blob: e1de089b3501c8c253eff2568b1c5853001053d0 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt -S -instsimplify < %s | FileCheck %s
define i1 @test0(i8* %ptr) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test0(
%val = load i8, i8* %ptr, !range !{i8 -50, i8 0}
%and = and i8 %val, 128
%is.eq = icmp eq i8 %and, 128
ret i1 %is.eq
; CHECK: ret i1 true
define i1 @test1(i8* %ptr) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test1(
%val = load i8, i8* %ptr, !range !{i8 64, i8 128}
%and = and i8 %val, 64
%is.eq = icmp eq i8 %and, 64
ret i1 %is.eq
; CHECK: ret i1 true
define i1 @test2(i8* %ptr) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test2(
; CHECK: load
; CHECK: and
; CHECK: icmp eq
; CHECK: ret
%val = load i8, i8* %ptr, !range !{i8 64, i8 129}
%and = and i8 %val, 64
%is.eq = icmp eq i8 %and, 64
ret i1 %is.eq