blob: bd9478af40798191f147705046149f2eb6545e95 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// Copyright 2020-2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
// License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: Giuliano Procida
#include "reporting.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <deque>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "error.h"
namespace stg {
bool PrintComparison(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison,
std::ostream& os) {
const auto id1 = comparison.first;
const auto id2 = comparison.second;
const auto* node1 = id1 ? &reporting.graph.Get(*id1) : nullptr;
const auto* node2 = id2 ? &reporting.graph.Get(*id2) : nullptr;
if (!id2) {
os << node1->GetKindDescription() << " '"
<< GetDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id1)
<< "' was removed\n";
return true;
if (!id1) {
os << node2->GetKindDescription() << " '"
<< GetDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id2)
<< "' was added\n";
return true;
const auto description1 =
GetResolvedDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id1);
const auto description2 =
GetResolvedDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id2);
os << node1->GetKindDescription() << ' ';
if (description1 == description2)
os << description1 << " changed";
os << "changed from " << description1 << " to " << description2;
return false;
static constexpr size_t INDENT_INCREMENT = 2;
// unvisited (absent) -> started (false) -> finished (true)
using Seen = std::unordered_map<Comparison, bool, HashComparison>;
void Print(Reporting& reporting, const std::vector<DiffDetail>& details,
Seen& seen, std::ostream& os, size_t indent);
void Print(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison, Seen& seen,
std::ostream& os, size_t indent) {
if (PrintComparison(reporting, comparison, os))
const auto it = reporting.outcomes.find(comparison);
Check(it != reporting.outcomes.end()) << "internal error: missing comparison";
const auto& diff = it->second;
const bool holds_changes = diff.holds_changes;
std::pair<Seen::iterator, bool> insertion;
if (holds_changes)
insertion = seen.insert({comparison, false});
if (holds_changes && !insertion.second) {
if (!insertion.first->second)
os << " (being reported)\n";
else if (!diff.details.empty())
os << " (already reported)\n";
os << '\n';
Print(reporting, diff.details, seen, os, indent + INDENT_INCREMENT);
if (holds_changes)
insertion.first->second = true;
void Print(Reporting& reporting, const std::vector<DiffDetail>& details,
Seen& seen, std::ostream& os, size_t indent) {
for (const auto& detail : details) {
os << std::string(indent, ' ') << detail.text_;
if (!detail.edge_) {
os << '\n';
} else {
if (!detail.text_.empty())
os << ' ';
Print(reporting, *detail.edge_, seen, os, indent);
// paragraph spacing
if (!indent)
os << '\n';
void ReportPlain(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison,
std::ostream& output) {
// unpack then print - want symbol diff forest rather than symbols diff tree
const auto& diff =;
Seen seen;
Print(reporting, diff.details, seen, output, 0);
// Print the subtree of a diff graph starting at a given node and stopping at
// nodes that can themselves hold diffs, queuing such nodes for subsequent
// printing. Optionally, avoid printing "uninteresting" nodes - those that have
// no diff and no path to a diff that does not pass through a node that can hold
// diffs. Return whether the diff node's tree was intrinisically interesting.
bool FlatPrint(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison,
std::unordered_set<Comparison, HashComparison>& seen,
std::deque<Comparison>& todo, bool full, bool stop,
std::ostream& os, size_t indent) {
// Nodes that represent additions or removal are always interesting and no
// recursion is possible.
if (PrintComparison(reporting, comparison, os))
return true;
// Look up the diff (including node and edge changes).
const auto it = reporting.outcomes.find(comparison);
Check(it != reporting.outcomes.end()) << "internal error: missing comparison";
const auto& diff = it->second;
os << '\n';
// Check the stopping condition.
if (diff.holds_changes && stop) {
// If it's a new diff-holding node, queue it.
if (seen.insert(comparison).second)
return false;
// The stop flag can only be false on a non-recursive call which should be for
// a diff-holding node.
if (!diff.holds_changes && !stop)
Die() << "internal error: FlatPrint called on inappropriate node";
// Indent before describing diff details.
bool interesting = diff.has_changes;
for (const auto& detail : diff.details) {
if (!detail.edge_) {
os << std::string(indent, ' ') << detail.text_ << '\n';
// Node changes may not be interesting, if we allow non-change diff
// details at some point. Just trust the has_changes flag.
} else {
// Edge changes are interesting if the target diff node is.
std::ostringstream sub_os;
sub_os << std::string(indent, ' ') << detail.text_;
if (!detail.text_.empty())
sub_os << ' ';
// Set the stop flag to prevent recursion past diff-holding nodes.
bool sub_interesting = FlatPrint(reporting, *detail.edge_, seen, todo,
full, true, sub_os, indent);
// If the sub-tree was interesting, add it.
if (sub_interesting || full)
os << sub_os.str();
interesting |= sub_interesting;
return interesting;
void ReportFlat(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison, bool full,
std::ostream& output) {
// We want a symbol diff forest rather than a symbol table diff tree, so
// unpack the symbol table and then print the symbols specially.
const auto& diff =;
std::unordered_set<Comparison, HashComparison> seen;
std::deque<Comparison> todo;
for (const auto& detail : diff.details) {
std::ostringstream os;
const bool interesting =
FlatPrint(reporting, *detail.edge_, seen, todo, full, true, os, 0);
if (interesting || full)
output << os.str() << '\n';
while (!todo.empty()) {
auto comp = todo.front();
std::ostringstream os;
const bool interesting =
FlatPrint(reporting, comp, seen, todo, full, false, os, 0);
if (interesting || full)
output << os.str() << '\n';
size_t VizId(std::unordered_map<Comparison, size_t, HashComparison>& ids,
const Comparison& comparison) {
return ids.insert({comparison, ids.size()}).first->second;
void VizPrint(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison,
std::unordered_set<Comparison, HashComparison>& seen,
std::unordered_map<Comparison, size_t, HashComparison>& ids,
std::ostream& os) {
if (!seen.insert(comparison).second)
const auto node = VizId(ids, comparison);
const auto id1 = comparison.first;
const auto id2 = comparison.second;
if (!id2) {
os << " \"" << node << "\" [color=red, label=\"" << "removed("
<< GetDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id1) << ")\"]\n";
if (!id1) {
os << " \"" << node << "\" [color=red, label=\"" << "added("
<< GetDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id2) << ")\"]\n";
const auto it = reporting.outcomes.find(comparison);
Check(it != reporting.outcomes.end()) << "internal error: missing comparison";
const auto& diff = it->second;
const char* colour = diff.has_changes ? "color=red, " : "";
const char* shape = diff.holds_changes ? "shape=rectangle, " : "";
const auto description1 =
GetResolvedDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id1);
const auto description2 =
GetResolvedDescription(reporting.graph, reporting.names, *id2);
if (description1 == description2)
os << " \"" << node << "\" [" << colour << shape << "label=\""
<< description1 << "\"]\n";
os << " \"" << node << "\" [" << colour << shape << "label=\""
<< description1 << " -> " << description2 << "\"]\n";
size_t index = 0;
for (const auto& detail : diff.details) {
if (!detail.edge_) {
// attribute change, create an implicit edge and node
os << " \"" << node << "\" -> \"" << node << ':' << index << "\"\n"
<< " \"" << node << ':' << index << "\" [color=red, label=\""
<< detail.text_ << "\"]\n";
} else {
const auto& to = *detail.edge_;
VizPrint(reporting, to, seen, ids, os);
os << " \"" << node << "\" -> \"" << VizId(ids, to) << "\" [label=\""
<< detail.text_ << "\"]\n";
void ReportViz(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison,
std::ostream& output) {
output << "digraph \"ABI diff\" {\n";
std::unordered_set<Comparison, HashComparison> seen;
std::unordered_map<Comparison, size_t, HashComparison> ids;
VizPrint(reporting, comparison, seen, ids, output);
output << "}\n";
void Report(Reporting& reporting, const Comparison& comparison,
OutputFormat format, std::ostream& output) {
switch (format) {
case OutputFormat::PLAIN: {
ReportPlain(reporting, comparison, output);
case OutputFormat::FLAT:
case OutputFormat::SMALL: {
bool full = format == OutputFormat::FLAT;
ReportFlat(reporting, comparison, full, output);
case OutputFormat::VIZ: {
ReportViz(reporting, comparison, output);
} // namespace stg