blob: e0e26fce6aad085106746f65f77c735079144e33 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright 2020-2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
// License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: Maria Teguiani
// Author: Giuliano Procida
// Author: Ignes Simeonova
#include "stg.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "crc.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "order.h"
namespace stg {
bool Graph::Is(Id id) const {
return nodes_[id.ix_] != nullptr;
Id Graph::Allocate() {
const auto ix = nodes_.size();
return Id(ix);
void Graph::Set(Id id, std::unique_ptr<Node> node) {
Check(node != nullptr) << "node value not set";
auto& reference = nodes_[id.ix_];
Check(reference == nullptr) << "node value already set";
reference = std::move(node);
Id Graph::Add(std::unique_ptr<Node> node) {
auto id = Allocate();
Set(id, std::move(node));
return id;
const Node& Graph::Get(Id id) const { return *nodes_[id.ix_].get(); }
Id ResolveQualifiers(const Graph& graph, Id id, Qualifiers& qualifiers) {
while (const auto maybe = graph.Get(id).ResolveQualifier(qualifiers))
id = *maybe;
return id;
Id ResolveTypedefs(
const Graph& graph, Id id, std::vector<std::string>& typedefs) {
while (const auto maybe = graph.Get(id).ResolveTypedef(typedefs))
id = *maybe;
return id;
static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, 6> kIntEncoding = {
"signed integer",
"unsigned integer",
"signed character",
"unsigned character",
Name Name::Add(Side side, Precedence precedence,
const std::string& text) const {
bool bracket = precedence < precedence_;
std::ostringstream left;
std::ostringstream right;
// Bits on the left need (sometimes) to be separated by whitespace.
left << left_;
if (bracket)
left << '(';
else if (side == Side::LEFT)
left << ' ';
(side == Side::LEFT ? left : right) << text;
// Bits on the right are arrays [] and functions () and need no whitespace.
if (bracket)
right << ')';
right << right_;
return Name{left.str(), precedence, right.str()};
Name Name::Qualify(const Qualifiers& qualifiers) const {
// this covers the case when bad qualifiers have been dropped
if (qualifiers.empty())
return *this;
// add qualifiers to the left or right of the type stem
std::ostringstream os;
if (precedence_ == Precedence::NIL) {
for (const auto& qualifier : qualifiers)
os << qualifier << ' ';
os << left_;
} else if (precedence_ == Precedence::POINTER) {
os << left_;
for (const auto& qualifier : qualifiers)
os << ' ' << qualifier;
} else {
// qualifiers do not apply to arrays, functions or names
Die() << "qualifiers found for inappropriate node";
// qualifiers attach without affecting precedence
return Name{os.str(), precedence_, right_};
std::ostream& Name::Print(std::ostream& os) const {
return os << left_ << right_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Name& name) {
return name.Print(os);
const Name& GetDescription(const Graph& graph, NameCache& names, Id node) {
// infinite recursion prevention - insert at most once
static const Name black_hole{"#"};
auto insertion = names.insert({node, black_hole});
Name& cached = insertion.first->second;
if (insertion.second)
cached = graph.Get(node).MakeDescription(graph, names);
return cached;
std::string GetResolvedDescription(
const Graph& graph, NameCache& names, Id id) {
std::ostringstream os;
std::vector<std::string> typedefs;
const Id resolved = ResolveTypedefs(graph, id, typedefs);
for (auto td : typedefs)
os << std::quoted(td, '\'') << " = ";
os << '\'' << GetDescription(graph, names, resolved) << '\'';
return os.str();
std::string QualifiersMessage(Qualifier qualifier, const std::string& action) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "qualifier " << qualifier << ' ' << action;
return os.str();
Comparison Removed(State& state, Id node) {
Comparison comparison{{node}, {}};
state.outcomes.insert({comparison, {}});
return comparison;
Comparison Added(State& state, Id node) {
Comparison comparison{{}, {node}};
state.outcomes.insert({comparison, {}});
return comparison;
* We compute a diff for every visited node.
* Each node has one of:
* 1. equals = true; perhaps only tentative edge differences
* 2. equals = false; at least one definitive node or edge difference
* On the first visit to a node we can put a placeholder in, the equals value is
* irrelevant, the diff may contain local and edge differences. If an SCC
* contains only internal edge differences (and equivalently equals is true)
* then the differences can all (eventually) be discarded.
* On exit from the first visit to a node, equals reflects the tree of
* comparisons below that node in the DFS and similarly, the diff graph starting
* from the node contains a subtree of this tree plus potentially edges to
* existing nodes to the side or below (already visited SCCs, sharing), or above
* (back links forming cycles).
* When an SCC is closed, all equals implies deleting all diffs, any false
* implies updating all to false.
* On subsequent visits to a node, there are 2 cases. The node is still open:
* return true and an edge diff. The node is closed, return the stored value and
* an edge diff.
std::pair<bool, std::optional<Comparison>> Compare(
State& state, Id node1, Id node2) {
const Comparison comparison{{node1}, {node2}};
// 1. Check if the comparison has an already known result.
auto already_known = state.known.find(comparison);
if (already_known != state.known.end()) {
// Already visited and closed.
if (already_known->second)
return {true, {}};
return {false, {comparison}};
// Either open or not visited at all
// 2. Record node with Strongly-Connected Component finder.
auto handle = state.scc.Open(comparison);
if (!handle) {
// Already open.
// Return a dummy true outcome and some tentative diffs. The diffs may end
// up not being used and, while it would be nice to be lazier, they encode
// all the cycling-breaking edges needed to recreate a full diff structure.
return {true, {comparison}};
// Comparison opened, need to close it before returning.
const Graph& graph = state.graph;
Result result;
Qualifiers qualifiers1;
Qualifiers qualifiers2;
const Id unqualified1 = ResolveQualifiers(graph, node1, qualifiers1);
const Id unqualified2 = ResolveQualifiers(graph, node2, qualifiers2);
if (!qualifiers1.empty() || !qualifiers2.empty()) {
// 3.1 Qualified type difference.
auto it1 = qualifiers1.begin();
auto it2 = qualifiers2.begin();
const auto end1 = qualifiers1.end();
const auto end2 = qualifiers2.end();
while (it1 != end1 || it2 != end2) {
if (it2 == end2 || (it1 != end1 && *it1 < *it2)) {
result.AddNodeDiff(QualifiersMessage(*it1, "removed"));
} else if (it1 == end1 || (it2 != end2 && *it1 > *it2)) {
result.AddNodeDiff(QualifiersMessage(*it2, "added"));
} else {
const auto type_diff = Compare(state, unqualified1, unqualified2);
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("underlying", type_diff);
} else {
std::vector<std::string> typedefs1;
std::vector<std::string> typedefs2;
const Id resolved1 = ResolveTypedefs(graph, unqualified1, typedefs1);
const Id resolved2 = ResolveTypedefs(graph, unqualified2, typedefs2);
if (unqualified1 != resolved1 || unqualified2 != resolved2) {
// 3.2 Typedef difference.
result.diff_.holds_changes = !typedefs1.empty() && !typedefs2.empty()
&& typedefs1[0] == typedefs2[0];
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("resolved", Compare(state, resolved1, resolved2));
} else {
const auto& type1 = graph.Get(unqualified1);
const auto& type2 = graph.Get(unqualified2);
if (typeid(type1) != typeid(type2)) {
// 4. Incomparable.
} else {
// 5. Actually compare with dynamic type dispatch.
result = type1.Equals(state, type2);
// 6. Update result and check for a complete Strongly-Connected Component.
state.provisional.insert({comparison, result.diff_});
auto comparisons = state.scc.Close(*handle);
if (!comparisons.empty()) {
// Closed SCC.
// Note that result now incorporates every inequality and difference in the
// SCC via the DFS spanning tree.
for (auto& c : comparisons) {
// Record equality / inequality.
state.known.insert({c, result.equals_});
const auto it = state.provisional.find(c);
Check(it != state.provisional.end())
<< "internal error: missing provisional diffs";
if (!result.equals_)
// Record differences.
if (result.equals_)
return {true, {}};
return {false, {comparison}};
// Note that both equals and diff are tentative as comparison is still open.
return {result.equals_, {comparison}};
Name Void::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
return Name{"void"};
Name Variadic::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
return Name{"..."};
Name PointerReference::MakeDescription(const Graph& graph,
NameCache& names) const {
std::string sign;
switch (kind) {
case PointerReference::Kind::POINTER:
sign = "*";
case PointerReference::Kind::LVALUE_REFERENCE:
sign = "&";
case PointerReference::Kind::RVALUE_REFERENCE:
sign = "&&";
return GetDescription(graph, names, pointee_type_id)
.Add(Side::LEFT, Precedence::POINTER, sign);
Name Typedef::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
return Name{name};
Name Qualified::MakeDescription(const Graph& graph, NameCache& names) const {
Qualifiers qualifiers;
Id under = qualified_type_id;
while (const auto maybe = graph.Get(under).ResolveQualifier(qualifiers))
under = *maybe;
return GetDescription(graph, names, under).Qualify(qualifiers);
Name Integer::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
return Name{name};
Name Array::MakeDescription(const Graph& graph, NameCache& names) const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << '[' << number_of_elements << ']';
return GetDescription(graph, names, element_type_id)
.Add(Side::RIGHT, Precedence::ARRAY_FUNCTION, os.str());
Name BaseClass::MakeDescription(const Graph& graph, NameCache&) const {
return Name{MatchingKey(graph)};
Name Member::MakeDescription(const Graph& graph, NameCache& names) const {
auto description = GetDescription(graph, names, type_id);
if (!name.empty())
description = description.Add(Side::LEFT, Precedence::ATOMIC, name);
if (bitsize)
description = description.Add(
Side::RIGHT, Precedence::ATOMIC, " : " + std::to_string(bitsize));
return description;
Name Method::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
if (mangled_name == name)
return Name{name};
return Name{name + " {" + mangled_name + "}"};
Name StructUnion::MakeDescription(const Graph& graph, NameCache& names) const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << kind << ' ';
if (!name.empty()) {
os << name;
} else if (definition) {
os << "{ ";
for (const auto& member : definition->members)
os << GetDescription(graph, names, member) << "; ";
os << '}';
return Name{os.str()};
Name Enumeration::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "enum ";
if (!name.empty()) {
os << name;
} else if (definition) {
os << "{ ";
for (const auto& e : definition->enumerators)
os << e.first << " = " << e.second << ", ";
os << '}';
return Name{os.str()};
Name Function::MakeDescription(const Graph& graph, NameCache& names) const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << '(';
bool sep = false;
for (const auto& p : parameters) {
if (sep)
os << ", ";
sep = true;
// do not emit parameter name as it's not part of the type
os << GetDescription(graph, names, p.type_id);
os << ')';
return GetDescription(graph, names, return_type_id)
.Add(Side::RIGHT, Precedence::ARRAY_FUNCTION, os.str());
Name ElfSymbol::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
if (!full_name || *full_name == symbol_name)
return Name{symbol_name};
return Name{*full_name + " {" + symbol_name + "}"};
Name Symbols::MakeDescription(const Graph&, NameCache&) const {
return Name{"symbols"};
std::string Node::GetKindDescription() const { return "type"; }
std::string BaseClass::GetKindDescription() const { return "base class"; }
std::string Member::GetKindDescription() const { return "member"; }
std::string Method::GetKindDescription() const { return "method"; }
std::string ElfSymbol::GetKindDescription() const { return "symbol"; }
std::string Symbols::GetKindDescription() const { return "symbols"; }
Result Void::Equals(State&, const Node&) const { return {}; }
Result Variadic::Equals(State&, const Node&) const { return {}; }
Result PointerReference::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<PointerReference>();
Result result;
if (kind != o.kind)
return result.MarkIncomparable();
const auto type_diff = Compare(state, pointee_type_id, o.pointee_type_id);
const auto text =
kind == PointerReference::Kind::POINTER ? "pointed-to" : "referred-to";
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff(text, type_diff);
return result;
Result Typedef::Equals(State&, const Node&) const {
// Compare will never attempt to directly compare Typedefs.
Die() << "internal error: Typedef::Equals";
Result Qualified::Equals(State&, const Node&) const {
// Compare will never attempt to directly compare Qualifiers.
Die() << "internal error: Qualified::Equals";
Result Integer::Equals(State&, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<Integer>();
Result result;
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("encoding", encoding, o.encoding);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("bit size", bitsize, o.bitsize);
if (bitsize != bytesize * 8 && o.bitsize != o.bytesize * 8)
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("byte size", bytesize, o.bytesize);
return result;
Result Array::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<Array>();
Result result;
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("number of elements",
number_of_elements, o.number_of_elements);
const auto type_diff = Compare(state, element_type_id, o.element_type_id);
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("element", type_diff);
return result;
static bool CompareDefined(bool defined1, bool defined2, Result& result) {
if (defined1 && defined2)
return true;
if (defined1 != defined2) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "was " << (defined1 ? "fully defined" : "only declared")
<< ", is now " << (defined2 ? "fully defined" : "only declared");
return false;
using KeyIndexPairs = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>>;
static KeyIndexPairs MatchingKeys(const Graph& graph,
const std::vector<Id>& nodes) {
KeyIndexPairs keys;
const auto size = nodes.size();
size_t anonymous_ix = 0;
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix) {
auto key = graph.Get(nodes[ix]).MatchingKey(graph);
if (key.empty())
key = "#anon#" + std::to_string(anonymous_ix++);
keys.push_back({key, ix});
std::stable_sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
return keys;
using MatchedPairs =
std::vector<std::pair<std::optional<size_t>, std::optional<size_t>>>;
static MatchedPairs PairUp(const KeyIndexPairs& keys1,
const KeyIndexPairs& keys2) {
MatchedPairs pairs;
pairs.reserve(std::max(keys1.size(), keys2.size()));
auto it1 = keys1.begin();
auto it2 = keys2.begin();
const auto end1 = keys1.end();
const auto end2 = keys2.end();
while (it1 != end1 || it2 != end2) {
if (it2 == end2 || (it1 != end1 && it1->first < it2->first)) {
// removed
pairs.push_back({{it1->second}, {}});
} else if (it1 == end1 || (it2 != end2 && it1->first > it2->first)) {
// added
pairs.push_back({{}, {it2->second}});
} else {
// in both
pairs.push_back({{it1->second}, {it2->second}});
return pairs;
static void CompareNodes(Result& result, State& state,
const std::vector<Id>& nodes1,
const std::vector<Id>& nodes2,
const bool reorder) {
const auto keys1 = MatchingKeys(state.graph, nodes1);
const auto keys2 = MatchingKeys(state.graph, nodes2);
auto pairs = PairUp(keys1, keys2);
if (reorder)
for (const auto& [index1, index2] : pairs) {
if (index1 && !index2) {
// removed
const auto& node1 = nodes1[*index1];
result.AddEdgeDiff("", Removed(state, node1));
} else if (!index1 && index2) {
// added
const auto& node2 = nodes2[*index2];
result.AddEdgeDiff("", Added(state, node2));
} else {
// in both
const auto& node1 = nodes1[*index1];
const auto& node2 = nodes2[*index2];
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("", Compare(state, node1, node2));
Result BaseClass::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<BaseClass>();
Result result;
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("inheritance", inheritance, o.inheritance);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("offset", offset, o.offset);
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("", Compare(state, type_id, o.type_id));
return result;
Result Member::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<Member>();
Result result;
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("offset", offset, o.offset);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("size", bitsize, o.bitsize);
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("", Compare(state, type_id, o.type_id));
return result;
Result Method::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<Method>();
Result result;
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("kind", kind, o.kind);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("vtable offset", vtable_offset, o.vtable_offset);
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("", Compare(state, type_id, o.type_id));
return result;
Result StructUnion::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<StructUnion>();
Result result;
// Compare two anonymous types recursively, not holding diffs.
// Compare two identically named types recursively, holding diffs.
// Everything else treated as distinct. No recursion.
if (kind != o.kind || name !=
return result.MarkIncomparable();
result.diff_.holds_changes = !name.empty();
const auto& definition1 = definition;
const auto& definition2 = o.definition;
if (!CompareDefined(definition1.has_value(), definition2.has_value(), result))
return result;
"byte size", definition1->bytesize, definition2->bytesize);
result, state, definition1->base_classes, definition2->base_classes, true);
result, state, definition1->methods, definition2->methods, false);
CompareNodes(result, state, definition1->members, definition2->members, true);
return result;
Result Enumeration::Equals(State&, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<Enumeration>();
Result result;
// Compare two anonymous types recursively, not holding diffs.
// Compare two identically named types recursively, holding diffs.
// Everything else treated as distinct. No recursion.
if (name !=
return result.MarkIncomparable();
result.diff_.holds_changes = !name.empty();
const auto& definition1 = definition;
const auto& definition2 = o.definition;
if (!CompareDefined(definition1.has_value(), definition2.has_value(), result))
return result;
"byte size", definition1->bytesize, definition2->bytesize);
const auto enums1 = definition1->enumerators;
const auto enums2 = definition2->enumerators;
const auto names1 = GetEnumNames();
const auto names2 = o.GetEnumNames();
auto pairs = PairUp(names1, names2);
for (const auto& [index1, index2] : pairs) {
if (index1 && !index2) {
// removed
const auto& enum1 = enums1[*index1];
std::ostringstream os;
os << "enumerator " << std::quoted(enum1.first, '\'')
<< " (" << enum1.second << ") was removed";
} else if (!index1 && index2) {
// added
const auto& enum2 = enums2[*index2];
std::ostringstream os;
os << "enumerator " << std::quoted(enum2.first, '\'')
<< " (" << enum2.second << ") was added";
} else {
// in both
const auto& enum1 = enums1[*index1];
const auto& enum2 = enums2[*index2];
[&](std::ostream& os) {
os << "enumerator " << std::quoted(enum1.first, '\'') << " value";
enum1.second, enum2.second);
return result;
Result Function::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<Function>();
Result result;
const auto type_diff = Compare(state, return_type_id, o.return_type_id);
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("return", type_diff);
const auto& parameters1 = parameters;
const auto& parameters2 = o.parameters;
size_t min = std::min(parameters1.size(), parameters2.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < min; ++i) {
const auto& p1 =;
const auto& p2 =;
[&](std::ostream& os) {
os << "parameter " << i + 1;
const auto& n1 =;
const auto& n2 =;
if (n1 == n2 && !n1.empty()) {
os << " (" << std::quoted(n1, '\'') << ")";
} else if (n1 != n2) {
os << " (";
if (!n1.empty())
os << "was " << std::quoted(n1, '\'');
if (!n1.empty() && !n2.empty())
os << ", ";
if (!n2.empty())
os << "now " << std::quoted(n2, '\'');
os << ")";
Compare(state, p1.type_id, p2.type_id));
bool added = parameters1.size() < parameters2.size();
const auto& which = added ? o : *this;
const auto& parameters = which.parameters;
for (size_t i = min; i < parameters.size(); ++i) {
const auto& parameter =;
std::ostringstream os;
os << "parameter " << i + 1;
if (!
os << " (" << std::quoted(, '\'') << ")";
os << " of";
const auto parameter_type = parameter.type_id;
auto diff =
added ? Added(state, parameter_type) : Removed(state, parameter_type);
result.AddEdgeDiff(os.str(), diff);
return result;
Result ElfSymbol::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<ElfSymbol>();
// ELF symbols have a lot of different attributes that can impact ABI
// compatibility and others that either cannot or are subsumed by information
// elsewhere.
// Not all attributes are exposed by elf_symbol and fewer still in ABI XML.
// name - definitely part of the key
// type - (ELF symbol type, not C type) one important distinction here would
// be global vs thread-local variables
// section - not exposed (modulo aliasing information) and don't care
// value (address, usually) - not exposed (modulo aliasing information) and
// don't care
// size - don't care (for variables, subsumed by type information)
// binding - global vs weak vs unique vs local
// visibility - default > protected > hidden > internal
// version / is-default-version - in theory the "hidden" bit (separate from
// hidden and local above) can be set independently of the version, but in
// practice at most one version of given name is non-hidden; version
// (including its presence or absence) is definitely part of the key; we
// should probably treat is-default-version as a non-key attribute
// defined - rather fundamental; libabigail currently doesn't track undefined
// symbols but we should obviously be prepared in case it does
// There are also some externalities which libabigail cares about, which may
// or may not be exposed in the XML
// index - don't care
// is-common and friends - don't care
// aliases - exposed, but we don't really care; however we should see what
// compilers do, if anything, in terms of propagating type information to
// aliases
// Linux kernel things.
// MODVERSIONS CRC - fundamental to ABI compatibility, if present
// Symbol namespaces - not yet supported by symtab_reader
Result result;
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("name", symbol_name, o.symbol_name);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("version", version, o.version);
"default version", is_default_version, o.is_default_version);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("defined", is_defined, o.is_defined);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("symbol type", symbol_type, o.symbol_type);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("binding", binding, o.binding);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("visibility", visibility, o.visibility);
result.MaybeAddNodeDiff("CRC", crc, o.crc);
if (type_id && o.type_id) {
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff("", Compare(state, *type_id, *o.type_id));
} else if (type_id) {
result.AddEdgeDiff("", Removed(state, *type_id));
} else if (o.type_id) {
result.AddEdgeDiff("", Added(state, *o.type_id));
} else {
// both types missing, we have nothing to say
return result;
Result Symbols::Equals(State& state, const Node& other) const {
const auto& o =<Symbols>();
Result result;
result.diff_.holds_changes = true;
// Group diffs into removed, added and changed symbols for readability.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Id>> removed;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Id>> added;
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, Id, Id>> in_both;
const auto& symbols1 = symbols;
const auto& symbols2 = o.symbols;
auto it1 = symbols1.begin();
auto it2 = symbols2.begin();
const auto end1 = symbols1.end();
const auto end2 = symbols2.end();
while (it1 != end1 || it2 != end2) {
if (it2 == end2 || (it1 != end1 && it1->first < it2->first)) {
// removed
removed.push_back({it1->first.path, it1->second});
} else if (it1 == end1 || (it2 != end2 && it1->first > it2->first)) {
// added
added.push_back({it2->first.path, it2->second});
} else {
// in both
in_both.push_back({it1->first.path, it1->second, it2->second});
auto quote = [](const std::string& path) {
return path.empty() || path == "vmlinux"
? std::string() : '\'' + path + '\'';
for (const auto& [path, symbol1] : removed)
result.AddEdgeDiff(quote(path), Removed(state, symbol1));
for (const auto& [path, symbol2] : added)
result.AddEdgeDiff(quote(path), Added(state, symbol2));
for (const auto& [path, symbol1, symbol2] : in_both)
result.MaybeAddEdgeDiff(quote(path), Compare(state, symbol1, symbol2));
return result;
std::optional<Id> Node::ResolveQualifier(Qualifiers&) const {
return {};
std::optional<Id> Array::ResolveQualifier(Qualifiers& qualifiers) const {
// There should be no qualifiers here.
return {};
std::optional<Id> Function::ResolveQualifier(Qualifiers& qualifiers) const {
// There should be no qualifiers here.
return {};
std::optional<Id> Qualified::ResolveQualifier(Qualifiers& qualifiers) const {
return {qualified_type_id};
std::optional<Id> Node::ResolveTypedef(std::vector<std::string>&) const {
return {};
std::optional<Id> Typedef::ResolveTypedef(
std::vector<std::string>& typedefs) const {
return {referred_type_id};
std::string Node::MatchingKey(const Graph&) const { return {}; }
std::string BaseClass::MatchingKey(const Graph& graph) const {
return graph.Get(type_id).MatchingKey(graph);
std::string Member::MatchingKey(const Graph& graph) const {
if (!name.empty())
return name;
return graph.Get(type_id).MatchingKey(graph);
std::string Method::MatchingKey(const Graph&) const {
return name + ',' + mangled_name;
std::string StructUnion::MatchingKey(const Graph& graph) const {
if (!name.empty())
return name;
if (definition) {
const auto& members = definition->members;
for (const auto& member : members) {
const auto recursive = graph.Get(member).MatchingKey(graph);
if (!recursive.empty())
return recursive;
return {};
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> Enumeration::GetEnumNames() const {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, size_t>> names;
if (definition) {
const auto& enums = definition->enumerators;
const auto size = enums.size();
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix) {
const auto& name = enums[ix].first;
names.push_back({name, ix});
std::stable_sort(names.begin(), names.end());
return names;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, BaseClass::Inheritance inheritance) {
switch (inheritance) {
case BaseClass::Inheritance::NON_VIRTUAL:
os << "non-virtual";
case BaseClass::Inheritance::VIRTUAL:
os << "virtual";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Method::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Method::Kind::NON_VIRTUAL:
os << "non-virtual";
case Method::Kind::STATIC:
os << "static";
case Method::Kind::VIRTUAL:
os << "virtual";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, StructUnion::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case StructUnion::Kind::CLASS:
os << "class";
case StructUnion::Kind::STRUCT:
os << "struct";
case StructUnion::Kind::UNION:
os << "union";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Qualifier qualifier) {
switch (qualifier) {
case Qualifier::CONST:
os << "const";
case Qualifier::VOLATILE:
os << "volatile";
case Qualifier::RESTRICT:
os << "restrict";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ElfSymbol::SymbolType type) {
switch (type) {
case ElfSymbol::SymbolType::OBJECT:
os << "object";
case ElfSymbol::SymbolType::FUNCTION:
os << "function";
case ElfSymbol::SymbolType::COMMON:
os << "common";
case ElfSymbol::SymbolType::TLS:
os << "TLS";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ElfSymbol::Binding binding) {
switch (binding) {
case ElfSymbol::Binding::GLOBAL:
os << "global";
case ElfSymbol::Binding::LOCAL:
os << "local";
case ElfSymbol::Binding::WEAK:
os << "weak";
case ElfSymbol::Binding::GNU_UNIQUE:
os << "GNU unique";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ElfSymbol::Visibility visibility) {
switch (visibility) {
case ElfSymbol::Visibility::DEFAULT:
os << "default";
case ElfSymbol::Visibility::PROTECTED:
os << "protected";
case ElfSymbol::Visibility::HIDDEN:
os << "hidden";
case ElfSymbol::Visibility::INTERNAL:
os << "internal";
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SymbolKey& key) {
if (!key.path.empty())
os << key << ':';
os <<;
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Integer::Encoding encoding) {
auto ix = static_cast<size_t>(encoding);
return os << (ix < kIntEncoding.size() ? kIntEncoding[ix] : "(unknown)");
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, PointerReference::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case PointerReference::Kind::POINTER:
os << "pointer";
case PointerReference::Kind::LVALUE_REFERENCE:
os << "lvalue reference";
case PointerReference::Kind::RVALUE_REFERENCE:
os << "rvalue reference";
return os;
} // namespace stg