blob: a964cc4b72c5ddf3fac3c66e1921c3626cc21918 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- IRMover.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include <functional>
namespace llvm {
class GlobalValue;
class MDNode;
class Module;
class StructType;
class Type;
class IRMover {
struct StructTypeKeyInfo {
struct KeyTy {
ArrayRef<Type *> ETypes;
bool IsPacked;
KeyTy(ArrayRef<Type *> E, bool P);
KeyTy(const StructType *ST);
bool operator==(const KeyTy &that) const;
bool operator!=(const KeyTy &that) const;
static StructType *getEmptyKey();
static StructType *getTombstoneKey();
static unsigned getHashValue(const KeyTy &Key);
static unsigned getHashValue(const StructType *ST);
static bool isEqual(const KeyTy &LHS, const StructType *RHS);
static bool isEqual(const StructType *LHS, const StructType *RHS);
class IdentifiedStructTypeSet {
// The set of opaque types is the composite module.
DenseSet<StructType *> OpaqueStructTypes;
// The set of identified but non opaque structures in the composite module.
DenseSet<StructType *, StructTypeKeyInfo> NonOpaqueStructTypes;
void addNonOpaque(StructType *Ty);
void switchToNonOpaque(StructType *Ty);
void addOpaque(StructType *Ty);
StructType *findNonOpaque(ArrayRef<Type *> ETypes, bool IsPacked);
bool hasType(StructType *Ty);
IRMover(Module &M);
typedef std::function<void(GlobalValue &)> ValueAdder;
/// Move in the provide values. The source is destroyed.
/// Returns true on error.
bool move(Module &Src, ArrayRef<GlobalValue *> ValuesToLink,
std::function<void(GlobalValue &GV, ValueAdder Add)> AddLazyFor,
DenseMap<unsigned, MDNode *> *ValIDToTempMDMap = nullptr,
bool IsMetadataLinkingPostpass = false);
Module &getModule() { return Composite; }
Module &Composite;
IdentifiedStructTypeSet IdentifiedStructTypes;
} // End llvm namespace