp(significand,exponent) computes
// significand * 2**exponent
// with edge case handling as permitted by the spec.
// The interesting cases are:
// - significand is subnormal and the exponent is positive. The mantissa
// bits of the significand shift left. The result *may* be normal, and
// in that case the leading 1 bit in the mantissa is no longer explicitly
// represented. Computing the result with bit operations would be quite
// complex.
// - significand has very small magnitude, and exponent is large.
// Example: significand = 0x1p-125, exponent = 250, result 0x1p125
// If we compute the result directly with the reference formula, then
// the intermediate value 2.0**exponent overflows, and then the result
// would overflow. Instead, it is sufficient to split the exponent
// and use two multiplies:
// (significand * 2**(exponent/2)) * (2**(exponent - exponent/2))
// In this formulation, the intermediates will not overflow when the
// correct result does not overflow. Also, this method naturally handles
// underflows, infinities, and NaNs.
// This implementation uses the two-multiplies approach described above,
// and also used by Mesa.
// The SPIR-V GLSL.std.450 extended instruction spec says:
// if exponent < -126 the result may be flushed to zero
// if exponent > 128 the result may be undefined
// Clamping exponent to [-254,254] allows us implement well beyond
// what is required by the spec, but still use simple algorithms.
// We decompose as follows:
// 2 ** exponent = powA * powB
// where
// powA = 2 ** (exponent / 2)
// powB = 2 ** (exponent - exponent / 2)
// We use a helper expression to compute these powers of two as float
// numbers using bit shifts, where X is an unbiased integer exponent
// in range [-127,127]:
// pow2i(X) = As<SIMD::Float>((X + 127)<<23)
// This places the biased exponent into position, and places all
// zeroes in the mantissa bit positions. The implicit 1 bit in the
// mantissa is hidden. When X = -127, the result is float 0.0, as
// if the value was flushed to zero. Otherwise X is in [-126,127]
// and the biased exponent is in [1,254] and the result is a normal
// float number with value 2**X.
// So we have:
// powA = pow2i(exponent/2)
// powB = pow2i(exponent - exponent/2)
// With exponent in [-254,254], we split into cases:
// exponent = -254:
// exponent/2 = -127
// exponent - exponent/2 = -127
// powA = pow2i(exponent/2) = pow2i(-127) = 0.0
// powA * powB is 0.0, which is a permitted flush-to-zero case.
// exponent = -253:
// exponent/2 = -126
// (exponent - exponent/2) = -127
// powB = pow2i(exponent - exponent/2) = pow2i(-127) = 0.0
// powA * powB is 0.0, which is a permitted flush-to-zero case.
// exponent in [-252,254]:
// exponent/2 is in [-126, 127]
// (exponent - exponent/2) is in [-126, 127]
// powA = pow2i(exponent/2), a normal number
// powB = pow2i(exponent - exponent/2), a normal number
// For the Mesa implementation, see
// Clamp exponent to limits
auto exp = Min(Max(exponent, -254), 254);
// Split exponent into two terms
auto expA = exp >> 1;
auto expB = exp - expA;
// Construct two powers of 2 with the exponents above
auto powA = As<SIMD::Float>((expA + 127) << 23);
auto powB = As<SIMD::Float>((expB + 127) << 23);
// Multiply the input value by the two powers to get the final value.
// Note that multiplying powA and powB together may result in an overflow,
// so ensure that significand is multiplied by powA, *then* the result of that with powB.
return (significand * powA) * powB;
UInt4 halfToFloatBits(RValue<UInt4> halfBits)
auto magic = UInt4(126 << 23);
auto sign16 = halfBits & UInt4(0x8000);
auto man16 = halfBits & UInt4(0x03FF);
auto exp16 = halfBits & UInt4(0x7C00);
auto isDnormOrZero = CmpEQ(exp16, UInt4(0));
auto isInfOrNaN = CmpEQ(exp16, UInt4(0x7C00));
auto sign32 = sign16 << 16;
auto man32 = man16 << 13;
auto exp32 = (exp16 + UInt4(0x1C000)) << 13;
auto norm32 = (man32 | exp32) | (isInfOrNaN & UInt4(0x7F800000));
auto denorm32 = As<UInt4>(As<Float4>(magic + man16) - As<Float4>(magic));
return sign32 | (norm32 & ~isDnormOrZero) | (denorm32 & isDnormOrZero);
UInt4 floatToHalfBits(RValue<UInt4> floatBits, bool storeInUpperBits)
UInt4 sign = floatBits & UInt4(0x80000000);
UInt4 abs = floatBits & UInt4(0x7FFFFFFF);
UInt4 normal = CmpNLE(abs, UInt4(0x38800000));
UInt4 mantissa = (abs & UInt4(0x007FFFFF)) | UInt4(0x00800000);
UInt4 e = UInt4(113) - (abs >> 23);
UInt4 denormal = CmpLT(e, UInt4(24)) & (mantissa >> e);
UInt4 base = (normal & abs) | (~normal & denormal); // TODO: IfThenElse()
// float exponent bias is 127, half bias is 15, so adjust by -112
UInt4 bias = normal & UInt4(0xC8000000);
UInt4 rounded = base + bias + UInt4(0x00000FFF) + ((base >> 13) & UInt4(1));
UInt4 fp16u = rounded >> 13;
// Infinity
fp16u |= CmpNLE(abs, UInt4(0x47FFEFFF)) & UInt4(0x7FFF);
return storeInUpperBits ? (sign | (fp16u << 16)) : ((sign >> 16) | fp16u);
SIMD::Float linearToSRGB(const SIMD::Float &c)
SIMD::Float lc = c * 12.92f;
SIMD::Float ec = MulAdd(1.055f, Pow<Mediump>(c, (1.0f / 2.4f)), -0.055f); // TODO(b/149574741): Use a custom approximation.
SIMD::Int linear = CmpLT(c, 0.0031308f);
return As<SIMD::Float>((linear & As<SIMD::Int>(lc)) | (~linear & As<SIMD::Int>(ec))); // TODO: IfThenElse()
SIMD::Float sRGBtoLinear(const SIMD::Float &c)
SIMD::Float lc = c * (1.0f / 12.92f);
SIMD::Float ec = Pow<Mediump>(MulAdd(c, 1.0f / 1.055f, 0.055f / 1.055f), 2.4f); // TODO(b/149574741): Use a custom approximation.
SIMD::Int linear = CmpLT(c, 0.04045f);
return As<SIMD::Float>((linear & As<SIMD::Int>(lc)) | (~linear & As<SIMD::Int>(ec))); // TODO: IfThenElse()
RValue<Float4> reciprocal(RValue<Float4> x, bool pp, bool exactAtPow2)
return Rcp(x, pp, exactAtPow2);
RValue<SIMD::Float> reciprocal(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, bool pp, bool exactAtPow2)
return Rcp(x, pp, exactAtPow2);
RValue<Float4> reciprocalSquareRoot(RValue<Float4> x, bool absolute, bool pp)
Float4 abs = x;
abs = Abs(abs);
return Rcp(abs, pp);
// TODO(chromium:1299047): Eliminate when Chromium tests accept both fused and unfused multiply-add.
RValue<SIMD::Float> mulAdd(RValue<SIMD::Float> x, RValue<SIMD::Float> y, RValue<SIMD::Float> z)
return x * y + z;
return MulAdd(x, y, z);
RValue<Float4> Pow(RValue<Float4> x, RValue<Float4> y, bool relaxedPrecision)
// TODO(b/214588983): Eliminate by using only the wide SIMD variant (or specialize or templatize the implementation).
SIMD::Float xx;
SIMD::Float yy;
xx = Insert128(xx, x, 0);
yy = Insert128(yy, y, 0);
return Extract128(Pow(xx, yy, relaxedPrecision), 0);
RValue<Float4> Sqrt(RValue<Float4> x, bool relaxedPrecision)
// TODO(b/214588983): Eliminate by using only the wide SIMD variant (or specialize or templatize the implementation).
SIMD::Float xx;
xx = Insert128(xx, x, 0);
return Extract128(Sqrt(xx, relaxedPrecision), 0);
void transpose4x4(Short4 &row0, Short4 &row1, Short4 &row2, Short4 &row3)
Int2 tmp0 = UnpackHigh(row0, row1);
Int2 tmp1 = UnpackHigh(row2, row3);
Int2 tmp2 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Int2 tmp3 = UnpackLow(row2, row3);
row0 = UnpackLow(tmp2, tmp3);
row1 = UnpackHigh(tmp2, tmp3);
row2 = UnpackLow(tmp0, tmp1);
row3 = UnpackHigh(tmp0, tmp1);
void transpose4x3(Short4 &row0, Short4 &row1, Short4 &row2, Short4 &row3)
Int2 tmp0 = UnpackHigh(row0, row1);
Int2 tmp1 = UnpackHigh(row2, row3);
Int2 tmp2 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Int2 tmp3 = UnpackLow(row2, row3);
row0 = UnpackLow(tmp2, tmp3);
row1 = UnpackHigh(tmp2, tmp3);
row2 = UnpackLow(tmp0, tmp1);
void transpose4x4(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3)
Float4 tmp0 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp1 = UnpackLow(row2, row3);
Float4 tmp2 = UnpackHigh(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp3 = UnpackHigh(row2, row3);
row0 = Float4(tmp0.xy, tmp1.xy);
row1 = Float4(,;
row2 = Float4(tmp2.xy, tmp3.xy);
row3 = Float4(,;
void transpose4x4zyxw(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3)
Float4 tmp0 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp1 = UnpackLow(row2, row3);
Float4 tmp2 = UnpackHigh(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp3 = UnpackHigh(row2, row3);
row2 = Float4(tmp0.xy, tmp1.xy);
row1 = Float4(,;
row0 = Float4(tmp2.xy, tmp3.xy);
row3 = Float4(,;
void transpose4x3(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3)
Float4 tmp0 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp1 = UnpackLow(row2, row3);
Float4 tmp2 = UnpackHigh(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp3 = UnpackHigh(row2, row3);
row0 = Float4(tmp0.xy, tmp1.xy);
row1 = Float4(,;
row2 = Float4(tmp2.xy, tmp3.xy);
void transpose4x2(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3)
Float4 tmp0 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp1 = UnpackLow(row2, row3);
row0 = Float4(tmp0.xy, tmp1.xy);
row1 = Float4(,;
void transpose4x1(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3)
Float4 tmp0 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp1 = UnpackLow(row2, row3);
row0 = Float4(tmp0.xy, tmp1.xy);
void transpose2x4(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3)
Float4 tmp01 = UnpackLow(row0, row1);
Float4 tmp23 = UnpackHigh(row0, row1);
row0 = tmp01;
row1 = Float4(,;
row2 = tmp23;
row3 = Float4(,;
void transpose4xN(Float4 &row0, Float4 &row1, Float4 &row2, Float4 &row3, int N)
case 1: transpose4x1(row0, row1, row2, row3); break;
case 2: transpose4x2(row0, row1, row2, row3); break;
case 3: transpose4x3(row0, row1, row2, row3); break;
case 4: transpose4x4(row0, row1, row2, row3); break;
SIMD::UInt halfToFloatBits(SIMD::UInt halfBits)
auto magic = SIMD::UInt(126 << 23);
auto sign16 = halfBits & SIMD::UInt(0x8000);
auto man16 = halfBits & SIMD::UInt(0x03FF);
auto exp16 = halfBits & SIMD::UInt(0x7C00);
auto isDnormOrZero = CmpEQ(exp16, SIMD::UInt(0));
auto isInfOrNaN = CmpEQ(exp16, SIMD::UInt(0x7C00));
auto sign32 = sign16 << 16;
auto man32 = man16 << 13;
auto exp32 = (exp16 + SIMD::UInt(0x1C000)) << 13;
auto norm32 = (man32 | exp32) | (isInfOrNaN & SIMD::UInt(0x7F800000));
auto denorm32 = As<SIMD::UInt>(As<SIMD::Float>(magic + man16) - As<SIMD::Float>(magic));
return sign32 | (norm32 & ~isDnormOrZero) | (denorm32 & isDnormOrZero);
SIMD::UInt floatToHalfBits(SIMD::UInt floatBits, bool storeInUpperBits)
SIMD::UInt sign = floatBits & SIMD::UInt(0x80000000);
SIMD::UInt abs = floatBits & SIMD::UInt(0x7FFFFFFF);
SIMD::UInt normal = CmpNLE(abs, SIMD::UInt(0x38800000));
SIMD::UInt mantissa = (abs & SIMD::UInt(0x007FFFFF)) | SIMD::UInt(0x00800000);
SIMD::UInt e = SIMD::UInt(113) - (abs >> 23);
SIMD::UInt denormal = CmpLT(e, SIMD::UInt(24)) & (mantissa >> e);
SIMD::UInt base = (normal & abs) | (~normal & denormal); // TODO: IfThenElse()
// float exponent bias is 127, half bias is 15, so adjust by -112
SIMD::UInt bias = normal & SIMD::UInt(0xC8000000);
SIMD::UInt rounded = base + bias + SIMD::UInt(0x00000FFF) + ((base >> 13) & SIMD::UInt(1));
SIMD::UInt fp16u = rounded >> 13;
// Infinity
fp16u |= CmpNLE(abs, SIMD::UInt(0x47FFEFFF)) & SIMD::UInt(0x7FFF);
return storeInUpperBits ? (sign | (fp16u << 16)) : ((sign >> 16) | fp16u);
Float4 r11g11b10Unpack(UInt r11g11b10bits)
// 10 (or 11) bit float formats are unsigned formats with a 5 bit exponent and a 5 (or 6) bit mantissa.
// Since the Half float format also has a 5 bit exponent, we can convert these formats to half by
// copy/pasting the bits so the the exponent bits and top mantissa bits are aligned to the half format.
// In this case, we have:
// MSB | B B B B B B B B B B G G G G G G G G G G G R R R R R R R R R R R | LSB
UInt4 halfBits;
halfBits = Insert(halfBits, (r11g11b10bits & UInt(0x000007FFu)) << 4, 0);
halfBits = Insert(halfBits, (r11g11b10bits & UInt(0x003FF800u)) >> 7, 1);
halfBits = Insert(halfBits, (r11g11b10bits & UInt(0xFFC00000u)) >> 17, 2);
halfBits = Insert(halfBits, UInt(0x00003C00u), 3);
return As<Float4>(halfToFloatBits(halfBits));
UInt r11g11b10Pack(const Float4 &value)
// 10 and 11 bit floats are unsigned, so their minimal value is 0
auto halfBits = floatToHalfBits(As<UInt4>(Max(value, Float4(0.0f))), true);
// Truncates instead of rounding. See b/147900455
UInt4 truncBits = halfBits & UInt4(0x7FF00000, 0x7FF00000, 0x7FE00000, 0);
return (UInt(truncBits.x) >> 20) | (UInt(truncBits.y) >> 9) | (UInt(truncBits.z) << 1);
Float4 linearToSRGB(const Float4 &c)
Float4 lc = c * 12.92f;
Float4 ec = MulAdd(1.055f, Pow<Mediump>(c, (1.0f / 2.4f)), -0.055f); // TODO(b/149574741): Use a custom approximation.
Int4 linear = CmpLT(c, 0.0031308f);
return As<Float4>((linear & As<Int4>(lc)) | (~linear & As<Int4>(ec))); // TODO: IfThenElse()
Float4 sRGBtoLinear(const Float4 &c)
Float4 lc = c * (1.0f / 12.92f);
Float4 ec = Pow<Mediump>(MulAdd(c, 1.0f / 1.055f, 0.055f / 1.055f), 2.4f); // TODO(b/149574741): Use a custom approximation.
Int4 linear = CmpLT(c, 0.04045f);
return As<Float4>((linear & As<Int4>(lc)) | (~linear & As<Int4>(ec))); // TODO: IfThenElse()
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Sign(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &val)
return rr::As<SIMD::Float>((rr::As<SIMD::UInt>(val) & SIMD::UInt(0x80000000)) | SIMD::UInt(0x3f800000));
// Returns the <whole, frac> of val.
// Both whole and frac will have the same sign as val.
std::pair<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>>
Modf(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &val)
auto abs = Abs(val);
auto sign = Sign(val);
auto whole = Floor(abs) * sign;
auto frac = Frac(abs) * sign;
return std::make_pair(whole, frac);
// Returns the number of 1s in bits, per lane.
SIMD::UInt CountBits(const rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> &bits)
// TODO: Add an intrinsic to reactor. Even if there isn't a
// single vector instruction, there may be target-dependent
// ways to make this faster.
SIMD::UInt c = bits - ((bits >> 1) & SIMD::UInt(0x55555555));
c = ((c >> 2) & SIMD::UInt(0x33333333)) + (c & SIMD::UInt(0x33333333));
c = ((c >> 4) + c) & SIMD::UInt(0x0F0F0F0F);
c = ((c >> 8) + c) & SIMD::UInt(0x00FF00FF);
c = ((c >> 16) + c) & SIMD::UInt(0x0000FFFF);
return c;
// Returns 1 << bits.
// If the resulting bit overflows a 32 bit integer, 0 is returned.
rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> NthBit32(const rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> &bits)
return ((SIMD::UInt(1) << bits) & CmpLT(bits, SIMD::UInt(32)));
// Returns bitCount number of of 1's starting from the LSB.
rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> Bitmask32(const rr::RValue<SIMD::UInt> &bitCount)
return NthBit32(bitCount) - SIMD::UInt(1);
// Returns y if y < x; otherwise result is x.
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result.
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> NMin(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &x, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &y)
auto xIsNan = IsNan(x);
auto yIsNan = IsNan(y);
return As<SIMD::Float>(
// If neither are NaN, return min
((~xIsNan & ~yIsNan) & As<SIMD::Int>(Min(x, y))) |
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
((~xIsNan & yIsNan) & As<SIMD::Int>(x)) |
(xIsNan & As<SIMD::Int>(y)));
// Returns y if y > x; otherwise result is x.
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result.
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> NMax(const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &x, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &y)
auto xIsNan = IsNan(x);
auto yIsNan = IsNan(y);
return As<SIMD::Float>(
// If neither are NaN, return max
((~xIsNan & ~yIsNan) & As<SIMD::Int>(Max(x, y))) |
// If one operand is a NaN, the other operand is the result
// If both operands are NaN, the result is a NaN.
((~xIsNan & yIsNan) & As<SIMD::Int>(x)) |
(xIsNan & As<SIMD::Int>(y)));
// Returns the determinant of a 2x2 matrix.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Determinant(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d)
return a * d - b * c;
// Returns the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Determinant(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i)
return a * e * i + b * f * g + c * d * h - c * e * g - b * d * i - a * f * h;
// Returns the determinant of a 4x4 matrix.
rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> Determinant(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &j, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &k, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &l,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &m, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &n, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &o, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &p)
return a * Determinant(f, g, h,
j, k, l,
n, o, p) -
b * Determinant(e, g, h,
i, k, l,
m, o, p) +
c * Determinant(e, f, h,
i, j, l,
m, n, p) -
d * Determinant(e, f, g,
i, j, k,
m, n, o);
// Returns the inverse of a 2x2 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, 4> MatrixInverse(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d)
auto s = SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Determinant(a, b, c, d);
return { { s * d, -s * b, -s * c, s * a } };
// Returns the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, 9> MatrixInverse(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i)
auto s = SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Determinant(
a, b, c,
d, e, f,
g, h, i); // TODO: duplicate arithmetic calculating the det and below.
return { {
s * (e * i - f * h),
s * (c * h - b * i),
s * (b * f - c * e),
s * (f * g - d * i),
s * (a * i - c * g),
s * (c * d - a * f),
s * (d * h - e * g),
s * (b * g - a * h),
s * (a * e - b * d),
} };
// Returns the inverse of a 4x4 matrix.
std::array<rr::RValue<SIMD::Float>, 16> MatrixInverse(
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &a, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &b, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &c, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &d,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &e, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &f, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &g, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &h,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &i, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &j, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &k, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &l,
const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &m, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &n, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &o, const rr::RValue<SIMD::Float> &p)
auto s = SIMD::Float(1.0f) / Determinant(
a, b, c, d,
e, f, g, h,
i, j, k, l,
m, n, o, p); // TODO: duplicate arithmetic calculating the det and below.
auto kplo = k * p - l * o, jpln = j * p - l * n, jokn = j * o - k * n;
auto gpho = g * p - h * o, fphn = f * p - h * n, fogn = f * o - g * n;
auto glhk = g * l - h * k, flhj = f * l - h * j, fkgj = f * k - g * j;
auto iplm = i * p - l * m, iokm = i * o - k * m, ephm = e * p - h * m;
auto eogm = e * o - g * m, elhi = e * l - h * i, ekgi = e * k - g * i;
auto injm = i * n - j * m, enfm = e * n - f * m, ejfi = e * j - f * i;
return { {
s * (f * kplo - g * jpln + h * jokn),
s * (-b * kplo + c * jpln - d * jokn),
s * (b * gpho - c * fphn + d * fogn),
s * (-b * glhk + c * flhj - d * fkgj),
s * (-e * kplo + g * iplm - h * iokm),
s * (a * kplo - c * iplm + d * iokm),
s * (-a * gpho + c * ephm - d * eogm),
s * (a * glhk - c * elhi + d * ekgi),
s * (e * jpln - f * iplm + h * injm),
s * (-a * jpln + b * iplm - d * injm),
s * (a * fphn - b * ephm + d * enfm),
s * (-a * flhj + b * elhi - d * ejfi),
s * (-e * jokn + f * iokm - g * injm),
s * (a * jokn - b * iokm + c * injm),
s * (-a * fogn + b * eogm - c * enfm),
s * (a * fkgj - b * ekgi + c * ejfi),
} };
} // namespace sw