blob: c535f7d55b433983f49d04b1c98076e3a725fe6b [file] [log] [blame]
Contents of the .debug_info section:
Compilation Unit @ offset 0x0:
Length: 0x1b5 (32-bit)
Version: 2
Abbrev Offset: 0x0
Pointer Size: 4
<0><b>: Abbrev Number: 1 (DW_TAG_compile_unit)
<c> DW_AT_producer : (indirect string, offset: 0x26): GNU C 4.8.4 -mx32 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -gdwarf-2 -fstack-protector
<10> DW_AT_language : 1 (ANSI C)
<11> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x1b2): mpers-mx32/struct_flock64.c
<15> DW_AT_comp_dir : (indirect string, offset: 0x14a): /usr/local/google/home/enh/Downloads/strace-4.16
<19> DW_AT_stmt_list : 0x0
<1><1d>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<1e> DW_AT_byte_size : 1
<1f> DW_AT_encoding : 6 (signed char)
<20> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x1e8): signed char
<1><24>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<25> DW_AT_byte_size : 2
<26> DW_AT_encoding : 5 (signed)
<27> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x1ce): short int
<1><2b>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<2c> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<2d> DW_AT_encoding : 5 (signed)
<2e> DW_AT_name : int
<1><32>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<33> DW_AT_byte_size : 8
<34> DW_AT_encoding : 5 (signed)
<35> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x18e): long long int
<1><39>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<3a> DW_AT_byte_size : 1
<3b> DW_AT_encoding : 8 (unsigned char)
<3c> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xcd): unsigned char
<1><40>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<41> DW_AT_byte_size : 2
<42> DW_AT_encoding : 7 (unsigned)
<43> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x71): short unsigned int
<1><47>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<48> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<49> DW_AT_encoding : 7 (unsigned)
<4a> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x12a): unsigned int
<1><4e>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<4f> DW_AT_byte_size : 8
<50> DW_AT_encoding : 7 (unsigned)
<51> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xb6): long long unsigned int
<1><55>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<56> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<57> DW_AT_encoding : 5 (signed)
<58> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x1d8): long int
<1><5c>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<5d> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<5e> DW_AT_encoding : 7 (unsigned)
<5f> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xdb): long unsigned int
<1><63>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<64> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<65> DW_AT_encoding : 7 (unsigned)
<66> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x185): sizetype
<1><6a>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<6b> DW_AT_byte_size : 1
<6c> DW_AT_encoding : 6 (signed char)
<6d> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x145): char
<1><71>: Abbrev Number: 4 (DW_TAG_pointer_type)
<72> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<73> DW_AT_type : <0x77>
<1><77>: Abbrev Number: 5 (DW_TAG_const_type)
<78> DW_AT_type : <0x6a>
<1><7c>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_typedef)
<7d> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x17): __kernel_pid_t
<81> DW_AT_decl_file : 1
<82> DW_AT_decl_line : 27
<83> DW_AT_type : <0x2b>
<1><87>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_typedef)
<88> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x84): __kernel_loff_t
<8c> DW_AT_decl_file : 1
<8d> DW_AT_decl_line : 87
<8e> DW_AT_type : <0x32>
<1><92>: Abbrev Number: 7 (DW_TAG_structure_type)
<93> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xed): sysent
<97> DW_AT_byte_size : 20
<98> DW_AT_decl_file : 2
<99> DW_AT_decl_line : 4
<9a> DW_AT_sibling : <0xe5>
<2><9e>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<9f> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x113): nargs
<a3> DW_AT_decl_file : 2
<a4> DW_AT_decl_line : 5
<a5> DW_AT_type : <0x47>
<a9> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 0 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 0)
<2><ac>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<ad> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xac): sys_flags
<b1> DW_AT_decl_file : 2
<b2> DW_AT_decl_line : 6
<b3> DW_AT_type : <0x2b>
<b7> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 4 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 4)
<2><ba>: Abbrev Number: 9 (DW_TAG_member)
<bb> DW_AT_name : sen
<bf> DW_AT_decl_file : 2
<c0> DW_AT_decl_line : 7
<c1> DW_AT_type : <0x2b>
<c5> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 8 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 8)
<2><c8>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<c9> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x1f4): sys_func
<cd> DW_AT_decl_file : 2
<ce> DW_AT_decl_line : 8
<cf> DW_AT_type : <0xf0>
<d3> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 c (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 12)
<2><d6>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<d7> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xa3): sys_name
<db> DW_AT_decl_file : 2
<dc> DW_AT_decl_line : 9
<dd> DW_AT_type : <0x71>
<e1> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 10 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 16)
<2><e4>: Abbrev Number: 0
<1><e5>: Abbrev Number: 10 (DW_TAG_subroutine_type)
<e6> DW_AT_type : <0x2b>
<ea> DW_AT_sibling : <0xf0>
<2><ee>: Abbrev Number: 11 (DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters)
<2><ef>: Abbrev Number: 0
<1><f0>: Abbrev Number: 4 (DW_TAG_pointer_type)
<f1> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<f2> DW_AT_type : <0xe5>
<1><f6>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_typedef)
<f7> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x137): struct_sysent
<fb> DW_AT_decl_file : 2
<fc> DW_AT_decl_line : 10
<fd> DW_AT_type : <0x92>
<1><101>: Abbrev Number: 4 (DW_TAG_pointer_type)
<102> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<103> DW_AT_type : <0x107>
<1><107>: Abbrev Number: 5 (DW_TAG_const_type)
<108> DW_AT_type : <0xf6>
<1><10c>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<10d> DW_AT_byte_size : 1
<10e> DW_AT_encoding : 2 (boolean)
<10f> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x11): _Bool
<1><113>: Abbrev Number: 7 (DW_TAG_structure_type)
<114> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xfa): flock64
<118> DW_AT_byte_size : 32
<119> DW_AT_decl_file : 3
<11a> DW_AT_decl_line : 196
<11b> DW_AT_sibling : <0x166>
<2><11f>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<120> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x1e1): l_type
<124> DW_AT_decl_file : 3
<125> DW_AT_decl_line : 197
<126> DW_AT_type : <0x24>
<12a> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 0 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 0)
<2><12d>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<12e> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x0): l_whence
<132> DW_AT_decl_file : 3
<133> DW_AT_decl_line : 198
<134> DW_AT_type : <0x24>
<138> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 2 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 2)
<2><13b>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<13c> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x9): l_start
<140> DW_AT_decl_file : 3
<141> DW_AT_decl_line : 199
<142> DW_AT_type : <0x87>
<146> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 8 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 8)
<2><149>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<14a> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x1fd): l_len
<14e> DW_AT_decl_file : 3
<14f> DW_AT_decl_line : 200
<150> DW_AT_type : <0x87>
<154> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 10 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 16)
<2><157>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_member)
<158> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xf4): l_pid
<15c> DW_AT_decl_file : 3
<15d> DW_AT_decl_line : 201
<15e> DW_AT_type : <0x7c>
<162> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 18 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 24)
<2><165>: Abbrev Number: 0
<1><166>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_typedef)
<167> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x19c): struct_kernel_flock64
<16b> DW_AT_decl_file : 4
<16c> DW_AT_decl_line : 42
<16d> DW_AT_type : <0x113>
<1><171>: Abbrev Number: 6 (DW_TAG_typedef)
<172> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x94): struct_flock64
<176> DW_AT_decl_file : 5
<177> DW_AT_decl_line : 33
<178> DW_AT_type : <0x166>
<1><17c>: Abbrev Number: 12 (DW_TAG_variable)
<17d> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x102): current_wordsize
<181> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<182> DW_AT_decl_line : 757
<184> DW_AT_type : <0x47>
<188> DW_AT_external : 1
<189> DW_AT_declaration : 1
<1><18a>: Abbrev Number: 12 (DW_TAG_variable)
<18b> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xed): sysent
<18f> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<190> DW_AT_decl_line : 892
<192> DW_AT_type : <0x101>
<196> DW_AT_external : 1
<197> DW_AT_declaration : 1
<1><198>: Abbrev Number: 12 (DW_TAG_variable)
<199> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x17b): nsyscalls
<19d> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<19e> DW_AT_decl_line : 903
<1a0> DW_AT_type : <0x47>
<1a4> DW_AT_external : 1
<1a5> DW_AT_declaration : 1
<1><1a6>: Abbrev Number: 13 (DW_TAG_variable)
<1a7> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x119): mpers_target_var
<1ab> DW_AT_decl_file : 5
<1ac> DW_AT_decl_line : 35
<1ad> DW_AT_type : <0x171>
<1b1> DW_AT_external : 1
<1b2> DW_AT_location : 5 byte block: 3 20 0 0 0 (DW_OP_addr: 20)
<1><1b8>: Abbrev Number: 0