blob: 71ba2abd4d470f5196bc9781373d8a807aaf2a83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file picoktab.h
* symbol tables needed at runtime
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland
* All rights reserved.
* History:
* - 2009-04-20 -- initial version
* @addtogroup picoktab
* <b> Symbol tables needed at runtime </b>\n
#ifndef PICOKTAB_H_
#define PICOKTAB_H_
#include "picoos.h"
#include "picoknow.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if 0
/* ************************************************************/
/* fixed IDs type and functions */
/* ************************************************************/
/** object : FixedIds
* shortcut : ids
typedef struct picoktab_fixed_ids * picoktab_FixedIds;
typedef struct picoktab_fixed_ids {
picoos_uint8 phonStartId;
picoos_uint8 phonTermId;
} picoktab_fixed_ids_t;
/* to be used by picorsrc only */
pico_status_t picoktab_specializeIdsKnowledgeBase(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this,
picoos_Common common);
picoktab_FixedIds picoktab_getFixedIds(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this);
/* ************************************************************/
/* Graphs type and functions */
/* ************************************************************/
typedef struct picoktab_graphs *picoktab_Graphs;
/* to be used by picorsrc only */
pico_status_t picoktab_specializeGraphsKnowledgeBase(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this,
picoos_Common common);
/* return kb graphs for usage in PU */
picoktab_Graphs picoktab_getGraphs(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this);
/* graph access routine: if the desired graph 'utf8graph' exists in
the graph table a graph offset > 0 is returned, which then can be
used to access the properties */
picoos_uint32 picoktab_graphOffset(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uchar * utf8graph);
/* check if UTF8 char 'graph' has property vowellike, return non-zero
if 'ch' has the property, 0 otherwise */
picoos_uint8 picoktab_hasVowellikeProp(const picoktab_Graphs this,
const picoos_uint8 *graph,
const picoos_uint8 graphlenmax);
/* graph properties access routines: if graph with offset 'graphsOffset' has the
desired property, returns TRUE if 'ch' has the property, FALSE otherwise */
picoos_bool picoktab_getIntPropTokenType(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint32 graphsOffset,
picoos_uint8 *stokenType);
picoos_bool picoktab_getIntPropTokenSubType(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint32 graphsOffset,
picoos_int8 *stokenSubType);
picoos_bool picoktab_getIntPropValue(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint32 graphsOffset,
picoos_uint32 *value);
picoos_bool picoktab_getStrPropLowercase(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint32 graphsOffset,
picoos_uchar *lowercase);
picoos_bool picoktab_getStrPropGraphsubs1(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint32 graphsOffset,
picoos_uchar *graphsubs1);
picoos_bool picoktab_getStrPropGraphsubs2(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint32 graphsOffset,
picoos_uchar *graphsubs2);
picoos_bool picoktab_getIntPropPunct(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint32 graphsOffset,
picoos_uint8 *info1,
picoos_uint8 *info2);
picoos_uint16 picoktab_graphsGetNumEntries(const picoktab_Graphs this);
void picoktab_graphsGetGraphInfo(const picoktab_Graphs this,
picoos_uint16 graphIndex, picoos_uchar * from, picoos_uchar * to,
picoos_uint8 * propset,
picoos_uint8 * stokenType, picoos_uint8 * stokenSubType,
picoos_uint8 * value, picoos_uchar * lowercase,
picoos_uchar * graphsubs1, picoos_uchar * graphsubs2,
picoos_uint8 * punct);
/* ************************************************************/
/* Phones type and functions */
/* ************************************************************/
/* to be used by picorsrc only */
pico_status_t picoktab_specializePhonesKnowledgeBase(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this,
picoos_Common common);
typedef struct picoktab_phones *picoktab_Phones;
/* return kb Phones for usage in PU */
picoktab_Phones picoktab_getPhones(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this);
/* check if 'ch' has a property, return non-zero if 'ch' has the
property, 0 otherwise */
picoos_uint8 picoktab_hasVowelProp(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_hasDiphthProp(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_hasGlottProp(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_hasNonsyllvowelProp(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_hasSyllconsProp(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
/* to speed up processing for often used combinations of properties
the following functions are provided, which check if the property
combination is true for 'ch' */
picoos_bool picoktab_isSyllCarrier(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
/* some properties can be assigned to a single sym only, check if 'ch'
is a special sym, return TRUE if it is the special sym, FALSE
otherwise */
picoos_bool picoktab_isPrimstress(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_bool picoktab_isSecstress(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_bool picoktab_isSyllbound(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_bool picoktab_isWordbound(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
picoos_bool picoktab_isPause(const picoktab_Phones this,
const picoos_uint8 ch);
/* get specific sym values */
picoos_uint8 picoktab_getPrimstressID(const picoktab_Phones this);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_getSecstressID(const picoktab_Phones this);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_getSyllboundID(const picoktab_Phones this);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_getWordboundID(const picoktab_Phones this);
picoos_uint8 picoktab_getPauseID(const picoktab_Phones this);
/* ************************************************************/
/* Pos type and functions */
/* ************************************************************/
/* to be used by picorsrc only */
pico_status_t picoktab_specializePosKnowledgeBase(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this,
picoos_Common common);
typedef struct picoktab_pos *picoktab_Pos;
/* return kb Pos for usage in PU */
picoktab_Pos picoktab_getPos(picoknow_KnowledgeBase this);
/* returns TRUE if 'pos' is the ID of a unique (ie. non-combined) POS,
returns FALSE otherwise */
picoos_bool picoktab_isUniquePos(const picoktab_Pos this,
const picoos_uint8 pos);
/* returns TRUE if the non-combined 'pos' is one of the POSes in the
combined POS group 'posgroup, returns FALSE otherwise. Note: if
'posgroup' is itself non-combined, this function returns TRUE if it
matches with 'pos', and FALSE otherwise */
picoos_bool picoktab_isPartOfPosGroup(const picoktab_Pos this,
const picoos_uint8 pos,
const picoos_uint8 posgroup);
/* return the combined POS group ID that is a representative ID for
all the 'poslistlen' POSes (which can be combined themselves) in
poslist. Returns '0' in case of error. */
picoos_uint8 picoktab_getPosGroup(const picoktab_Pos this,
const picoos_uint8 *poslist,
const picoos_uint8 poslistlen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*PICOKTAB_H_*/