blob: a6264e9c9949581d03ea21592851936b01bf3f00 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright 2021-2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
// License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: Giuliano Procida
// Author: Ignes Simeonova
#include "abigail_reader.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include "error.h"
#include "file_descriptor.h"
#include "graph.h"
namespace stg {
namespace abixml {
namespace {
const char* FromLibxml(const xmlChar* str) {
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str);
const xmlChar* ToLibxml(const char* str) {
return reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(str);
std::string GetElementName(xmlNodePtr element) {
return std::string(FromLibxml(element->name));
void CheckElementName(const char* name, xmlNodePtr element) {
const auto element_name = FromLibxml(element->name);
if (strcmp(element_name, name) != 0) {
Die() << "expected element '" << name
<< "' but got '" << element_name << "'";
xmlNodePtr GetOnlyChild(const std::string& name, xmlNodePtr element) {
xmlNodePtr child = xmlFirstElementChild(element);
Check(child && !xmlNextElementSibling(child))
<< name << " with not exactly one child element";
return child;
std::optional<std::string> GetAttribute(xmlNodePtr node, const char* name) {
std::optional<std::string> result;
xmlChar* attribute = xmlGetProp(node, ToLibxml(name));
if (attribute) {
result = {FromLibxml(attribute)};
return result;
std::string GetAttributeOrDie(xmlNodePtr node, const char* name) {
xmlChar* attribute = xmlGetProp(node, ToLibxml(name));
if (!attribute) {
Die() << "element '" << FromLibxml(node->name)
<< "' missing attribute '" << name << "'";
std::string result = FromLibxml(attribute);
return result;
template <typename T>
std::optional<T> Parse(const std::string& value) {
T result;
std::istringstream is(value);
is >> std::noskipws >> result;
if (is && is.eof()) {
return {result};
return {};
template <>
std::optional<bool> Parse<bool>(const std::string& value) {
if (value == "yes") {
return {true};
} else if (value == "no") {
return {false};
return {};
template <>
std::optional<ElfSymbol::SymbolType> Parse<ElfSymbol::SymbolType>(
const std::string& value) {
if (value == "object-type") {
return {ElfSymbol::SymbolType::OBJECT};
} else if (value == "func-type") {
return {ElfSymbol::SymbolType::FUNCTION};
} else if (value == "common-type") {
return {ElfSymbol::SymbolType::COMMON};
} else if (value == "tls-type") {
return {ElfSymbol::SymbolType::TLS};
return {};
template <>
std::optional<ElfSymbol::Binding> Parse<ElfSymbol::Binding>(
const std::string& value) {
if (value == "global-binding") {
return {ElfSymbol::Binding::GLOBAL};
} else if (value == "local-binding") {
return {ElfSymbol::Binding::LOCAL};
} else if (value == "weak-binding") {
return {ElfSymbol::Binding::WEAK};
} else if (value == "gnu-unique-binding") {
return {ElfSymbol::Binding::GNU_UNIQUE};
return {};
template <>
std::optional<ElfSymbol::Visibility> Parse<ElfSymbol::Visibility>(
const std::string& value) {
if (value == "default-visibility") {
return {ElfSymbol::Visibility::DEFAULT};
} else if (value == "protected-visibility") {
return {ElfSymbol::Visibility::PROTECTED};
} else if (value == "hidden-visibility") {
return {ElfSymbol::Visibility::HIDDEN};
} else if (value == "internal-visibility") {
return {ElfSymbol::Visibility::INTERNAL};
return {};
template <>
std::optional<ElfSymbol::CRC> Parse<ElfSymbol::CRC>(const std::string& value) {
uint32_t number;
std::istringstream is(value);
is >> std::noskipws >> std::hex >> number;
if (is && is.eof()) {
return std::make_optional<ElfSymbol::CRC>(number);
return std::nullopt;
template <typename T>
T GetParsedValueOrDie(xmlNodePtr element, const char* name,
const std::string& value, const std::optional<T>& parse) {
if (parse) {
return *parse;
Die() << "element '" << FromLibxml(element->name)
<< "' has attribute '" << name
<< "' with bad value '" << value << "'";
template <typename T>
T ReadAttributeOrDie(xmlNodePtr element, const char* name) {
const auto value = GetAttributeOrDie(element, name);
return GetParsedValueOrDie(element, name, value, Parse<T>(value));
template <typename T>
std::optional<T> ReadAttribute(xmlNodePtr element, const char* name) {
const auto value = GetAttribute(element, name);
if (value) {
return {GetParsedValueOrDie(element, name, *value, Parse<T>(*value))};
return {};
template <typename T>
T ReadAttribute(xmlNodePtr element, const char* name, const T& default_value) {
const auto value = GetAttribute(element, name);
if (value) {
return GetParsedValueOrDie(element, name, *value, Parse<T>(*value));
return default_value;
template <typename T>
T ReadAttribute(xmlNodePtr element, const char* name,
std::function<std::optional<T>(const std::string&)> parse) {
const auto value = GetAttributeOrDie(element, name);
return GetParsedValueOrDie(element, name, value, parse(value));
std::optional<uint64_t> ParseLength(const std::string& value) {
if (value == "infinite" || value == "unknown") {
return {0};
return Parse<uint64_t>(value);
std::optional<PointerReference::Kind> ParseReferenceKind(
const std::string& value) {
if (value == "lvalue") {
return {PointerReference::Kind::LVALUE_REFERENCE};
} else if (value == "rvalue") {
return {PointerReference::Kind::RVALUE_REFERENCE};
return {};
class PushScopeName {
PushScopeName(std::string& scope_name, const std::string& name)
: scope_name_(scope_name), old_size_(scope_name.size()) {
scope_name_ += name;
scope_name_ += "::";
PushScopeName(const PushScopeName& other) = delete;
PushScopeName& operator=(const PushScopeName& other) = delete;
~PushScopeName() {
std::string& scope_name_;
const size_t old_size_;
} // namespace
Abigail::Abigail(Graph& graph) : graph_(graph) {}
Id Abigail::GetNode(const std::string& type_id) {
const auto [it, inserted] = type_ids_.insert({type_id, Id(0)});
if (inserted) {
it->second = graph_.Allocate();
return it->second;
Id Abigail::GetEdge(xmlNodePtr element) {
return GetNode(GetAttributeOrDie(element, "type-id"));
Id Abigail::GetVariadic() {
if (!variadic_) {
variadic_ = {graph_.Add<Variadic>()};
return *variadic_;
Function Abigail::MakeFunctionType(xmlNodePtr function) {
std::vector<Id> parameters;
std::optional<Id> return_type;
for (auto child = xmlFirstElementChild(function); child;
child = xmlNextElementSibling(child)) {
const auto child_name = GetElementName(child);
if (return_type) {
Die() << "unexpected element after return-type";
if (child_name == "parameter") {
const auto is_variadic = ReadAttribute<bool>(child, "is-variadic", false);
parameters.push_back(is_variadic ? GetVariadic() : GetEdge(child));
} else if (child_name == "return") {
return_type = {GetEdge(child)};
} else {
Die() << "unrecognised " << FromLibxml(function->name)
<< " child element '" << child_name << "'";
if (!return_type) {
Die() << "missing return-type";
return Function(*return_type, parameters);
Id Abigail::ProcessRoot(xmlNodePtr root) {
const auto name = GetElementName(root);
if (name == "abi-corpus-group") {
} else if (name == "abi-corpus") {
} else {
Die() << "unrecognised root element '" << name << "'";
return BuildSymbols();
void Abigail::ProcessCorpusGroup(xmlNodePtr group) {
for (auto corpus = xmlFirstElementChild(group); corpus;
corpus = xmlNextElementSibling(corpus)) {
CheckElementName("abi-corpus", corpus);
void Abigail::ProcessCorpus(xmlNodePtr corpus) {
for (auto element = xmlFirstElementChild(corpus); element;
element = xmlNextElementSibling(element)) {
const auto name = GetElementName(element);
if (name == "elf-function-symbols" || name == "elf-variable-symbols") {
} else if (name == "elf-needed") {
// ignore this
} else if (name == "abi-instr") {
} else {
Die() << "unrecognised abi-corpus child element '" << name << "'";
void Abigail::ProcessSymbols(xmlNodePtr symbols) {
for (auto element = xmlFirstElementChild(symbols); element;
element = xmlNextElementSibling(element)) {
CheckElementName("elf-symbol", element);
void Abigail::ProcessSymbol(xmlNodePtr symbol) {
// Symbol processing is done in two parts. In this first part, we parse just
// enough XML attributes to generate a symbol id and determine any aliases.
// Symbol ids in this format can be found in elf-symbol alias attributes and
// in {var,function}-decl elf-symbol-id attributes.
const auto name = GetAttributeOrDie(symbol, "name");
const auto version =
ReadAttribute<std::string>(symbol, "version", std::string());
const bool is_default_version =
ReadAttribute<bool>(symbol, "is-default-version", false);
const auto alias = GetAttribute(symbol, "alias");
std::string elf_symbol_id = name;
std::optional<ElfSymbol::VersionInfo> version_info;
if (!version.empty()) {
version_info = ElfSymbol::VersionInfo{is_default_version, version};
elf_symbol_id += VersionInfoToString(*version_info);
.emplace(elf_symbol_id, SymbolInfo{name, version_info, symbol})
<< "multiple symbols with id " << elf_symbol_id;
if (alias) {
std::istringstream is(*alias);
std::string item;
while (std::getline(is, item, ',')) {
Check(alias_to_main_.insert({item, elf_symbol_id}).second)
<< "multiple aliases with id " << elf_symbol_id;
bool Abigail::ProcessUserDefinedType(const std::string& name, Id id,
xmlNodePtr decl) {
if (name == "typedef-decl") {
ProcessTypedef(id, decl);
} else if (name == "class-decl") {
ProcessStructUnion(id, true, decl);
} else if (name == "union-decl") {
ProcessStructUnion(id, false, decl);
} else if (name == "enum-decl") {
ProcessEnum(id, decl);
} else {
return false;
return true;
void Abigail::ProcessScope(xmlNodePtr scope) {
for (auto element = xmlFirstElementChild(scope); element;
element = xmlNextElementSibling(element)) {
const auto name = GetElementName(element);
const auto type_id = GetAttribute(element, "id");
// all type elements have "id", all non-types do not
if (type_id) {
const auto id = GetNode(*type_id);
if (graph_.Is(id)) {
std::cerr << "duplicate definition of type '" << *type_id << "'\n";
if (name == "function-type") {
ProcessFunctionType(id, element);
} else if (name == "pointer-type-def") {
ProcessPointer(id, true, element);
} else if (name == "reference-type-def") {
ProcessPointer(id, false, element);
} else if (name == "qualified-type-def") {
ProcessQualified(id, element);
} else if (name == "array-type-def") {
ProcessArray(id, element);
} else if (name == "type-decl") {
ProcessTypeDecl(id, element);
} else if (!ProcessUserDefinedType(name, id, element)) {
Die() << "bad abi-instr type child element '" << name << "'";
} else {
if (name == "var-decl") {
ProcessDecl(true, element);
} else if (name == "function-decl") {
ProcessDecl(false, element);
} else if (name == "namespace-decl") {
} else {
Die() << "bad abi-instr non-type child element '" << name << "'";
void Abigail::ProcessInstr(xmlNodePtr instr) {
void Abigail::ProcessNamespace(xmlNodePtr scope) {
const auto name = GetAttributeOrDie(scope, "name");
PushScopeName push_scope_name(scope_name_, name);
Id Abigail::ProcessDecl(bool is_variable, xmlNodePtr decl) {
const auto name = scope_name_ + GetAttributeOrDie(decl, "name");
const auto symbol_id = GetAttribute(decl, "elf-symbol-id");
const auto type = is_variable ? GetEdge(decl)
: graph_.Add<Function>(MakeFunctionType(decl));
if (symbol_id) {
// There's a link to an ELF symbol.
const auto [it, inserted] = symbol_id_and_full_name_.emplace(
*symbol_id, std::make_pair(type, name));
if (!inserted && it->second.first != type) {
Die() << "conflicting types for '" << *symbol_id << "'";
return type;
void Abigail::ProcessFunctionType(Id id, xmlNodePtr function) {
graph_.Set<Function>(id, MakeFunctionType(function));
void Abigail::ProcessTypedef(Id id, xmlNodePtr type_definition) {
const auto name = scope_name_ + GetAttributeOrDie(type_definition, "name");
const auto type = GetEdge(type_definition);
graph_.Set<Typedef>(id, name, type);
void Abigail::ProcessPointer(Id id, bool is_pointer, xmlNodePtr pointer) {
const auto type = GetEdge(pointer);
const auto kind = is_pointer ? PointerReference::Kind::POINTER
: ReadAttribute<PointerReference::Kind>(
pointer, "kind", &ParseReferenceKind);
graph_.Set<PointerReference>(id, kind, type);
void Abigail::ProcessQualified(Id id, xmlNodePtr qualified) {
std::vector<Qualifier> qualifiers;
// Do these in reverse order so we get CVR ordering.
if (ReadAttribute<bool>(qualified, "restrict", false)) {
if (ReadAttribute<bool>(qualified, "volatile", false)) {
if (ReadAttribute<bool>(qualified, "const", false)) {
Check(!qualifiers.empty()) << "qualified-type-def has no qualifiers";
// Handle multiple qualifiers by unconditionally adding as new nodes all but
// the last qualifier which is set into place.
auto type = GetEdge(qualified);
auto count = qualifiers.size();
for (auto qualifier : qualifiers) {
const Qualified node(qualifier, type);
if (count) {
type = graph_.Add<Qualified>(node);
} else {
graph_.Set<Qualified>(id, node);
void Abigail::ProcessArray(Id id, xmlNodePtr array) {
std::vector<size_t> dimensions;
for (auto child = xmlFirstElementChild(array); child;
child = xmlNextElementSibling(child)) {
CheckElementName("subrange", child);
const auto length = ReadAttribute<uint64_t>(child, "length", &ParseLength);
Check(!dimensions.empty()) << "array-type-def element has no children";
// int[M][N] means array[M] of array[N] of int
// We need to chain a bunch of types together:
// id = array[n] of id = ... = array[n] of id
// where the first id is the new type in slot ix
// and the last id is the old type in slot type
// Use the same approach as for qualifiers.
auto type = GetEdge(array);
auto count = dimensions.size();
for (auto it = dimensions.crbegin(); it != dimensions.crend(); ++it) {
const auto size = *it;
const Array node(size, type);
if (count) {
type = graph_.Add<Array>(node);
} else {
graph_.Set<Array>(id, node);
void Abigail::ProcessTypeDecl(Id id, xmlNodePtr type_decl) {
const auto name = scope_name_ + GetAttributeOrDie(type_decl, "name");
const auto bits = ReadAttribute<size_t>(type_decl, "size-in-bits", 0);
if (bits % 8) {
Die() << "size-in-bits is not a multiple of 8";
const auto bytes = bits / 8;
if (name == "void") {
} else {
// libabigail doesn't model encoding at all and we don't want to parse names
// (which will not always work) in an attempt to reconstruct it.
graph_.Set<Primitive>(id, name, /* encoding= */ std::nullopt, bytes);
void Abigail::ProcessStructUnion(Id id, bool is_struct,
xmlNodePtr struct_union) {
// Libabigail is reporting wrong information for is-declaration-only so it is
// not reliable. We are looking at the children of the element instead.
// It can be removed once the bug is fixed.
const bool forward =
ReadAttribute<bool>(struct_union, "is-declaration-only", false)
&& !xmlFirstElementChild(struct_union);
const auto kind = is_struct
? StructUnion::Kind::STRUCT
: StructUnion::Kind::UNION;
const auto name = ReadAttribute<bool>(struct_union, "is-anonymous", false)
? std::string()
: GetAttributeOrDie(struct_union, "name");
const auto full_name = name.empty() ? std::string() : scope_name_ + name;
std::ostringstream scope_name_os;
if (name.empty()) {
scope_name_os << "<unnamed " << kind << ">";
} else {
scope_name_os << name;
PushScopeName push_scope_name(scope_name_, scope_name_os.str());
if (forward) {
graph_.Set<StructUnion>(id, kind, full_name);
const auto bits = ReadAttribute<size_t>(struct_union, "size-in-bits", 0);
const auto bytes = (bits + 7) / 8;
std::vector<Id> base_classes;
std::vector<Id> methods;
std::vector<Id> members;
for (xmlNodePtr child = xmlFirstElementChild(struct_union); child;
child = xmlNextElementSibling(child)) {
const auto child_name = GetElementName(child);
if (child_name == "data-member") {
if (const auto member = ProcessDataMember(is_struct, child)) {
} else if (child_name == "member-type") {
} else if (child_name == "base-class") {
} else if (child_name == "member-function") {
} else {
Die() << "unrecognised " << kind << "-decl child element '" << child_name
<< "'";
graph_.Set<StructUnion>(id, kind, full_name, bytes, base_classes, methods,
void Abigail::ProcessEnum(Id id, xmlNodePtr enumeration) {
bool forward = ReadAttribute<bool>(enumeration, "is-declaration-only", false);
const auto name = ReadAttribute<bool>(enumeration, "is-anonymous", false)
? std::string()
: scope_name_ + GetAttributeOrDie(enumeration, "name");
if (forward) {
graph_.Set<Enumeration>(id, name);
xmlNodePtr underlying = xmlFirstElementChild(enumeration);
Check(underlying) << "enum-decl has no child elements";
CheckElementName("underlying-type", underlying);
const auto type = GetEdge(underlying);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int64_t>> enumerators;
for (xmlNodePtr enumerator = xmlNextElementSibling(underlying); enumerator;
enumerator = xmlNextElementSibling(enumerator)) {
CheckElementName("enumerator", enumerator);
const auto enumerator_name = GetAttributeOrDie(enumerator, "name");
// libabigail currently supports anything that fits in an int64_t
const auto enumerator_value =
ReadAttributeOrDie<int64_t>(enumerator, "value");
enumerators.emplace_back(enumerator_name, enumerator_value);
graph_.Set<Enumeration>(id, name, type, enumerators);
Id Abigail::ProcessBaseClass(xmlNodePtr base_class) {
const auto& type = GetEdge(base_class);
const auto offset =
ReadAttributeOrDie<size_t>(base_class, "layout-offset-in-bits");
const auto inheritance = ReadAttribute<bool>(base_class, "is-virtual", false)
? BaseClass::Inheritance::VIRTUAL
: BaseClass::Inheritance::NON_VIRTUAL;
return graph_.Add<BaseClass>(type, offset, inheritance);
std::optional<Id> Abigail::ProcessDataMember(bool is_struct,
xmlNodePtr data_member) {
xmlNodePtr decl = GetOnlyChild("data-member", data_member);
CheckElementName("var-decl", decl);
if (ReadAttribute<bool>(data_member, "static", false)) {
ProcessDecl(true, decl);
return {};
size_t offset = is_struct
? ReadAttributeOrDie<size_t>(data_member, "layout-offset-in-bits")
: 0;
const auto name = GetAttributeOrDie(decl, "name");
const auto type = GetEdge(decl);
// Note: libabigail does not model member size, yet
return {graph_.Add<Member>(name, type, offset, 0)};
Id Abigail::ProcessMemberFunction(xmlNodePtr method) {
xmlNodePtr decl = GetOnlyChild("member-function", method);
CheckElementName("function-decl", decl);
static const std::string missing = "{missing}";
const auto mangled_name = ReadAttribute(decl, "mangled-name", missing);
const auto name = GetAttributeOrDie(decl, "name");
const auto type = ProcessDecl(false, decl);
const auto vtable_offset = ReadAttribute<uint64_t>(method, "vtable-offset");
const auto kind = vtable_offset
? Method::Kind::VIRTUAL
: ReadAttribute<bool>(method, "static", false)
? Method::Kind::STATIC
: Method::Kind::NON_VIRTUAL;
return graph_.Add<Method>(mangled_name, name, kind, vtable_offset, type);
void Abigail::ProcessMemberType(xmlNodePtr member_type) {
xmlNodePtr decl = GetOnlyChild("member-type", member_type);
const auto type_id = GetAttributeOrDie(decl, "id");
const auto id = GetNode(type_id);
if (graph_.Is(id)) {
std::cerr << "duplicate definition of type '" << type_id << "'\n";
const auto name = GetElementName(decl);
if (!ProcessUserDefinedType(name, id, decl)) {
Die() << "unrecognised member-type child element '" << name << "'";
Id Abigail::BuildSymbol(const SymbolInfo& info,
std::optional<Id> type_id,
const std::optional<std::string>& name) {
const xmlNodePtr symbol = info.node;
const bool is_defined = ReadAttributeOrDie<bool>(symbol, "is-defined");
const auto crc = ReadAttribute<ElfSymbol::CRC>(symbol, "crc");
const auto ns = ReadAttribute<std::string>(symbol, "namespace");
const auto type = ReadAttributeOrDie<ElfSymbol::SymbolType>(symbol, "type");
const auto binding =
ReadAttributeOrDie<ElfSymbol::Binding>(symbol, "binding");
const auto visibility =
ReadAttributeOrDie<ElfSymbol::Visibility>(symbol, "visibility");
return graph_.Add<ElfSymbol>(, info.version_info,
is_defined, type, binding, visibility, crc, ns, type_id, name);
Id Abigail::BuildSymbols() {
// Libabigail's model is (approximately):
// (alias)* -> main symbol <- some decl -> type
// which we turn into:
// symbol / alias -> type
for (const auto& [alias, main] : alias_to_main_) {
<< "found main symbol and alias with id " << main;
// Build final symbol table, tying symbols to their types.
std::map<std::string, Id> symbols;
for (const auto& [id, symbol_info] : symbol_info_map_) {
const auto main = alias_to_main_.find(id);
const auto lookup = main != alias_to_main_.end() ? main->second : id;
const auto type_id_and_name_it = symbol_id_and_full_name_.find(lookup);
std::optional<Id> type_id;
std::optional<std::string> name;
if (type_id_and_name_it != symbol_id_and_full_name_.end()) {
const auto& type_id_and_name = type_id_and_name_it->second;
type_id = {type_id_and_name.first};
name = {type_id_and_name.second};
symbols.insert({id, BuildSymbol(symbol_info, type_id, name)});
return graph_.Add<Symbols>(symbols);
Id Read(Graph& graph, const std::string& path, Metrics& metrics) {
// Open input for reading.
FileDescriptor fd(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
// Read the XML.
std::unique_ptr<std::remove_pointer<xmlDocPtr>::type, void(*)(xmlDocPtr)>
document(nullptr, xmlFreeDoc);
Time t(metrics, "abigail.libxml_parse");
std::remove_pointer<xmlParserCtxtPtr>::type, void(*)(xmlParserCtxtPtr)>
context(xmlNewParserCtxt(), xmlFreeParserCtxt);
xmlCtxtReadFd(context.get(), fd.Value(), nullptr, nullptr, 0));
Check(document != nullptr) << "failed to parse input as XML";
// Get the root element.
xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(document.get());
Check(root) << "XML document has no root element";
return Abigail(graph).ProcessRoot(root);
} // namespace abixml
} // namespace stg