blob: 482b9399195b12cfdb98e44bdf40571c98fd67cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package skylark provides a Skylark interpreter.
// Skylark values are represented by the Value interface.
// The following built-in Value types are known to the evaluator:
// NoneType -- NoneType
// Bool -- bool
// Int -- int
// Float -- float
// String -- string
// *List -- list
// Tuple -- tuple
// *Dict -- dict
// *Set -- set
// *Function -- function (implemented in Skylark)
// *Builtin -- builtin_function_or_method (function or method implemented in Go)
// Client applications may define new data types that satisfy at least
// the Value interface. Such types may provide additional operations by
// implementing any of these optional interfaces:
// Callable -- value is callable like a function
// Comparable -- value defines its own comparison operations
// Iterable -- value is iterable using 'for' loops
// Sequence -- value is iterable sequence of known length
// Indexable -- value is sequence with efficient random access
// HasBinary -- value defines binary operations such as * and +
// HasAttrs -- value has readable fields or methods x.f
// HasSetField -- value has settable fields x.f
// HasSetIndex -- value supports element update using x[i]=y
// Client applications may also define domain-specific functions in Go
// and make them available to Skylark programs. Use NewBuiltin to
// construct a built-in value that wraps a Go function. The
// implementation of the Go function may use UnpackArgs to make sense of
// the positional and keyword arguments provided by the caller.
// Skylark's None value is not equal to Go's nil, but nil may be
// assigned to a Skylark Value. Be careful to avoid allowing Go nil
// values to leak into Skylark data structures.
// The Compare operation requires two arguments of the same
// type, but this constraint cannot be expressed in Go's type system.
// (This is the classic "binary method problem".)
// So, each Value type's CompareSameType method is a partial function
// that compares a value only against others of the same type.
// Use the package's standalone Compare (or Equal) function to compare
// an arbitrary pair of values.
// To parse and evaluate a Skylark source file, use ExecFile. The Eval
// function evaluates a single expression. All evaluator functions
// require a Thread parameter which defines the "thread-local storage"
// of a Skylark thread and may be used to plumb application state
// through Sklyark code and into callbacks. When evaluation fails it
// returns an EvalError from which the application may obtain a
// backtrace of active Skylark calls.
package skylark
// This file defines the data types of Skylark and their basic operations.
import (
// Value is a value in the Skylark interpreter.
type Value interface {
// String returns the string representation of the value.
// Skylark string values are quoted as if by Python's repr.
String() string
// Type returns a short string describing the value's type.
Type() string
// Freeze causes the value, and all values transitively
// reachable from it through collections and closures, to be
// marked as frozen. All subsequent mutations to the data
// structure through this API will fail dynamically, making the
// data structure immutable and safe for publishing to other
// Skylark interpreters running concurrently.
// Truth returns the truth value of an object.
Truth() Bool
// Hash returns a function of x such that Equals(x, y) => Hash(x) == Hash(y).
// Hash may fail if the value's type is not hashable, or if the value
// contains a non-hashable value.
Hash() (uint32, error)
// A Comparable is a value that defines its own equivalence relation and
// perhaps ordered comparisons.
type Comparable interface {
// CompareSameType compares one value to another of the same Type().
// The comparison operation must be one of EQL, NEQ, LT, LE, GT, or GE.
// CompareSameType returns an error if an ordered comparison was
// requested for a type that does not support it.
// Implementations that recursively compare subcomponents of
// the value should use the CompareDepth function, not Compare, to
// avoid infinite recursion on cyclic structures.
// The depth parameter is used to bound comparisons of cyclic
// data structures. Implementations should decrement depth
// before calling CompareDepth and should return an error if depth
// < 1.
// Client code should not call this method. Instead, use the
// standalone Compare or Equals functions, which are defined for
// all pairs of operands.
CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y Value, depth int) (bool, error)
var (
_ Comparable = None
_ Comparable = Int{}
_ Comparable = False
_ Comparable = Float(0)
_ Comparable = String("")
_ Comparable = (*Dict)(nil)
_ Comparable = (*List)(nil)
_ Comparable = Tuple(nil)
_ Comparable = (*Set)(nil)
// A Callable value f may be the operand of a function call, f(x).
type Callable interface {
Name() string
Call(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error)
var (
_ Callable = (*Builtin)(nil)
_ Callable = (*Function)(nil)
// An Iterable abstracts a sequence of values.
// An iterable value may be iterated over by a 'for' loop or used where
// any other Skylark iterable is allowed. Unlike a Sequence, the length
// of an Iterable is not necessarily known in advance of iteration.
type Iterable interface {
Iterate() Iterator // must be followed by call to Iterator.Done
// A Sequence is a sequence of values of known length.
type Sequence interface {
Len() int
var (
_ Sequence = (*Dict)(nil)
_ Sequence = (*Set)(nil)
// An Indexable is a sequence of known length that supports efficient random access.
// It is not necessarily iterable.
type Indexable interface {
Index(i int) Value // requires 0 <= i < Len()
Len() int
// A HasSetIndex is an Indexable value whose elements may be assigned (x[i] = y).
// The implementation should not add Len to a negative index as the
// evaluator does this before the call.
type HasSetIndex interface {
SetIndex(index int, v Value) error
var (
_ HasSetIndex = (*List)(nil)
_ Indexable = Tuple(nil)
_ Indexable = String("")
// An Iterator provides a sequence of values to the caller.
// The caller must call Done when the iterator is no longer needed.
// Operations that modify a sequence will fail if it has active iterators.
// Example usage:
// iter := iterable.Iterator()
// defer iter.Done()
// var x Value
// for iter.Next(&x) {
// ...
// }
type Iterator interface {
// If the iterator is exhausted, Next returns false.
// Otherwise it sets *p to the current element of the sequence,
// advances the iterator, and returns true.
Next(p *Value) bool
// An Mapping is a mapping from keys to values, such as a dictionary.
type Mapping interface {
// Get returns the value corresponding to the specified key,
// or !found if the mapping does not contain the key.
Get(Value) (v Value, found bool, err error)
var _ Mapping = (*Dict)(nil)
// A HasBinary value may be used as either operand of these binary operators:
// + - * / % in not in | &
// The Side argument indicates whether the receiver is the left or right operand.
// An implementation may decline to handle an operation by returning (nil, nil).
// For this reason, clients should always call the standalone Binary(op, x, y)
// function rather than calling the method directly.
type HasBinary interface {
Binary(op syntax.Token, y Value, side Side) (Value, error)
type Side bool
const (
Left Side = false
Right Side = true
// A HasAttrs value has fields or methods that may be read by a dot expression (y = x.f).
// Attribute names may be listed using the built-in 'dir' function.
// For implementation convenience, a result of (nil, nil) from Attr is
// interpreted as a "no such field or method" error. Implementations are
// free to return a more precise error.
type HasAttrs interface {
Attr(name string) (Value, error) // returns (nil, nil) if attribute not present
AttrNames() []string // callers must not modify the result.
var (
_ HasAttrs = String("")
_ HasAttrs = new(List)
_ HasAttrs = new(Dict)
_ HasAttrs = new(Set)
// A HasSetField value has fields that may be written by a dot expression (x.f = y).
type HasSetField interface {
SetField(name string, val Value) error
// NoneType is the type of None. Its only legal value is None.
// (We represent it as a number, not struct{}, so that None may be constant.)
type NoneType byte
const None = NoneType(0)
func (NoneType) String() string { return "None" }
func (NoneType) Type() string { return "NoneType" }
func (NoneType) Freeze() {} // immutable
func (NoneType) Truth() Bool { return False }
func (NoneType) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, nil }
func (NoneType) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
return threeway(op, 0), nil
// Bool is the type of a Skylark bool.
type Bool bool
const (
False Bool = false
True Bool = true
func (b Bool) String() string {
if b {
return "True"
} else {
return "False"
func (b Bool) Type() string { return "bool" }
func (b Bool) Freeze() {} // immutable
func (b Bool) Truth() Bool { return b }
func (b Bool) Hash() (uint32, error) { return uint32(b2i(bool(b))), nil }
func (x Bool) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
y := y_.(Bool)
return threeway(op, b2i(bool(x))-b2i(bool(y))), nil
// Float is the type of a Skylark float.
type Float float64
func (f Float) String() string { return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(f), 'g', 6, 64) }
func (f Float) Type() string { return "float" }
func (f Float) Freeze() {} // immutable
func (f Float) Truth() Bool { return f != 0.0 }
func (f Float) Hash() (uint32, error) {
// Equal float and int values must yield the same hash.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: if f is non-integral, and thus not equal
// to any Int, we can avoid the Int conversion and use a cheaper hash.
if isFinite(float64(f)) {
return finiteFloatToInt(f).Hash()
return 1618033, nil // NaN, +/-Inf
func floor(f Float) Float { return Float(math.Floor(float64(f))) }
// isFinite reports whether f represents a finite rational value.
// It is equivalent to !math.IsNan(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0).
func isFinite(f float64) bool {
return math.Abs(f) <= math.MaxFloat64
func (x Float) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
y := y_.(Float)
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
return x == y, nil
case syntax.NEQ:
return x != y, nil
case syntax.LE:
return x <= y, nil
case syntax.LT:
return x < y, nil
case syntax.GE:
return x >= y, nil
case syntax.GT:
return x > y, nil
func (f Float) rational() *big.Rat { return new(big.Rat).SetFloat64(float64(f)) }
// AsFloat returns the float64 value closest to x.
// The f result is undefined if x is not a float or int.
func AsFloat(x Value) (f float64, ok bool) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case Float:
return float64(x), true
case Int:
return float64(x.Float()), true
return 0, false
func (x Float) Mod(y Float) Float { return Float(math.Mod(float64(x), float64(y))) }
// String is the type of a Skylark string.
// A String is an immutable sequence of bytes. Strings are iterable;
// iteration over a string yields each of its 1-byte substrings in order.
type String string
func (s String) String() string { return strconv.Quote(string(s)) }
func (s String) Type() string { return "string" }
func (s String) Freeze() {} // immutable
func (s String) Truth() Bool { return len(s) > 0 }
func (s String) Hash() (uint32, error) { return hashString(string(s)), nil }
func (s String) Len() int { return len(s) } // bytes
func (s String) Index(i int) Value { return s[i : i+1] }
func (s String) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(s, name, stringMethods) }
func (s String) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(stringMethods) }
func (x String) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
y := y_.(String)
return threeway(op, strings.Compare(string(x), string(y))), nil
func AsString(x Value) (string, bool) { v, ok := x.(String); return string(v), ok }
// A stringIterable is an iterable whose iterator yields a sequence of
// either Unicode code points or elements (bytes),
// either numerically or as successive substrings.
type stringIterable struct {
s String
split bool
codepoints bool
var _ Iterable = (*stringIterable)(nil)
func (si stringIterable) String() string {
if si.split {
return si.s.String() + ".split_" + si.Type() + "()"
} else {
return si.s.String() + "." + si.Type() + "()"
func (si stringIterable) Type() string {
if si.codepoints {
return "codepoints"
} else {
return "elems"
func (si stringIterable) Freeze() {} // immutable
func (si stringIterable) Truth() Bool { return True }
func (si stringIterable) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: %s", si.Type()) }
func (si stringIterable) Iterate() Iterator { return &stringIterator{si, 0} }
type stringIterator struct {
si stringIterable
i int
func (it *stringIterator) Next(p *Value) bool {
s :=[it.i:]
if s == "" {
return false
if {
r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(string(s))
if {
*p = s[:sz]
} else {
*p = MakeInt(int(r))
it.i += sz
} else {
b := int(s[0])
if {
*p = s[:1]
} else {
*p = MakeInt(b)
it.i += 1
return true
func (*stringIterator) Done() {}
// A Function is a function defined by a Skylark def statement.
type Function struct {
name string // "lambda" for anonymous functions
position syntax.Position // position of def or lambda token
syntax *syntax.Function
globals StringDict
defaults Tuple
freevars Tuple
func (fn *Function) Name() string { return }
func (fn *Function) Hash() (uint32, error) { return hashString(, nil }
func (fn *Function) Freeze() { fn.defaults.Freeze(); fn.freevars.Freeze() }
func (fn *Function) String() string { return toString(fn) }
func (fn *Function) Type() string { return "function" }
func (fn *Function) Truth() Bool { return true }
func (fn *Function) Syntax() *syntax.Function { return fn.syntax }
// A Builtin is a function implemented in Go.
type Builtin struct {
name string
fn func(thread *Thread, fn *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error)
recv Value // for bound methods (e.g. "".startswith)
func (b *Builtin) Name() string { return }
func (b *Builtin) Freeze() {
if b.recv != nil {
func (b *Builtin) Hash() (uint32, error) {
h := hashString(
if b.recv != nil {
h ^= 5521
return h, nil
func (b *Builtin) Receiver() Value { return b.recv }
func (b *Builtin) String() string { return toString(b) }
func (b *Builtin) Type() string { return "builtin_function_or_method" }
func (b *Builtin) Call(thread *Thread, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error) {
return b.fn(thread, b, args, kwargs)
func (b *Builtin) Truth() Bool { return true }
// NewBuiltin returns a new 'builtin_function_or_method' value with the specified name
// and implementation. It compares unequal with all other values.
func NewBuiltin(name string, fn func(thread *Thread, fn *Builtin, args Tuple, kwargs []Tuple) (Value, error)) *Builtin {
return &Builtin{name: name, fn: fn}
// BindReceiver returns a new Builtin value representing a method
// closure, that is, a built-in function bound to a receiver value.
// In the example below, the value of f is the string.index
// built-in method bound to the receiver value "abc":
// f = "abc".index; f("a"); f("b")
// In the common case, the receiver is bound only during the call,
// but this still results in the creation of a temporary method closure:
// "abc".index("a")
func (b *Builtin) BindReceiver(recv Value) *Builtin {
return &Builtin{name:, fn: b.fn, recv: recv}
// A *Dict represents a Skylark dictionary.
type Dict struct {
ht hashtable
func (d *Dict) Clear() error { return }
func (d *Dict) Delete(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) { return }
func (d *Dict) Get(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) { return }
func (d *Dict) Items() []Tuple { return }
func (d *Dict) Keys() []Value { return }
func (d *Dict) Len() int { return int( }
func (d *Dict) Iterate() Iterator { return }
func (d *Dict) Set(k, v Value) error { return, v) }
func (d *Dict) String() string { return toString(d) }
func (d *Dict) Type() string { return "dict" }
func (d *Dict) Freeze() { }
func (d *Dict) Truth() Bool { return d.Len() > 0 }
func (d *Dict) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable type: dict") }
func (d *Dict) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(d, name, dictMethods) }
func (d *Dict) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(dictMethods) }
func (x *Dict) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
y := y_.(*Dict)
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
ok, err := dictsEqual(x, y, depth)
return ok, err
case syntax.NEQ:
ok, err := dictsEqual(x, y, depth)
return !ok, err
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type())
func dictsEqual(x, y *Dict, depth int) (bool, error) {
if x.Len() != y.Len() {
return false, nil
for _, xitem := range x.Items() {
key, xval := xitem[0], xitem[1]
if yval, found, _ := y.Get(key); !found {
return false, nil
} else if eq, err := EqualDepth(xval, yval, depth-1); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if !eq {
return false, nil
return true, nil
// A *List represents a Skylark list value.
type List struct {
elems []Value
frozen bool
itercount uint32 // number of active iterators (ignored if frozen)
// NewList returns a list containing the specified elements.
// Callers should not subsequently modify elems.
func NewList(elems []Value) *List { return &List{elems: elems} }
func (l *List) Freeze() {
if !l.frozen {
l.frozen = true
for _, elem := range l.elems {
// checkMutable reports an error if the list should not be mutated.
// verb+" list" should describe the operation.
// Structural mutations are not permitted during iteration.
func (l *List) checkMutable(verb string, structural bool) error {
if l.frozen {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s frozen list", verb)
if structural && l.itercount > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s list during iteration", verb)
return nil
func (l *List) String() string { return toString(l) }
func (l *List) Type() string { return "list" }
func (l *List) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable type: list") }
func (l *List) Truth() Bool { return l.Len() > 0 }
func (l *List) Len() int { return len(l.elems) }
func (l *List) Index(i int) Value { return l.elems[i] }
func (l *List) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(l, name, listMethods) }
func (l *List) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(listMethods) }
func (l *List) Iterate() Iterator {
if !l.frozen {
return &listIterator{l: l}
func (x *List) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
y := y_.(*List)
// It's tempting to check x == y as an optimization here,
// but wrong because a list containing NaN is not equal to itself.
return sliceCompare(op, x.elems, y.elems, depth)
func sliceCompare(op syntax.Token, x, y []Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
// Fast path: check length.
if len(x) != len(y) && (op == syntax.EQL || op == syntax.NEQ) {
return op == syntax.NEQ, nil
// Find first element that is not equal in both lists.
for i := 0; i < len(x) && i < len(y); i++ {
if eq, err := EqualDepth(x[i], y[i], depth-1); err != nil {
return false, err
} else if !eq {
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
return false, nil
case syntax.NEQ:
return true, nil
return CompareDepth(op, x[i], y[i], depth-1)
return threeway(op, len(x)-len(y)), nil
type listIterator struct {
l *List
i int
func (it *listIterator) Next(p *Value) bool {
if it.i < it.l.Len() {
*p = it.l.elems[it.i]
return true
return false
func (it *listIterator) Done() {
if !it.l.frozen {
func (l *List) SetIndex(i int, v Value) error {
if err := l.checkMutable("assign to element of", false); err != nil {
return err
l.elems[i] = v
return nil
func (l *List) Append(v Value) error {
if err := l.checkMutable("append to", true); err != nil {
return err
l.elems = append(l.elems, v)
return nil
func (l *List) Clear() error {
if err := l.checkMutable("clear", true); err != nil {
return err
for i := range l.elems {
l.elems[i] = nil // aid GC
l.elems = l.elems[:0]
return nil
// A Tuple represents a Skylark tuple value.
type Tuple []Value
func (t Tuple) Len() int { return len(t) }
func (t Tuple) Index(i int) Value { return t[i] }
func (t Tuple) Iterate() Iterator { return &tupleIterator{elems: t} }
func (t Tuple) Freeze() {
for _, elem := range t {
func (t Tuple) String() string { return toString(t) }
func (t Tuple) Type() string { return "tuple" }
func (t Tuple) Truth() Bool { return len(t) > 0 }
func (x Tuple) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
y := y_.(Tuple)
return sliceCompare(op, x, y, depth)
func (t Tuple) Hash() (uint32, error) {
// Use same algorithm as Python.
var x, mult uint32 = 0x345678, 1000003
for _, elem := range t {
y, err := elem.Hash()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
x = x ^ y*mult
mult += 82520 + uint32(len(t)+len(t))
return x, nil
type tupleIterator struct{ elems Tuple }
func (it *tupleIterator) Next(p *Value) bool {
if len(it.elems) > 0 {
*p = it.elems[0]
it.elems = it.elems[1:]
return true
return false
func (it *tupleIterator) Done() {}
// A Set represents a Skylark set value.
type Set struct {
ht hashtable // values are all None
func (s *Set) Delete(k Value) (found bool, err error) { _, found, err =; return }
func (s *Set) Clear() error { return }
func (s *Set) Has(k Value) (found bool, err error) { _, found, err =; return }
func (s *Set) Insert(k Value) error { return, None) }
func (s *Set) Len() int { return int( }
func (s *Set) Iterate() Iterator { return }
func (s *Set) String() string { return toString(s) }
func (s *Set) Type() string { return "set" }
func (s *Set) elems() []Value { return }
func (s *Set) Freeze() { }
func (s *Set) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable type: set") }
func (s *Set) Truth() Bool { return s.Len() > 0 }
func (s *Set) Attr(name string) (Value, error) { return builtinAttr(s, name, setMethods) }
func (s *Set) AttrNames() []string { return builtinAttrNames(setMethods) }
func (x *Set) CompareSameType(op syntax.Token, y_ Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
y := y_.(*Set)
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
ok, err := setsEqual(x, y, depth)
return ok, err
case syntax.NEQ:
ok, err := setsEqual(x, y, depth)
return !ok, err
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type())
func setsEqual(x, y *Set, depth int) (bool, error) {
if x.Len() != y.Len() {
return false, nil
for _, elem := range x.elems() {
if found, _ := y.Has(elem); !found {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (s *Set) Union(iter Iterator) (Value, error) {
set := new(Set)
for _, elem := range s.elems() {
set.Insert(elem) // can't fail
var x Value
for iter.Next(&x) {
if err := set.Insert(x); err != nil {
return nil, err
return set, nil
// toString returns the string form of value v.
// It may be more efficient than v.String() for larger values.
func toString(v Value) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
path := make([]Value, 0, 4)
writeValue(&buf, v, path)
return buf.String()
// path is the list of *List and *Dict values we're currently printing.
// (These are the only potentially cyclic structures.)
func writeValue(out *bytes.Buffer, x Value, path []Value) {
switch x := x.(type) {
case nil:
out.WriteString("<nil>") // indicates a bug
case NoneType:
case Int:
case Bool:
if x {
} else {
case String:
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%q", string(x))
case *List:
if pathContains(path, x) {
out.WriteString("...") // list contains itself
} else {
for i, elem := range x.elems {
if i > 0 {
out.WriteString(", ")
writeValue(out, elem, append(path, x))
case Tuple:
for i, elem := range x {
if i > 0 {
out.WriteString(", ")
writeValue(out, elem, path)
if len(x) == 1 {
case *Function:
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<function %s>", x.Name())
case *Builtin:
if x.recv != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<built-in method %s of %s value>", x.Name(), x.recv.Type())
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "<built-in function %s>", x.Name())
case *Dict:
if pathContains(path, x) {
out.WriteString("...") // dict contains itself
} else {
sep := ""
for _, item := range x.Items() {
k, v := item[0], item[1]
writeValue(out, k, path)
out.WriteString(": ")
writeValue(out, v, append(path, x)) // cycle check
sep = ", "
case *Set:
for i, elem := range x.elems() {
if i > 0 {
out.WriteString(", ")
writeValue(out, elem, path)
func pathContains(path []Value, x Value) bool {
for _, y := range path {
if x == y {
return true
return false
const maxdepth = 10
// Equal reports whether two Skylark values are equal.
func Equal(x, y Value) (bool, error) {
return EqualDepth(x, y, maxdepth)
// EqualDepth reports whether two Skylark values are equal.
// Recursive comparisons by implementations of Value.CompareSameType
// should use EqualDepth to prevent infinite recursion.
func EqualDepth(x, y Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
return CompareDepth(syntax.EQL, x, y, depth)
// Compare compares two Skylark values.
// The comparison operation must be one of EQL, NEQ, LT, LE, GT, or GE.
// Compare returns an error if an ordered comparison was
// requested for a type that does not support it.
// Recursive comparisons by implementations of Value.CompareSameType
// should use CompareDepth to prevent infinite recursion.
func Compare(op syntax.Token, x, y Value) (bool, error) {
return CompareDepth(op, x, y, maxdepth)
// CompareDepth compares two Skylark values.
// The comparison operation must be one of EQL, NEQ, LT, LE, GT, or GE.
// CompareDepth returns an error if an ordered comparison was
// requested for a pair of values that do not support it.
// The depth parameter limits the maximum depth of recursion
// in cyclic data structures.
func CompareDepth(op syntax.Token, x, y Value, depth int) (bool, error) {
if depth < 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("comparison exceeded maximum recursion depth")
if sameType(x, y) {
if xcomp, ok := x.(Comparable); ok {
return xcomp.CompareSameType(op, y, depth)
// use identity comparison
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
return x == y, nil
case syntax.NEQ:
return x != y, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type())
// different types
// int/float ordered comparisons
switch x := x.(type) {
case Int:
if y, ok := y.(Float); ok {
if y != y {
return false, nil // y is NaN
var cmp int
if !math.IsInf(float64(y), 0) {
cmp = x.rational().Cmp(y.rational()) // y is finite
} else if y > 0 {
cmp = -1 // y is +Inf
} else {
cmp = +1 // y is -Inf
return threeway(op, cmp), nil
case Float:
if y, ok := y.(Int); ok {
if x != x {
return false, nil // x is NaN
var cmp int
if !math.IsInf(float64(x), 0) {
cmp = x.rational().Cmp(y.rational()) // x is finite
} else if x > 0 {
cmp = -1 // x is +Inf
} else {
cmp = +1 // x is -Inf
return threeway(op, cmp), nil
// All other values of different types compare unequal.
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
return false, nil
case syntax.NEQ:
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s %s %s not implemented", x.Type(), op, y.Type())
func sameType(x, y Value) bool {
return reflect.TypeOf(x) == reflect.TypeOf(y) || x.Type() == y.Type()
// threeway interprets a three-way comparison value cmp (-1, 0, +1)
// as a boolean comparison (e.g. x < y).
func threeway(op syntax.Token, cmp int) bool {
switch op {
case syntax.EQL:
return cmp == 0
case syntax.NEQ:
return cmp != 0
case syntax.LE:
return cmp <= 0
case syntax.LT:
return cmp < 0
case syntax.GE:
return cmp >= 0
case syntax.GT:
return cmp > 0
func b2i(b bool) int {
if b {
return 1
} else {
return 0
// Len returns the length of a string or sequence value,
// and -1 for all others.
// Warning: Len(x) >= 0 does not imply Iterate(x) != nil.
// A string has a known length but is not directly iterable.
func Len(x Value) int {
switch x := x.(type) {
case String:
return x.Len()
case Sequence:
return x.Len()
return -1
// Iterate return a new iterator for the value if iterable, nil otherwise.
// If the result is non-nil, the caller must call Done when finished with it.
// Warning: Iterate(x) != nil does not imply Len(x) >= 0.
// Some iterables may have unknown length.
func Iterate(x Value) Iterator {
if x, ok := x.(Iterable); ok {
return x.Iterate()
return nil