blob: f2929bfd58ab7dc5f2e933e78d246f094c6cd1e4 [file] [log] [blame]
;; RUN: opt %s -place-safepoints -S | FileCheck %s
;; This test is to verify that gc_result from a call statepoint
;; can have preceding phis in its parent basic block. Unlike
;; invoke statepoint, call statepoint does not terminate the
;; block, and thus its gc_result is in the same block with the
;; call statepoint.
declare i32 @foo()
define i32 @test1(i1 %cond, i32 %a) gc "statepoint-example" {
br i1 %cond, label %branch1, label %branch2
%b = add i32 %a, 1
br label %merge
br label %merge
;; CHECK: %phi = phi i32 [ %a, %branch2 ], [ %b, %branch1 ]
;; CHECK-NEXT: %safepoint_token1 = call token (i64, i32, i32 ()*, i32, i32, ...) @llvm.experimental.gc.statepoint.p0f_i32f(i64 2882400000, i32 0, i32 ()* @foo, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0)
;; CHECK-NEXT: %ret2 = call i32 @llvm.experimental.gc.result.i32(token %safepoint_token1)
%phi = phi i32 [ %a, %branch2 ], [ %b, %branch1 ]
%ret = call i32 @foo()
ret i32 %ret
; This function is inlined when inserting a poll.
declare void @do_safepoint()
define void @gc.safepoint_poll() {
; CHECK-LABEL: gc.safepoint_poll
call void @do_safepoint()
ret void